Kakashi and Iruka had been walking the streets when something in an alley caught Iruka's eyes. He paused as he looked and slowly started moving closer, unconsciously. Suddenly his eye's widened and he was running across the street. Kakashi had stopped and watched what his friend was doing only to rush over when he saw him lift an infant off of the garbage pile.

"Is that a baby!? Is he alright?" Kakashi asked as he approached. Iruka was checking the sleeping infant for injuries, as his outfit had dried blood all over it, and shook his head no he had found none.

"Who would throw out a baby instead of taking them to the hospital or orphanage?"

"I don't know Iruka, but we'd best take him to the Hokage and find out what to do. The orphanage would need his approval to take in the child regardless." Iruka just nodded an shunshied to the Hokage's office, Kakashi right behind him.

Hiruzen was briefing a team of Genin when Kakashi and Iruka suddenly appeared. His eyes widened as he saw Naruto cradled against Iruka looking ragged. He held up a hand and hurriedly finished briefing the team of their mission. Once they were all out of his office he ordered his personal ANBU out and put up a sound barrier.

"Iruka, Kakashi why do you have Naruto? What happened to him? Why isn't he at the orphanage?" They looked to each other then at the sleeping baby in Iruka's arms.

"Hokage-Sama, Kakashi and I were walking through the market place when something in a nearby alley caught my attention. Once I realized what it was I rushed over, Kakashi following suit. I found this infant laid atop the garbage. We came right over to ask what we should do since we don't know what happened. You know this infant Lord Third?"

"You said you found him atop the garbage like this in an alley?" Hiruzen was beyond furious at this news. He'd turned Naruto over to the orphanage barely six months ago, when he was only a few hours old. He looked down at the child sorrowfully. He'd have to think of someone to look after the child.

"Hai, Hokage-Sama. I found him sleeping just like this, with nothing near him. We knew the orphanage needed your approval, so we came here as I found no injuries on the child. If your reaction was anything I'd say you already placed him there."

"I personally took him there when he was only a few hours old. I told them he'd been found amongst the rubble after the Kyuubi attack. I see they truly had somehow found out the truth of this boy." Kakashi and Iruka looked at each other in confusion, why would the orphanage throw out a baby, and what was he talking about? Kakashi voiced this.

"Orphanages are for children who are abandoned or have lost their family, why would they throw away a child this young? And what did you mean by the truth of this boy?"

"Sigh... Well I guess it can't be helped." Hiruzen looked at both boys firmly then as he looked at Naruto his gaze softened. "Uzumaki Naruto is the Lord Fourth's and Kushina's son. Minato made him the Kyuubi Jinchuriki that night. He sealed most of the Kyuubi in Naruto while he sealed the rest with him" He watched as both boys' eyes widened, and they looked down at the bundle still sleeping in Iruka's arms. Iruka seemed to realize something and he turned towards Hiruzen.

"Hokage-Sama, we've always kept our Jinchuriki a secret so how did the villagers find that out and not that he's Minato-Sensei's Son? They look near identical now that you mention it."

"Iruka believe me I'd like to know as well. The only ones who knew about it witnessed Minato and Kushina's end. The Village Elders, A couple of my ANBU, and Myself were the only one's present. When I'd heard the villagers found out I didn't want to play the blame game, so I declared it be illegal to speak about it and that night."

Kakashi and Iruka both just nodded. The situation in itself wasn't too favorable so he just shoved everything under the rug. They may have understood but they both felt as if he could have done more, now they had a baby boy with no one. Iruka looked down at the bundle in his arms and watched as his eyes slowly peeled open. The room quieted at Iruka's surprised gasp. He looked to the Hokage worry written on his face.

"What is it Iruka? Is something wrong with Naruto?!" Hiruzen rushed over only to pause in his steps once he caught sight of the boys' eyes.

"Hokage-Sama what color eyes did the boy have before?" Kakashi looked confusedly at Iruka, as the way he asked indicated something had happened to the child.

"He was born with Minato's bright cerulean blue eyes and sun-kissed blonde hair, He looked identical to Minato. What could have happened to cause these kinds of changes?"

Naruto had opened his eyes now, fully alert, as he looked around. He no longer had bright cerulean eyes, his left eye was cerulean blue while his right was an eerie crimson, and both had snake like slit pupils. His hair a once bright sun kissed blonde now faded into an orangish red, he also now had three whisker looking scars adorning each of his pudgy baby cheeks. Hiruzen could only look on sadly as he thought about what could have happened.

"Kakashi I know today is your day off, but could you go as Cat to gather the Orphanages caretaker, Ms. Tokaba, for me. He looked nothing like this last I saw him and that was only a couple weeks ago. On top of you finding him in a garbage pile we have much to discuss. I'd like the both of you to stay as witnesses."

Kakashi immediately bowed and shunshied away to change and complete his task. Iruka handed Naruto to Hiruzen and said he'd go get changed as well. He gave a small bow before he shunshied away. Hiruzen let out a hefty sigh as he looked down at the content child in his arms. He smiled down sadly at the boy and gently rocked him.

"I can sense you closer to the surface Kyuubi, and if the boys new look is anything to go by you've merged quite a bit. It may not have been intentional but Thank you for keeping him alive. There's no way I could ever thank you enough." Before he could speak again Iruka shunshied back into his office and reached out for the baby.

Hiruzen could only chuckle at Iruka's antics. A sudden knock alerted them that Kakashi had returned with the Orphanages caretaker in tow. The woman looked extremely nervous. She kept her head down until the door closed behind her then she looked at her surroundings. They watched her freeze and grow deathly pale when she saw the bundle in Iruka's arms.

"Ms. Tokaba you have been summoned here due to some suspicious circumstances regarding this young infant. I know for a fact he was put in your care nearly six months ago, as I was the one to put him there. I saw him two weeks ago when I showed up for a visit. He was just as I'd remembered seeing him in all my previous visits. Could you please explain to me why two of my ANBU's found said infant atop the garbage in an alley?"

"I. I-I don't know. He was adopted out about a week ago. I'd have to go through my files and find the record of who took him in." Naruto had started to fuss as soon as she'd started speaking. Iruka had unwrapped the boy and placed him belly first on his chest and started to sway, gently bouncing him as he did so.

Kakashi had pretended to watch Iruka but continued to watch the woman. She refused to make eye contact and whenever she caught sight of Naruto her eyes would harden in what could only be resentment. When he'd started to fuss she'd duly ignored it, as if it was habit. She barely glanced at Iruka as he started trying to calm the boy. Kakashi noticed how her one hand would start to move to her leg, as if reaching for something, before she'd relax it.

"Ms. Tokaba, then could you explain the infants recent image change? Last I saw him he was nothing, but bright cerulean eyes and sun kissed blonde locks but today... He has mismatched eyes, blonde hair that fades to an orangish red, and he has several severe scars adorning his cheeks. Would you happen to know what was done to the child?"

Everyone watched as her eyes widened just a fraction in pure fear. They could practically feel the fear radiating off of her. She slowly turned towards the now calm child in the ANBU's arms. He was looking straight at her, or more like through her. They saw the resentment and anger flash in her eyes as she looked at the child. She turned back to the Hokage.

"This is the first I've seen of him since he was adopted so I don't know what could have happened to the boy." Just then everyone felt a surge in bloodlust from the infant. All eyes turned to the baby and widened at what they saw.

Red chakra was leaking out around both the infant and Iruka, until they were fully covered. The boys crimson eye seemed to glow a bit brighter before he slowly closed it and seemed to drift off to sleep. Before anyone could speak or even form a question a dark silky voice filled the room.

"So. You want to sit there and try to lie your way out of the tight spot you've put yourself in, huh. Why don't I just show them what you and those other vile humans did to the pup." Suddenly their surroundings started to fade and swirl as it changed. They went from standing in the Hokage's office to being in a basement somewhere unknown.


Ms. Tokaba was walking down a dark set of stairs, surrounded by other villagers, carrying a bundled-up infant. She led them down into a room where she laid the infant down on a small table. She pulled out the infants' bottle, which was half empty, and turned towards one of the men who'd accompanied her.

"Jay whatever you gave me didn't work right. You promised that this one would do the trick well guess what the demons still breathing. Just like your last poison, it just puts him to sleep. At this rate we'll never get rid of it."

" Come on Irori, I honestly don't know what's wrong. I gave you ANBU grade poison. The amount I gave you was enough to kill at least a few hundred adults. Did you give it to him all at once or extended it over a couple bottles?"

"I mixed his bottle right in the poison. I didn't even bother switching containers. All it did was put him to sleep. He'll wake up in a couple hours as if nothing happened. I can't stand the sight of him, knowing that thing is in there. To think the Hokage was stupid enough to allow the beast to live."

" Why go for poisoning again if you already knew it wouldn't work? Just kill it like you would any animal. Slit its throat and tip it upside down till it's dead. Then just throw it in a dumpster. If you're too weak-hearted against a little blood it'll just continue to taunt us. I'll do it. They only collect garbage weekly so if we do it tonight we'd have a week to come up with alibi's." The group seemed to consider this before another member handed the man a Kunai.

"Fukiju, do what you must then get rid of it. I don't want this coming back to bite us in the ass so at least do a good job." With that everyone left leaving the baby with Fukiju who looked on sadistically at the sleeping babe. They watched as he Brought the kunai to his cheeks and sliced through each three times.

"Look at that not even a flinch or any indication that you're even awake. At least now you look more like an animal."

They watched on in horror as he slit the infants throat and held him upside down staining the ground crimson. Suddenly steam started to appear from the wounds. He watched as the wounds closed, his smile growing bigger. Everything started to fly by as if in fast forward. They watched as he'd torture the sleeping infant repeatedly, only stopping once the wounds would start to heal.

They watched the changes gradually happen. The boys' bright sun kissed blonde hair started to fade to orangish red. The wounds started to heal a bit quicker. They watched as he took more and more of the boy, leaving more room for the beast. After what felt like hours, even speeding through it, they watched as he stabbed the infant through the heart.

"Not so tough are you now monster, let's see you live though that." As he removed the kunai the boys' eyes snapped open revealing wide dulling cerulean eyes. One eye suddenly started turning different shades of purple, then to reddish purple, and finally to the vibrant crimson. Once the color stopped changing the pupils seemed to grow taking over the iris only to shrink back into slits. He dropped the kunai and rushed out of the room.

The room grew darker and what felt like an eternity later, Ms. Tokaba came back. The boy just watched her walk to him before he closed his eyes again. He didn't cry or anything as she picked him up and held him at arm's length, he just continued to sleep. She studied the changes then pulled a disgusted face and walked out of the room. She walked out into the market place and looked around until she found an alley that wasn't too noticeable. She laid the boy down atop the garbage and walked away without looking back. Things fast forward again and it showed people coming and going days and nights. No one bothered to even acknowledge the boy until Iruka came six days later.

~Flashback End~

Their surroundings started to fade and suddenly they were back in Hiruzen's office. Kakashi was thankful of the mask as it concealed his tears. Hiruzen turned to the woman who'd abandoned he innocent act and just looked livid. The chakra surrounding Iruka and Naruto dissipated leaving him standing there in what could only be shock. He held the infant a little bit tighter and turned a glare at the woman.

"What do you have to say for yourself before I send you and everyone I witnessed in that basement to Ibiki for interrogation? I'll find out who told you along with everything that has been done to the child since. Once Ibiki's finished with you, you will all be executed."

"What do I have to say? That monster should be dead. I've tried for months to try and get rid of the filthy beast, but nothing works. No one wants a monster and I refused to be the one stuck with it. I don't regret anything other than the fact it still breathes." Hiruzen nodded then motioned for Kakashi to send for Ibiki and gather the other responsible villagers. He turned to Iruka, who'd placed his mask off to the side of his face.

"Hokage-Sama, what will happen to Naruto now? He had a chance, a small one, at adoption before but now with these changes. It's going to be hard finding someone to raise him."

"That's a very good question my boy, a very good one indeed." He walked over to Iruka and took Naruto into his arms. His eyes opened, and he gave a small giggle and a smile as Hiruzen began to tickle and play with him. Iruka only sat back and watched with a small smile gracing his lips. Kakashi shunshied back into the room a few minutes later.

"Hokage-Sama, she refused to give up the names of anyone who wasn't mentioned. Ibiki said he'd have everything him and Inoichi finds put together and on your desk before tomorrow morning. Also, Shikaku is already looking for a replacement caretaker for the orphanage."

"Thank you, Cat. Now before I dismiss you, Kakashi I have a favor to ask of you." Hiruzen looked from Kakashi to Naruto. Kakashi's eye widened and his breath caught. "Kakashi, as you are the only person around with the Sharingan I'd like to place Naruto in your care. Him and the Kyuubi's chakra have merged together, although it saved his life, it's not necessarily a good thing."

"Hokage-Sama, I don't believe I'm up to the task of raising a child sir. I myself am barely an adult, I just turned 17."

"Kakashi, I have faith that you will do just fine. Either way this is what I'm asking of you. With Naruto and the Kyuubi merging there's no telling what the future holds for Naruto. Will he take on the fox's anger, or will he turn out fine. There are too many what if's here and should the Kyuubi try to take over and free himself, only the Sharingan has been proven to be able to control it. He needs you."

Hiruzen handed Naruto to Kakashi and walked back round to his chair. He waved them off indicating there was no further arguments on the subject. Kakashi sighed and looked down at the child. Naruto was looking up at him curiosity floating around his wide orbs. When Naruto brought his hand up to touch Kakashi's face His eyes softened. He turned to Iruka who looked a little unsure of this new development. He nodded and shunshied home after all he had stuff to get and things to prepare for his newest young charge.