Welcome one and all to my newest story. No I haven't abandoned my other stories, just a bit blocked which I am slowly working through so don't worry about that. Any way I hope you all enjoy and look forwards to future chapters.


Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling.
Rainbow Six Siege belongs to Ubisoft.

Wish I owned them but I doubt I ever will. I technically own Rainbow but it's just a disc, I own no rights to either of these great works.

So grab some popcorn, a drink, tell people you're busy and enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 1: Safe House Raid

January 5th: 2018

The silence of the dark, moonless night was shattered as a Black Hawk Helicopter flew over the mainland of Great Britain carrying members of the famed Team Rainbow towards their newest mission. The five men aboard sat in silence as they checked over their weapons ensuring they were all one hundred percent ready.

"So tell me again why we're getting involved in Britain mess." Gilles Touré, AKA Montagne said from where he finished preparing his P9 by added a suppresser to it and looked towards Sledge who remained silent as he looked out the open door of the helicopter and watched the landscape of his native country fly past.

"This… Death Eater problem that the English are facing is getting out of hand, The British P.M has appealed to The President to get our assistance in the matter. We've been given Carte Blanche on the matter." Jack Estrada, AKA Pulse replied seeing that Sledge wasn't going to answer, seeming content to watch the landscape.

"Team Rainbow was created for counter-terrorism. How does fighting a war call for us and not the marines?" Montagne replied. This was a sentiment shared by most of Team Rainbow as it was true. While all the members of Team Rainbow had been recruited as they were at the top of their chosen field and could work together as a cohesive unit, Rainbow was created for Counter-Terrorism, not open warfare.

"Because this isn't a war. Wars are fought by armies in large drawn out battles. Death Eaters appear, kill off bystanders and destroy anything near them to get their kicks and disappear before anyone can come to challenge them. We're fighting terrorist… not soldiers. Actually calling them soldiers maybe a bit too kind for them." Harry Potter, AKA Sledge said not looking at the rest of his team.

"He still lives… We weren't sure you were still alive since you haven't made a sound since we boarded this helicopter Potter. Aren't you happy returning to your homeland. I feel very happy when returning to the glorious motherland." Timur Glazkov, AKA Glaz joked with Sledge.

"I have no problem returning to England, it's the magical world that's the problem. If these orders didn't come from The President's Desk then I would be more than happy to forget about this backwash community and the traitors, backstabbers and sheep that inhabit it." Sledge said remembering past experiences.

"When was the last time you interacted with the magical side of England?" Gustave Kateb, AKA Doc asked curiously making Sledge think deeply making a memory surface

"On the 12th of August of the year 1995, it is the decision of present Members of the wizengamot that the accused is found guilty of underage magic. Henceforth he is expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Any and all wands owned by the accused is to be destroyed and the accused is forbidden from procuring another for as long as they shall live." A portly man in a bowler hat said as he brought the gavel down after delivering the sentence.

Sledge shook his head pulling himself from the memory. Out of all his memories, he could remember that day most clearly as it showed him the utter corruption that had spread through the government. Despite overwhelming evidence showing his innocence, none of it mattered when gold changed hands to ensure he was left with a guilty verdict.

"Twenty Three years. That's how long it's been and I never looked back after seeing how deeply spread corruption had embedded itself within the government." Sledge said once again turning to look out the open doors. The others only looked at each in surprise and shock. Doc honestly expected his question to go unanswered as Sledge had never opened up about his past, not even to Ela whom if rumours were to be believed was in a relationship with the Englishman.

"We are five minutes to target, get ready to insert." The pilot turned and called back to the operators who stowed all their gear and got ready for Rainbow's first mission on Magical Britain's Soil. In the last twenty years the situation in Great Britain had gotten well out of hand. The Dark Lord's forces had effective taken the government and the only resistance effort was made up of Aurors and members of The Order of The Phoenix that had gone into hiding within the impenetrable wall and wards of Hogwarts castle. The Non-magical side had known there was a problem for close to ten years now. While not knowing of the existence of the magical world, they are aware of a terrorist who leaves entire families dead in their home and have caused widespread terror through collapsed bridges and towns left in rubble overnight. The people were putting pressure on the non-magical government for years until they finally called in Team Rainbow.

"Six, Team Leader here. We are five minutes from drop-off point. Green lights across the board" Sledge said calling in.

"Understood Team Leader. All operators be advised, Mission is a go. Orders are to infiltrate a secure Death Eater safe house, retrieve the hostages and any vital information that can be used to plan future operations. Good luck team, Six out." The Deputy Director of Team Rainbow, Codenamed Six said over comms as the helicopter landed a kilometre away from the safe house and the team jumped out and looked around them, guns raised in case an alarm had gone off and they were about to be assaulted by Death Eaters. No enemies appeared after a few minutes and the team began making their way in the direction of the safe house as the helicopter took off back towards the nearest base for refuelling

"You're extraction will be on station in forty minutes, don't be late." The Pilot radioed to the team as they left the area.

"Rainbow copies. Alright team, let's move." Sledge said to the team and they began their march towards the safe house.

=-= R.A =-=

"We're coming up on the target, Glaz find a good position to snipe from." Sledge said as the mansion came into view.

"Roger that… good luck comrades." Glaz said as he peeled off from the group and went for higher ground. The team came towards the edge of the wards and got into position. Sledge pulled one of Mute's Special charges out and placed it in front of the ward. Mute was a fellow wizard that was ten years younger than Sledge and had gone to one of the lessor known school of magic in Britain. Once the mute charge was activated it didn't mess with electronics, It sent out a very finely tuned frequency that caused a small disruption field that created a hole in wards big enough for a man to get through. Unfortunately they only worked on wards at the moment. Due to the speed of spells that were casted they only caused a slight decrease in power but they were still effective, Something Mute had been working on for some time now.

"We're in, let's go." Sledge said as the team made their way through the wards and into the courtyard of the mansion. "Glaz, you in position?" Sledge asked as they hid behind a wall in the yard.

"That I am comrade. Be advised, two tangos are patrolling the yard and another three inside the entrance hall of the mansion, recommend avoiding walking through the front door until I have neutralised the targets." Glaz said as he started lining up his targets. His enhance bullets allow him to shot targets through solid walls making life much easier on the team.

"Roger, we'll deal with the men outside. Sledge out." Sledge said quietly before motioning to the other to get into position to take out the two guards. The team saw the two as they were talking in front of the main doorway holding their wands up with the tips illuminated. Sledge pointed to himself then to the guard on the right, then to Pulse to the guard on the left. Pulse nodded as they both readied their silenced pistols and lined up their targets.

"What was that?" One of the guards said he heard a whizzing noise as one of Glaz's bullets penetrated the stonewall and tearing itself through one of the men's heart killing him instantly and silently.

"I don't know, sounded like a…" the other guard said but was cut off as both men fell now with a hole in each other their heads.

"Alright move up." Sledge said as the group of four moved up to the main door, two on either side awaiting confirmation from Glaz.

"Entrance Hall clear" Glaz confirmed over comms and Montagne opened the door and moved into the room.

"Alright. Montagne, Pulse clear the bottom floor. Doc with me securing top. Don't forget to drone out rooms before entering and if you find the hostages radio in and we'll meet up. And don't forget to get photos of important documents. Plans, maps etc." Sledge said getting an affirmative from all his men.

Sledge and Doc made their way upstairs clearing rooms as they went. Doc using his suppressed P90 and Sledge with his suppressed SMG-11. They had cleared most of the top floor, making sure to get photos of documents as they went.

"Pulse to Sledge, we've secured the bottom floor. No sign of the hostages, anything on your end? Over." Pulse asked over the radio.

"Negative, Doc and I have secured the top floor. No sign either. Most likely holding them in the basement. Squad up at the basement door and we'll proceed together, Over." Sledge said as he and Doc made their way to the basement door at the bottom of the stairs where Pulse and Montagne we're already waiting. Pulse had his heartbeat sensor out looking through the walls and there was a lot more activity in the basement then the rest of the safe house. While there had only been five men on the top floor and three on the bottom, it looked as if there was ten in the room not including the hostages which look as if they were all sitting in the centre of the room as their heartbeats showed up lower on the sensor than the others. Sledge placed his drone on the ground which had been spelled silent like all drones made recently and he pulled his phone out and activated it and drove it up to the door. Doc moved closest to the door and opened it only wide enough for him to reach through and place the drone inside the room before quietly closing the door. Doc looked at Sledge who nodded to show he hadn't been spotted so no alarms were raised. Montagne took Doc's place at the door and stood ready for anything as Pulse and Doc pulled their phones out too and synced up to Sledge's feed and surveyed the room. In all honestly it was really sloppy work. Death Eaters weren't even paying attention to their charges. Most were standing around talking with others and only one was actually taking things seriously. Most likely a recruit.

Sledge put his drone away and walked up to the door and placed a breaching charge on it. He moved back slightly as Doc stood on the right of the door, flashbang in hand and Montagne readied himself by extending his shield to stop the any spell fire. Sledge raised three fingers and slowly put one down and when he reached one Doc pushed the door open and throw the flashbang in and slammed it shut causing cries of alarm to come from inside which increased as the flashbang detonated. Sledge detonated the breaching charge and making the door explode into splinters and Montagne pushed through, shield ready to receive spell fire, only no spells came at them. Sledge, Pulse and Doc followed up, weapons raised and started firing putting Death Eaters down as they made their way through the room, ignoring the cries from the hostages and bullets whizzed past them only to end the Death Eaters they hit. They held their fire once all targets had been neutralised.

"Montagne, Pulse… Secure the room. Doc, tend to the hostages." Sledge said as he bent down and cut the ropes binding the hostages.

"Thank you… Thank you so much for rescuing us." One of the hostages said as he was freed and he started crying in relief. All the hostages looked as if they were beaten and tortured daily. Doc started checking over the seriously wounded first and applying bandages to those that needed them.

"Who's in charge here?" One of the hostages asked.

"That would be me." Sledge said until he saw who was talking and wished he was anywhere but there.

"My luck can't possibly be that bad." He thought as he saw Hermione Granger standing in front of him. Harry had not parted with his friends on good terms. Really the only people who he parted with on good terms were Sirius and Remus. His and Hermione's parting was one of the worst. Towards the end Harry had become extra moody towards the members of The Order as they acted like prison guards. Keeping tabs on him, stopping him from leaving Grimmauld Place and trying to keep Harry separated from his Godfather. To say Harry wasn't pleased was an understatement and Harry had more than one argument with Dumbledore about it. Hermione had shown that years of friendship meant nothing as she had sided with Dumbledore in an instant and tried to force him to be more respectful to his elders and the Headmaster in particular.

"Who are you people? You're obviously not wizards as you're using muggle weapons." She said looking at the four.

"Well you'd be wrong there. Sledge here is magical, as is more members of our team. Area secure, No more surprises lurking around the corner in the dark." Pulse said as he re-joined the group after scouting out the basement for any hiding Death Eaters.

"Sledge? What kind of name is Sledge?" Hermione asked. Doc and Pulse paused and looked at Sledge, Specifically Journey's End, Sledge's iconic SledgeHammer.

"It's a nickname… Doc, are we good to move?" Sledge said ignoring any further questions from the witch.

"I've patched up any serious wounds, anything else will be good until they receive proper medical attention back at Hereford Base." Doc said as he packed away his medial gear and helped the hostages to their feet.

"Comrades, we have a situation. I think you may have tripped a ward somewhere or the guards were meant to check in… About thirty tangos just showed up. My guess is one of the hostages had valuable information that they really don't want to let go of." Glaz said over the radio making Sledge look at Hermione.

"Yeah… One of the hostages was high up in The Order. What are they doing?" Sledge asked.

"Well they're not entering, they're taking up defensive positions outside obviously waiting for you to leave." Glaz replied making Sledge curse.

"Would we be able to get through them to make our extraction?" Sledge asked.

"They're getting dug in so I doubt it, if you could drop the wards we could evac off the upstairs terrace." Glaz said.

"Roger, get over here and I'll radio it in." Sledge replied before turning to Montagne, Doc and Pulse who were awaiting orders. "We've been cut off from our evac point. We're going to have to drop the wards around the mansion and get the helicopter to collect us from the terrace on the top floor. Montagne, Take the hostages and get them to the terrace. Doc, Pulse go to the entrance hall and take up positions at the upstairs windows, if any Death Eaters attempt to enter, Well you know what to do. If they attempt to talk, stall them for as long as you can." Sledge said. Doc and Pulse left the room immediately and Montagne gathered the hostages and left but Hermione stayed behind.

"I can help you know, I'm not useless in a fight." She said.

"You don't know how we operate so you would only get in the way." Sledge said as he started trying to feel the wards around the mansion with his magic. It wasn't his strong suit but he wasn't useless when it came to wards. Their best Wardmaster was Castle but last Sledge had heard he was with other members of Team Rainbow routing a White Mask cell that had been located in Brazil and would be joining the rest of the team at Hereford Base in a couple of hours.

"Well what about the wards, I could bring down the wards while you go and protect the hostages." She said making Sledge pause, it would be much easier since he remembered that Hermione was a bookworm and would attempt to consume all knowledge the wizarding world had and it wasn't farfetched that she would have warding training.

"Alright, you have exactly…" Sledge said trailing off as he looked at his watch." Seven minutes, twenty three seconds until evac. If the wards aren't down by then we are in serious trouble." Sledge said as he raised his L85A2 and ran up the stairs to join the others in the entrance hall. He found Doc on the top floor watching out the window and Pulse was placing a breaching charge on the front door to buy some time.

"What I would give for TaChanka to be here. He could have set up his turret and held these idiots off for hours." Pulse said as he and Sledge climbed the stairs to join Doc.

"Yeah well this mission called for stealth originally, TaChanka aint the best at stealth ops." Sledge said as he hid behind some curtains and slightly moved them to look out. Despite their attempts to hide, the three highly trained operatives could have dealt with them easily as they weren't really using cover.

"Evac Pilot, Evac Pilot this is Rainbow Team One… Come in." Sledge said into his radio and waited for a response.

"This is Evac flight One, we roger Team One, go ahead over." The Pilot replied.

"Evac Flight One, we will be unable to make our original extraction point. We have a new point of extraction. The terrace on the upper floor on the mansion." Sledge replied.

"Roger that, once we're within airspace light a flare and we'll evac you. Evac Flight One, Out" The Pilot replied.

"Ahh… we got sneaky people." Sledge heard Doc say making him look into the courtyard and saw three of the Death Eaters walking up to the door slowly.

"Drop em…" Sledge said and the three chose a target and fired off a shot each dropping the three Death Eaters. "That should dissuade them for now." Sledge added but saw one of the Death Eaters place a wand to his throat.

"This is your one chance… Surrender yourself and the hostages and we might let you live." The Death Eater called out, Sledge sat silent for a moment before priming a grenade and throwing it through the window right at the feet of the Death Eater. The result wasn't pretty but it clearly showed the surrounding Death Eaters that they wouldn't be able to reason with these men.

"Blast them!" One of the Death Eaters yelled and they all began firing blasting curses at where the three Rainbow Operatives were hiding. The Operatives pulled back from the windows to avoid being showered in rubble before moving forward again and firing their primary weapons at the Death Eaters who stupidly abandoned their cover to fire. As they were firing Sledge felt the wards drop and sighed in relief.

"Evac Flight One, Wards are down and we're ready for extraction." Sledge said as he pulled back from the window and put his back to the wall.

"Roger that… We are thirty seconds out." The pilot replied.

"Understood. Montagne, Sit-rep." Sledge said.

"We are at the terrace ready for extraction, Glaz is here with me and is leaning over the railing firing at the Death Eaters in the courtyard." Montagne replied.

"Roger, Light a flare so the helicopter can find us. We'll be with you in twenty seconds. Sledge out." Sledge said just as Hermione joined them.

"I got the wards down." She said slightly out of breath.

"I've notice, Fall back to the terrace… evac is under thirty seconds out." Sledge said as the four of them turned from the window and ran down the hallway to join the rest of their team. As they were running a Death Eater apparated in front of them, as all the wards were down the Death Eaters could apparate around the manor now. Sledge grabbed Journey's End off his back and when he was about to pass the Death Eater held it low and swiped his legs out from under him making him land on his stomach. Sledge then brought the magically enhanced hammer down on the wizards back shattering his spine. Sledge didn't stay around too long and joined the rest of his team on the terrace. As he ran through Montagne slammed the door shut and joined the hostages and the team at the terrace railing. Sledge looked up to see a Tandom rotor helicopter flying towards them and hovered so the rear of the helicopter was right behind them. The rear opened and four concussion grenades were fired over their heads as well as two asphyxiation darts. Sledge saw that Capitão and Zofia had tagged along for the ride and had their LMGs out and were firing into the suffering Death Eaters.

"Get aboard!" Capitão yelled as more Death Eaters came running through the doorway only to get caught in the effects the darts have. The team got the hostages onboard before joining them.

"Get us out of here!" Zofia yelled to the pilots who nodded and got them out of there. Once they were out of the area the team allowed themselves to relax.

"That went better than expected." Doc said as he sat down and removed his helmet and balaclava with Montagne following his example after securing his shield so it didn't flying around.

"How have you two been? Haven't seen you since… when was it, White Noise?" Sledge asked. Operation White Noise was the last op that Sledge, Zofia, Ela, Dokkaebi and Capitão had worked on together. White Mask terrorists had rigged a Skyscraper in Seoul with explosives to make the tower collapse with Biohazard bombs at the top that would detonate while it fell to spread the gas all over the surrounding Area. Two teams had been sent in. One to defuse the explosives at the base and one to defuse the bio-hazard explosives. They had succeeded and the White Mask had gone to ground and hadn't been heard from since except for a few sightings of known members worldwide and a few smalls safehouses but most had been raided and shut down since White Noise

"Sounds about right, busy couple of days that was. Made quite a mess didn't it Potter." Capitão said making Hermione's head shoot up in recognition and making Harry groan.

"Potter?" She said looking at him making Harry remove his mask and rub his head in an attempt to relieve the oncoming headache.

"Today can't get any worse. Thanks a lot Vincente." Harry said looking at Capitão with a look promising vengeance only to receive an apologetic look in response making Harry sigh.

"All this time… we weren't even sure if you were still alive. You just up and vanished one day." Hermione said looking as if she was going to start on a rant.

"Oi… we are not talking about this here. Save it for later." Harry said looking at Hermione who looked as if she was going to ignore him and continue only to see the look he was shooting her which promised retribution if she started.

"Hmph." Hermione grumbled as she folded her arms and looked away. Harry only shut his eyes in hopes of getting some rest since once the rest of The Order found out he was back in Britain he wasn't going to get a moments piece in a long time.

=-= R.A =-=

"Wake up Potter." Harry heard and felt someone punch his shoulder and opened his eyes to find Zofia looking at him. He saw that the helicopter had landed at Hereford Base and saw the rest of Rainbow waiting at the back of the helicopter for him. Hermione was not that far behind them with her wand which she had recovered from the safe house out and was talking to the Patronus she casted. Harry closed his eyes and stretched and yawned before standing up.

"Thanks Zo." Harry said as Zofia nodded and left the helicopter while Harry grabbed his weapons. Equipment and gasmask before joining his team. They began walking off towards the compound that had been reserved for Rainbow Team Members when a soldier had come running up to them.

"Colonel Potter?" The soldier said once he came up to the group and they turned to talk to him.

"That would be me." Harry said.

"The Base Commander and The Director of Rainbow want to see you in the debriefing room. The Order member is already being led there." The soldier said.

"Lead on." Harry said simply. The soldier nodded and began leading the seven Rainbow operatives towards one of the buildings. They entered the building and walked down the halls and any of the other soldiers who were walking them stood aside and saluted the team as they passed. They stopped at a room and the soldier held open the door as they entered and saw an older gentlemen and Six sitting at a large table. Hermione was sitting towards the back of the room obviously waiting for someone.

"Team, Mission report." Six said as she stood and observed the team.

"Ma'am, Mission accomplished with no negative outcomes. All hostages were secured and any medical attention needed was administered. Any vital documents that we managed to find were document and photos…" Harry reported but was cut off as Hermione made her presence known.

"Any documents that you have are to be turned over to the Ministry." She said cutting off Harry's report and earning a glare from Six and the Base Commander.

"Miss Granger, need I remind you that you have no operational jurisdiction here. Any files my team has collected will be turned over to us so we can plan future operations. Please continue team leader." Six said intimidatingly making Hermione take a step back, She looked as if she had gotten used to getting what she wanted when she demanded it and was confused when told otherwise. Six made her stance to the witch, she would take no nonsense.

"As I was saying, we documented all relevant information before we secured the hostages. Unfortunately it seems as if we tripped a ward somewhere as we soon had a small army of Death Eaters on the front lawn. I gave the order for the evac flight to be diverted to the upstairs terrace where we were extracted." Harry continued.

"Congratulations Team, our first operation has gone off without a hitch and I couldn't be more proud." Six said with pride.

"Ahh sir, a Mr. Dumbledore and associates are here in response to Miss Granger's message." A soldier said poking his head in through the door and making Harry want to groan in frustration.

"Very well, see him in. Team Rainbow you are dismissed, the rest of the team are either here of will be here in a matter of hours. Colonel Potter, please stay behind." The Base Commander said standing and returning the salute Team Rainbow gave before they turned at left. Harry made a gesture to Glaz who nodded understanding the message and Zofia lagged behind slightly.

"I'll let Ela know you'll be out soon." She said stopping to talk to Harry and left the room after Harry thanked her.

"Colonel, take a seat." The Base Commander offered gesturing to one of the seats near him. Harry nodded but first opened a window on the opposite side of the room and had just sat down when the door opened again and Dumbledore, Ron, Kingsley, Moody, Fudge walked in along with two Aurors who took up position in the room.

"Oh please tell me you aren't still Minister." Harry said before he could stop himself upon seeing Fudge walk in. Six and the base commander had to hide their grins as they heard the statement and had to agree.

"I am the Minister for Magic, I don't care who you are but I demand respect even from a muggle like yourself." Fudge said obviously mistake Harry for a muggle. Harry couldn't blame him, he had changed in the twenty years that had passed. It's amazing what meals of proper size and not covered in grease like at Hogwarts would do to you.

"Please excuse me if you find a lack of respect from me. You didn't believe me when I told you Voldemort was back and look at the mess that caused. And can you even be the Minister, from what I've heard Voldemort destroyed the Ministry and any wizard and witches not in his services are hiding within the walls of Hogwarts." Harry said as watched in pleasure as Fudge started going a deep shade of red as he laid down the facts.

"Why you insolent little…" Fudge began but was cut off as Six once again stood up.

"Minister, hold your tongue. You are undeserving of that title and the only reason you are Minister is no one else wanted the position and you jumped at the chance. Colonel Potter, while this is highly amusing I would request that you too hold your tongue." Six said to the two men and she and the two men saw the wizards finally recognise Harry. Either Hermione had left out Harry's existence within the team or they thought he would be elsewhere.

"Harry, My boy. I was unaware that you were here. Now that you are I must insist that you return with us to Hogwarts where you will be properly protected. It won't be long before Voldemort's forces find you." Dumbledore said shocking Six and the Base commander. They looked at Harry and he only sighed as he shrugged.

"Don't ask. Dumbledore, I will not be returning to the wizarding world after you all threw me out years ago." Harry replied simply.

"But don't you miss performing magic? Your trial was overturned two months after you disappeared. You may get another wand from Ollivander's and you may continue your studies." Dumbledore said hoping to get Harry back.

"I already have another wand, although I may be a bit rusty. I haven't used a wand in fifteen years. I may use a bit of wandless magic and magical devices Rainbow has designed over the years but I haven't used proper magic in a long time." Harry stated shocking the wizards and witch in attendance. The idea of not using magic was inconceivable to them.

"Save it for a later time Dumbledore. We have come because Miss Granger has told us that you raided a Death Eater safe house." Fudge said cutting off Dumbledore as he opened his mouth and began speaking again.

"We did. My Team went in and rescued the hostages on site. Hostages that had been there for a week already with no attempt at rescue from the wizarding world's so called light side." Six said answering the Minister.

"Very good, if you just direct us to where the prisoners are we'll take them off your hands and begin their steps to redemption." Fudge said making Six and The Base Commander give him funny looks.

"We don't have any prisoners." Six replied slowly.

"Ah so you left them at the safe house bound. Understood, I can have some men go and retrieve them." Fudge said. Six and The Base Commander shared a look before they both looked at Harry with a look asking Is he for real

"Pretty much. Minister might I recommend your men take a few body bags as the only people to leave the mansion alive were my team and the hostages. I can assure you, No Death Eaters survived." Harry said to the stunned wizards.

"You killed them?" Dumbledore said to which Harry nodded. Fudge turned a nasty shade of red as he quickly become angry at the thought of prominent purebloods being killed and turned to the Aurors.

"Aurors, arrest Mr. Potter for murder." Fudge said and the Aurors went for the wands and aimed it at only to stop as a bullet whizzed past them and imbedded itself in the wall behind them. The Aurors were shocked into silence making Harry smile.

"Thank you Glaz." Harry said into his radio.

"Happy to Sledge." Glaz said over the radio. Harry knowing something like this would happen had Glaz set up nearby and watch the wizards and if they looked like they would get violent to give them a warning shot.

"You had Glaz watch the meeting didn't you?" Six asked knowing exactly what just happened.

"Think of it as… a deterrent. I mean, it worked didn't it." Harry said gesturing to the still stunned wizards. The Base Commander laughed before he stood.

"Let me make something clear… Team Rainbow has received Carte Blanche from the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Her Majesty, The Queen of which despite your attempts to self-govern, you still answer too. Team Rainbow has been brought in to clean up Your Mess and they are free to accomplish this goal by any means necessary. If they have to kill every Death Eater to accomplish this goal so be it. Any interference will result in immediate detainment for the foreseeable future." The Base Commander said leaving no room for argument. Fudge looked as if he was grinding his teeth and Dumbledore stood there giving the three a disapproving look although it was aimed at Harry more than the others.

"This discussion is not over but unfortunately we do not have time to continue it today. Good day gentlemen." Fudge said as he walked out closely followed by the others.

"Are all wizards that stupid?" Six asked Harry after they had left. She had heard of some of the stories surrounding the British Wizarding World but didn't think they were actually true… now she had her doubts.

"Just about. This was actually a pretty good day." Harry said making Six and The Base commander scoff.

"Very Well, Colonel Potter. You are dismissed." Six said. Harry stood at attention and saluted before he left the room to find the rest of his team.

=-= R.A =-=

Harry had almost made it back to the barracks that had been assigned to Team Rainbow when Dumbledore had caught up to him, Harry wanted nothing more than to go a relax after the long mission but knew that Dumbledore was going to be insistent and would follow him around so decided to deal with the problem first.

"Alright listen old man, I have no intention of returning to Hogwarts after I was stabbed in the back by the people I called my supposed friends. So you can insist, and whine and argue all you want but you will never succeed." Harry said cutting Dumbledore off before he could open his mouth and start talking. Harry turned to enter the barracks when he heard someone yell a stunning spell and heard someone rush over. Harry looked to see who had jumped in the past and found Blitz standing between him and the wizards with his shield at the ready.

"Hitting someone while their back is turned is a cowardly act. Be a man." Blitz said disapprovingly as more of Team Rainbow joined the two. Dumbledore and his associates looked unnerved at all the soldiers surrounding them but Moody was the only one who knew that these men and women would have no problem doing what was necessary to protect one of their own.

"What can you all do? You're all muggles." Ron said as always speaking without thinking.

"Actually not true… Quite a number of us are magical, we just prefer non-magical means to dealing with threats as they are far superior." Blackbeard said as he crossed his arms with a sneer that would send Snape running.

"Take that back, Wizards are stronger then muggles." Ron said.

"Really… want to test that theory." Blackbeard said as he raised his rifle, many of the surrounding Rainbow Members following his example as the wizards drew their wands.

"Alright ENOUGH! Rainbow lower your weapons." Harry commanded trying to defuse the situation. Team Rainbow lowered their weapons but kept them at the ready so they could jump into combat at a moment notice should the need arise. "Dumbledore, as I said… you have a snowballs chance in hell of getting me to return to Hogwarts to continue my schooling and I know you're thinking of getting Fudge to make some stupid law that all English Witches and Wizards must finish their education at Hogwarts but It won't work… I may be S.A.S but I have multiple citizenships thanks to my efforts with Team Rainbow and you no control over me. Now take your minions and get off this base before I have base security detain you." Harry said leaving no room for argument.

"What happened to you Harry? When did you become so hostile to those you once called friends?" Dumbledore pleaded trying to guilt him.

"I grew up… and I saw that this world is not black and white and that those claiming to be the light could be just as dark." Harry said before he turned his back and entered the barracks. His team either following to return what they were doing or making sure the wizards left the base.

Harry walked through the barracks to find the room that was for the S.A.S members of the team. He entered to find Thatcher and Mute already there. Mute was working on his jammers while Thatcher was simple relaxing with a book in his hands.

"Sir, how'd it go with the wizards?" Thatcher asked as he saw Harry enter and collapse on his rack face down still completely geared up.

"Badly from the yelling we could hear." Mute said not looking up from his jammer as he tightened a few screws. Harry only groaned in response.

"I believe that's Harry talk for 'doubt it's over'" A voice said from the doorway to find Ela standing in the doorway. Thatcher looked at Ela for a few seconds before turning to Harry.

"Ground rules… no sexual activity in our quarters and keep hands to yourselves. I would rather not have to see or hear about anything going on." He said looking at Sledge who only gave the finger in response. Ela only rolled her eyes in response as she walked over and sat beside Harry.

"Thatcher, Mute… Beat it." Ela said to the two who only stood and left the room she turned to Harry when Thatcher made a parting comment.

"Remember the rules." He said before slamming the door closed quickly as one of Ela's concussion mines hit the wall beside the door.

"You ok?" she asked with a sigh as she looked at Sledge.

"Heavily annoyed and wish I could have told the president to shove it when he ordered us to assist with the Death Eater problem." He said slightly muffled as his head was in the pillow. Ela sighed before placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Well think of it this way… this time you get to shake the wizarding world to its core, you run most of the operations and this will cause significant trouble for the Death Eaters as well as annoying that old fool." Ela said making Harry look at her.

"Haven't thought of it that way. Could always cause trouble at Hogwarts, station a few of team there to help defend the school… the fact that most of the teams pranksters will be on guard duty will be completely unrelated and a very interesting coincidence." Harry said with a smile… his first smile since they were told he would be returning to magical Britain a week and a half ago.

"There's the Sledge I know. Now get out of your gear and get changed… the rest of us are planning to peer pressure the S.A.S operatives into taking us to the best bars and pubs and since your S.A.S not to mention Team Leader you need to lead us to the best bars." Ela said as she stood up and left the room leaving a smiling Sledge behind.

"Yes Ma'am." Sledge said as he stood up and stowed his gear in one of the rooms empty lockers… only two remained as Sledge had been sent on the Safe house Raid and Smoke was one of men who was in Brazil and would be joining them later. He got changed into civilian clothing, made sure his pistol and I.D were secure before he went to join the rest of the team and found them threatening Thatcher and Mute.

"Tell us where the bars are or we'll sic Caveria on you." Bandit said gesturing to Caveria who was checking her reflecting in one of her knives. The two men were obviously trying to hide the best places for themselves as a means of annoying the team.

"You'll never get us to talk." Thatcher said as he and Mute edged towards the door.

"They're trying to run." Pulse said as they went after the two Englishmen as they made a break for it making Sledge only laugh at how this highly trained team of soldiers could act so carefree sometimes it was a nice change and it was indeed a welcomed one.

=-= R.A =-=

Despite their best efforts Thatcher and Mute finally gave up and along with Sledge took the others to one of the best bars in London. Team Rainbow was sitting at a table while Pulse, Thatcher and Fuze went to get the beers for everyone. Glaz and Montagne were telling everyone how they saved the whole team as they came to the terrace and held off the Death Eaters and got the team onboard and saved the hostages.

"Gilles, Glazkov… im so thankful you were there, we would have never survived without you." Doc said sarcastically making everyone laugh.

"Glad to know someone appreciates us. Because I'm hearing a lot of negativity from our hammer wielding comrade." Glaz said looking at Sledge who smiled in response.

"Touré has a more plausible side of this but tell me Glazkov, how did you manage to rescue the hostages with only Montagne at your side when you were on a hill about a hundred meters from the mansion playing sniper?" Sledge said with a smirk causing Glaz's eyes to widen.

"Oh well… you see… thing is… Oh look, Beer." Glaz said changing the subject as he saw the three return with mugs of beer. The rest of the team only laughed in response before all taking one of the mugs.

"I will say this… the Brits sure know how to serve beer." Blackbeard said looking at the large mugs of beer as he was handed one.

"I propose a toast." Zofia said standing up and raising her mug. The rest followed suit and soon mugs were in the air from all team members. "To a successful mission… may it not be the last and may we succeed in all aspects of our lives." She said.

"Here here." The team all said and went to have a drink when a large explosion rocked the bar and nearby buildings. The team tried to throw themselves under tables but a few were unable to and were injured as the bar started collapsing around them. Screams tore through the air as people in the street were injured from the buildings that had exploded and started going silent as they were getting hit by Death Eater's killing curses.

"Team, Go. Those with weapons kill the Death Eaters, those without get the civilians out of here." Sledge said as he threw the table off of him and pulled his pistol out and saw a few of the team follow suit and they ran out the door and saw the carnage of the small London street. Cars on fire, rubble from damaged buildings everywhere and some still falling, scared civilians running from the dark robed figures.

The team got into cover and looked to the rest of the team to ensure they were all ready. With a nod they all jumped up and started firing into the marching Death Eaters, many of which fell in the first volley. The Death Eaters knowing that someone was there and was fighting back took cover as well and began throwing blasting and cutting curses. Unfortunately before many of them could fire their spells they took bullets to their bodies and fell as they took aim.

"Fall Back!" Sledge heard a Death Eater yell and they started apparating away with their wounded men.

"They've fallen back. Stay alert and go help the others with the civilians." Sledge said as he pulled out his mobile phone and dialled a number.

"Rainbow Command, Name and Authentication code." Someone said on the end of the line.

"Colonel Potter, Sledge. Authentication Code Victor Mike Romeo Two One Seven." Sledge said and waited for a response.

"Confirmed, How can we assist today?" The man said after a moment.

"Patch me through to Six." Sledge said.

"Understood, Standby." The man said as the line began ringing through.

"Six here. Go ahead Colonel." Six said once the line connected.

"Ma'am, there has been a terrorist attack in London. We have casualties on both sides as well as wounded. We'll also need to evac the nearby areas as some of these buildings are unstable." Sledge said before giving his location.

"Understood Colonel, I'll alert the proper authorities and warn them you're in the area and are attempting to assist the wounded. Are Search and Rescue units needed?" Six asked needing more information.

"Yes Ma'am, some of the buildings have collapsed already and I can only assume people were working inside and will need to be rescued." Sledge said as he turned to look at the scene.

"Understood, do what you can for now and I'll send what I can. Six out." Six said hanging up. Sledge hang his phone up and ran to help the rest of his team. He found Doc looking over wounded civilians, many of which had blood running down their faces from injuries sustained.

"Doc, what have we got?" Sledge said as he kneeled to join the Frenchman.

"The Situation is not good, I've tried to stabilise the ones in the worst condition but they're going to need full medical attention soon if they're to survive. There are a few minor injuries… cuts, broken bones but the main problem everyone is facing is the shock of it." Doc reported as he cleaned a nasty wound on a civilian's leg.

"Understood, is there anything you need at the moment?" Sledge asked.

"The most important thing I need is an area I can move the wounded. If you can get some of the team to clear some rubble from an area and make up a makeshift medical wing I would appreciate it." Doc said looking at Sledge.

"Got it… I'll see what I can do, also Six is sending emergency services. They shouldn't be long." Sledge said as he stood back up and went to find the rest of the team.

"One Moment Sledge, I want to check each of the wounded over properly to ensure they can be moved." Doc said catching Sledge attention.

"Alright, I'll let them know to check in with you first." Sledge said before turning away. "Rainbow, Form up!" Sledge called out and most of the Rainbow members came running. A few were unable to as they were assisting the wounded and couldn't leave them.

"Listen up, Doc requires an area we can move wounded so they in case more rubble falls and wounds of kills people. Find a large enough space indoors that is secure and sound and start clearing any debris. Anything we can place wounded on is appreciated. Blankets, towels, etcetera would be good but not as important as a clear area. We also need boards to move wounded so we don't aggravate injuries, especially spinal damage. Tear doors off their hinges if you have to. Get to it." Sledge said commanding the team and they went to search the surrounding buildings to find one still structurally sound. It wasn't long before they managed to clear a large enough space to started moving the wounded as well as collecting enough doors to move wounded civilians.

"Sledge, emergency services are here." Dokkaebi said as she came running up to Sledge and he saw Ambulence, Fire and Police Services making their way down the street.

"Thanks Grace." Sledge said jogging to meet them.

"You Potter?" One of the policemen asked as Sledge stopped in front of the group.

"I am." Sledge said.

"What's the situation?" He asked. All the emergency services waiting for an update.

"We've moved all the wounded off the street and into one of the buildings. We've ensured that it's sound as it has minimal damage, that being said if fire services has any jacks we can use to hold the roof up in case would be much appreciated. Any Critical injured civilians we haven't moved yet and I have my medical officers checking them over and only on their ok can they be moved from here to hospital via Ambulance. They want to ensure that they are stabilised first before they're moved. First Aid Officers report to Gustave Kateb and he'll direct you to those that are safe to move to hospital and those that need additional attention here." Sledge said gesturing to where they have moved the wounded and the First Aid officers and a quarter of the fire fighters went back to their respective vehicles to retrieve needed equipment before heading off in the direction of the makeshift hospital.

"Now we've been unable to check most of the buildings at the moment so it's a good assumption to assume that people are buried under the debris and will need to be pulled out and given medical attention." Sledge continued and the rest of the fire fighters nodded before going to retrieve relevant equipment before going to clear the buildings.

"As for police department. The terrorists that did this could return so stay on high alert. If you see men in Black Robes, Don't bother trying to detain, just fire. They will kill you without hesitation and will then kill any of the civilians that have survived." Sledge said. The Police Captain directed his men and called for a CTSFO team as well as an additional van of equipment to equip the Rainbow team with radios and weapons. Sledge saw a group of men and women in black vest running up to him and saw they each sported the Rainbow Emblem on their vest depicting them as the recruits assigned to the team.

"Sir, Recruit Flint reporting for duty. What are your orders sir?" The recruit said as the entire group snapped a salute and stood at attention.

"Stay with the police here. They have a two CTSFO vans on the way, one with a team of soldiers and one purely stocked with weapons and equipment. Once they've arrived collect radios and weapons and get them to each member of the team. Make sure all radios are set to the same channel as the local LEOs so we can communicate. Not the Rainbow Frequency. Once that is done, do anything that the LEOs or Rainbow members tell you, understood?" Sledge said to the recruits who responded with a salute and a 'Yes Sir' before they followed the police officers allowing Sledge to return to the makeshift hospital to assist if needed.

=-= R.A =-=

It was well into the night before any member of team Rainbow was able to get a break as there was a lot of work to do and clean-up had just started. Sledge was sitting on a piece of concrete that had once been part of a wall. He wiped the sweat from his face as Bandit came over joined him.

"So much for our Bar crawl." Bandit said patting Sledge on the back before sitting on a piece of rubble nearby.

"At least we were here and able to save all these lives. Casualties would have been much higher had we been anywhere else or if we had stayed at the base." Harry said thinking of all the possibilities.

"Ahh we're all good, you took charge of the situation and were able to coordinate the team and the emergency services that arrived. You're an effective leader Sledge. Never think otherwise." Bandit said patting Sledge on the back again before going to re-join the effort. Sledge sighed taking Bandit's words to heart and knowing he did all he could. While he did make the decision to join the military when he was younger after he was expelled, he never imagined that he would be offered a spot on Team Rainbow or that the team would eventually look to him as Commanding Officer. Hell he still remembered the discussion he had with Sirius before he left his imprisonment in Grimmauld Place to join the armed forces… remember as if it was yesterday. But he had no time to dwell on the past as despite having sent most of the wounded to hospital, there was still plenty to do


I think this is the best chapter I have ever written… The Military context just came to me really easily, probably all the Xbox I play. Go figure, you do learn things from video games.

I plan to work on this beside Run Away Agent and Life of a Huntsman and since I have access to better computers thanks to doing TAFE four days a week I should be able to upload chapters easier and more often.

And since this Is a new story… I once again find myself in need of a Beta Reader. Any offers, let me know and we can talk.

Other than that, Hope you all enjoyed and check out my other works if you want to, favourite and follows are helpful and Reviews are great.

Till Next Time Folks