1.) Use Somebody

Ok so a few things. Yes this is another Omegaverse but I like doing them so you can't really say jack about that... and if you weren't going to complain... then just ignore that plz...
This is a Bleach/One Piece crossover with Ichigo and Paulie as the main characters. And it's also Ichigo/Paulie.. Paulie is an omega and Ichigo will either not have a designation or is an alpha. I haven't decided yet. I don't own Bleach or One Piece. Warnings. Well basically what goes with Omegaverse and these two anime's. Also this starts about a year or two before Luffy goes to Water 7 and in Bleach it's near the end of the Quincy war.


Rain pelted against the stone pavement harshly and wind howled as it raced between buildings, creating a chaotic symphony that sang of foreboding disasters. Of the incoming storm.

A lone man raced past the buildings, his eyes scanning the streets back and forth, searching for any stragglers who hadn't taken shelter against the approaching, yearly natural disaster, which had been appropriately named Aqua Laguna.

The man panted as he pushed his limbs to the limit, desperate to finish searching the streets before the looming storm unleashed its fury.

He shouldn't have been out here alone, but he was, and there was nothing he could do to change it. The mayor of the city had given him a mission to complete and that's what he was going to do.

Iceburg, the mayor and boss of the Galley-La Company, had reminded shipyard 1 that the duty of checking the streets had finally rotated back to them a few days ago, and the shipwrights had been raging to go, but then an accident occurred at the shipyard docks, and over half the foreman assigned for this rotation were injured and had already been evacuated to the shelter.

At that point it had been too late to assign another dock the duty so it fell to the ones who remained from the many who had been injured. There had been others running these streets checking, but he had told them to go on ahead to the shelter. Telling them to go and be with their families.

The man came to a stop for a moment. Catching his breath, he leaned slightly against the corner of a bakery, and wiped the rainwater out of his eyes. Running his hand through a head of blonde hair in a futile attempt to remove it from his face, Paulie, a Foreman of Dock 1, glanced down the next road he would have to check.

'After all it's not like I have someone waiting for me..'

He froze, only two steps away from the bakery wall he had been leaning against, at a loud bang. The sound of the loudest cannon he had ever heard going off. Suddenly around him an intense light flared across the walls of the surrounding buildings and the stone pavement, his body casting a large shadow across the ground in front of him like a deformed death reaper.

He whirled around, his body suddenly breaking into a cold sweat. In the distant sky, what appeared to be a black substance swirled in the air, red and blue lightning sparked around the mass violently, lighting up the sky around it.

Something was thrown from the center of the daunting mass and the object, glowing with its own intensity arranged in an array of swilling black, white, and red, streaked threw the sky. The abnormality behind it suddenly shrinking into nothingness.

Paulie couldn't tear his eyes away as the object cut through the sky. His feet felt heavy and his eyes were wide. The glowing projectile passed overhead and he followed its track with his eyes.

He watched, unable to do anything, as it slammed into one of the buildings of the back roads. The building shattered at the impact. Rubble and debris being tossed into the air as if it had weighed nothing. A cloud of dust rose upward as the building folded into itself at the impact sight, and collapsed to the already slowly flooding ground.

Paulie stared for a moment. The logical part of him said to run, to go back to the shelter and bunker down for the night to wait out Aqua Laguna with the others... but.

And wasn't that usually his downfall, never listening to his own logical sense.

But something told him he couldn't go back to the shelter and just sit around, and it wasn't because he had one more street to check either.

His feet were moving across the ground and towards the collapsed building before he made a conscious command, and he wanted to smack himself when he noticed.

Maybe he really was impulsive.


It felt like... whatever came out of that... whatever it was... wasn't just an object or something.

He knew - he knew - that any normal person would run the other direction, but for some reason he couldn't. What if that thing wasn't just an object? What if that thing was going to be dangerous for Water 7? What if that thing got washed away during Aqua Laguna? There was too many what if's and unanswered questions to go to the shelter with a clear conscious.

So he ran towards it.

As he jumped down into the final level of the back roads and the rising water level soaked up to the middle of his calf, a thought ran through his head. He really hoped he wasn't going to regret this.