The others were right behind Winston as he carried Peter up to his room, laying him down atop the bed. Peter winced in his sleep, but barely stirred. Ray could see Marie's point, Peter had used up what little reserves he had in that fight. It'd literally taken everything out of him.

Marie and Caroline joined them, with Marcus saying he'd stay outside...

In the silence that followed the Ghostbuster's return indoors, one junior mage piped up in the silence.

"We really ballsed that up."

Even the elder shot him a withering look, but all had to concede he had a point. The usual tactics that'd always worked in past encounters had been useless now. Rothchild had been convinced taking Ashwood down was the only way, the subject's life was merely an afterthought.

Nothing about this whole scenario made sense. First off, a man living his entire life not knowing he had magical capability was almost unheard of; second off, the subjects spell that his friends had spoken of. Third; that crazy act of sacrifice. If the young man hadn't broken the connection between the subject and the parasite personality- he dreaded to think. Wether he liked it or not- the subject and his fellow Ghostbusters had done a far more effective job then he. They'd trapped the creature in that strange box, an opportunity the subject had risked everything to line up.

With the 'Ashwood' personality gone, what else was left? He still needed to hear the full story about the fight that'd resulted in Ashwood Snr. being disposed of by these ghosts, but that could wait.

They trooped inside, with Rothchild retiring to the library to do some thinking.

Ray sat by Peter's side as Marie and Caroline took seats on the other side of the bed. Egon and Winston stood by the door, both looking very tense.

"So what's the deal here?" Winston asked, "You say you can save Pete. How?"

"As mentioned before," Caroline smiled softly "The ability to heal and use my magic to give others a boost has long run in my family. You should've seen my grandmother- she was always in demand when fights broke out."

"Were the Ashwood's always such a big threat?" Egon asked. Caroline sighed, wondering how best to explain the question hidden behind Egon's calm tones. Why had the Elder been so bitter?

"Things had been building for some time, the Elder council argued about what was to be done with the Ashwood's. Some argued that their talents for arcane magic could yet have benefit for everyone but many disagreed. They feared that abuse of such power would lead to a greater threat. And with your friend's father, that was sadly the case. They were further along in their research then any of the council could anticipate, they'd uncovered some deeply corrupted artefacts. Rothchild and HIS father fought against them when the Ashwood's attacked the Institute, our main headquarters."

"Is that when those three students were killed?" Egon asked, and Caroline nodded sadly.

"My grandmother was there, she said it broke Rothchild, he blamed himself for not stopping Ashwood sooner. He was much younger then, but he'd already been raised to use magic effectively. He followed in his father's footsteps and became a Grand Mage, but he never forgot the Ashwood name and its haunted him ever since. He spent a lot of time trying to track them down, but whatever method they'd used to hide it left no trace..."

"So that's why he's had it out for Pete. Because he's tangled with Ashwood snr before." Winston sighed "I'm not unsympathetic, but that's still no excuse for nearly killing our friend!"

Caroline nodded "I need to discuss this matter with him. We were not expecting things to take such a drastic turn; at most we anticipated a straightforward discussion with the young man here. I tried to stop Rothchild, but he was convinced a fight to the end was the only way he could bury this Ashwood business for good. That's when I broke away to find you, Dr Stantz."

She looked across at Ray, whose tired eyes lifted from his lap to meet hers. She spotted a burn mark below the blood-streaked collar of his shirt and recalled seeing him racing towards the middle of the fight. He'd taken a magical blast full on, by rights he should've died at worst. But somehow he'd come through, all because of his love for his friend.

"You have a serious burn there, Dr-"

"Forget about me," Ray said bluntly "Peter's the one who needs help the most. This can wait."

Egon stepped closer, leaning forward to peer down at Ray. He winced at the burn, what had Ray done? By the time he and Winston arrived, Ray was already inside the shield, Egon had assumed they'd been outside together when things had gone down.

"What'd you DO, Ray?" Spengler frowned "that looks painful."

"It...was. Kinda. I think I blacked out, I woke up with Peter frantically trying to wake me, that's all I know." he sighed heavily as Marie bandaged the fresh cuts and scrapes on Peter's body "I know it was reckless, but I just had a bad feeling that said if that Elder guy's next shot hit Peter, it was all over."

"Wait, hold up..." Winston joined Egon on Ray's other side "are you saying you got between that crazy magic guy and a possessed Pete?"

Ray hunched up and stared down at his lap. He felt the spot on his shoulder/chest pulse as if in response to the reminder, but he shoved it down. The lingering shock of the day made this easier, on a normal day he wouldn't find it so easy to ignore.

"Yes." He squeaked out at last.

"Man, you're crazy." Winston shook his head "but hey, I'll buy it. You always were good at knowing when to stop a fight."

"It worked," Caroline said as she opened a book to a set page and placed it on the bed beside Peter. "The shock of the interruption was enough to allow the host body and the imposter to separate, enabling its eventual capture."

Ray's eyes widened as he seen the writing in the book glow, the words flowing along Caroline's hand like a tattoo. She smiled at their surprise, then set her hand on Peter's shoulder. He shifted uneasily, so Ray instinctively reached out to hold his hand.

Soon the marks were etching themselves into the covers beneath Peter. It reminded Egon of the spell circle Peter had summoned around himself and his father. At first nothing seemed to change, then Ray noticed Peter was looking less pale and his breathing seemed less strained. Some of the bruising was fading as well. In a matter of minutes, Venkman looked less like he was at deaths door and more like he was just sleeping peacefully.

Egon's mind was going a million miles an hour as he observed this, but was interrupted when Caroline herself turned pale.

"It's been awhile since I've had to undo this kind of damage," she explained when Marie asked was she all right? "It's taken as much as I can generate to turn back the damage the battle with the imposter self dealt. I wish I could do more, but-"

"Is there no way to- I dunno- donate somehow? If we can do it with blood, surely you guys have a magic version, right? Feel free to correct me, I'm talkin' out my ass here, I have no idea." Winston finished, making Caroline chuckle.

"Well, that's normally something a companion would take on-"

"Companion?" Egon asked.

"Yes, it's not unusual for more advanced magic users to find someone they're compatible with, someone who either uses magic themselves or sometimes is just on a sympathetic frequency. Intimate relationships often form this way...Ohhh."

She clocked on the same time as Ray's friends did. Finding himself the sudden centre of attention, Ray did what he did best when embarrassed: he squeaked and turned bright red as everyone stared at him in a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Wait a second...that wasn't a gerbil, it was you!" Winston finally connected the dots from way back, when he'd heard a high pitched squeak over the radio, at the time blaming it on an escaped gerbil in the sewers.

Ray squeaked ever higher, face-palming as he could only turn redder.

"Well, that's all the evidence I need." Egon deadpanned "Ray fits all the criteria. For both a companion and a tomato, apparently."

"I hate you two." Ray sulked, folding his arms and glowering at the bedcovers as the other two tried to stifle their laughter. He briefly felt the spot where the spell had hit him twinge in complaint, but he shoved it aside and told himself he could worry about it later.

It therefore took him a second to realise Caroline had gotten up to come round to where he sat, perching atop the bed to look at him. Her eyes alighted on his injury, but moved back to his face before he seen her. She could heal two birds with one bandage here...

"If you can forgive our teasing, it may be possible for you to help your friend if, as I said, the frequency is close enough. I suspect the two of you are a very close match after what I seen during the fight-"

"Okay, I want the details." Winston teased, raising his eyebrows and making Ray facepalm in despair.

"Stop making everything sound so dirty, Winston. I didn't do anything- Eep!"

He yelped as a small shock ran through him. Caroline chuckled, she was smiling hopefully.

"Good news, I think it stands a high chance of working."

"For real?" Ray pushed his embarrassment aside, hope rising once more " we do?"

"Just hold very still and trust me, I'm going to transfer a small spell to you. This'll allow you to act as a separate source that my magic can access. I wont take much, just enough to allow him to waken sooner."

"Take what you need, it's time to put an end to this misery." Ray said seriously "He's suffered enough."

That, they all agreed on. It'd been a scary sight, seeing Peter deteriorate so fast, going from boisterous loudmouth to a mere shadow of that vibrancy.

"Hopefully, once this mess is behind him, he'll be able to relax." Winston murmured as Ray and Caroline discussed the method of helping her spell. She held Ray's hand in both of hers for a few seconds and when she released him, the same markings she had on HER skin were mirrored on HIS.

"Whoa," Ray stared down at his hand, eyes wide "this is surreal."

Egon twitched, he wanted his PKE meter SO badly- but a swift poke in the ribs from Winston made him realise now wasn't the time.

Ray did as Caroline told him, resting his hand over Venkman's as she returned to her seat. Ray closed his eyes as he was told to and tensed for the unfamiliar sensation of a spell. At first, he barely felt it, but soon he started to feel a little light-headed and everything just turned itself out.

"Ray? Can you hear me?

That was Egon's voice. Ray blinked slowly, focusing his vision on the concerned faces of his friends. How long had he been out?

"Did….did it work?" he asked dopily as he was helped to sit upright.

"Yes, it did." Caroline smiled as she looked down at her patient. Peter looked much healthier, some of the colour had returned to his face and he was sleeping peacefully "He shouldn't be in much pain at all once he wakens. Your help has aided greatly. You have a very open mind- its rare to find those that're naturally attuned to such a frequency."

This brought back memories of a similar statement being made by Gozer's subordinate.

As well as one of Peter's wise cracks; "don't be SO open minded your brains fall out."

"Yeah, I think I have an answer for that," Ray said as his senses came back "when Gozer read my mind during our first encounter- it seems it had the side effect of enhancing the minor connection I had with the other world. I guess it's only gotten more entrenched as time's gone by. Ive had a few dream encounters with spirits before as well..."

"It was thanks to that connection we were able to beat the sandman." Egon added. That incident still made him shiver a little- he'd come within seconds of having his eyes gouged out, thankfully his friends had blasted the mental prison to smithereens with a small arsenal of explosive weaponry. (Probably Venkman's idea, the man couldn't turn down a chance to blow stuff up.)

"I see…." Caroline looked a mix of curious and impressed as she regarded the three.

"Ray's brainwaves were significantly altered after his contact with Gozer- I conducted significant studies yet I cannot replicate it." Egon added.

"We can discuss this in depth another time when things aren't so dire, for now I suggest we let Dr Venkman sleep." Marie fetched a spare blanket and draped it gently over the sleeping Peter as she spoke.

Ray looked anxiously from Peter to the doorway "I'm not sure I feel right leaving him alone after what happened with that Elder."

The other two shared glances that showed they shared his reluctance, too. Marie could understand their worry, they'd been given no good reason to trust the people she'd brought here. Hopefully, there could still be some reconciliation between the two sides.

"Plus...I don't want him to wake up alone again. I don't know how he got outside earlier, but I'm worried it may have been against his will." Ray added "I'm staying."

"I got time to wait." Winston shrugged and Egon nodded.

Caroline smiled "He's in good hands, then. I must go lie down now for awhile, it's more conductive to recharging. I will see you all later."

Marie paused as she made to close the door, she had one last statement. "Fret not, I shall make sure the Protectorate do not bother any of you until we've had the opportunity to discuss what happened."

She and Marie left to find a spare room, and Ray sighed softly. He looked at Peter, relieved to see how much healthier he looked.

"Okay, Ray.." once Winston and Egon had positioned their own chairs around Venkman's bed, Winston raised an eyebrow at Stantz "what actually happened out there?"

Ray took a deep breath, telling his side of the story; beginning with finding Peter's room empty to running into Caroline and hearing her warning about Rothchild and ending with his intervention in the fight and waking to Peter free from Tobias' control.

Ray's voice trailed off as he looked down at the blood smeared on his sleeves and shuddered, recalling the sound of Peter's pained coughing. As if sensing his worry, Peter shifted in his sleep and Ray held his breath a moment, but Venkman lapsed back into sleep without any hesitation.

"He'll be OK." Egon stated "as much as I distrust the rest of them, Caroline has done as she promised and undone some of the damage of the last week. Hopefully he'll be back to normal now his minds not under assault."

"It developed so fast, that thing must've been gaining further foothills every time Peter was asleep.' Winston shook his head.

"We heard a ruckus when I opened one of the windows in the attic- with everything that's gone on, the odds were it was magic related." Egon sighed "A rare time I hate saying I was right."

"I'm just glad we got there in time-" Winston shook his head, glancing at the sleeping Venkman. What madness did his side of the story contain?

Ray wished he could've done more, bar holding Peter as he slept and trying to kiss his worries away…

They were still talking a couple of hours later, tucking into some food brought up to them by the cook. She left a thermos of soup by the bedside, in case Peter woke. The topics ranged from the matter of their protectorate to the reference to the gerbil. Winston chuckled as he now knew Ray had a tendency to make funny noises.

Egon remembered Eugene making a similar noise once- just the once. It'd been after Egon had unwittingly aroused him by detailing how he'd tested himself-

He shook his head like he had a bee in his ear and told himself to focus.

"Where's YOUR mind goin', Egon?" Winston didn't miss a trick and even Ray had to suppress a chuckle at Egon's minutely reddening face as he realised he'd been rumbled.

"About 19 hours back that-a-way," Ray teased "allll the way back in New York-"

"Shut up, Ray."

"Oh no, I still owe you for that tomato joke earlier." Ray was grinning ear to ear.

"Blast it all-!" Egon declared, only to be spared Ray's vengeance by Peter stirring, properly this time….

Peter had no idea where he was for a few seconds. Then he realised he was tucked up in bed again, back in his fancy room at the Madame's. Where was he? What'd happened?

He was cut off from his rising panic when his vision focused on the faces surround his bed.

Ray, Winston and Egon. His friends were here, all looking relieved to see him again. Was this a dream?

"Evening, sleepy." Winston grinned and Egon casually waved at him.

Ray shifted from his chair to sitting on the bed. Peter's eyes moved from the other two to him now, many questions lurking in their soft brown depths.

"Ray? Egon? Winston? W-what's going on….how am I back in bed again?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Ray asked, gently resting his hand over Peter's. Venkman focused on tangling their fingers together for a moment as he tried to get his head on straight-

Suddenly he went tense and tried to sit up, panic flashing over his features. It reminded Ray of when he'd first comforted Peter upon arrival here.

"That crazy version of me...what did it- agh..."

"Take it easy my man, it'll come back to ya." Winston suggested, while Ray helped Peter sit up properly, settling the pillows behind him.

Peter's gaze languidly followed Ray's movements, briefly centring his attention on Stantz. Suddenly he moved, one hand snagging Ray's collar and tugging it open. His memories told him Ray had been injured-!

"Ah-! P-peter-" Ray yelped, totally misreading it. He was not alone.

"Geez Pete, at least wait for us to leave first-!" Winston was laughing so hard his sides were aching.

"At least we know he's feeling alright-" Egon smirked.

"He's doing more than that, he's feeling Ray-"

Their amusement was derailed as Peter finally blurted-

"That shot hit you- I seen it. Why isn't there a mark?!"

"Huh? There isn't?" Ray blinked, pressing his fingers to the spot where earlier his skin had felt taut and sore, but now there was nothing there.

Then it clicked.

"Oh, I got it." he smiled faintly "Caroline must've patched it up when I was helping her via that spell link."

" did a what now?" Peter asked, confused.

Ray motioned him to relax back against the pillow, which Peter duly did, although his gaze never left Ray.

Ray explained what'd happened after Peter had collapsed, from carrying him inside to Caroline healing him.

"They're still here? That old guy was-" Peter felt echoes of the panic and terror he'd battled as he realised this guy was set on taking him down. And Peter's survival hadn't meant a thing to him. He tried to get out of bed (on the side his precious Raymond wasn't occupying) in a tangle of limbs and the others were so sufficiently surprised that he was actually on his feet before Winston, who was closest, managed to grab him before he fell over.

"Pete, relax."

"Relax-?" Peter's eyes were wide with panic- his last memory of the Elder was of his firing that bolt at Ray "that crazy coot tried to KILL me, Winston! And he happily shot at Ray too-"

"Actually, I got in the way-"

"Shush, cutie." Peter said without missing a beat as he continued to have a stare down with Winston. His clothing was rumpled and stained with patches of blood and grass.

"Don't you guys get it? We're in danger. That crazy personality locked me in my own MIND, Z. Made me a spectator while he tried to take that guy on in some twisted grudge match. I had to see and endure every single second of it. That mage guy? He was hellbent on destroying Ashwood in any name or form, and in case you aren't aware, that unfortunately happens to be my real name."

Winston stared at him, then jabbed him on the nose so he'd go cross-eyed. Which was funny.

"And you pretty much told him to shove it, if the witness accounts are accurate. Also, that crazy personality is GONE, Pete. You goaded it into all but walking right into our proton beams. Remember?"

It took a few seconds for Peter's memory to catch up, when he realised Winston was right. Tobias WAS gone.

"Oh." he said, taking a step back as the room span "right..." Winston grabbed his shoulders and sat him down on the beds edge. Ray settled himself beside Peter, rubbing his back gently.

"That thing is in the portable containment unit now, Peter." Egon assured him "it can't cause you any more pain, you'll be alright."

Egon's blunt and to-the-point statement seemed to help, and Peter seemed calmer when he next spoke.

"So now what do we do?" he asked.

"Well, since you're up, I'd suggest a change of clothes." Ray said, frowning as he seen the state of said clothing "we can burn those ones."

"Gladly" Peter muttered.

"And don't worry about that Elder and lot- the Madame has promised she wont let them approach you until she's finished interrogating them. She's not happy about Rothchild starting a fight- she had hoped they would just be able to limit your magic, not exacerbate it."

"Right." Peter nodded at Egon's explanation. "That why you're all in here?"

"That and I figured you'd had enough misery for one day and it'd be easier if you didn't wake up to find yourself alone." Ray explained and Peter felt his pulse thrum happily. He leaned against Ray now, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, you guys..." he murmured sleepily.

"Always." Ray smiled and spoke gently to Venkman. "now you sit tight, I'll go grab some clean clothes from the RV..."

No sooner had Ray vanished out the door than Peter was looking at the other two. The sleepy cosiness vanished, replaced by deep seated concern.

"I wish I'd imagined it- but I know he nearly died. That shot, he wasn't breathing..."

"This is when he tried to to intervene-?" Egon asked and Peter nodded.

"I was trapped, that madman was beating the mental stuffing out of me to get me to keep quiet. I didn't think anything I did was gonna stop him- then I seen Ray get caught between the shield and those robe guys. That shot should've hit ME, or at least dented the shield- instead it hit Ray."

"Did you drag him inside the shield?" Winston asked "cause when we rocked up, he was by your side."

"NO, I didn't. He just….phased right through it Winston, I don't know how. That's when things went kinda fuzzy and somehow I had my body back. When I reached him, he wasn't breathing- I don't know what happened or how- but the next second he was breathing again."

"He's showing zero signs of any of that." Egon frowned "maybe he hasn't processed it yet."

"Promise me you'll keep an eye on him if he does?" Peter asked, expression serious as he looked at his friends.

"Consider it done," Winston assured him, seeing Peter relax visibly "you both need to get plenty of rest. The worst is over- all you gotta do is chill."

"Thats what I've been telling him since we got in the RV."

All three turned to see Ray in the doorway, holding an armful of clothing belonging to Peter.

"We'll leave you guys alone," Winston winked at Ray as he and Egon headed for the door "Try to keep your clothes on, both of you."

He snickered as both Ray AND Peter flipped him off and tried not to laugh at the same time.

The door clicked shut and Ray regarded Peter kindly. Peter read that smile and flushed guiltily "you heard that, didn't you?"

"Yeah. It's sweet of you to worry about me Peter, but I'm fine, really. Yeah, I was scared, but seeing you about to get hurt- I could never forgive myself if I didn't try to save you. Because-" he paused only to press a finger to Peter's lips "I love you and making sure you're safe is all I want."

Soon as he moved his finger from Peter's lips the man seized him in a kiss. Ray groaned happily, happily parting his lips to let Peter push the kiss even deeper. If he hadn't had his arms full with articles of clothing, his hands would've been tracing a path up Peter's sides and tangling themselves in his hair.

Peter took in the sight of a cute, dishevelled Ray, then glanced across at the bathroom door.

"Fancy a shower?" he asked softly and Ray couldn't refuse. He parted from Venkman only long enough to fetch his own nightclothes from next door, leaving them on the bed next to Peter's. His heart raced in anticipation and relief Peter was-

His breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of his partner, the door clicking shut softly behind him. Peter had stripped down to his trousers and was just slipping them down over his hips when Ray walked in, and the softer lighting of the bathroom only served to highlight everything Peter had fought through. Peter turned at the sound of the door closing, seen Ray looking at him with that achingly sweet gaze and swiftly realised why.

"They're not painful," he murmured, indicating the few remaining cuts as well as some faded bruises. He sauntered over to Ray, clasping the man's hand in his and pressing it to the faded discolouration on his abdomen and guiding it up his chest to his neck. No discomfort flickered over his face and his eyes never left Ray's as he spoke "see? Pain's all gone."

To further prove his point, he pulled Ray close so the younger man was pressed to his chest, gently guiding Ray's hands round to his back. He could feel the way Ray's hands shook as he let them roam up his body, ending as they brushed against his neck.

"See? It's alright.." Peter murmured.

Ray's eyes filled with tears abruptly, fuelled by relief and the delayed shock Egon had warned about.

"Sshh, it's alright. Don't you feel even the slightest bit of guilt, sweet Raymond. OK?" Peter whispered as Ray hiccuped, the softer lighting in the bathroom catching the tears and making them shine like crystal.

"I should've been able to stop this-" Ray blurted out the matter that weighed most heavily on him since finding Peter's empty room.

He shut his eyes, trying to repress the memories that flooded his mind. The way Peter had fought as much as he physically could to stop his father from breaking Ray's wrist- then sacrificing himself to save all of them. He'd put his life on the line for them...


"You nearly sacrificed yourself to save US when we were up against your father and I couldn't even protect you ONCE." Ray felt his heart twist in his chest as he reluctantly tore himself away from Peter and took a step back. His fingertips fizzled with the need to hold, to caress Venkman's body and that temptation made it too hard to talk."I should've gone to find you straight away, I knew they wouldn't just wait until you were awake for-"

He cut off, head pounding.

"Awake for what-?"

"To interrogate you! That Elder wasn't happy when I told him you were too ill to see him. He's the one who brought you outside, wasn't he-?" he broke off as fresh anguished tears blurred his vision, or he would've seen the dawning comprehension on his lover's face.

"Oh." Peter said softly as he quickly understood the reason for Ray's sadness, "OH. Ray, cutie, look at me."

Ray shook his head, but when Peter's lips brushed his a second later he couldn't help open his eyes to see the face he'd fallen in love with all over again since his uni days. Peter's arms stayed at his side, only his lips made contact with Ray's body but it was enough to set Stantz's heart racing. Peter sighed softly, tired brown eyes fixed on his partner.

"They didn't….I wasn't taken from my room, Ray."

"B-but...then, how did you end up outside?"

Peter shrugged and idly ran a hand through his hair before letting his hand fall back to his side, where he drummed an idle rhythm against the side of his leg. "I was kinda out of it and left my room looking for you guys. I got lost and somehow ended up outside, where I ran into this blonde lady and passed out- that's all I remember until I woke up trapped in my own head. My guess is the crazy copy was doing it all just to lure those guys into a throw down. If you want to blame someone, blame Tobias, but do NOT blame yourself, cutie."

"B-but- I should've gone straight to your room after those people showed up-" Ray began pacing inside the elegant bathroom, "I could've kept you with me, tried to keep you safe-!"


"You saved all of us, I should've been able to do the same-"

"RAY." Peter stepped into Ray's path, cupping the man's face in his hands. When he spoke, it was with a devotion few had ever seen from him.

"You stopped your HEART to try and end the fight. Because of you, I was able to get my body back. You scared me half to death but saved my life at the same time. Few can say they've been that brave and done it because of how deeply they believed in someone. You've fought to save me every step of the way and I promise I will find a way to repay your courage, my dear Raymond."

Ray blinked, silenced by the steadfast belief in Peter's soft brown eyes. The lighting made them shine, like flecks of gold shimmered within.

"I was scared," he whispered as he faced up to what he'd been trying not to process "but I didn't know what else to do. It was too late to stop him, and I just KNEW if that shot hit you- I'd lose any chance I had. I'd lose the love of my life-"

He broke down again, tears splashing onto Peter's bare skin. Peter stroked his hair gently, his voice soft and husky.

"Close your eyes. Listen to my voice...breathe...thats it…." he whispered, softly pressing his lips to that sweet spot below Ray's ear as he spoke.

"I'm s-sorry..." Ray croaked.

"What for-?" Peter asked, as Ray lifted his head.

"I scared you- I never meant-"

Peter kissed him again, shaking his head softly.

"That shot hit you, you stopped breathing. It was only for an instant but you've always been strong Ray, you started breathing again."

"It felt like something shocked spark. And the light- red light." Ray's eyes widened as he looked at Peter with a fresh surge of energy, the pieces slotting into place in sync with his memory. Doubt and fear swiftly turned to wonder as he looked at his partner "It was YOU, your spark."

"….me?" Peter asked "I don't remember..."

He trailed off, remembering now just how hard he'd been shaking, his limbs tingling- was it possible? Had his magic saved his lover?

"It was you." Ray said with a surge of happiness, voice flooded with a finality that wouldn't be shaken "It felt like my heart skipped a beat, but that jolt was what made it start again. When I opened my eyes, I seen a shimmer, red sparks..."

Tears filled his eyes again.

"Ray- why- mmmmmh….oh my.."

He was cut off and duly distracted by Ray kissing him, HARD. And a second time when he tried to speak. Peter happily gave in and kissed him back, the questions could wait.

When Ray released him, his heart was racing and he was near breathless- but the memories were clear. Peter had been the one who'd started his heart again.

"My hero." he teased cutely, making Peter blush. "you saved me."

"You started it," Peter teased back.

"What do you mean?" Ray asked "by stopping the shot?"

"Yes, that you did. But I'm thinking a little further back. Remember that night in the attic? I was at my worst, convinced I was a wreck that'd drag you down with me, that I didn't deserve a love like yours. But you wouldn't leave me on my own- you took a look at the total shambles I was and STILL found something worth believing in."

He brushed away the tears as he seen Ray blush in memory.

"I remember..." Stantz whispered and Peter smiled.

"Even though I'd made a mess of my attempts to court you-" Ray giggled, aka the cutest sound ever "-you still trusted me to make love to you. So don't ever say you failed to protect or save me- you've already done it many times over."


"Sssh. No buts." Peter drew Ray into his arms and kissed him softly. Just a sweet, gentle reminder.

"Your plan was crazy, Ray. But it saved my life and for that I will always thank you. But please don't scare me like that again, OK?"

Ray was surprised to hear the tears in Peter's voice. In a reversal of their usual roles, he was the one to kiss the tears away and comfort him.

"You're worth every single bit of it." Ray assured him "that's what I've been trying to tell you since the start- you'll always be worth saving."

Peter drew him close, the two of them just standing there, entwined in one another's arms. Leaning against Peter's chest, Ray could hear his heart pounding strong. Time sidled off to the side and twiddled its fingers while the lovers indulged in a perfect, uninterrupted moment of peace and quiet.

Eventually, time took its mantle back and they drew apart, the same thought occurring to both men at the same time;

"I just wanted to protect you." They whispered at the same time, both laughing softly as they realised how much they shared.

"The ones to blame are gone." Ray whispered in reply.

Peter nodded seriously. "My father."

"Tobias." Ray said softly.

"What an a-hole." Peter said sagely, making Ray crack up at his delivery.

Both were silent as they reflected on the forces that'd tried to tear them apart, yet here they were, together again.

"I meant what I said," Ray whispered, catching Peter's attention as he kissed his partner's cheek "you're my hero."

Peter wrapped his arms around Ray properly now, kissing him with such ferocity that at one particular moment those arms were the only thing keeping Stantz on his feet. In the wake of so much confusion and pain, the urge to overwrite the bad memories with love was powerful- but Ray knew Peter's body was still recovering so he held his drive in check and contented himself with one last kiss.

"Wash." he ordered, "go on, you'll feel worlds better afterwards."

"Only if you're with me.." Peter pouted "I need to be sure I don't miss a spot."


"That's my Raymond." Peter winked knowingly at him and Ray was sure he could see right through him.

Ray nodded, then his eyes widened as something from earlier came back to him, now he'd finally processed his near death experience "oh heck- the others know about the...that-"

"Squeak?" Peter asked, biting his lip and smiling.

Ray nodded, face reddening as he removed his shirt. Peter shamelessly ogled him, admiring the way Ray moved as he took care to hang his clothes on the towel rail as opposed to Peter's 'throw everything, everywhere' approach.

Utterly unaware, Ray only paused when he walked past the mirror and remembered Peter's earlier obsession with checking him over. His eyes settled on the spot where that blast had once left a painful, taut scorch mark.

"Huh, you're right. It HAS fully healed. Lucky."

"Mm, let me check..." Peter teased, pulling Ray towards him and leaning down to plant a kiss on the spot the bolt had struck. Ray gave a breathless squeak as he fought the urge to ask Peter not to stop there, but kiss him all over, please…

As if sensing his affections were overloading Ray, Peter gently toned it down. He finished undressing and stepped into the shower as Ray finished shedding his own last layer of clothing. While they shared several heated kisses, both restrained their usually unbridled passion in situations like this. Knowing that they weren't free to celebrate just yet. There was still one last hurdle.

The Protectorate.

Ray yawned sleepily as they exited the bathroom, both dressed in clean, cosy pyjamas. Ray heard Peter slip under the covers with a soft rustle, but followed it up with a doleful sigh.

Ray looked back over at the bed, seeing Peter was staring at the ceiling and twiddling his fingers. He glanced sidelong at Ray, made a cute little noise, then lifted the covers in invitation.

-Welp. You're on your own.- his will power swanned out the door –see you in eight hours-

Ray beamed happily as he took the invitation, settling himself in Peter's arms where he felt happiest. They exchanged sweet, content little kisses until eventually sleep took hold.

Peter's dreams were scattershot, but one thing stood out. The fight with his father. The chains and the ghosts. Something was missing, a puzzle piece he had to find….

For one brief moment as he woke, Peter was able to pretend everything that'd happened yesterday was just a figment of his imagination. Sadly, it wasn't. Ray was fast asleep, snuggled up tight under the covers, right next to him. Peter smiled, even as his heart shook a little.

The Protectorate. The Elder. He was hit by a sudden urge to confront the strange old man, he deserved answers as to WHY that nutloaf had such a hatred for his surname. Ex-surname, Peter reminded himself-

Ray whimpered in his sleep and began to stir. Peter blinked, unsure what to do so he settled for the default;

"Hay, you...ya feeling OK?"

"Mmmhh….yeah. But you're really tense..." Ray turned worried hazel eyes on Peter, heart dancing gleefully as he seen how perfectly mussy his lover's hair was. He lifted a hand to run through it now, blushing as Peter snared his fingertips to kiss them.

"Mmm, you smell good."

"That's shower gel, Peter."

"NO, this scent is all you- Now, what's this about tents?" Peter asked, having totally lost his track.

"TENSE, Peter. You were really tense, I-I could feel it." Ray stammered, feeling silly even as he said it.

"In your sleep?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow "wow, you're good."

Ray coughed, knowing how silly it sounded. But suddenly Peter was drawing him close, kissing his lips lightly.

"That's my clever little Raymond." he purred and Ray's misgivings joined his willpower from last night. He happily returned the kiss, tracing his fingers along Peter's back, feeling muscles shifting under, soft firm skin-

"As for why I'm tense...well-" Peter sighed, flopping back so he was staring up at the fancy ceiling. Ray blinked, brain internally pouting at having its efforts thwarted, but he scolded himself soon after- this was clearly important. "I regrettably remembered that we're sharing this place with those crazies that tried to kill me."

"Not all of them- just one. The main one. Caroline is-"

"Yeah, I know, she's the reason I'm not coughing up my internal organs right now. Appreciate it, but I still hate her boss." Peter said briskly. "I never asked for any of this. I was happy kicking spectral ass, ogling YOUR ass and attempting to make Peck explode. For he too, is an ass."

Ray was biting his lip, amused giggles at Peter's rear-related speech threatening to break loose. But the giggles faded as Peter stared morosely into the distance. Something else demanded to be vocalised.

"What's wrong?" Ray asked, scooting over so he could peer directly down at Venkman. Peter looked up, smiled thinly, but it shifted to unease as lifted a hand to place it against Ray's cheek, tucking his hair behind his ear as he did. Ray nuzzled the spot on Peter's wrist where the scar tissue stood out, hearing a faint, sharp intake of breath.

"You keep doing, please and thank you." Peter teased as Ray shot him a curious look. Ray beamed, repeating the gesture and faintly feeling Peter's pulse as his lips brushed the skin. Peter gave a happy sigh, tangling his fingers in Ray's hair and pulling him down for a kiss. With Stantz this close, Peter felt safe enough to whisper the truth-

"I need to go back." he stated seriously.

"Go back?" Ray asked, brow furrowing as the immediate answer came to him "back home? We can't, you're still too weak-"

"No, I mean- Yes, I want to ditch this place and leg it back to New York, but that's not it. I want to go back to where I fought my father. That ghost town..." Peter whispered. Ray frowned, tilting his head to one side.

"Why, Peter?" he asked, peering down at the man sprawled out on the bed below him. Peter tilted his head so his tired eyes met Ray's.

"I want to see if I can remember anything I might've blocked out after the fight, when I ran away. There has to be a reason why I was forced to bear my father's magic- possibly I blacked something out. Any clue, however small...maybe it'll jog my memory. There's so many questions Ray- I need to know..."

Ray was torn. On the one hand, anything they could learn that DIDN'T involve the Protectorate, the better. On the other hand, would this cause Peter more pain? He admired Peter for facing up to what tormented him, but he was also afraid Peter was pushing himself too far.

"Okay.." he said at last "I'll go get the others- but I want you to promise me one thing."

"What's that?" Peter asked, heart racing pleasantly as Ray leaned down and kissed him softly.

"If the pain becomes too strong, tell us. You're not alone in this, but you don't have to keep reliving it. You don't have to say a word- just go back to the RV. We'll understand. Promise?"

"I promise, my sweet Raymond." Peter murmured, touched by how hard Ray was working to look after him.

"You're not alone," Ray whispered, "you have all of US. You have ME."

"I know.." he whispered as Ray guided him to a sitting position, tucking Peter's body close to his own. Peter closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of Stantz's skin as he rested against the man's chest. Rays finger stroked his hair and Peter let his eyes flutter closed for a moment.

As he dozed briefly, Ray studied him quietly. Nestled so close and with how much weight Peter had lost, Ray was struck by how fragile Peter felt to him. Whatever it took to make him better- Ray was prepared to give whatever was asked of him.

He kissed Peter's forehead, making the sleepy man lift his head. A languid, flirty smile was his reward and Ray allowed himself to steal one quick, heated kiss.

"Let's get dressed..." he said softly, earning a parting kiss on the cheek from Peter before Venkman got to his feet, going in search of the fresh clothing Ray had brought up last night.

"I'm so gonna fail my next physical, aren't I?" Peter mused as he buttoned up a fresh shirt, slipping a vest on over it to try hide his rapidly slimming frame. Ray set his hands at Peter's waist, sliding them down to rest at his hips.

"Well, I'll cook you all the food you need," he promised "unlimited pancakes for breakfast. Sound good?"

"Heavenly." Peter answered back with a grin, kissing Ray before turning towards the door.

He stepped out into the corridor in time for Winston to spot him from the far end of the hall.

"Hay Pete, what're you doing up?"

Peter blinked vacantly at him, trying to think up a response when Ray walked out, bumping right into Peter's back as he stood there.

"Forget I asked." Winston said, smirking as Ray realised how it looked and turned red.

"Winston-?!" Ray groaned, "It's not what-"

He cut off as Peter smoothly turned so he could kiss him on the forehead, making his brain stutter and cut out like a car engine.

"Thats a sec-ret~" Peter said softly, in a callback to a conversation they'd had what felt like an eternity ago.

"Show off." Winston snickered, secretly relieved to see Peter seemed a little more cheerful and Ray seemed like he'd possibly processed the events of the day before. If what Peter had said was true- and Winston believed him- Ray had had a pretty bad near death experience. Who better to talk it out with than a psychologist?

"Oh, are we having a meeting?" Egon was up next, joining them as he clutched the copy of Spate's he'd brought with him to bed for some light reading.

"No, but there is something we need to do...something I need to do." Peter said softly, wincing subtly as all eyes were on him in a heartbeat. All but one, (Ray) looking concerned.

"Are you sure about this, Peter?" Ray asked. Peter hesitated a moment, then nodded.

"Sure about what?" Winston asked, Egon following up with a puzzled noise.

Peter explained what he needed. That he wanted to go back to the site of the battle.

"I gotta side with Ray here and ask; you SURE about this?" Winston queried. Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair as he stared out a pretty picture window to the grounds below.

"I can't explain it, Winston- I just have a feeling like I'm missing something. Last night...i dreamed of the fight, but it's all jumbled up. I need to see it for myself, remember what's real…."

"If you're sure, Peter." Egon said "then let's go."

Peter looked back at his friends, seeing them all watching him. They seemed so sure he knew what he was doing...were they right?

"If you need to do this, then let's go." Winston offered a small smile "you two go get the RV set up, I'll grab some breakfast to go. Egon, coffee."

"Roger." Egon said, straightening his glasses as they split once they reached the bottom of the stairs.

Peter remained tense until they were outside, and not an Acolyte to be seen. He didn't feel fully safe knowing they were still around.

"Don't worry." Ray said, squeezing Peter's arm gently as he finished checking the fuel levels on the RV. Peter looked up from his staring contest with the floor and managed a weak smile. Ray stepped closer, placing a hand over Peter's heart. They were mere inches apart-


Ray blushed and Peter sighed in an over the top fashion as a grinning Winston appeared with a basket tucked under one arm. Behind him was Egon, clutching thermoses of coffee.

"Make out later, we need to skedaddle." Winston teased the two as he opened the door to the huge vehicle. Ray let his head bump against Peter's shoulder, swearing under his breath. Peter patted his hair gently, not saying a word.

Egon took the wheel and soon they were away, following the GPS back to where everything had taken such a drastic turn.

Meanwhile, in the library of the Madame's estate, Rothchild, Caroline and Marcus were stood around a map. From Rothchild's hands dangled a pale yellow crystal, which swung like a pendulum, before tugging his attention towards an abandoned town, far from the main roads.

"There." Rothchild said triumphantly, uttering a sigh of relief. The spells needed to track something so many days faded were intense and he felt a headache brewing- but it was their last shot "at last I have located a trace of his power. This is where the young man's father last stood, or at the very least where his reign ended if the stories are to be believed. We leave immediately. If we will not be granted an audience with the subject, we will have to find the answers we want another way."

"He rejects an audience because he believes we are here to cause him only further pain and suffering. With all due respect, Elder, yesterdays events did little to assuage him-" Caroline began, but the Elder shook his head.

"I will not stand down on my decision- we couldn't count on luck to send his partner into the line of fire the way he did. It was impressive they managed to use their brutish technology to trap a demon- but we're still none the wiser as to HOW that young man managed to operate a spell using blind luck and somehow take his father down. IF that's truly what happened. This is serious- he's a rogue element- who knows where his loyalty truly lies."

Marcus said nothing, but he did flash back to how staunchly the subjects friends had defended him in their first meeting. They believed in their friend, and clearly they meant a great deal to the subject. Especially the young Dr Stantz. He held considerable sway over Venkman's heart, that much was clear.

As they prepared to leave, the Madame came in to ask if they wanted breakfast. On discovering they planned to travel out to the site, she requested she be allowed to join them. If there was latent magic at play, she could help with her knowledge of wards and voodoo.

As they prepared to get in the car, Marie was surprised to see the Ghostbusters trademark RV was missing from the drive as they stepped outside. She paused long enough to ask Thibodeux if he had seen them and thanks to the cook, he was able to tell her they were taking a drive to give the weary Dr a change of scenery. That was all Egon had hinted at while said cook had been helping him and Winston pack some sandwiches.

-If they flee now, they risk their friends life. Such recklessness...- the Elder scowled to himself.

"They will return." Marie said calmly, as if reading Rothchild's mind. Caroline met Marie's eye and gave her old friend a gentle smile. If Marie believed it, then Caroline trusted she was right.

Rothchild brooded sullenly as they drove. Nothing about the subject made sense- WAS he simply possessing of a 'natural talent' as the imposter had hinted- or did he know more than he let on? What memories had been implanted during the 'abduction' his friends had spoken about?

From Rothchild's perspective; Until the mans companion had shown up, 'Peter' had clearly been the losing personality, as 'Tobias' had boasted and crowed of his superiority. But in a single second, everything had changed. 'Peter' had regained control and furthermore, talked his twisted other self into being taken down by his fellow ghost hunters. He'd fought to protect that other young man- clearly his 'lover'.

He got out of the car as it stopped, not hearing the surprised sound Caroline made as she seen what was ahead. Then he felt a familiar shiver run up his spine and his gaze snapped up. Ashwood magic- and it was LIVE.

"What is it- oh." even Marie sounded alarmed as she seen the four Ghostbusters gathered some distance away…

Peter had to swallow repeatedly to keep the bile from burning his throat as he stepped down from the RV. This was it, the site of the twisted battle against his dad. In looked almost unrecognisable at first, the bright daylight taking the edge off the terror for one brief, wistful moment. Then it all came crashing back and Peter had to fight his own body as a shudder ran through him. The old scars of the town had been buried beneath fresh ones caused by the struggle, fences and hollowed out buildings sporting fresh breaks and raw splintered posts.

"Peter?" Ray came to stand beside him, one gentle hand coming to rest on Peter's back as the others disembarked.

"I'm OK." Peter whispered as he forced his eyes open, making himself take in the scene. Seeing Rays concern, his heart ached sadly and he leaned in to kiss him briefly "I promise."

Ray nodded, trusting Peter as implicitly as always.

"Take it slowly, we can take as much time as you require." Egon added from somewhere behind him, making Peter relax a little more as he reluctantly stepped away from Ray and closer towards the wreckage he'd left in his wake. A faint breeze tugged at his hair as he stood there, eyes tracing the path of the fight up to where he'd last stood, face to face with his father. Locked in a fight that could only have one outcome. Or so he'd thought.

"We sure this is safe, Egon?" Winston asked quietly as he watched Peter just stand there for the moment "I remember watching a movie where some stuff gets left behind after a fight- like fallout, almost. Is something literally gonna come outta the woodwork?"

"I see your point," Egon said, looking at the PKE meter "but as far as I can tell, nothings stirring. If there IS anything left, it's not reacting and given Peter is a walking energy source, I'd expect to see results by now."

"Thats true." Ray murmured, thinking of the legion tree ghost, it'd clearly seen Peter as a walking battery when it attacked him after the battle.

Peter was oblivious to this as he fancied he heard a sound on the wind, an echo. The siren call of the most important spot- the place where the world had exploded and he'd assumed his life was over.

That'd been made of ghosts, hadn't it? They'd saved him, only to...what, condemn him? Was their interest truly concern over keeping Ashwood Snr's power away, or had it been some twisted punishment? This was his only hope of finding out, even if it felt like a slim one. Something here had to be able to trigger his memories.

As he walked, he became aware of the echo of his own footsteps. It was as if he existed in a bubble, the only sounds his own. This brought up comparisons of shield-domes and fights against bitter opponents- he shivered, wrapping his arms around himself. He didn't see the sparks that dances up along his hands, hidden by the sleeves of his shirt.

Finally, those footsteps came to a halt as he reached the spot where the tide had turned. The spell he'd unleashed was scorched into the dirt, intricate and untouched. His mother's final gift.

"You knew there was a chance he'd find me, didn't you?" he whispered aloud now, wishing he could see her again. His heart pounded so loudly in his ears it drowned everything else out. Thus, he didn't hear the sound of other vehicles approaching. Instead, a glint of light in the scorched earth drew him closer and he knelt down, brushing aside the soot to reveal his necklace. The one Ray had given him, the one he'd used to chain himself and his father together.

The old fears swept over him, that sensation he may not survive- but the man he loved would survive, and his friends….

He heard a scuffle from far behind him and half turned, the necklace dangling from his fingers. Blood thundered in his veins as he seen a flash of robes.

NO. Not again.

The past and present collided and he felt his wild magic stir and rear its head. He clutched the necklace tightly, hearing shouting but not understanding a word of it. He seen his friends getting in the Elders way, all shouting at once.

The necklace cut into his palm, once more mixing his blood with it. A fight of such magnitude and with such an emotional punch- such things left imprints, as Winston had feared. The catalyst was reunited with the source and Peter felt a surge of heat from deep inside. The air around him turned red and hazy then it exploded outwards-

"Hey, we told you to back off. You've caused Pete enough pain-" Winston snapped at the Elder.

"You're not going anywhere near him!" Ray added "this place is causing him enough pain as it is-"

"Your little mission will have to wait," Egon said snippily, glaring past the Elder to Marcus. To Caroline he shot a wary look, whose side was she on?

"Please, Dr Stantz-" Caroline began, only for the Madame to peer past the confrontation and see the red haze in the air-

"I think we have another matter on our hands..." she said worriedly and both Ray and the Elder, who were having a stare-down, turned to look. They seen the air shimmering around the distant figure of Venkman, he was just standing there…

Rothchild seen the scarred earth behind where the subject stood, realised too late what it was and what the unwitting subject was doing.

"Peter-!" Ray panicked, running off towards where his precious partner stood.

"Step away from that circle-" Rothchild shouted, running after Ray with surprising speed for his older years. But they were both too late as the power collected then dispersed in a flash that made them all stumble.

Egon's stomach dropped as he opened his eyes to see Peter, Ray and the Elder had all seemingly vanished.

"Egon?" Winston asked in the stunned silence that followed "did Peter….do a thing?"

Spengler shot him a look that said "really?"

Then he shrugged, staring down at the PKE meter he'd brought from the RV.

"Honestly, I am not sure. I'm picking up some strange readings, but they're almost like an echo..."

"I've never felt anything like this..." Marcus stared in surprise "but I'm sure the Elder will find a way out."

Caroline turned to one of the younger acolytes, who looked oddly shellshocked. He was a very strong empath, able to see emotions as colours and even physical sensations.

"What are you feeling?" she asked.

"It's incredible ma'am," he said "there's such fierce loyalty there- and a very strong affection..."

Rothchild opened his eyes and seen-

The subject, standing right next to him. He swore, stepping back on reflex- it wasn't just him, the other three had caught up too.

Then he noticed something was off. The subject was wearing a uniform, all of them were. He tried to grab his arm but his hand went through the subject as Venkman walked away from his friends, headed down a much less undamaged ghost town.

Rothchild looked around him, but his acolytes, the other Ghostbusters and the Madame were nowhere to be seen. Realisation hit him and his eyes widened.

"It''s a memory." he whispered, watching as Peter got separated from his friends, seen how they tried to reassure him they'd get him out-

"Won't you stay?"

The Elder's blood ran cold as he heard a voice he'd know from his nightmares.

Out of a portal stepped Ashwood snr. He observed the man as he approached the subject, only now realising the strength of the resemblance. Yet the younger Ashwood, the 'subject' known as Peter, clearly took after his mother. As was clear when he visibly fought against his father's attempts at control, finishing up with punching Ashwood snr so hard he went flying.

"-the only parent I ever had, screw you!" The memory version of Peter shouted. From outside the shield, the memories of his friends cheered, their determination obvious.

But none of it seemed to faze Ashwood snr, as he merely sighed and summoned a legion of ghosts to keep the others distracted while he attempted to sway his son towards joining him.

When the ghostly disembodied hands seized Ray's wrist and cruelly fractured it, Rothchild seen that same flash of fire in the subjects eyes. Seen him somehow get his magic under his control long enough to rip free from his restraints and lunge for his father.

-Intensity, that's what allows him his slipshod command over his magic. Intense surges of emotion, connected to the one he loves? His loyalty to his friends.-

If Ashwood snr was surprised, he didn't show it, calmly and unfeelingly attacking his son and throwing him to the ground like a rag doll.

Outside, the remaining Ghostbusters were valiantly holding off what must've been an insane level of opposition in their line of work.

Rothchild crept closer, having to remind himself this was just a memory as he approached where the subject sat. He seemed in shock as he fought to breathe, dying sparks dancing around his hands. As if trying to snap out it, the subject closed his eyes, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. Blood that ran down the chain of a necklace that Rothchild had to lean closer to try and see.

He seen it pulse, as something in Peter's blood had stirred it. Rothchild held his breath as a flicker appeared in the subjects eyes and he ripped the necklace free, clutching it tightly in his hand as he looked at the battle being waged outside the shield.

Ashwood snr returned, giving the subject one last chance to surrender but the man didn't move. Ashwood's expression twisted in fury and he snapped his fingers, stopping the ghosts but using the other Ghostbusters lives as bargaining chips. Rothchild seen all fight seemingly drain from the subject's face, and he agreed to give his father what he wanted, if only to save his friends. Rothchild honestly thought the story was going to veer off the road, what did the subject have left-?

He used ancient curse words that would've made Egon raise an eyebrow as things went to crazy in a blender.

The subject seemed broken, utterly defeated by his fathers cruelty. He stumbled to his feet at his fathers command, turning towards Ashwood snr's out held hand. But in a single second, the wind changed.

Ashwood snr's crowing was cut short as he seemed to only now realise something wasn't ringing true and tried to pull his hand free, only for chains to materialise. He stared in stunned outrage as his son smirked at him now. And that wasn't all.

Rothchild listened in silent shock as the subject credited his mother's real love for him as well as that of what was undeniably his loved one.

"How the blazes..." Rothchild whispered as the subject closed his eyes, the spells lines filling themselves in as he used the gift his mother had left for him.

"This kind of power cannot be allowed to remain. That includes our family, it includes YOU."

"You fool! You destroy me, you'll destroy yourself in the process!"

"Maybe I will, but it's a price I'm prepared to pay."

That was when the spell began preparing to deploy. Rothchild shook his head, seeing the subject seemingly and calmly accept his potential death. All to save his friends. He seen a sad smile flicker over the subjects face, as he expected the spell to take both himself and his father out.

But before he could give up this last shred of hope, a grey outline suddenly swirled up around the subject and his eyes opened, confusion warring with the threat of death, but he wasn't left time to question anything- the spell detonated, a magical sucker-punch that would fell even one as mighty as Ashwood.

-Just who is his mother? To find a spell like that and hide it in the child's mind- –

There was more to this story, yet. And the subject, this 'Peter Venkman' was the key. Too late, Rothchild realised he'd been referring to him as a 'subject', not a person. The light faded now and he seen that Peter had been thrown several metres away from his father, who appeared to be unconscious or stunned at the least. Rothchild stood between the two, keeping half his attention on Peter as he backed away from the ghosts that shimmered into being around Ashwood Snr.

The phrase 'I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy' came to mind as Rothchild observed the once captive ghosts tear the very core of his greatest opponents magic from him. They intoned how long they'd been tied to their monster of a captor, but someone had to take the magic they'd removed. All eyes turned to Peter, who panicked and tried to scrambled away, but the ghosts swept round him, discussing amongst themselves. Words reached Rothchild;

"A true heir."

"This apple falls far from the tree..."

Peter seemed oblivious to all this, dazedly begging them not to do this. The transfer was inelegant, blunt and clearly painful. But it WORKED. The ghosts must've sensed the same thing that Rothchild now concluded- that Peter was born to use magic.

The 'lead' Ghost drifted back, regarding the shivering and exhausted Peter with a strong look of sympathy. Perhaps it knew the man's fight wasn't over, perhaps it felt remorse for the trials the man had already faced?

These spirits had seen something in Peter, to entrust magic as strong as Ashwood Snr's so easily to him. Blood and compatibility were factors, yes- but to trust the son wasn't like the father was a heck of a leap of faith.

"Farewell young one, for now."

The ghosts disappeared in a blaze of light, forcing Rothchild to look away. When it faded, Rothchild blinked away the dots that spangled his vision as the rightly confused and frantic Peter was left with only the scorch marks on the road for company. Soon, the man's friends appeared through the smoke, and the one Rothchild was rapidly starting to call 'the companion', made to draw Peter to him but the terrified man backed up, warning them to keep their distance. When the one with the glasses tried to get closer, there was a power surge and the road outright SPLIT between Peter and the other three.

The Elder seen the look of horror that crossed Peter's face- seen him come to the unspoken realisation that he was a danger to them now. He fled, the memory fading as the subject vanished into the woods.

A subject.

An unwilling pawn.

A victim of Ashwood.

The twin sensations of horror and familiarity duelled for dominance as Peter seen the worst night of his life replay in gut-wrenching clarity. Seen how close to defeat he'd gone, standing over a yawning abyss where his world was sent to die. But that spell, it'd given him one last fragment of hope.

Even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

-Ray calls me his hero, but I'm as selfish as anyone else. I didn't want to die, yet...I knew if I backed down, it'd never be over.-

He heard himself whisper one last thing before closing his eyes, awaiting the detonation-

"I love you".

Words he'd regretted not saying to Ray before now. Why had he never told such an amazing man how much he loved and adored him?

The spell exploded and Peter seen, almost in slow motion, how the ghosts had shielded him to keep him alive. He shook his head as he watched himself in the past, trying to get free, begging them not to do this-

Pained tears stung his eyes and he he almost doubled over from the emotional gut punch, why had they wanted to punish him so, why help him at all?

Something made him open his eyes again, seeing the scene had slowed to almost no movement at all. He moved incrementally closer, studying the ghosts with a fresh perspective. Their hands rested on his back, but they weren't trying to prevent his escape, they were offering support. One had a hand held up to Peter's face, wiping away the tears brought on by the pain of transfer. They looked….sorry.

Peter shook his head, he still didn't understand. Why had those ghosts been so sure he wasn't like his father? He'd come dangerously close to it, thanks to Tobias.

Was Ray right, had they felt the magic was safer with him then just unleashing it?

-I still don't understand. Why did you choose me?-

He felt no closer than he had that morning- yet, something HAD changed. He looked down at the necklace he clutched so tightly. This thing had survived a nightmare, just as Peter himself had. Proof strength could be found anywhere, if you fought for it.

Seeing it transform into chains, Peter had not expected the gift to survive the madness that'd followed. Yet here it was….almost like it'd been waiting for him to come back. He clutched it to his chest, hearing the scene speed up to normal, his last desperate cries echoing in his ears before his friends approached.

The memory faded away, and Peter felt light-headed as the weight lifted from his shoulders. He collapsed to his knees, hearing a sound nearby, someone's voice over him...

Ray stood where he'd skidded to a halt, mind buzzing. One second he'd been following after that Elder, but in a blink of an eye the man was gone and Ray was alone. Not even the others were here. Were they seeing this too?

Soon the scene assembled itself around him, and he seen the confrontation with Peter's father repeat. But now he could approach the scene that had unfolded while he and the others were unconscious. He seen the grey ghosts shield Peter from the blowback of his own magic, leaving him virtually unharmed. He didn't know anything about magic but he still winced as he seen the ball of magic the ghosts had torn from Ashwood snr. It radiated a heat that sent shivers up his spine.

The ghosts turned their attention to Peter now, something almost like celebration in their voices as they spoke of him as an heir, a suitable host for the magic. It hurt to see Peter plead with the ghosts not to force the magic on him, and Ray wished he could reach out and comfort the memory, assure him he wasn't alone. He felt a surge of anger at the ghosts for making Peter endure such pain, but also understood WHY they'd done it- they'd seen the good in Peter, a trait Ray had never stopped believing in. They believed Ashwood's magic was safe with him and that he'd use it for good.

-You're so much stronger then you realise, Peter. They seen your strength, your dedication. And that strength will be what separates you from your father. You've been through so much and always kept fighting. And when you need to rest- I'll be here. I love you, Peter Venkman.-

The memory faded as he saw himself and the others chase into the forest after Peter. Then, red hazy fog swirled around him. He stumbled around blind, before there was a sudden POP and the real world popped into existence.

Ray heard a sharp yelp of concern and whirled round. Peter was slumped on his knees, hands clutched to his chest. That Elder guy was standing over him, saying something Ray couldn't hear. Ray shot over, pulling Peter to his feet and shielding him protectively against his chest. He felt Peter respond sluggishly, hands clutching Ray's sweater as the mans arms wrapped around him.

"I wasn't-" the Elder began but Ray had no patience for him tight now.

"Keep. Away. From Him." Ray glared at Rothchild "Otherwise, I swear I'll-"

But whatever Ray was going to do was never discovered, as Peter snapped out of his daze to find he was in Ray's arms. And he wanted a kiss. He needed his Raymond, that was the closest coherent thought he could put together.

He didn't hear what Ray was saying, he just interrupted it for a sweet, brief smooch.

Ray was startled, the sheer passion and longing in the kiss enough to brushed his anger aside and replace it with an achingly sweet passion. Instinctively he drew Venkman closer, a hand pressing gently against his lower back, the other tangling in the man's soft brown hair.

"Oh for-" Rothchild facepalmed as he had no choice but to look elsewhere "ridiculous oversexed youngsters these days."

Ray flushed as he parted from Peter, heart racing but relieved to see him unhurt.

Peter met his eyes, a myriad of emotions swirling behind them. But he didn't say a word, just rested his body against Ray's.

"Oh my..." Marie chuckled as she seen Rothchild facepalm and try to stare anywhere but in their direction as the two shared a kiss.

"Before you ask, yes that's normal behaviour for Peter. Man is ENTIRELY shameless." Winston deadpanned, making Caroline chuckle. He set off towards Ray and Peter, Egon and the rest of the protectorate close behind. While Caroline and Marcus asked the Elder what'd happened, the Ghostbusters were reunited once more.

"Where'd you go, my man? You just vanished and took Ray with you. Also the old guy." Winston asked.

"Ray? Old guy?" Peter blinked, confused "I thought I was alone."

"No," Egon said, pragmatically as ever "wherever you went or whatever you set off- those two vanished with you."

Ray shook his head, gentle hazel eyes settling on Venkman again "I seen the whole night replay. I seen the ghosts, seen them punish your father…."

Peter flinched, actually taking a step away from Stantz, shivering as if Ray's arms had been the only thing keeping him warm. He looked down at the necklace in his hand, emotions still in conflict.

"Peter, listen-" Ray began only for a loud beep to interrupt them.

"Wait- that necklace is emitting something-" Egon blurted, the PKE meeter needle zipping all over the place. "these readings- this is very odd-"

He looked like he wanted to grab the thing and run tests and Peter realised he couldn't bear to part with it just yet. So he held it close to his chest and stepped away from Spengler, his actions almost childlike.

"'Gon, please? Just let me keep it..." Peter shot Spengler a pleading glance, not wanting to lose something he'd only just regained. Egon read this, seen how uneasy Venkman was and nodded after a beat-

"There's no dangerous levels, it's likely just residual." he added by way of a peace offering, and in agreement even the PKE meter fell silent, and Peter uttered a sigh of relief. He shakily tried to set it back around his neck but the clasp was just impossible-

"Here." Ray said softly, his gentle, skilled hands quickly doing the clasp up. His fingers caressed the back of Peter's neck, sending echoes of longing through him. Suddenly, he just felt tired to the bone and couldn't face anything more…

He turned his head just slightly, seeing the remnants of the spell still etched into the dirt. It still looked like utter gibberish, and he had no idea if how he'd wielded it was even close to correct.

"Can we go now?" he asked, one hand coming to rest on Ray's arm. "I'm tired."

Rothchild had a million questions, but one glance at the Ghostbusters told him he'd be wise not to butt in now. So he stayed silent as Marcus followed him back to the car. Caroline offered to take care of any pain and exhaustion the strange incident had cost. Ray offered to help her as he'd done before, so the two of them ushered Peter towards the bed in the RV.

While they'd been talking one of the accompanying acolytes had taken a photo and a sketch of the spell circle, it wasn't like anything he'd seen before...

Back in Rothchild's sedan-

"What did you see, Elder?" Marcus asked as they followed the RV back to the estate.

"A great deal. That young man is still a mystery, but I believe I understand what allowed him to wield his magic the way he did. It's crude, but the intensity of his conenction- It's all tied to those friends of his..."

"I'm guessing Dr Stantz in particular?" Marcus smiled faintly and Rothchild eyed him.

"You already knew, didn't you?"

"I had a feeling. It certainly explains the death-stare he was giving us the whole time we were talking. Also, his name was the sole thing that unsettled the creature that took over Dr Venkman's body. Of course, his direct influence on the fight cemented it. The connection between Dr Venkman and the false Ashwood personality was short-circuited because of their bond."

"He's certainly upfront about it." Rothchild rolled his eyes, flashing back to a dazed Peter kissing Ray right in front of him. Kids these days….

Peter smiled as he was urged to lie down, the warmth of the blankets soon lulling him to sleep. The last thing he seen was Ray, smiling gently at him as Caroline took a book from her bag…

"This wont drain you too much will it?" Ray asked Caroline "its gotta be a lot to give each time, even with my help."

"It's true its not a good solution in the long term- but for what we need, it's safe. Once we find a way to limit his power to a safe level- what's wrong?"

"Caroline, please don't take this the wrong way, but-"

"I understand. You distrust the Elder after what occurred before. I don't blame you, things weren't supposed to happen like this."

"We knew Peter was having bad dreams, and that something had gotten into him- but it escalated so fast…." Ray shook his head "I couldn't do a thing to help him."

"You helped him break free, did you not?"

"That was by sheer luck, if you hadn't come find me-" Ray shook his head "I would've lost him. It's unbearable. I just want the whole ordeal to be over. This magic business has been nothing but misery for Peter. Those creeps that kidnapped him did so much damage-" he cut off, worried tears welling up.

Caroline squeezed his shoulder gently "try not to worry, Dr Stantz. We'll find a way to help without causing any undue alarm."

Ray just nodded silently, unsure how to feel. He helped Caroline give Peter as much of a helping hand in his recovery as he could, then she left them so they could speak privately should Peter wake.

Ray stroked Peter's hair, gently pressing his lips to Venkman's, before sitting back to wait.

Peter opened his eyes with the distinct feeling something wasn't right. He was surrounded by darkness.

"Hello?" he asked, but all he heard was his own voice echo back at him. He called out again, but no response.

After a few seconds he started to feel anxious and he spun round, looking for something- anything to focus on. He didn't see the ghost materialise behind him, didn't sense anything until it set a hand on his shoulder.

Peter yelped, tearing free and stumbling a few feet away. He spun round, hands clenched as if to fight it off- but any and all bravado faded as he recognised the ghostly figure hovering in front of him.

It was the same one that'd been so sure Peter would be a good match, who'd held Peter's wrist in an iron grip as he'd forced that horrific magic on him. Why was it here, to punish him further?

"You can't be here." Peter whispered at last "I seen you go."

The ghost waited a moment before speaking, its voice soft like the rustle of an old books pages.

"I stayed behind, I wished to find you but I wasn't strong enough to follow after you. Thus, I took up residence in that artefact."

Peter realised he was referring to the necklace, and his hand flew to his throat where it rested, warm against his skin.

"Go away." he whispered now "you got what you wanted. My father's gone and now I'm the one thats become a monster. What more can you take from me?"

"We did not take anything-"

"No, thats right, you just made me a MONSTER!" Peter couldn't keep his calm any longer, not caring suddenly if this thing COULD hurt him any further. What it could it do that'd hurt worse than what he'd endured since that night?

"A monster?" the ghost asked, it seemed puzzled but Peter wasn't being fooled.

"Yes. A monster just like my father. This magic's put my friends at risk, almost killed the man I love- what does that make me if not a monster! An imposter took control of my body and would've destroyed the world- I'm sorry for whatever my father put you through, but I am not HIM! You cant punish ME for what HE did, it's not-"

"We did not wish to punish you, child." the ghost said, with a trace of firmness in its voice.

Peter shook his head, bitter tears stinging his eyes so badly he was forced to close them "liar. You're a LIAR. I begged you to keep away, just leave me alone….instead you and your friends held me down and took away the last bit of humanity I felt I HAD."

Cool, ethereal fingers brushed his face, somehow brushing the tears away. Peter forced his eyes open, seeing the ghost hovered in front of him now.

"I regret it caused you such suffering, but we could not let your father keep it and you have more control than you realise. You freed US, all by your own hand."

"That spell was my mother's-" Peter began as he shook his head, but the ghost just smiled.

"She gave you the pattern, true. But, how you used it was solely down to YOU. For the first time in centuries, the bond was broken. We seen your memories, understood the reason you asked us to fight your father. The words you left unspoken gave us freedom."

Unspoken words? Peter blinked, heart thudding as he recalled the last thing he'd recalled before that blinding light. Ray, the way he smiled and the love he gave to Peter.

The same words that'd been on the phone he'd used to break the shield.

I love you.

The ghost smiled, nodding. "your love for that young man was a force stronger than your father's hatred, it broke his control and set us free. We watched as you prepared to perish just to save the ones in your memory. That was when we used our power to protect you. Yours was not a life destined to end so abruptly."

"My father….how did you…?"

"Magic exists within its user, many train for years to protect themselves from being bested and drained in a fight. Your father's control was legendary- we had prayed, in the brief moments of awareness we could snatch, that he would someday weaken. Your spell tore his defences apart, rendered him incapable of using it. Never would we have another chance like that. We only had a short time to make our choice, before he began to wake showed incredible courage and a kinder heart. That was why we gave YOU his magic. A chance for something once so evil to become something much greater."

"Greater-? What made you so sure I was anything good? Sorry to break it to you- but the most complimentary thing most people say about me is that I'm a smarmy, smug, self-assured ass." Peter fired back, laughing bitterly. The ghost smiled, clearly not convinced. It reminded Peter of how Ray had just chuckled and shook his head when Peter had told him he wasn't a hero.

"He fought to destroy life, you gave everything to protect it. That plus your blood relationship ensured the magic would not be rejected. I regret the process was painful- but we had to move swiftly if we were to seal your father away."

"I'm not sure that went as well as you thought. My father left a fragment in my mind, a parasite of the ideal son HE wanted. It used his magic to try destroy my world-" Peter shuddered "it nearly cost Ray his life. I can't forgive my father nor myself for my carelessness…."

The ghost looked into the darkness beyond, and Peter's eyes widened as he seen scenes from the battle against Tobias plaster themselves over invisible walls all around him.

"Curious.." the ghost was looking with amusement at a picture of Peter just as he was about to kiss Ray-

"Oi, casper. Over here. Yeesh." Peter grumbled self-consciously. He swatted at the pictures, trying to make them go away "what're you doing?"

"Accessing your memory. You're deeply asleep, the subconscious is far more open in this state, it's what is allowing us to talk so easily."

Peter folded his arms, scowling as he flushed faintly. Great, ghosts could see his love life. The ghosts eyes landed on the twisted mimicry Tobias had made of Peter's body.

"I see. He left a trace within you. I apologise that we did not sense it, but things were in disarray, an explosion like that has widespread effects."

"I don't know how he snuck it in, the battle's kind of a mess up here." Peter tapped his head "but it was sneaky. It took over my mind so fast I never stood a chance. I had to watch as that lunatic tried to destroy my life. If Ray hadn't come looking for me-" he cut off, shaking his head "he nearly died to protect me, to give me a fighting chance."

"Love is a powerful motive." the ghost smiled "one that is often unpredictable."

"But don't you see what I'm saying? That magic is dangerous- you have to take it away again, I know you can do it-"

He cut off as the ghost shook his head, only asking "why?"

"Because it is at your core now. It has become a part of you."

"Why couldn't you have just let it go? Why did you have to make it MY burden..?"

"Because if such raw magic were to detonate, it would leave a crater the size of a city where once you stood."

"Oh." Peter said, reminded of Egon lecturing him about not exploding a proton pack to get out of fighting a big ugly ghost. It would've wiped out an area the size of central park and then some…

He swallowed uneasily "then...the choice was either give it to me or potentially let him wake up and escape with it again?"

"Essentially, yes child. We did not consider your life to be of lesser value, far from it. Your bravery showed us you were more than the sum of your heritage. You ARE descended from powerful magic users, we knew you'd find your way. And here you are..."

"I'm a danger to the people around me," Peter whispered, looking up at the ghost "I can't control it-"

"You cant control it YET." the ghost smiled. "we have faith in you, as too do your friends. Plus, those others with you have ways to help-"

Peter did a double take, pointing at a memory of Rothchild in those strange robes. "you KNOW those guys?"

"Only from old memories we glimpsed in your father's mind. His mind control over us was mostly one sided, but over time, things seeped through. They opposed him with the aim of keeping innocents safe. He is older now, but I recognise this face. Your father and him fought many times, so far back as HIS father, your grandfather. It was a point of contention that those other wizards kept trying to stop his plans-"

"This is confusing." Peter groaned, his head was spinning "how far back does crazy GO in my family?"

"That, I cannot say for certain. But they have great knowledge about magic, surely-"

Peter shook his head "I don't know what you know about them from my father-but they're every bit as dangerous. That guy tried to KILL me because I'm an Ashwood by blood. Also, don't call me Shirley."

"I was not implying that was your name-"

"Nevermind….its a joke." Peter sighed, shaking his head.

"Ah, the times have changed. But the future is in good hands, if those like you and your companions persist."

Peter panicked "I am NOT a magic user, I repeat: I can't even control it."

"You're stronger than you think. You have proven it to us, and to those that opposed you. You just need to have more faith in yourself. You aren't your father, I am sure the others of your clan can see that."

The thought of a Ghostbusters clan made Peter giggle inside, he'd have to bring that up to Ray. He felt the longing for his partner grow even stronger and the ghost smiled.

"You have all the supporters you need."

"You sound like my therapist-" Peter shook his head, sighing as he felt the remaining wisps of anger start to dull.

"I hope you can someday forgive us for our part in your suffering."

Peter stared at the (non-existent) floor a moment, then lifted his head and met the ghost's eye "It's true I hated you, I was so sure you'd done it all just to punish me. But now I see you wanted to spare the world the same misery he caused YOU. You saw something in me to chance giving me HIS magic, trusting I wouldn't turn out the same way. Ray calls me a hero and maybe I can be one, even with this magic? Guess I'll have to wait and see."

"We will meet again-" the ghost began and Peter felt a spike of concern as he sensed something shift.

"What's happening?" he blurted, seeing the pictures starting to fade and the ghost starting to pale.

"The further you travel, the harder it is to communicate. Soon, you will be far from us-"

It all clicked in Peters mind- The ghosts were tied to that place, and he had a horrible feeling he knew WHY. Their actions in saving him and declawing his father had cost them their ability to leave that place. How had he missed this?

"Just hold on-!" he yelled, closing his eyes and trying to boot himself awake-

-he bolted awake with a wheeze, startling Ray, who'd been sat by the side of the bed this whole time.

"Peter-mhh!" Ray began, but was cut off by Peter kissing him, HARD. There was a gleam in Peter's eyes and before Ray could ask what was going on- the man was on his feet and out the door. Ray collected his wits and scrambled to his feet, lips still tingling from Peter's surprise smooch- only to nearly topple over as the RV screeched to a halt. This was followed by the sound of the door slamming open and rebounding on its hinges.

"Ray-!" Winston yelled "he's doing something bizarre again- go fetch, will ya?"

"He's not a dog, Winston!" Ray coughed as he headed for the door.

"True, dogs will actually OBEY orders." he heard Egon sigh, their voices fading as Ray darted out into the cool morning air. Peter was running for an overlook just ahead, something had gotten into him big time.

"Peter!" Ray cried, but Venkman didn't slow, just executed a hairpin turn and ran towards the railings at the edge of the overlook. Ray was horrified, what if he fell-?

But as he reached the edge of the entrance to the scenic overlook, he realised Peter had come to a halt and felt ready to collapse from relief.

Before he could ask what Peter was trying to accomplish, Venkman did something very unusual. Even by the standards of the last week, this was something different.

Peter gripped the railing with one hand, breath clawing at his throat. He hastily unclipped the necklace, clutching it tightly as he stared down to where the ghost town lay in the distance, hidden away behind the rows of trees. He could still feel the connection to the ghost and silently begged his message to reach them.

-C'mon, this has to work! If you can hear me, come find me!- he recalled how he'd called out to them before, during the battle itself. Closing his eyes, he imagined sending his own signal, bringing them to HIM.

"Now what's going on?" Rothchild frowned as up ahead the massive RV ground to a sudden halt, its emergency brake lights flaring. The door was thrown open and the subject, Venkman, darted out, running with surprising speed towards an overlook point up ahead. Not a second behind him was the 'companion', Dr Stantz.

"Odd." Marcus said aloud what everyone was thinking.

Rothchild motioned Marcus to drive, catch up to him "I don't know what he's up to but I have a funny feeling.."

Their car screeched to a halt behind where Dr Stantz stood, staring in silent shock.

Peter stood at the railings edge, holding his hand out over the gap. The necklace was in the palm of his hand now, a bright red glow emitting from it.

Marcus got out of the car with the Elder right behind him, with Ray turning to face them as they approached.

"We shouldn't let him utilise his magic-" Marcus began, only for Ray to cut him off.

"He's not doing anything dangerous-"

"How do you know that?" Rothchild argued, making Ray scowl.

"Because I know one vital thing that YOU don't. I KNOW him. Whatever he's doing, it's not-"

He was cut off with a near audible boom as the light blasted away, heading back towards the forest.

"Whoa." Ray whistled.

They watched in combined surprise as at first it seemed to have no effect, but just as Ray was about to approach again, there was an answering flash from the distant trees. The red light came back, only this time it brought a small galaxy with it. Many small, glimmering lights that fanned themselves out before Venkman. The red light settled back in Peter's palm, and he lifted his other hand to press over it. Another burst of power and the lights he'd somehow summoned began to shift and change.

Ray's jaw dropped as he seen them take on familiar human shapes. Faces he recognised from his trip through Peter's memories not half an hour ago.

"Ray?" he tuned as Egon and Winston approached now "what's happening?"

Ray pointed to the ghosts "those...those are the ghosts that we fought. The ones that took Ashwood's power- the ones that entrusted it to Peter..."

"Why're they here?" Winston asked "they're not gonna hurt him are they?"

"I don't think so," Ray shook his head "it's strange, but it feels peaceful..."

Unaware of the debate going on behind him- Peter opened his eyes, shoulders sagging in relief as he seen the plan had worked. He felt their energy as they clustered around him, it was like a fizzy, bubbly sensation.

"You called us?" the same ghost from his dream floated forward now.

"I realised it almost too late- you're bound to that spot, aren't you?" Peter asked bluntly, gaze moving from the lead ghost the others "because of your decision to stop my father."

A nod.

"Can you free yourselves?"

A sad shake of the head and Peter's stomach sank. "Is there nothing I can do?" he whispered.

"Don't burden yourself, child." another ghost said, moving closer and sweeping Peter's hair from his eyes. Peter knew her, he realised. She was the one who'd tried to wipe away the tears as the magic had flooded his body. "We will sleep, lie dormant-"

"But it's not right!" Peter said loudly, surprising many of them. They floated closer, in front and to the sides of him. That this young man bore such resemblance to their captor yet was so vastly different- it gave them hope.

Peter shook his head, racking his brains for a reason WHY they'd be tied down to that spot. Because they'd used up their ghostly 'energy' saving him? No, they would've been free to go once they'd reconstituted. Because of the magic transference? Again, no, they were just giving it over to him. Because…

...his stomach flopped as he came to a horrified realisation. It all made sense now. The sadness in the ghost's eyes, the way he'd hoped Peter could forgive their actions.

"I get it now. I'M what's keeping you here. Aren't I?" he whispered, voice hollow. The ghosts expressions remained as sorrowful as before, but they still tried to comfort him. Peter felt it through the connection he had opened up, only now he had the capacity to understand it better.

"We regretted the pain you'd already suffered at your father's hands, only then to endure further suffering at OURS. You were an innocent in this, but you were our only hope to end your father's curse once and for all. We heard your cries, heard you beg us to answer why we left you alive and in receipt of his power."

"We couldn't answer your pleas, we had no power left to manifest. Thus, we could only watch as your companions retrieved you and took you to what we hoped was safety. There was a link between us, but you were too far away for us to do much more than try and reach your dreams. But something was blocking us-"

"Tobias..." Peter whispered, it had to have been him.

It explained why he'd been feeling so restless, why in his dreams he'd wanted to return.

The ghosts spoke at once, their words overlapping as Peter's vision blurred, remorse, anger and sympathy fighting for dominance.

"We will sleep-"

"You freed us. That we are bound to you is no reason to be sad-"

"It's every reason!" Peter said sharply, shaking his head to clear it "you're not property- you were people once, for pity's sake! I'll look after his magic if that's what you want- even if I can't figure out how to use it. Even if I hate everything it represents- nobody's going to get their hands on it ever again. You did it, your jobs over. DO you understand me?"

The ghosts seemed stunned, sharing bemused yet hopeful glances. But they still seemed hesitant. Peter cocked his to one side, then it clicked and he made a noise like 'D'oh'.

"Psychology 101- Punishment does no good when there's guilt. You're blaming yourselves for the pain I was in, aren't you?" he gave them a stern look, which made a few of them look almost sheepish.

"You shouldn't have had to suffer-"

"That pain was at our hands-"

"You were given no choice in the matter. Even if it was in the best of intentions, what we did was still wrong-"

"Let me stop you right there." Peter said, his psych training making him draw himself up, posture more open now. He looked from one to the next, an even stare and even a faint smile. He understood what to do now.

"Yeah. You hurt me, sure, but I understand why you did it. I'll be fine. Punishment doesn't prevent stuff, doesn't make it better either. Definitely not if there's guilt. You were trying to lessen the pain, not stop me escaping. So, yeah; I forgive you."

The ghosts murmured in surprise, hope and fleeting sadness mirrored on all their expressions. They seemed to grow brighter, as if echoing the feelings of joy and delight that were taking root.

"How is he doing this?" Rothchild whispered and Winston smirked as he answered.

"Pete's a psychologist- he can read people like a book. With large print and silly pictures. Stay in a room with him for 5 minutes and you'll suddenly realise he's gotten everything bar your credit card number out of you. He might look lazy but he's surprisingly sharp."

"Drinking contests." Egon mused.

Ray just squeaked.

"What he said." Winston finished, making Marcus chuckle. Dr Stantz was an unusual young man, but it was obvious he loved Dr Venkman fiercely.

Back to the paranormal conference unfolding ahead of them; one of the ghosts appeared to be crying, so overwhelmed was she. Peter, automatically, tried to brush it away and was surprised when his hand didn't automatically pass right through. Her eyes met Peter's and he offered a consoling smile. If a ghost could blush, this one would've. He was offering all of them such kindness and mercy...

"Hey Ray, get jealous. I think that one's got a crush." Winston teased, earning a raised middle finger from Stantz. Egon snorted softly, turning back to the strange sight as Ray let his hand fall back to his side.

Utterly oblivious, Peter's focus was back on the lead ghost. This one was clearly the strongest of the set, a powerful person in life no doubt. "Do you remember who you are?"

"Sadly, we have all but forgotten our true selves-"

Peter's shoulders slumped and the lead ghost chuckled softly, tilting Peter's chin up "don't be sad, your gift has given us back one the thing we had long mourned- hope. That's all we need. Knowing you are indeed a worthy successor puts our minds at ease."

It started with the first ghost, but soon they all had similar shimmering outlines, and Peter felt a change in the air. With their minds at ease, they could finally pass on.

"Thank you." the lead ghost floated back, eyes shining with a genuine joy "fare thee well, child."

"Rest in peace." Peter whispered, then was forced to close his eyes as the light grew too strong for him. There was a rush of air, a strange feeling of being reenergised-

After a moments pause, he opened his eyes, seeing only the distant view and a starry sky.

"Did it work?" he asked the thin air. Completely unaware he had acquired an audience. Thus, when someone actually answered he made a loud yelping noise and spun round.

"Yes. I do believe your the first human in recorded history to somehow make that many ghosts cross over of their own accord." Egon said, looking at his PKE Meter as Peter sighed and relaxed his posture "they're gone for real, judging by these readings."

Peter just blinked at this result, seeming oddly unfazed.

"Huh." was all he could say. Thankfully, his stomach had no shortage of things it wished to impart.

It gurgled loudly and Peter felt briefly light-headed despite the boost the ghosts had given him before they departed. He took a step froward and would've face-planted the gravel, had Ray not shot over to catch him. Steadying his shaken partner, Ray asked was he alright?

"Yeah, just stupid levels of hungry." Peter groaned, then seemed to realise something was missing "ah, the necklace-?"

"It's here." Ray let Peter go long enough to scoop it up, pressing it into his lover's hands.

"Thank goodness." Peter whispered, he was VERY attached to this one. Ray gestured to it and Peter smiled, revelling in the warmth of Ray's hands as he once again did up the clasp.

"I'm impressed it's still in one piece," Peter mused, feeling it settle against his neck once more "I half expected it to have, I dunno- exploded?"

Ray was about to say that was unlikely, when Rothchild spoke up.

"That thing is a catalyst, that's why it survives. Most objects go one of two ways when exposed to magic that powerful- they burn out or they become stronger then ever."

Peter didn't say anything, the mans attitude was still pretty artic towards the Protectorate. Not that Rothchild could technically blame him, he supposed.

"Let us head home," Marie stepped over to join them, having observed all this in silence "I will have the cook prepare a feast for us all."

"You read my mind." Peter smiled, followed up by a second rumble from his stomach.

"Nah, that thing's just using morse code." Winston snickered, making Peter chuckle and shake his head.

Catching his friends eyes, he was treated to a nod from Egon and a grin from Winston. Ray tucked his hand into the crook of Peters elbow, drawing him close as they headed back to the RV.

Once aboard, Peter settled himself next to Ray, resting his head on Ray's shoulder. Ray smiled, procuring a candy bar and holding it out to him. As he ate, Peter seen the sweet way Raymond only had attention for HIM.

Touched by just how adorable Ray was, Peter broke off a section of the chocolate and fed it to Ray, following it up with a kiss. Ray groaned, the feel of the chocolate melting on his tongue combined with Venkman's kiss- doubly delicious. Peter's chocolate smudged finger brushed his lips as they parted and Ray kissed them softly, leading into even more intense a kiss than before.

"I'm so proud of you, Peter." Ray whispered as the drew back for air, wrapping his arms around Venkman.

"What for?" Peter asked, then realised-

"For forgiving those ghosts, I know that cant have been easy. You have a good heart Peter Venkman, don't you ever forget it."

Peter flushed, something about hearing Ray shine a light on virtues he'd convinced himself he was too selfish to give- he believed his words.

"My father's mess- it ends here, with me. I didn't want them to be forever tied to earth, they deserved the chance to cross over. I only wish I could've given them their names, but-"

"You did everything you could. You amaze me." Ray whispered, caressing Peter's thigh under the table as he kissed him softly. When they parted, it was Ray's turn to feed further sections of candy bar to his partner. Between bites were kisses, teasing and just as tempting.

"Mmm, you taste good and I don't just mean because of the chocolate." Peter said seductively, making Ray's heart pound. How could he ever hope to deny the way Peter made him feel? Easy, he didn't have to, he reminded himself. Peter settled comfortably against him, the two of them lapsing into a companionable silence for a few minutes.

Finally, Peter heaved a small sigh.

"There's still one thing left, isn't there?" he asked. For a moment Ray wasn't sure what he meant, he'd regained his memories and even forgiven the spirits that'd seemingly caused him so much agony. Then, he realised-

"Oh, you mean the Protectorate?"

"Yeah, or whatever they call themselves." Peter grumbled "That crazy old guy owes me answers- and if I'm going to have any involvement with them, you'd better believe its gonna be on MY terms."

"That method sounds appropriate." Egon swanned by, glued to his PKE Meter readings "by the way, we're back."

Peter sighed, he felt oddly jittery, like he had too much energy now. D'oh.

He stuck close to the others as they headed inside. He remained tense until he was sure the Protectorate were gone, then he heaved a small sigh. They made a beeline for the kitchen, where the cook was already underway in preparing a big dinner.

"I'm not exactly thrilled with them either, man." Winston didn't blame Peter for being gun shy around them, they'd literally opened fire on him and only Pete's unique way of talking himself out of trouble had granted him and Spengler a chance to catch the thing that'd been inhabiting their friends body.

"With the duplicitous personality gone and the ghosts freed- you should see a drop in the bad dreams." Egon suggested as he set his equipment aside, eyes fixed on the plates the cook was setting down.

"I'd like to sleep soundly for a change," Peter sighed "without my subconscious trying to work something or another out. But there's still the matter of how to stop this stuff from eating up every resource I have. Wether I like it or not- those crazies out there may be my only solution."

"I'm not sure about the head honcho, but that blonde woman- Caroline, she seems on the level. She and Ray have been keeping you from falling apart."

Peter nodded, sparing a moment to give Ray a grateful, gentle smile "Yeah, I know. Not sure about that other guy with her, he keeps studying me like I'm a museum exhibit."

"He said he was some kind of binder- I'm assuming that means he'll know the most about getting your magic under control before it burns you out completely." Egon mused "I suggest talking to him, maybe?"

Peter sighed and flopped against Ray, who slipped an arm around him and held him gently.

"Tired?" Winston asked, but Peter just shook his head.

"Strangely, no." he said "I think those ghosts gave me a little parting gift- I actually feel miles better, even with that whole memory thing. Kinda feels like I have TOO much energy..."

"Explains the fidgeting." Ray chuckled "must be a nice break from being in bed all day?"

Peter nodded eagerly and Ray squeezed his side, earning a languid smile from the man.

As if drawn by the subject of their conversation, Madame Laveau appeared in the doorway. She greeted them all warmly, with her gaze lingering on Venkman.

"It's good to see you're looking much better." she smiled "and it seems I arrived just in time. I'm taking a trip into town and I wanted to see if you felt up to accompanying me, dr Venkman."

Peter looked surprised but nodded, he had a feeling the Madame wanted to talk and he was happy to. She'd helped him immensely, maybe she could answer some of his questions about these Protectorate people?

Plus, it'd mean escaping a house where he risked running into one of the department of ridiculous robes…

But if Marie read any of this from his expression, she didn't bring it up. Peter got up from the table, pausing only to make a note of something Spengler needed, then he left.

Once in the car, Marie explained she was having a party that evening.

"What are you celebrating?" Peter asked curiously "if you don't mind me asking, that is."

"Not at all. Traditionally, we celebrate the arrival of honoured guests such as you and your friends. Given the urgent circumstances, I thought it best to postpone it until you were better recovered."

"When I wasn't half-possessed or crazy, ya mean?" Peter tried to laugh, but it felt forced. The madame gave him a sympathetic glance.

"You have set yourself apart from him with your kindness, so don't feel down, Dr Venkman." Marie seen he still had some worries on his mind. She patted his hand as they parked up, "Forget your worries for today. You've earned a respite and you'd better believe we know how to throw a party here in Orleans."

Peter nodded, doing his best to forget his worries as they stepped out of the car. The Madame beamed warmly when he offered her his arm, and they strode towards the town.

He'd forgotten just how warm New Orleans was, and he was soon opening one of his collar buttons. The Ghostbusters last trip here had only been brief and had been focused on stopping the raging spirit of Marie's own daughter. Taking a tour hadn't really been on the menu, so this was Venkman's first proper look at it without some spectre breathing down their necks. It was vibrant, colourful and seemed to have a magic of its own. Everywhere he looked there was colour and motion, voices, food smells and costumes flashing by. He followed the Madame as she led the way towards the stores she favoured.

People parted to let her by, nodding their heads respectfully at her. To her escort they spared more a curious glance, some recognising him without the uniform and wondering what his business was with the Madame?

First stop was picking up some ingredients, and not for cooking, as Peter first assumed. Marie jokingly said he wouldn't want to try eating the end result!

Peter was lost in the endless gross ramifications of the mental image as they walked into the second store, so he completely missed the way the woman behind the desk was staring at him.

"Well he's something special," she said in a hushed tone to Marie as Peter stayed close by the door, hands in his pockets and expression almost unreadable as he glanced around him. "Where'd you find HIM?"

"He came to me, as it happens."

"You've worked with him before then? Can you get me his number?"

Marie chuckled, shaking her head as she followed the girl over to the back shelves "I'm afraid he's already got prospects, both in his personal and magical life."

"Seriously?" the girl groaned "dangit. The cute ones are always taken!"

Marie chuckled, she'd seen one of the younger protectorate acolytes staring at Peter like she had a crush as he'd swanned past earlier, on his way to the kitchen. Bit of a heartthrob, wasn't he? He had an air of confidence about him that drew many an eye.

As she rang up the items, the shopkeep glanced across at Peter again- just one last peek-

Only to find he was looking right at her. She felt her face redden, so much for subtle! Didn't help that he was pretty darn hot for an older guy. As if reading her mind, Peter flashed her a brief smile, straightening up and joining Marie as she walked over to him. Given Peter was pushing 6 foot, he could navigate the crowds pretty easily, picking out store names from Marie's list.

The next shop they walked into was an antique shop that seemed to sell just about everything. Stuff was stacked everywhere, objects crammed into just about every gap. It reminded Peter of his wardrobe/office, which Winston once joked could be used as a military obstacle course.

This time Peter finally ventured beyond the threshold of the store. He had a funny feeling, like he SENSED something. He tried to ignore it, but the feeling only intensified like a bee buzzing around him. Whatever he was sniffing out, it was important. With a capital "I" levels of important.

Eventually, curiosity won out and he drifted over to one particular shelf out of all the ones that filled the store. It didn't look any different at first glance, but the thing he sought was HERE. Moving a stack of other books aside, and doing an admirable job of stacking hardwired by years of being around two avid book collectors, he finally located the source of the feeling. The book was a pale ivory, with rough-cut page edges. It was clearly very old and had such tiny writing that it made Peter feel like he was going cross-eyed trying to decipher it.

Closing the book, he lifted the heavy tome from the shelf, a familiar memory itching across his mind.

"Ray.." he murmured curiously as he stared down at it. The memory flashed across his vision this time, he was looking at a scrap of paper with a list of books on it. It was dog-eared and had been folded and refolded many times. And he KNEW it was Ray's.

How had he gotten Ray's memory? Oh, wait-

-Somehow, it's tied to those healing spells. This book, I have the feeling he's wanted it for some time..-

"Quite a beast of a book, isn't it?"

"DAH!" Peter yelped loudly, all but pelting away from the voice as it spoke from somewhere at his elbow. With remarkable self-restraint, he settled for giving the guy a "don't DO that" look.

The shopkeep chuckled, waiting until the stranger had relaxed before he spoke again.

"I have seen many a year pass and none have sought that book quite the way you did."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Peter said stiffly, reminders of the Spate's incident coming back to haunt him. Why were books so enamoured with him? He barely read, unless sports manuals counted! He set the book down, turning to wait outside, but was surprised when the shop owner grabbed his arm in a light grip and he stopped, glancing back at him. To his surprise, the man was smiling, entirely unfazed by all accounts.

"This is New Orleans, gifts like yours are nothing to be embarrassed about. I meant no offence, rather that the ease with which you uncovered THAT particular tome is quite unusual."

Peter relaxed a little, folding his arms across his chest as he stared at the book.

"I don't know how I know. The memory isn't mine," he muttered at last "rather, it belongs to a friend of mine. That book is one he's been after for awhile now. And as for how I found it?" he gave a snort and rolled his eyes "it was like a beacon, like finding that proverbial fart in a jacuzzi."

The shopkeep gave a hearty laugh at that, "It's interesting to hear such an honest take on an ability. What you have there is a form of divination. Somehow, you're able to separate the wheat from the chaff, hone in on whats necessary to a given situation. It's quite a desirable ability, for who wouldn't want to be able to see what they need?"

"Can it help find my keys down the back of the couch?" Peter snickered, trying to fight against the honest to goodness curiosity that was blooming inside. For a moment he felt afraid- was it really safe to encourage it?

"If you needed them that badly, I don't doubt it." again the shopkeeper felt the urge to laugh as the man shot him an incredulous look. "I'll go out on a limb and say this is new to you?"

"Completely. It was...kind of an accident. A painful one."

The Shopkeep tilted his head, reading the tension in the customers body. Magic being awakened by trauma wasn't unheard of, but it was said to be unpleasant and often uncontrollable. He couldn't blame the man for being wary. But there was something else, a trepidation. He clearly had a natural flair for this type of thing, but the notion seemed to frighten him off.

"I didn't ask for this." Peter murmured "but, it seems it runs in the family. My REAL family anyway."

The shopkeep nodded, so he'd been adopted. It wasn't unusual for some parents to try spare their young ones from being involved in magic- but cases were rare.

"Where are you from, if I may ask?"

Peter blinked, relieved to be facing a more normal question "New York. I grew up there, went to university and so on. Been there most of my life."

"Interesting. I have heard much about the big city, some scholars say there's too much noise, that it blocks the flow of magic from being easily felt."

Peter raised an eyebrow, wondering if that was part of what'd helped hide him from his fathers cronies?

The shop owner studied him silently- the mans body language spoke volumes, that he felt ill at ease with the mere concept of magic, even as he accepted he was stuck with it. Interesting.

Peter was back to looking at the book "at any rate, I'll take it. I know the one who wants this book would explode from delight if he knew it was here-" his eye caught on a sturdy looking messenger bag that was hung from a hook "come to think of it, better get something to keep it in, too."

"He is very into books?"

"Heh, thats an understatement." Peter chuckled as he followed the shop owner to the register "he has his own occult bookshop, but his personal collection is pretty much on the verge of taking over his office. I'm almost afraid to go in there..."

The book wasn't cheap, but Peter found he didn't care- it was the perfect gift for his beloved Raymond. The shop owner fetched a second book and what looked like a pale blue crystal in a silver setting, linked to a chain.

"A starter guide to divination, give it a try. Ive been wondering when someone in need of that book would walk through the door."

Surprised, Peter nodded, thanking the guy as he and Marie left.

"They really don't find it strange, do they?" he asked after several seconds of silence. Marie shook her head, directing them to a stall selling fried food and drinks.

"Magic runs in the veins of many here, this place has a history beyond what many can imagine. So you need not worry if some are able to detect your magic, it's just second nature to them."

Peter nodded as he and Marie found a bench to sit down and enjoy the fried snacks. It tasted a lot different to the stuff vendors sold in NY, but in a good way. Peter had to admit he wished he knew how to cook- but as the pancake incident had proven, he was a disaster area.

After a second, something new occurred to him and Marie had to chuckle at the way his normally cat-like gaze went all wide-eyed.

"I must still stand out a mile, if only by my not having trained in it. I uh, noticed the lady in the earlier shop kept staring at me. I figure she could tell I don't know squat about magic. Probably everyone here can tell I don't know squat."

"Maybe she just recognised you from the Television?"

Peter chuckled at that "I'm pretty sure I'd have had something thrown at my head if that was the case. We do essentially fly in the face of a lot of beliefs by capturing ghosts. Last time we came here, people were protesting!"

"At first glance, it would seem antithesis to a community that celebrates the spiritual." Marie admitted "but by now the folk here have come to realise that the spirits you trap present a very clear and present danger. Were they left to roam loose, lives would be unduly lost. I was telling my friends just how helpful you boys were, I think they mind a little less this time."

Peter watched the people coming and going on the street. Some stopped to offer a smile or greeting to the madame and more often then not a curious glance at Peter. Some did, as Peter had assumed, recognise him from the TV. To his surprise, they were rather more friendly this time around. Peter suspected the Madame had been staunchly defending them since their last visit and silently thanked the voodoo queen.

All the traversing around town helped burn off a lot of the excess energy and Peter found himself becoming quite curious about the different types of spells the Madame knew. She explained what the various items she'd purchased could do, voodoo was a type of magic in itself, after all.

"Different, I must add, to what you and Caroline bear, but in places, our paths cross and we seek the same things. Thats how I met her, she was here for a celebration and we got to talking about our respective areas of expertise. I hope you will return here in the future, Dr Venkman. New Orleans is a haven for magic and users thereof. You'll always find a welcoming place here."

"I'm still not sure I can admit to it, personally. This doesn't feel like my world- I was dragged into it and it probably shows somehow. I was just a normal guy before. My biggest dilemma was just having finally figured out I fancied my best friend!"

Marie chuckled softly, squeezing his arm kindly "I have a feeling Dr Stantz is connected to your magic in more ways than one. Did he tell you he helped restore your strength?"

"Yeah, he said it was via a spell." Peter flashed back to Ray explaining how it'd worked…

"Dr Stantz is very compatible with you, and not just in the romantic sense either. He's very sympathetic to the spirit world, and many wizards or mages find connections with others the way you two have. Often, these relationships develop into intimacy and even love. They refer to them as 'companions.'"

"A Companion, huh?" Peter mused "that sounds like Ray. I don't know what I'd do without him, he's refused to stop believing in the better side of me, even when I was convinced he was imagining it. He's no fool, and thats why I care about him."

"Oh go on," Marie teased, eyes twinkling "you can say it around me!"

"Alright, alright," Peter chuckled "I love him! Who wouldn't?"

Marie smiled warmly and Peter relaxed a little more. He needed to say those words to Stantz, the longer he waited, the more his heart ached.

He couldn't help eyeing up restaurants as they walked by, wondering what one Ray would like the best? Peter really wanted at least the first date to be in a place as beautiful as this. They weren't hugely well known here, with the right clothing they could slip under the radar.

His mind was full of potential date scenarios, and how to propose the idea to the lovable Ray?

As he was helping unpack the bags, Peter heard the door to Maries personal office open and caught a glimpse of a robe-like garb out of the corner of his eyes. He felt his blood go cold, he still couldn't shake memories of the fight against Tobias. Seeing Ray get shot by that elder-

Thankfully, Marie moved over to the door to intercept the one asking for her, and Peter shut his eyes, telling himself to calm down, but he just couldn't help it.

"They aren't going to harm you." she assured him gently as she approached the desk where he stood, agitatedly folding the empty bag in his hands.

"So I've been told," Peter said softly "but I cant forget how easily that elder fired on Ray. My life meant nothing to him because of my name-"

Pain clamped around his heart like a vice and he felt his hands clench tightly "that name isn't even mine. I don't know where my mother picked the name Venkman from, but it's the one I grew up with. I'm not HIM, but that madman's never going to believe me, is he?"

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. Both he and your adoring Dr Stantz were caught up in that memory spell you unleashed. He's seen your battle first hand, seen your generosity in forgiving the spirits that caused you pain. I'd say you gave him plenty of reasons to regret his haste earlier. If you do not wish to speak with him alone- I can accompany you."

"That'd go a long way, yeah." Peter sighed heavily "I'm not sure I want to even give him a chance to talk his way out of trying to kill me- but, I DO know my father was an a-hole. He screwed up a lot of peoples lives, so on that playing field alone, I guess I can hear him out."

"I will let Caroline know. What happened between you and them was unfortunate, they aren't naturally hostile. They seek to preserve and train magic, after all. Your case is exceedingly rare, that you were unaware all these years is astounding. And thats not even including the fact that, like it or not, you're from a prominent family."

"A family of total crazies you mean? Lets face it, they're afraid of me." Peter laughed, rubbing a hand through his hair.

"They assumed that at first, but your friends were quick and relentless in pointing out you had about as much connection with your family as mankind does with the moon. What was it mr Zeddemore said? 'He's so far from the apple tree, technically he's a pear!'."

Peter snorted, that sounded like Winston alright! "sounds legit."

"So try not to worry, you wont come to any harm."

Peter nodded, but he couldn't help feeling unease coiling in his stomach.

Marie set a hand on his arm, a gentle smile on her face as she spoke.

"You CAN return to the life you had before- there's nothing stopping you. But it's important to know what 'normal' is when dealing with your magic. I'm afraid that ignorance will never be bliss in this instance."

Peter sighed "alright, I guess I can give them a shot at explaining themselves. But if they start trying to measure me for one of those ludicrous robes, I'm abandoning ship!"

That made Marie laugh, she found Peter's snarky humour to be rather refreshing!

Having finished helping the Madame with her errand, Peter went to find Ray. He had a present for him, after all.

He was in the library with Egon and Winston, where else? Winston had his nose in a military history book, while Ray and Egon pored over a tome so big they could easily sit side by side and not get in one another's space.

They all looked up, greeting their fourth team member with smiles, but none so big as Ray's. He bounced cheerfully over to his partner.

"How was town?" he asked.

"Interesting," Peter said "I kept getting food smells mixed up with magic smells."

"Magic smells?" Winston asked and Peter shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's hard to explain- yes. Yes it does." He deadpanned, making Winston roll his eyes.

Ray chuckled, he liked the idea of magic having a scent. So many thoughts, so little time..

"Hm, that's an interesting bag, Peter. Wasn't aware you needed one of those." Egon arched an eyebrow, it was nice piece of craftsmanship "Intriguing."

"Huh? Oh!" Peter had almost forgotten what he was wearing slung over one shoulder. In one easy motion he shrugged it off, settling it neatly across Ray's shoulder "it's for you."

Ray blushed as Winston made a cheeky wolf whistle and Egon raised the OTHER eyebrow. That was practically a smirk coming from him.

"How did you-?"

"I was there when your last one tore, remember?" Peter smiled and Ray flashed back to before they'd gotten together. His bag had decided to tear as he was racing out of his shop and he'd begun to panic, only for Peter to rock up earlier then they'd promised to meet, saying he had a hunch Ray would be late. He'd helped him carry the books, using his effortless wit to make Ray laugh.

"I remember you saying you needed a replacement, but you never got round to it..." Peter chuckled, running his thumb along the straps fancy stitching "this one looks tough enough to withstand even your workload!"

"It's pretty weighty and- ooh, there's a book in here-!"

Watching the way Ray got so excited at a simple gift, Peter wanted to blurt out a certain three words, but his dang brain just kept chickening out.

Ray withdrew the heavy ivory tome, eyes wide as saucers. Even the pretending-not-to-listen-in Egon did a double take.

"Whats the matter?" Peter asked, rubbing the back of his neck as the silence stretched out "if it's not the one you're look-OOF."

For Ray had tackle-hugged him. Holding the book. It was half painful- but all adorable. Ray's hair brushed his nose and Peter wanted to snuggle it thoroughly. He settled for a quick kiss on the forehead instead, earning another happy Ray noise.

"Peter, this is- I've spent years searching for this book, how did you know-?" he asked breathlessly, finally letting Peter go so the poor man could breathe "oops, sorry."

Peter chuckled, tapping Ray lightly on the nose "I think a few of your memories got lodged in my head after that healing thing. I had a memory of a list- it definitely wasn't mine."

"Are you sure?" Ray asked.

"Very. It was legible." Peter joked, making Ray laugh.

"Definitely not Egon's then." Winston piped up, making Spengler shoot him one of his well rehearsed death glares. Winston chuckled, Spengler was funny when he got annoyed.

Egon opened his mouth to retort, then his gaze settled on the clock.

"Crap, I forgot to call home." he shot out of the room and the others left behind, all sharing amused glances.

"So excitable, hm?" Peter said idly and Ray smiled. He figured Egon must be missing Eugene something chronic by now- they be headed home soon however.

Winston, sensing that Ray wanted to thank Venkman far more sweetly, decided a bathroom break as on the cards and slipped out.

Alone, Ray turned his attention back to Peter. Before Venkman could say a word, he kissed him deeply.

"Thank you Peter," he whispered softly once they parted, "the book, the bag- I love them!"

"You're welcome, cutie." Peter murmured back "you deserve many many presents, not to mention those dates I promised."

"I look forward to them." Ray kissed him AGAIN, this time much deeper and Peter happily returned it, losing himself in the sweetness that was his precious Raymond…

When they parted, more than a little flushed, Ray smiled happily. Peter's heart pounded, now was the perfect chance-

"Ray, I uh-"

Ray blinked innocently, surprised to see Peter suddenly nervous.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pressing the back of his hand to Peter's cheek "you're not feverish..?"

"N-no, I'm not sick, my sweet Raymond. It's-"

"Hey, lovebirds." Winston walked back in at that point, startling Peter into letting out an uncharacteristically loud yelp. Zeddemore and Stantz both shot Peter a funny look then Winston continued;

"We need to go get some beers, turns out Thibodeaux isn't too up on those, so I said a couple of us would go on a beer run. Pete, you in?"

"Wha- uh, sure." Peter squeezed Ray's side gently, "see you shortly. Don't get too lost in that book, mm?"

Ray flushed, "sure you guys don't want an extra hand?"

"Nah, we'll be good. I know you got your mind set on nosing around the fireworks." Winston grinned, seeing Ray cough and glance sheepishly at the floor.

"Fireworks?" Peter asked. What had they been up to while he was shopping with the Madame?

"Yeah, man. Bunch of those robed guys are apparently dab hands at making them by hand. Ray's had ants in his pants since he spied them carrying the boxes in earlier."

Peter felt an uneasy shiver run through him, but he didn't want to alarm Ray so he forced a smile and nodded.

But as always, his sweet Stantz wasn't fooled.


"I'm sorry Ray, it's nothing to do with you- I just don't want to be around them just yet. Maybe later."

"O-oh, okay.." Ray said, then smiled again "don't worry about it. I'll come find you later?"

Peter nodded, being surprised by one last parting kiss on the cheek from Ray than he was gone.

"Cmon, beers waiting!" Winston broke into Peter's strange silence and all but shoved him out the door.

The beer duly selected, they left the store and headed back through the warm, balmy evening towards the car. Winston was saying how it was gonna be a heck of a party, but noticed Venkman seemed unenthusiastic.

"Listen man," he said, once they were in the car "I think by this point you've made a complete show of that Elder guy's whole stuck-up shindig. Whatever you did earlier with that memory thing- I'd say it worked."

"Thats the thing, Winston- I don't KNOW what I did." Peter said "all I can remember was holding the necklace really tightly in my hand and- oh."

"Oh…?" Winston asked as he seen Peter go a shade paler "man, you OK? Want me to pull over?"

"NO, I'm OK, I promise not gonna toss my lunch. I just realised- what did the old guy say earlier about this-" he indicated the necklace.

"He called it a something- a catalyst, thats the one!" Winston said triumphantly. Then asked "why?"

"Well, I'm guessing it got blood mixed in with it, from the way I was holding it. I remember from the fight with my father, it was cutting into my hand then, too. I think it has some weird sorta 'last number redial' function, because that's what it did. It rewound and replayed every single second."

"Didn't seem that long, but hey, it's magic- who knows."

"Y-yeah," Peter shuddered uneasily.

He fell oddly silent and Winston could tell from a glance that Venkman was still fighting against his natural talent. Winston believed Peter had considerable capability, the man was far more intuitive then he let on. But every time he started to accept or enjoy his ability- he inevitably caught himself and backed away in apparent shame.

Winston decided to give him a break and switched subjects.

"Ray's like a kid in a candy shop when he's happy, isn't he?" he asked and Peter blinked, expression softening.

"Yeah, it's good to see him smiling again. I knows he's been worrying himself sick, everyone has." Peter trailed off, sighing.

"Hay, it's not your fault. In the end, you got the upper hand and did what you do best- you talked your way outta trouble."

Peter nodded, silence filling the car for a second, then Winston had the urge to giggle.

"What?" Peter asked, suspicious.

"Sorry, I cant get the revelation outta my head that it wasn't a gerbil, it was Ray.."

"What're you- hay! Only I get to tease him about the squeaking." Peter folded his arms and pouted in his trademark fashion. This only made Winston laugh even harder.

"Sorry man, it's funny because I really did think it was a gerbil."

Peter chuckled, remembering that day "he squeaked because I pinched his sides and he wasn't expecting it."

Winston stared at him a moment, then had to ask "you guys were getting steamy in a sewer? I have SEVERAL questions-"

"What? No-, not like that. He was being a space case, so I decided to get his attention. Poor guy was still nervous about the whole relationship thing, so he just about jumped a mile. I tried to talk to him once we caught the gator, but he was flustered enough, so..." he shrugged.

"Gotta admit my man, I never suspected a thing."

"About Ray and I?" Peter asked and Zeddemore nodded. Peter sighed softly;

"I wish I'd had a clue sooner. He was using some absurd mental techniques to literally stop himself thinking about it. Then I blunder in and mess things up for him."

"Yeah, he gave us the cliffnotes version when you were kidnapped. It all worked out in the end, and this is the happiest I've seen Stantz."

Peter smiled as he thought about it "I just wish I'd figured out his plan, Winston. I could've stopped him literally suppressing a whole part of himself."

"You're not psychic Peter, not back then, anyway. But it's obvious Ray's happy as can be and you've certainly cheered up."

Peter chuckled, recalling how locked up he'd always been before. Ray had an infectious enthusiasm, one that managed to change even Peter's cynical outlook.

His heart jumbled as he thought again about saying those three words. He'd come so close earlier, when would he get another chance? He shifted, panic and agitation rattling his cage. After remembering those words, they needed to be spoken...

"You OK Peter? You suddenly got ants in your pants?" Winston tried not to laugh but it was hard. Peter suddenly looked anxious and was fidgeting in his seat.

-What's gotten into him? He was like this earlier. My money's on something to do with Ray. Duh.-

But by that point they'd arrived back at the Madame's estate and Peter was out of the car and hauling ass (along with a case of beer) up the driveway. Winston snickered to himself, watching Peter acting all lovey-dovey was a riot. Ray winding him with the book earlier had been hilarious, as Stantz had a way of being obliviously happy.

Peter found himself hanging back, even as everyone else around him was heading out to the gardens. Ray even came to find him, walking into Peter's room just as the man was changing his shirt. Ray squeaked, apologised and made to leave but Peter ordered him to come in and park his cute butt.


"Mmm?" Venkman asked, buttoning up his shirt.

"Do you….want to avoid the party? W-we can just stay here if you're not comfortable?" Ray asked. Peter looked at him, sitting there on the bed and tracing patterns on the cover with a fingertip. He looked so concerned and worried.

"Cutie, I know you want to go see the fireworks. I'll be down as soon as I can, i- I just need a little time."

Ray nodded, kissing Peter lightly before heading for the door "don't hurt yourself over it. If you can't face it- that's alright."

Then he was gone, and Peter felt the guilty knife twist inside his chest. He should be down there, yet fear and anger kept him trapped...

The remaining two Ghostbusters were surprised when Ray appeared, sans his partner.

"Where's Peter?" Egon asked, as blunt as ever. He realised a little too late that it was a little tactless and Ray's momentary wince was proof.

"Apologies, I wasn't trying to-"

"It's ok, Egon." Ray smiled at his friend, seeing relief lighten Egon's pale grey eyes. "H-he just...y'know...those guys?"

"Ah, he doesn't want to be around them." Egon surmised and Ray nodded "He's going to have to talk to them eventually- but I can tell it's a very sensitive subject after what happened during that fight."

Winston rolled his eyes but just shrugged- you couldn't rush this kind of thing. They'd learned by this point that Peter could easily wall himself off emotionally if he felt sufficiently threatened.

But he noticed, as they all set about helping set up the planned fireworks display out in the grounds, that Ray kept shooting glances back up at the house, a sad, wistful look on his face. He tried to cover it with a fake smile, but Winston wasn't fooled. Even Egon was studying Ray with a lightly furrowed brow.

-It's not the same for Ray, without Pete here.- Winston sighed- did Peter have to be so stubborn? He couldn't blame the guy for being distrustful of the Protectorate- but in the end, they were trying to apologise. If Peter would stay in the same space as one of them for more than a second, that is.

He lasted precisely 45 minutes into the party before he couldn't stand seeing Ray pretend cheeriness. The guy was standing up the slope with Egon, watching the party go on below, seeing final checks being conducted on the upcoming fireworks display.

Winston slipped into the house and found his way to Venkman's room. He knocked on the door, hearing a quiet, tired voice say to enter.

Peter was sat on the bed, staring out the window. Winston realised he'd been watching the festivities from a distance.

"Hey man, you sure you wanna stay cooped up in here?" he asked.

Pete shrugged sulkily.

"They're not ALL psychos, y'know? Yeah, the guy in charge is a nutloaf, but his second in command seems nice. She's honest about it at least."

"Mmm." Peter shrugged alongside the disingenuous noise.

"You SURE you wanna stay here? We have beer."

"Mhhm." another stubborn shrug.

Winston bit back a grin as he decided to go for the 'underhanded' tactic.

"Ray's really bored without you."

He seen Peter twitch, head tilting just enough to glance at him briefly, then he turned back, arms still folded over his chest like a petulant teenager.

-Ok Pete, you wanna play?- Winston smirked to himself, he knew how to press Venkman's buttons by now. Wether he knew it or not, Peter had been showing a lot more emotion and THAT, Winston could work with.

"All the ladies are fussing over him, they don't know WHY he's sad, they just know he IS."

Another subtle twitch, and Winston carried on, knowing he was close-

"I mean, you know how he gets- barely says a word, sighs a lot. Keeps looking up at the house every five minutes- he's like a depressed puppy. Not even candy is working-"

"Alright already!" Peter squawked, standing and turning on his heel so he could face Winston, glaring full bore at the former marine. There was an undeniable flush to his face though, he was oh so defensive of his precious Raymond, wasn't he?

"So, you gonna quit sulking up here and come join the rest of us?"

"It's not SULKING, Winston, it's deliberate avoidance. There's a difference." Peter retorted, but he sighed heavily, thinking of how excited Ray had seemed earlier. No doubt he'd been hoping to spend some time with Peter...He glanced out the window, indecision warring away inside as he considered his beloved Raymond; versus sticking it to those robed oddballs by refusing to even look at them-

"Fine, but only because I'm pretty sure it's an arrestable offence to let a guy like Ray mope. But if they start circling, I'm outie."

Winston snorted in amusement "they're wizards, Peter, not vultures."

"I dunno, that old buzzard-"

Here Winston lost any self control and burst into loud laughter. The shrewd way that old elder had spoken, the glare in his eyes- he did kind of resemble those fearsome carrion birds. Vultures were pretty hardcore.

"Now I know you're feeling better, that level of wise-ass takes conscious effort..." Winston wiped his eyes, shaking his head as Peter just stood there, looking perplexed.

Peter grumbled something under his breath but shrugged and followed Winston out of the house.

Ray sniffed the air "you can almost smell the gunpowder, cant you?" he said excitedly to Egon. From what the more talkative junior members had imparted- the group had its own 'recipes' for making fireworks, and that'd sparked Ray's curiosity. Although such excitement only lasted until he turned to look for Peter, to share this with him- and realise he wasn't coming.

"Where'd Winston go?" Ray asked next "he's been gone awhile..."

"I am not sure," Egon shrugged "more beer, perhaps? The bathroom? To drag Peter out of his room….." he trailed off, eyebrows lifting in surprise at whatever he was looking at.

Ray blinked, what was Spengler staring at-?

"Hey you two, I miss anything?" Winston sauntered down to join Egon. Who blinked and shook his head, saying he hadn't, the fireworks were still getting prepared-

Ray heard none of this however, all he was focused on was the figure stood some further up the grassy slope, looking uncertain but determined. Ray made a happy noise and pelted up the incline, wrapping his arms around Peter and hugging him tightly.

"You came-! What..." he studied Peter's face gently "what made you change your mind?"

"I don't like those guys, I won't deny. But mainly; I hated the thought of you being disappointed." Peter wrapped his arms around Ray's middle, pulling him close. Ray's hands came to rest on his chest, fingertips tracing the collar of his vest.

"For you, I think I can manage one party." Peter said softly, taking in every detail of the adorable man he held. Ray looked about to cry with delight, so Peter kissed him firmly to chase away the worry.

Some ways down the slope, two of the younger Protectorate members talked;

"Called it, they're a pair! You cant fake a kiss like THAT."

"They don't deal with magic, so they can't technically be a proper bond-"

"People can bond before they get their magic, some pairs bond at childhood!"

As far away as the two were, the two mages swore that the newly discovered magic user- Peter- was staring at them. For a moment, they had the impression of a protective, very alpha-male glare, then his attention returned to his partner.

Peter pushed aside the urge to tell them to quit staring, not immediately questioning how he knew they were staring, instead focusing back on Ray. It hit him then, that reoccurring thought and its accompanying butterflies. Something he'd thought just before the end of the face off with his dad. Something he'd wished he'd had time to say back then..

-You have time NOW, idiot. Say it.- his brain chided him and he felt an uncharacteristic surge of nerves.

"R-ray," he coughed, clearing his throat suddenly-

"Yes-? Are you OK, do you want a drink-?" Ray turned to go, but found himself spun back into Peter's hold, those warm, strong hands holding him at his waist. "Peter?"

"Ray, there's- after the fight with my father, I remembered something I wished I could've said. But I guess my mind kinda shut down and- the point is, I should've said it already-"

"Said...what?" Ray asked, puzzled and also surprised to see Peter suddenly so nervous. Peter took a deep breath, taking up every detail of Ray's face, those kind eyes and the way he felt, pressed snugly against his chest.

He linked his hands at Rays lower back, holding him tightly.

Ray's heart was racing more then usual- what was it Peter wanted to say?

"Raymond Stantz-" Peter breathed "I wanted to tell you: I LOVE you."

Ray's eyes widened, heartbeat doing laps around his ribcage in sheer joy.

"I mean it" Peter said seriously, meeting Ray's eyes "I love you from head to toe, inside and out. End of story."

He flashed back to those last, desperate seconds, that thought had been the one he'd clung onto as things unravelled-

"It was the last thing that crossed my mind before that spell detonated- I regretted not telling you that I love you."

Ray's vision blurred with sudden tears of joy and he kissed Peter fiercely, deepening it as Peter responded eagerly, lips parting to let things get hotter-

"You're telling me NOW," he whispered as he let a dazed Venkman go "and that means more then I can say-"

Peter nodded mutely, stroking strands of hair out of Ray's eyes as he studied him. He looked utterly gorgeous in the light of the moon, Peter honestly didn't think he'd seen a more wonderful sight than this-

He drew Ray in close and kissed him again, heart racing. He'd finally done it- he'd said 'I love you' and truly, honestly meant every word. Ray nestled perfectly into his hold, as if his body had been tailored to fit next to Peter's…

"I love you, Ray.."

"I love you too, Peter. Now hush and let me kiss you senseless."

Peter was MORE than happy to do as he was told. The world melted away into a haze of twilight, distant gunpowder and a faint breeze, all surpassed by Ray's kiss.

A little ways down the slope;

"Whoa, yep. I'd definitely go with 'he said something major'." Winston chuckled.

Egon thought a moment, then suggested in his typical blunt fashion;

"The L word, perhaps?"

"Lesbian?" Winston looked momentarily bemused.

"No, the OTHER L word-" Egon said, baffled.

"Ahh, Lesbians." Winston emphasised the plural and Egon groaned, facepalming. It was a battle not to laugh, poor Egon was learning a lot of stuff he probably wished he could forget!

"I'm just messing with you, man. I know what you mean..." Winston patted poor Egon on the back.

"I hear enough of those jokes from Eugene, don't you start on it!" Egon said as theatrically as he could manage, given his disposition.

"All part of modern life, my man. And hey, with Eugene's help, at least you can now understand half of what comes out of Peter's mouth after a few beers."

"I'm not sure that is a benefit, mans brain is NOT designed to know that much innuendo."

"Again, I refer you to subject A; Venkman, Peter. Total perv and he knows it."

"I CAN hear you, Winston." Peter's voice drifted down to them "wind direction, smart ass!"

A squeaky sort of giggle followed in the wake of this statement, as poor Ray couldn't help laugh at the way those two fought. Peter raised an eyebrow at him which only made him giggle harder, burying his face on Venkman's shoulder. Peter sighed, patting him on the back.

"How does he DO that?!" Winston twitched, then looked back to Egon, who was trying not to snicker politely into his hand.

"He's an anomaly. He's got to be.." Egon groaned, his sides were aching faintly "Even Eugene's not that bad."

"Uh-huh..." Winston drawled, teasing Spengler just a little.

Peter indicated to his amused partner and they moved down the slope to join their friends. Ray took one look at Spengler and asked why Egon was looking so flustered? Peter nudged Winston, asking if he'd been trying to make the genius explode?

Speaking of explosions…

They all trailed off as the first of the fireworks launched, filling the starry sky with a myriad of colours. They were unlike any display they'd ever seen back home…

"Wow.." Ray gazed up at them, utterly enraptured "aren't they beautiful, Peter?"

"Mhmm..." Peter slipped an arm around Ray, kissing the top of his head "very."

Catching his eye, Ray had a feeling Peter's mind was not on the fireworks and it made his heart pound.

-He said he loves me!- was all he could think of that moment, he was a whole new level of happy after hearing those words. When he'd first said them to Peter, he'd had the sensation that this was the first time he'd ever been told how valuable he was, how strongly he made Ray feel. Like any human being, telling and being told you were the love of someone's life- there was nothing like it.

He lifted his head to snare Peter's lips in a kiss, before snuggling cosily into his hold as the fireworks display continued.

When it ended, there was loud applause and Peter only now noticed how many of those robed guys were here.

Ray and Egon slipped away to get some drinks and Peter had to fight against the distrust instilled in him from the last memory he had of these guys.

"Hey man, you OK?"

Peter blinked, seeing Winston was studying him with a slightly worried frown. Peter looked down at himself, he was tenser than a wooden board and was clutching his sides so tightly it'd be a miracle if he didn't have more bruises to add to the ones already inflicted.

"Fine." he said stiffly, but truthfully "are there MORE of them, now?"

"Huh? Nah, as far as I know theres just this one detachment here. If it's that bad, go back inside. You look a little green..."

For a moment, it looked like Peter wanted to say something, explain the reason for that guilty look on his face- but then he shook his head and said he was going to find the bathroom. Winston gave him directions and watched Venkman dart around the side of the house, tension still radiating from him.

Peter made the lavatory trip as brief as possible, he didn't want Ray to think he'd bailed on him, and headed back the way he'd came. As he walked past one of the curtained windows, he caught sight of his reflection in the moonlight. He almost didn't recognise himself, it surprised him how thin he looked. No wonder Ray had been worried about his appetite...

"I dunno man, he said he had to pee-ter, there you are." Winston transitioned from one sentence to another as Venkman rejoined them. Ray looked relieved, handing a cold can of beer to Peter, who paused only to kiss him on the forehead before cracking open the can.

Egon was hit by a momentary pang of jealousy, wishing again he could've brought Eugene with him. He missed him so strongly, he didn't have the words for it right then...he batted the thought away, turning his attention back to his drink in an effort not to be caught staring at his friends.

Unseen by Spengler, Ray HAD spotted the brief and oddly lonely expression on Egon's face. He knew they needed to head home soon, and not just because Peck was gonna blow a gasket.

The party went on for awhile longer, with Marie giving a speech highlighting the visiting Ghostbusters as the reason. Peter kept his distance from the robed guys, and they seemed to the same. He sometimes caught an apologetic glance in his direction and realised he was kinda tarring them all with the same brush as the elder.

They decided to turn in not long after that, with Egon and Winston parting from them to make their way to their bedrooms. The house was huge, all its rooms were full and some of the protectorate had moved to a nearby hotel.

Peter slipped his hand into Ray's as they walked upstairs, smiling as Ray snuggled close to his side.

Ray leant into him as they stood before the door to Peter's bedroom- those soft hazel eyes filled with a sweet contentment and something else…

Peter set a hand on the door, whispering "mind if I have you in my bed tonight, Raymond?"

Ray kissed him warmly and Peter somehow got the door open, closed behind them and locked, all while never ceasing the kiss. He pressed Ray gently back against the door, lining their bodies up so they were close as possible-

"It's just us tonight," Ray whispered in his ear "forget the rest of the world."

"Ray.." Peter whispered as he was let go, he'd missed this, the feel of him- for a moment he felt almost light-headed, were they finally free to just indulge in one another? No trips, no pressure, no magical force bearing down on them. Their love life had taken a backseat between the initial trauma and the efforts taken to get them all here. Ray had been tending to HIM, never thinking of his own needs. Just how had his sweet little Stantz been so patient?

Peter kissed him HARD, hands roaming down to the man's bottom and caressing it gently. Even though he was wearing jeans, peter swore he could feel the tantalising heat of his lovers skin.

"I missed you.." Ray whispered huskily as they parted for air, groaning softly at the feel of Peters fingers tracing over his bottom and up his spine. Peter nipped at his earlobe, making Ray go weak at the knees and a teasing shiver to race up his spine. The door was the only thing keeping him on his feet, besides Peter's strong embrace that was. Peter continued his attentions on Ray's ear, kissing that sweet spot behind it…

"Ahh, P-peter..."

"I missed you too, my sweet Raymond. I'd say you are WELL overdue for a night of, shall we say, "heated" attention." Peter purred, placing a kiss at the edge of his jaw. He could feel Ray's pulse, how fast it raced beneath his skin...

"Is that your professional opinion, Dr Venkman?" Ray teased as he nuzzled Peter's nose, but the happiness in his eyes didn't need words to be understood.

"Oh, yes.." Peter purred, kissing Ray again and again, murmuring his gratitude between kisses.

He unbuttoned Ray's shirt, tracing his fingers along the mans collarbone before nudging the shirt off his shoulders, watching the way it brushed against Ray's skin as it crumpled to the floor. Ray stepped away from the door, slipping his hands up under Peters t-shirt and 'helping' it off him, seeing the way Peter shivered lightly as the air hit his skin. Many of the cuts and bruises Peter had sustained during their fight to get here were faded now and Ray let his hands trace over each one, feeling the way Venkman's breath hitched in his throat as Ray's hand came to rest over his heart.

Ray kissed him before he could say a word, hands slipping back down to Peter's belt. Once they'd freed themselves from the constraints of their clothing, bound together by an overwhelming need to be as intimately close as possible- Peter guided Ray over to the bed, scooping him up and clambering onto the bed so Ray was sat snugly on his lap.

He smiled, hearing Ray squeak in adorable anticipation.

"You make the cutest noises," he groaned as he brushed his hands along Stantz's thighs, making the man shiver lightly and press even close to Peter.

Peter had thought Ray had looked gorgeous when he'd kissed him under the moonlight- but as he took in the fully unclothed Ray straddling his lap- THIS was the most stunning sight he'd ever seen….no question.

Ray felt light-headed as he finally realised that look of total adoration and unashamed longing was all for HIM. He recalled Peter saying he loved him head to toe and thought for a moment his heart would break speed records as Peter looked at him so sweetly.

"You're amazing, Ray..." Peter whispered, seeing Stantz blush softly "I love you just the way you are, never forget that."

"It's a promise.." Ray murmured, kissing Peter deeply. He wanted Peter so badly- all he could think about was giving himself over to Peter's talented hands. Peter must've read his mind, as he groaned eagerly into the kiss, whispering that he couldn't wait any longer. He'd been dreaming about this at every opportunity, dreamt of comfort and safety in his bed, just the two of them…

"You've been so patient, my sweet Ray. Tonight is all for YOU." Peter whispered, fingertips tracing down Ray's body "you just lie back and let me take care of everything."

The seductive tone of Peter's voice was already making Ray more...aroused than he'd ever experienced before. He HAD missed the feel of Peter claiming HIM…

The air was heavy with the scent of pheromones, of anticipation.

"I'm all yours," Ray whispered softly, a small gasp of anticipation escaping him as Peter moved soundlessly, setting Ray down on his back, the pillows propping him up. Silvery moonlight traced a magical outline over their bodies, it felt like time had stood still. Ray's hands gently cupped Peters face, letting Stantz take in every detail of his lovers features.

At the start, Peter had doubted he was truly worthy of Ray's affections- Stantz was such a sweet, innocent thing, what if his association with Peter just took something away from that? But now he knew for sure just how strong Ray's love truly was, how Ray's sweetness had drawn his own better side to the light of day. How he deserved to love and be loved in return.

"You are amazing." He whispered aloud, "In fact, I could just eat you up.."

An idea sparked in his eyes and Ray felty his heart surge anew- what was that gleam in Venkman's eye? What was Peter thinking about that they hadn't already done? The train of thought crashed quite thoroughly as Peter smiled cunningly, tracing a finger down the inside of Ray's calf. "in fact..."

"Peter? What're-ooh..."

Ray began to query what Peter was thinking, but any questions soon fled the scene as Peter proved just how well versed he was in such pleasurable things. Before the rest of the sentence could leave his lips, Ray was treated to the new sensation of his partner settling back between his legs, then moving down-

Ray gasped, scrunching handfuls of the bedsheets as fresh thrills raced up his spine. Any remaining willpower abandoned ship as Peter took him in completely, sending a heavy shiver of wanting up Stantz's spine. The intensity was beyond words- Ray arched his back, toes curling into the fancy sheets. He was faintly aware of fingertips pressing into his hips, a constellation of heat..

Peter listened to the cute noises Ray made as he introduced him to this previously unknown method of pleasure. It was the least his dear Raymond deserved, as Peter hadn't been joking when he'd said he wanted Ray to let him take care of everything…

"Peter, mhhh, that feels so good..." Ray whispered softly, closing his eyes and letting himself indulge in being the centre of his lovers attentions. He'd held his intimate daydreams and heated thoughts at bay, so as to give Peter the attention he needed. To remind himself that Peter needed him, physically and mentally, to keep his head above water. But Peter was back now, his strength, his vigour- all of it back as it should be.

Tonight was a night to celebrate.

Ray scrunched handfuls of the covers tightly in sweaty hands, breathing rapid and heavy as the sensation grew more and more powerful-

"Peter, I-i'm-!" he tried to convey what he was feeling, but his words failed him as the pleasure was just too strong, and he quickly sank back into it, letting it fill his senses. Peter made an encouraging noise, the soft purr of his voice only making Ray get even closer to the edge-

"Ah! yes-!" The sensation reminded him of the fireworks, that brilliant explosion of colours at the end, a grand finale...

Ray flopped back against the pillows as the climax faded, breathing heavily as the dizzying buzz of this new sensation flooded his veins. Opening his eyes, he seen Peter sit back on his heels, the moonlight catching his eyes as he looked at Ray, both catching their breath after the intensity.

"You really do eat a lot of sugar, don't you?" Peter teased, licking his lips as he knelt over Ray, kissing his forehead "so very sweet, my Raymond. I've wanted to taste you for awhile now..."

"R-really?" such a bold statement, but he knew Peter wasn't lying...

"Mm-hmm. And it was magnificent." Peter ran his tongue along his lower lip, Ray was so sweet...

"Then...I want to know, too!" Ray said, almost pouting at not being in on the secret. He tangled his fingers in Peter's hair and kissed him, surprising Venkman with his boldness. Venkman groaned happily, parting his lips to let Ray kiss him even deeper.

Ray flushed, curiosity lending him confidence as he kissed Venkman, picking up on the new, unfamiliar taste on his lips. It made Ray wonder how his partner….tasted?

He let Peter go at least, seeing a rare glimpse of a very stunned but pleased Peter.

"Intriguing," Stantz whispered, making Peter flush at just how HOT that was.

"Well, I can teach you, if you like…" he purred, a gleam in his eyes. Ray kissed him eagerly, ohhh, he wanted to know alright.

But right now, he wanted something else, and he got his wish as Peter retrieved the tube of a certain liquid, slathering his fingers in it before teasingly starting his preparations.

Ray kept his promise, letting Peter lavish attention on him, taking care to fulfil every need his precious Stantz had. It was a slow, teasing preparation, as if letting Ray catch his breath before the main event.

But Peter wasn't done amping up the surprise factor, as he paused a moment, then shifted so he could rest Ray's legs on his shoulders, the shift in angle making the pleasure all the more enticing as he gently eased himself into Stantz.

"Comfy?" Peter asked cutely, hearing Ray making little squeaks of pleasure. Ray nodded, he hadn't thought he was that flexible, but there was no denying he liked this.

"You're more than you realise, cutie. Stamina, bravery, now flexibility." Peter whispered as he nibbled on Ray's ear, seeming to read his mind "and we've only just begun unlocking your potential."

Ray kissed him, conveying his approval of this wilder side Peter was nurturing. Then, they could wait no longer, and Peter drew back, plunging into his lover as he slipped into a fast, deep rhythm.

Ray clung tightly to him, and for the first time since they'd started sleeping together, Peter felt Ray's nails dig into his back. Ray had often held back, nervous about leaving painful marks behind. But far from hurting him, it sent delightful shivers up Venkman's spine.

Ray could feel the shift of Peter's muscles beneath his hands, felt the power coiled beneath his calm exterior.

The pleasure was starting to mount now, and Ray gasped Peter's name as he felt the climax loom.

"Thats it, sweet Ray..." Peter whispered, pressing his lips to Ray's briefly. "don't hold back."

Somewhere in the mansion, a grandfather clock rang, the deep tolls marking the seconds as with one final movement, Peter brought Ray and himself over the edge. Their voices combined, a symphony of gasps and moans, their names, declarations of love…

"You're amazing," Peter whispered in Ray's ear as he gently eased Ray's legs down off his shoulders, easing out of his partners body so the man could stretch. "I mean it Raymond. I've never had anyone like YOU in my life before. I must've finally done something right to deserve you.."

Ray flushed, the praise making his heart jump a little. All those experienced partners and HE'D left the biggest impact on Peter?

"You have done since the start," Peter whispered, reading the expression on his partner's face "You see, cutie, you gave me something nobody else has ever done."

"What's that?" Ray whispered. Peter kissed him lightly, then smiled.

"A second chance. Even though I stupidly tried to push you away, you seen right through me and didn't let me punish myself. I've never truly wanted anyone before, but once I started falling for you, it was impossible to stop. And I have NEVER been so happy."

Ray kissed him, feeling close to crying from how ecstatically happy he was. Peter kissed the tears away before they could fall and drew Ray into his arms, nuzzling his cheek.

"Thank you Ray. You, the brought me back."

"We need you...I need you." Ray whispered, kissing the spot over his heart "I love you, remember?"

"I Love you too, my precious Raymond." Peter said honestly, the words making his heart skip a beat. He'd never said the words out loud to anyone before, had always rejected the idea. He'd thought it too much of a risk, when in fact it'd turned out to be the saving force in his life…

Sleeping around, indulging in just plain carnal desires- it'd distracted him for the brief time it occupied him. But eventually, he started yearning for more and that feeling had only amplified when he'd learned about Ray's sexuality and started wishing he had someone as sweet as Ray.

He hadn't dared let himself aim to actually acquire the attentions of the man himself, Ray deserved better, right? But all his efforts to resist had been in vain when the idea that Ray liked him back was introduced. Peter had been genuinely surprised when Ray had confessed he'd had a crush on him since university.

He heard the soft sounds of sleep coming from Ray and smiled, studying the man he held so firmly.

Was Ray aware just how much he'd changed Venkman's life? Peter had a feeling he knew after tonight. He'd done his best to reward his lover for the strength he'd given him.

For now, he just relaxed, closing his eyes and letting the soft rhythm of Ray's breathing lull him to sleep. An owl hooted outside as the two exhausted lovers slept, tangled up in the blankets and each other.

He found himself floating in an empty space once again, but memories soon flooded in, surrounding him like a dozen portraits.

Memories of that night, the ritual.

His blood felt like ice in his veins, but when fear threatened to overwhelm him, he felt a warmth wrap around him and recalled who shared the bed with his sleeping body. The fear backed off, hanging at a low ebb as he drew the memories closer. They weren't all his- some were clearly Raymond's. He seen Ivan's face and flinched in disgust, but the memory didn't pause on him- fast forwarding to show Ray punching him clean across the room. Blinding lights and chaos filled his vision, but he seen, from the corner of his eye-

He dragged the second memory window over and gaped.

It was Spengler. He was slipping between the broken ranks of the cultists, brandishing a knife. Peter watched on in stunned amazement as Egon cut him free and hunkered down to keep them out of the line of fire. Then Ray shouted something and Egon nodded, lifting the proton gun to fire at the markings on the floor. A cultist shouted and Egon shot them a look of venomous fury, all the while shielding Venkman's unconscious body. More blazing red light lit every corner of the room and Peter caught a glimpse of Winston as he punched a guy hard enough to incapacitate him, shouting something loud enough for Peter to hear as he spun round to view this POV;

"-that's for hurtin' my friend, a-hole!"

The final window showed them all clustered around him, Ray crying silently as he checked Peter over, then a mad dash back to Ecto-1...

The images faded away and Peter was left floating in darkness, stunned. He'd taken it for granted, but his friends, they were like the family he'd never had. The love of his life had been working alongside him all these years- Peter felt a funny sort of smile make an appearance as he tied all this together. He really was lucky….wasn't he? He had a home, a life, friends and a lover. Placed alongside all that, his magic didn't seem so threatening did it? They'd seen it at its worst and their reactions hadn't ranged beyond "well, that's a thing that happened", and intense scientific curiosity on Egon's part. Even Eugene's reaction had been "Dude, that was cool." when he'd seen Peter blast that door to bits.

-If you have to learn to corral magic, who better with then these crazies, eh?- his mind teased and he chuckled, feeling a lot lighter suddenly. He was just a slightly bigger oddball now than he'd been before, so what?

The darkness swooped in, but this time it was the comforting embrace of deeper sleep and Peter drifted away, knowing the nightmares were done for good.

He woke in the morning, far earlier than he normally did. He stared lazily up at the ceiling before his attention turned to the snoozing Raymond, who was cuddled up close to his side. Peter smiled, tracing fingers through Ray's hair and down his back. Ray moaned softly in his sleep in response to the caress.

"Mmm, Peter..." he murmured, making the man himself blush from how impossibly adorable that was. Was...was Ray dreaming about him, even now?

Mind. Blown.

Peter giggled to himself, heart aching with the sweetness of it all. So he just lay there, letting Ray sleep while his mind wandered. His stomach felt a little tense as he recalled saying to the Madame that he'd give those Protectorate guys a chance. He knew it had to be done, but he had one stipulation he needed to inform her of. His friends needed to be present, this affected them as much as him and-

He was drawn away from his morose thoughts by Ray stirring, yawning softly and lifting his gaze to look at Peter.

"Hey, you." Peter said with an easy smile, stroking Ray's hair out of his eyes.

"Hey.." Ray responded, propping himself up so he could lean over Peter and kiss him softly. He must've caught a trace of worry in Peter's eyes as they parted "what's up?"

"I seen my memories last night- the ones my trauma blocked out."

Ray blinked, eyes wide, looking worried yet intrigued "how?"

"I don't have a clue, cutie. I just seen them, but here's the thing; they were YOUR memories."

"Mine?" Ray's eyebrows rose even higher "thats"

Peter smiled "I seen you guys bust the door down, punch that creep- I seen Egon drag my unconscious ass out of that chair...all of it. I owe you guys, big time, for saving me."

"We're your friends, of course we came for you." Ray beamed "even if you're as stubborn as a mule and drive everyone crazy, we wouldn't have you any other way. Well, maybe a bit less sarcastic-mmmhh!"

"Cheeky." Peter chuckled as he released Ray from the kiss, but he knew what Ray was getting at. Maybe it was time he took life more seriously? He had Ray by his side, so maybe-?

"Maybe an old dog CAN learn new tricks?" he murmured idly.

" that an innuendo?" Ray asked innocently, making Peter burst into peals of laughter.

"Ohh, Ray, Ray, Ray…..that was..." Peter kissed him fiercely "that was amazing. It's certainly giving me plans for your end-o." he added, making Ray blush beet red and giggle uncontrollably at the same time.

"You're...shameless.." Ray laughed, which made Peter grin and wink cheekily at him.

"Why thank you, doctor Stantz!" he said in as posh an accent as possible "my pleasure! And yours, if memory serves me well."

This line came complete with Peter waggling his eyebrows flirtatiously.

Ray pinned him to the bed, kissing him happily. It was a joy to hear Peter laugh with such abandon, to see his confidence building back up with each kiss and shared smile. But he caught a flash of uncertainty in those eyes as they parted, knowing something was still on Peter's mind.

"What is it?" he asked simply, sitting up and drawing Peter with him.

Peter took a deep breath and told him about how he'd finally, albeit reluctantly, agreed to talk. But he wanted them all with him, this was part of their lives too...

Ray nodded, then kissed Peter, murmuring he would be there, no questions asked. Also, that he was impressed.

"About what?" Peter asked, expression scrunched in genuine confusion. Ray really was a miracle at finding things to be amazed by-

"For agreeing to talk even though you don't trust them right now." Ray said "that took courage, Peter."

"You're adorable." Peter snorted, shaking his head "I'm no hero here, cutie. You been borrowing those fantasy novels from the library again?"

"I'm serious," Ray said, kissing him gently as if Peter hadn't just tried to downplay his actions "you're so much more than you give yourself credit for, Peter. Sooner or later I'm gonna see you accept it the same way YOU showed me I could be...uhm...y'know, confident..."

"Deal." Peter smiled, kissing Ray lightly. But he felt a nervous, restless sensation start up in his stomach despite his best efforts, spreading to the rest of his body soon after. Ray watched him fidget, drawing his knees to his chest.

"Restless?" he asked, tracing his fingers across Peters shoulder as the man fidgeted.

"Is it that obvious?" Peter sighed, glowering at the far wall at the mere idea of conducting talks with those cult guys. "But I know; It has to be done, otherwise I'll never get my normal life back, will I?"

"True, but me and the others will sit with you, if you prefer?" Ray suggested. Peter blinked at him, then nodded gratefully. He sighed as some of the unease let him go, but a lot still remained-

Ray shifted so they were sat side by side, setting his hand on Peter's thigh, nuzzling him sweetly.

"R-ray?" Peter's mind was going 100 mph, in one very crude direction.

-Total perv, indeed. Well played, Winston.- he thought, coughing politely. -not everything is sex, he's trying to comfort you. Now, kiss him before he gets suspicious!-

Ray groaned happily as Peter relaxed his posture enough to kiss him, but he easily read the signals hastily covered by Venkman's smooch. It seemed Peter had some excess energy left over, so why not help him use it up?

"Ray..?" Peter looked up at his precious lover, seeing that sweet kindness written all over Ray's face. He KNEW, Peter realised, and going by that smile-

Ray's hand rounded the top of his thigh, settling between his legs as Ray kissed him, Peter was powerless to resist the feel of those talented hands. He instinctively laid back against the pillows, allowing Ray to seamlessly move to straddle him.

"May I?" good grief, even his voice was a turn on-

"Mmmm, yes. Very much yes, Raymond." he panted.

Ray's hands linked around his shoulders as the younger man settled himself down onto his eager partner. Peter let his hands brush over Stantz's bottom, squeezing it gently as he was all the way in. Ray shivered heavily, biting back a loud moan. Gripping the fancy headboard behind Peter, he began to move, feeling Peter settle into the rhythm, giving back as much as he could, squeezing Ray's rear again as the pleasure mounted higher. They kept their voices down, there was more chance of people being awake at this hour-

Peter closed his eyes, hearing and feeling his climax and his sweet Raymonds a second after. Ray rested against his chest, his eyes meeting Peter's as he opened them.

"Fantastic arse." Peter said breathlessly as they enjoyed the sensation of their finish. A callback to the incident with the car, where Peter had shamelessly admired Ray's ass. Ray giggled, recalling how flustered he'd been to realise his BUTT was so interesting.

Ray gently eased himself off Peter's lap, and they lay back on the bed, catching their breath.

"I missed how good you felt, cutie." Peter murmured, linking his hand with Ray's. "You took such care of me, one night doesn't seem like thank you enough. There's some restaurants in town- would you...want to go? As a date, like I promised?"

Ray's eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. "I'd LOVE that, Peter." he whispered happily.

Peter kissed him, ecstatic. His first real Im-in-love date!

They settled back against one another, both in a lovely 'just right' sort of mood, and Peter didn't want to move from the bed unless he had to. This was perfect.

Eventually however, Ray reminded him breakfast was a thing and he sighed loudly, making Ray giggle. He hammed it up, and Ray played along, jokingly trying to drag him out of bed in a tangle of blankets, until the laughter became too much and they had to pause to let it runs it's course. Once they'd finished laughing at nothing really, Peter took Ray's hand and guided him towards the shower.

Ray traced his fingers over the marks on his hips left by Peter as he'd firmly held Ray in place during last nights oral pleasures.

"You really liked it, huh?" Peter murmured as he set his hand on Ray's back. Ray nodded, blushing.

"Well, if you want it again, just say so, okay?" Peter said, kissing Ray gently. Ray nodded again, too excited to talk, but there was excitement in his eyes too.

Peter caught his own reflection in the mirror, grinning as he seen Ray's marks on his shoulders. Ray opened his mouth to apologise, but Peter shook his head, reminding him that HIS marks were something to love.

"You never hurt me, cutie." He teased gently as he ushered Ray into the shower with him.

Ray would have happily stayed in the shower with Peter until the water ran cold, but his stomach gurgled to remind him a night (and part of the mornings) of passion used up a lot of energy….

Peter had a sudden realisation as they dressed, pausing half-in and half-out of his underwear.

"It just occurred to me that I didn't specify WHEN she wanted to talk to us? In hindsight I probably shoudl've asked but- ehh?" he shrugged in that 'cannot-be-arsed' way, awaiting a response from Ray. When none came, he finished pulling his pants up and turned to look at Stantz, catching the tail end of a guilty expression as it was replaced by a sheepish grin.

"….yes?" Ray squeaked, expression somehow innocent but guilty as heck at the same time.

"Raymond, were you listening to a word I said?" Peter asked, one eyebrow arching steeply.

"Yes. No. I mean- I-was-admiring-your-butt." Ray confessed sheepishly as Peter stared unflinchingly at him. Peter maintained this silence for about 3 seconds before he cracked up laughing, pulling Ray to his feet and kissing him quickly.

"I'm flattered," he said saucily "feel free to do so cutie, I've done it to you plenty of times."

Ray thought of the thing with Janine, where she'd openly scolded Venkman at a gathering, for arse-gazing. And that had been when he was fully dressed...Catching his eye, Peter grinned.

They left the bedroom, heading for the kitchen. They passed a couple of the younger robed acolytes, who cast openly curious gazes at Venkman.

"What're they staring at?" Peter muttered under his breath as they rounded the corner, the kitchen just ahead.

"I think they're just curious. To them, you're a powerful, aloof mystery that managed to trick a parasite right into a trap."

Peter looked at him, slightly bemused. "Really? I thought they seen a threat from one of the big bad families."

Ray sighed, unsure how to persuade Peter to trust them, especially when he wasn't sure, himself.

"This is hard." he said at last, as they walked into the kitchen.

"Thats what he said." Peter winked, making Ray facepalm.

Hearing a chuckle, they looked over and seen the cook walk in from the storage room.

"This is better then stand-up!" she encouraged, winking at the blushing Ray "you two early birds want anything particular?"

Ray asked for what shed been making the last few days, times two. She nodded, clearly seeing Peter needed feeding up after what he'd endured.

Ray and Peter ate and talked, holding a cute but private conversation until their friends arrived.

"Whoa," Winston did a double take as he observed Ray and Peter already having made their way through their food "how'd you two get here so early?"

"You must have woken up far too soon." Egon suggested as he went to make some coffee.

"You're implying we got any sleep." Peter joked, nudging Ray, who turned bright red, elbowed Peter in retaliation, then burst into a fit of giggles, punctuated by the odd flustered squeak.

"One of these days you're gonna break him doing that, Pete." Winston sighed, shaking his head as Egon just facepalmed.

The cook was having to pull out all the stops to not bust her sides laughing, watching these four was WAY better then stand-up!

"Sorry, cutie." Peter murmured, looping an arm around Ray's middle, waiting until the younger man could breathe again.

"How do you DO that?" Ray wiped his eyes "is your frontal lobe just stacked with 'rude response' nodes?"

"That would explain SO much. Like hows theres not a whole lot else in there." Egon interjected, waiting a second for Peter to clock the insult and smirk accordingly at the middle finger sent his way.

Winston rolled his eyes but smiled, this was more like what passed for normal for them; thinly veiled jokes and playful insults. And innuendo, though that was mostly just Venkman.

As they wound up breakfast, Marie entered. All the guys got up to greet her, and she smiled warmly. She sat down on Peter's other side, him and Ray scooted up to make room.

"Are they asking to see me?" Peter asked, reading the concern in her eyes. She nodded silently and Peter sighed.

"Wait, whatsis?" Winston asked.

"I.." Peter cleared his throat, "I said I'd try talking. To them. Those guys."

"Ah, gotcha man. You want us along with?" Zeddemore asked, indicating him and Egon "we know you're bringing Ray for sure."

Peter nodded "yeah, that'd be good." he said quietly.

Marie nodded "I expected as such, and while they aren't usually prone to letting so many in on what would be a highly personal discussion, the circumstances are wildly different in this case. What happens to Dr Venkman affects all of you, particularly you, Dr Stantz."

Ray nodded, he wasn't letting Peter face those guys alone.

"Now?" Peter asked, stomach shifting. On instinct he let a hand come to rest over where his necklace lay.

Marie nodded "when you're ready. It'll be Caroline, Marcus and the Elder.-"

"Lets go." Peter said, fighting back the urge to postpone it, procrastinate further.

Marie nodded, she understood his worries, patting his hand as she stood.

The Ghostbusters fell in behind her, like a gaggle of ducks, following her back to the same room Ray and the others had been interviewed in by the Protectorate upon arrival.

As soon as he set sights on the Elder, Peter felt his body go tense, he fought to keep it from showing. Sadly, his magic felt otherwise, a few stray red sparks darting over his hands and vanishing up his sleeve. Peter swatted at them, clearly annoyed.

The others took a seat on the couch, Marie in her favourite chair. Peter however, remained standing.

"Wouldn't you prefer to sit down, Dr?" Caroline asked. Peter glanced briefly at her, shaking his head.

"Let it be, it's not an issue." the Elder said at last. Peter's glare focused back on him. "although I must ask if you're going to say a word, or just stand there with that baleful expression."

"Depends. Did yesterday still happen?" Peter said icily.

"Dr-" Marcus tried to step in, but Peter shot him a look that simply said "stay out of it."

"Picking a fight, I can partly understand now, you were dealing with the embodiment of an a-hole that was supposed to take my place. But you didn't even try to incapacitate, you just went straight to search and destroy. Was there EVER a chance you were going see me as anything other than a danger? Soon as you heard my fathers surname- thats it."

He shook his head "I get it, my father was a MONSTER. I barely know him and I already wish I could erase his DNA. Im sure he had something worthwhile if my mother stayed long enough to have me. But after that? She wasn't safe, neither was I. She cared enough to do a runner of such epic scale that my father never found me until the Ghostbusters commercials started airing in other countries."

Marcus blinked, they hadn't heard much about the subjects mother so far. This was interesting.

"My father tricked us, lured us into a trap to try and get me on his side. He tried to kill my friends, to erase ME, all to make room for his precious Tobias, the son HE wanted. An egotistical jackass with a god complex. He was insane. But YOU-"

His voice suddenly rose, making them all jump at the hairpin turn into a new subject.

Peter was glaring full bore at the Elder now, hands clenched so tightly it hurt. Marie could how saddened and angry he'd become by this whole business.

"YOU were supposed to be an answer, the madame said you knew more than she did. Instead, I wake to find myself trapped in my own head, all while you start WW3 with that slime-ball Tobias! I could see every single second of it, I could HEAR every single second."

The elder paled a little, he'd seen the whole ordeal?!

"And what was I seeing? You opening fire, no doubt hoping id fall to experience, my connection to this madness is tenuous at best. Not one of you suggested there might be a better way- as far as you were concerned, I had to go. But the most unforgivable thing- you attacked Ray-"

"Now hold on-!" the elder got his voice back "Caroline tried to stop me-"

Realisation dawned as he connected the dots of the event "that's why she dissapeared. I assumed she was making her stand against being a part of things, instead she who fetched your partner. When I wouldn't listen, she did the right thing..."

He glanced at Caroline, who stared back with a confident nod.

"I had a hunch the young Dr could at least bargain with the monster inhabiting dr Venkman. I didn't expect him to escape my range quite fso fast.."

Ray flsuhed as he remembered practically breaking a record to get to Peter.

The Elder nodded, then turned back to Peter "Do you understand now? I did not drag him into this- he put himself between us. It was too late to redirect the blast, it was so sudden."

Peter shook his head, even as doubt entered his mind and he glanced at Ray, seeing the flush on his cheeks.

"It's true Peter, I tried to tell you earlier. I know you don't want to believe it." Ray looked at his lover "but I had such a strong feeling things would go from bad to total disaster if I didn't stop the two of you. It was reckless, but it was all I had. Im sorry I scared you..."

Peter nodded, recalling their muttual emotional moments in the bathroom before they'd showered.

Making sure each was unhurt.

Ray's revelation that Peter's sparks had jump started his HEART.

Peter was his hero...

"It was enough to break the link," Caroline put in "before that copycat siphoned everything from you."

"This's messed UP." Peter shuddered, shaking his head. He was torn, between realising Ray and the Elder were telling the truth and his anger insisting it was a lie.

The Elder sighed, this was truly a mess. The subject, Peter Venkman, held nothing but hatred for them now. He glanced at Marie, who motioned him to keep trying. She'd been right- he'd misjudged this particular subject.

"I fully understand your hatred of us. I acted on an age old prejudice, past memories of the massacre at the school have left me with a seething loathing for your father. And grandfather- one was as bad as the other. You are a drastic divergence from them, no doubt your life of isolation engineered a better personality."

"No comment."

"Cram it Winston." Peter said, a short bark of laughter escaping him at the familiar humour.

But it DID ease the bars clamped around his chest.

"I don't think you understand the scale of power you contain." the Elder said now "I am one who has trained since childhood, and it took high level spells to start making a dent in that things defences. Seeing as you inherited your fathers magic, that left a vast resource for it to tap into."

"A resource your body is ill equipped to contain." Marcus said, catching Venkman's eye "your friends testified to how much it was draining from you. You cannot continue to hold such magic without some limits in place."

"Shackle it so I'll be easier to deal with, you mean?" Peter snapped, "you cant BS a BS-er, as someone once told me. I can read it all over your face, your little trainees faces. You're frightened of me, of what I could do if I ever got full control."

Marcus nodded "Yes, your friends did allude to your impressive ability to read people but you are slightly off mark. You're correct, this is an alarming case. But we seek to preserve magic, and one like yours has not been seen in a long time. I propose an arrangement; we will take care of monitoring, tutoring and containing your magic until such a time as youre able to work without limits-"

"But you want samples, something to study. Run tests, observe." Peter said, his words clipped.

"Its nothing invasive, Dr-" Marcus began but Peter still wasn't willing to listen. He shook his head and made to storm past them all- he needed out of here, when a warm hand clutched his and he came to a halt. He looked back over his shoulder, seeing a desperately worried Ray, holding Venkman's hand in both of his.

Something in his eyes made Peter pause, and his memory supplied flashbacks to their conversation in the garden.

"I'll endure a bunch of stuffy old oddballs if it means saving YOU."

"I seen your memories of the event." the Elder said now and Peter froze, blood turning icy as he reluctantly released Ray's hand so he could face the older man.

"What?" he said, half a question and half a statement.

"You seen them too?!" Ray blurted, making Peter blink at him. Seeing Venkman's puzzled frown, Ray came forward to stand beside him once more, looking from him to the Elder.

"When you unleashed that blast, both of us were running towards you, and I guess we were close enough to get caught up in the blast."

"It revealed the fight your friends spoke of. The harm he inflicted on you, a physical beating to break the spirit by extension."

Peter shuddered, recalling the flashback all too well.

"I won't lie, seeing you land an impressive right hook was satisfying, but you didn't hear that from me." the Elder muttered, drumming his fingers on his cane.

Ray smiled faintly, Peter had certainly shown his distaste for his father in that moment.

Peter wasn't amused, however, and he carried such tension that Ray worried he'd sprain a muscle.

"You have proven you are not your father, and your friends near limitless devotion has backed it up. Had your partner here not intervened, things would've been much more dire."

"I know it scared you, but it was all I could do." Ray murmured to Peter, moving so he and Peter were face to face. He lifted his hands, settling them on Peter's waist, hoping the warmth could be felt through the layers of clothing. Peter remained still, unsure what to do. He was staring at the floor, avoiding both his lover's gaze and the Elder's. His mind was on those memories from the garden, of Ray saying he'd endure whatever it took to save him. That he loved him.

"I know you will not believe it, but you will come to no harm from us." Rothchild sighed "We all must learn to live with our scars. We are both victims of Ashwood, as your memories taught me. Thus, I can only offer my sincerest apologies for jumping the gun and condemning you as a threat, all life should be honoured fairly."

Marie smiled, it seemed the young man had been able to teach even an experienced Elder a lesson.

Peter stared, apparently moderately surprised by an actual APOLOGY. And even stranger, the old fart seemed...sincere? Was it possible? He opened his mouth to respond when he cut off upon a sharp itching starting on his wrists. Growling, he lifted his hand towards him, the sleeve falling down to reveal the scarred tissue on his wrists. He stared, seeing sparks dart across his skin.

-Cut it out!- he snapped in his head and to his surprise it DID. Rothchild's eyes widened slightly as he seen the scarred skin.

"Those were not in the memory-"

"These weren't from then." Peter said, voice a decidedly calm tone "these were from my fathers first attempt to finish the cycle he made with that demon, when I was a child. He had me kidnapped, tortured, and would've completed the spell if my friends hadn't kicked the door down and thrown that plan out the window."

"It's true." Egon said "what we seen was horrible. A forced ritual, one Venkman wasn't supposed to survive. Thinking back, his father must've known of the failure and concocted a plan to track us and reclaim Peter."

Something clicked in Peter's mind at Egon's words and he blurted out "i got it- he couldn't extract it."

"Huh?" Ray asked, tilting his head to one side.

"Thats why he ambushed us, tried to convince and bully me into taking his offer. Why he implanted Tobias-" Peter's mind was racing "he could no longer extract the magic because of the botched ritual. It'd become too entrenched in me, so he took the next best course of action-"

"Write over your personality with one that'd give him total compliance. That way he could control your power by extension." Winston said, and Peter nodded.

"It would've succeeded, if not for my mother's spell. She left failsafes in my memory, in case I ever encountered him, and she wasn't able to reach me." Peter's heart ached at the thought.

"Your mother, what was her name?" Rothchild asked.

"Minerva. I don't know if that's her real name, but I feel like it is. It's the only memory I really have of her, her name."

"Impressive, she was able to take you, hide you in plain sight by wiping your memories of your childhood and leave a trapdoor spell in case of trouble. A mother's devotion is something to be reckoned with, it would seem." Rothchild murmured.

Ray caught Peter's eye, smiling softly and to his relief, Peter smiled back.

"That's what links all the aspects of this case, it would seem." the Elder spoke again. "Devotion."

"How?" Egon asked, frowning.

"In that memory, I noticed the spots where you were able to reign your magic into some form of control, Dr. When your friends were threatened, when he insulted your connection to your mother. Seeing your partner here be injured allowed you to regain control of your body. When it came down to those your care about, your force of will was enough to corral the wayward and untamed magic, albeit only briefly. Its not ideal, but it does prove your capability to handle magic innately."

Peter felt a shudder run up his spine and any good feelings died away "Why do people keep saying that. This is NOT my life, this isn't what I wanted. I don't care if I'm a "natural talent", I don't plan to use it. EVER. All its done is destroy my life, and even I'm not stupid enough to let something like that loose-"

"Egg whisk."

"Shut UP, Egon."

Egon snorted as Peter shot him a glare, but soon returned to glaring at Rothchild.

Ray's hands still rested at Venkman's middle, and he squeezed his sides gently to get Peter's attention. This seemed to soothe Peter's fury a little and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

Rothchild took another shot at reasoning; "Like it or not, it IS part of you now. And its going to destroy you if you don't make a choice soon. You're dealing with levels of magic it takes most years to even comprehend, your body is neither adjusted nor prepared to cope with such an onslaught."

Peter remained still, focusing on the warmth of the hands at his waist. Ray's hands. Letting these guys help would protect his partner, but how much of HIM would it take away?

"What will the limits do?" he whispered "how much is locked down?"

"Just the magic, doctor Venkman." Marcus tried again to reassure the man "if you suspect we will erase your memories or personality, that type of thing is forbidden for a reason."

Peter shook his head, closing his eyes again. Fighting his magics desire to find him an escape or a distraction, he wrestled with trusting these guys with something as precious as the life hed just started living for again.

"This whole magic business nearly killed Ray-" Peter spoke to the darkness inside his eyelids, and he felt the crackling sensation in the air around him increase. That matter still hurt him deeply...

"Uh...Pete?" he heard Winston's voice on the edge of his periphery but ignored it.

"Ray stopped this madness, but it nearly cost him his life. His heart freakin' STOPPED. I don't know how it kick-started him again, but thats the one good thing this magics ever DONE. If he hadn't intervened, I don't know what would've happened, but it'd have been a horror show. The very thing you thought you were stopping by trying to knock me off." Peter shook his head, opening his eyes to glare at the Elder "You're asking me to trust you when you never even hesitated!"

"It was a mistake!" Rothchild snapped back "your friends have proven it over and over, as have YOU. You're correct, my overzealousness nearly led to the past repeating itself. The level of power we were dealing with, if things hadn't ended as they did, you could've been a very real threat. I should not have aimed to destroy, that was my undoing. It was too enticing, the chance to stop those dark days from ever being repeated. I couldn't face another massacre, more of my students lives on my hands. But the means were unjustifiable, I did not credit your own life with the value it deserved-"

He shook his head "I can apologise over and over if that'll calm your anger, doctor. Just put the bookshelf down."

"The what?" Peter asked and Rothchild pointed above thier heads. Sure enough, there was a shelfs worth of books floating above his head. The shelf itself was almost a foot off the ground, all floating like it was zero gravity.

Peter's mind sparked out then, the connection severed and the books thudded to the floor in eerie synchronisation. Ray flung himself as close to Peter as he could, the books missing all their heads; thankfully. Well, almost all…

As the bookshelf followed after with a heavier thud, Peter yelped as one of the books bounced off his head. "Dah, that hurt!"

Ray giggled, his close proximity meaning Peter could feel the vibrations from his body, being reminded of that wonderful night in the attic. He met Ray's eyes, offering a brief smile and a kiss on the tip of his nose.

Next, he glanced at the Madam, mouthing an apology for the mess as the others gathered around once more. She just chuckled and murmured it was alright.

One he was sure it was over, Rothchild stepped closer, warily.

"I'm sorry, doctor. My actions were callous, led by a past I've clung to for too long. It would seem your fathers name has finally found its redemption, if not absolution, in you."

"I don't want to bear his name," Peter said "if you have to keep any record, I want to have my real name, the one SHE gave me, put down instead."

"I think we can swing that," Rothchild nodded "some note will need to be made regarding the connection, but it will be behind the highest authorisation. You'll be the first of your kind, an impressive feat."

"Yeah, I don't think the world could handle more then one." Winston joked, making Peter flip him off.

"WE can barely handle one." Egon put in, meaning Peter was soon double-bird-flipping at both his friends. Ray was giggling, head resting on his lovers shoulder, he loved moments like this.

"Is this what passes for friendship these days?" A confused Rothchild asked Ray. Stantz lifted his head, wiping his eyes and explaining it was simply how they were, giving someone the middle finger was akin to a high five or a friendly greeting.

"We've also been known to hold belching contests to assert our dominance," Winston joked, making Peter snort as he dropped the gesture. "our receptionist despairs of us."

"I wonder why." the Elder sighed "restraint is apparently not in your dictionary."

"I don't even know how to spell it." Peter said airily.

Caroline was laughing into her hands as she seen the Elder twitch subtly. There was something fascinating about how these four different personalities all clicked. Marie felt the same, she was laughing softly at the shenanigans.

Peter sobered up, looking at Rothchild once more. There was still tension there, but it seemed the old mans apology had finally been deemed satisfactory.

"I just want to get my life back, the one I had before. I know its not completely possible to just tamp this down and ignore it. I'll have to keep it in line."

Sensing an impending agreement, the Elder nodded "the offer is still the same; my associates will help with training and binding it. It wont be easy, but with these measures in place, you can resume you regular life, albeit with a few changes."

"Less lightbulbs?" Ray joked and Peter poked him in the side, making him giggle.

"Have you decided, doctor?" Marcus asked. Peter sighed, looking from the members of the protectorate to his friends.

"You're not doing this alone," Ray reminded him. Rothchild nodded.

"Indeed, you may wish to study our history on Companions, Dr Stantz. You and your partner have a stronger bond then most, and that can be vital when dealing with the stress magic induces."

"Translation, hug him into submission, Ray." Egon snarked, seeing Ray turn bright red and facepalm.

"Hey if it works, it works." Peter shrugged, chuckling as he patted Ray on the head, making him smile softly.

Rothchild shook his head "if we could focus, please."

Peter's merriment faded to a more serious expression, and he looked back at Ray and his friends, seeing the confidence in him there, and the love in Ray's eyes.

-Do it for him.- a voice piped up in his head."Alright. You can do your scans, but any details are to be copied to Egon, I want a record of everything."

"That can be easily done," Marcus caught Egon's eye "I can show you how to access our database, doctor Spengler."

Egon glanced to Peter and Venkman nodded.

"Let's do this." Peter sighed, feeling heavy hearted as he spoke then most important words "I'll accept your proposal."

Elder Rothchild nodded, relieved this hadn't turned nasty, aside from the subjects rightly raging anger and one floating bookshelf.

"As promised, I will remove myself from this matter, in apology for the misconduct of yesterday. There is a lot you can teach us, Dr Venkman, and much you can learn. I will leave you to talk to my associates." The elder bowed his head, then left.

"Thats the longest way of saying 'sorry I tried to kill you' I've ever heard." Peter said softly once the Elder was gone, but he supposed for an old buzzard like that, it was as good as he was gonna get. And he wouldn't have to see him again, if he kept his promise.

"The Elder is very old fashioned," Caroline smiled "he is genuinely disappointed in the outcome events took. Old scars never truly fade, and he mistook desperation to avoid the past repeating for a proper course of action."

Peter sighed "Yeah, I get it. He's somewhat sorry, it'll do. Honestly, I just want a normal life. MY life. Nothing good has come out of this-"

He paused as he seen Ray out of the corner of his eye. Thought of the love he'd found because of Ivan and his father.

"Well, almost nothing." he smiled wryly, seeing Ray blush subtly.

"It's gonna be better now," Ray said, linking his arm through Peter's "you wont have to worry about hurting anyone."

Peter nodded, he welcomed a time where he wouldn't have to worry so much. He missed the easy, sleep-filled nights.

"What's next then?" Winston asked and Marcus cleared his throat.

"My first action will be to install some limiters, to allow you to relax, Dr Venkman. It'll also help your body recover. We can do this whenever you're ready, then we can discuss what we'll do once you've returned home."

Peter nodded. "Let's do the limits straight away. I'm tired."

"If you're sure, Dr-"

"I'm certain, this has gone on long enough." Peter said "also, I have plans for this evening. Very important ones."

" that so..?" Winston teased, clapping Pete on the back "you taking our dear Ray out somewhere nice?"

"Shut up. And yes." Peter shot back.


"Cool, cool. You kids play nice now." Winston joked, earning a withering look from Venkman. But there was a lighter look in Venkman's eyes, Winston noted, he seemed a little happier. Ray was as flustered as ever, but Winston caught his eye and winked, making him chuckle.

"Give me an hour, doctor, and it'll be ready. I suggest you rest, the procedure can be a little taxing, but its brief.

Peter nodded, retreating into himself as the reality sunk in.

He stood silent a moment as Caroline and Marcus left, then he moved suddenly, starting to pick up the books that his fit of anger had displaced. A hand brushed his elbow and his eyes met Ray's, as his partner helped him collect the books.

"It'll be alright young man." Marie assured him as he set the last book in place "with any luck, Caroline will be the one assigned to teach you. She's very patient, and very knowledgeable."

"Yeah, she seems nice. I just don't want any of this magic business. The more of THAT I let in, the less there'll be of the original me."

"Its origins may be unsavoury, but from this point on, it is your own integrity that will dictate it." Marie looked up at Venkman, seeing him nod, although she sensed it was going to take time.

When Marie had left, Peter turned to look at his friends. They could see the abrupt exhaustion in his eyes, fear showing starkly on his face.

"What if I just made the biggest mistake of my life?" he muttered bleakly. Ray did what he always did, he stood by Peter's side. Slipping an arm around Venkman, Ray offered a reassuring smile.

"I don't think they're going to hurt you," he murmured.

"Ray's right. They know that picking a fight will only go poorly." Egon added "even without magic, you'd probably talk them into tripping over their own feet anyway."

"And hey, they're agreeing to give Egon all the details. We can learn to speak their language, that way they cant pull anythin'." Winston put in "They've as much to gain as you have. They want to learn about how your situation came about, you need to learn a few tricks to keep your magic distracted- it's win-win."

Peter let all this sink in, letting out a sigh that seemed loud, but also loosened the tension in his body.

"Yeah," he said abruptly "I just hope this won't get out of hand. I'm not...I'm not like these guys. I don't care if I came from a crappy but prominent family- this is a world I want to keep as separate as I can."

The others knew he was stubborn, that any acceptance the Protectorate hoped to instil would take a lot of effort and patience. Ray's warmth beside him must've finally sunk in and his attention flickered to his lover now, giving him a gentle smile.

"Did you want to go lie down? That guy did say the limitation process is taxing. Even with Caroline's regular help, this may be pretty intense." Ray asked gently. Peter scrunched his face, then shook his head.

"If it's all the same, I'd like to go for a walk around the grounds. I need to think."

"Careful." Winston said automatically.

"I thought I warned you about that." Egon added.

Ray just giggled at the exchange, making Peter roll his eyes. "OK, gigglepuss. I'll see you later."

"Take it easy, Pete." Winston reminded him and he nodded, managing a pale smile before drifting out the door.

"Think he'll be OK?" Ray asked. Egon nodded.

"Peter adapts, even if it's a reluctant choice. He hates this magic because to him, it represents something cruel and painful. Both that cretin he dated and his father set out to deliberately make him hate his own existence."

"A-holes." Winston grunted.

"They caused so much damage..." Ray murmured "I was afraid he'd never let us in again after he came home from hospital. But he was just afraid the power would hurt someone."

"He was scared of hurting YOU," Egon nodded "I know that much. When I was telling him about the data I got from my tests, he got grumpy and tried to use you as an excuse to never acknowledge his ability."

Ray nodded, sighing softly "He's very protective, if a little too much. I know he'd never hurt ANYONE intentionally, but it still bothers him. He spent a lifetime never letting anyone get too close, but after Ivan, that proved to be just as dangerous as getting too close."

"That jerk really hurt him, didn't he?" Winston growled "I'm glad you knocked him on his ass, Ray. If I'd had the time, I'd have shown him what a traitor like him deserves."

Ray smiled weakly "I had a feeling he was a bit of a scumbag when Peter first talked in depth about him- but I assumed he was just an ass for taking advantage of Peter so he could boast about snagging a celebrity."

"People exhibit false affections just to have something to boast about." Egon muttered, he'd had women flirt with him in the hopes of using his name for clout. Studying the miffed look on Spengler's face, Ray nodded.

Winston had a tale of his own "I get women coming over, even when I'm with Tiyah. I know she accepts its part of the whole 'famous' deal, but I can tell it bugs her when these women ignore her on my arm."

They nodded silently, each understanding the matter one way or another.

Ray worried about Peter, wished he could do more-

"You're doing all you can, Ray." Egon said, seeing the familiar look of worry "Peter just needs to come to terms with this on his own. He'll no doubt talk to YOU when that time comes."

Ray nodded "Im going to ask about those books Marcus mentioned. If they can tell me anything about how this all works, I want to know."

"I need that computer uplink." Egon agreed.

"Well, I'm sure those guys wont mind us sitting in on this process they're doing on Pete." Winston reminded them "I think by this point they've accepted its all or nothing."

Ray smiled "Peter won't say it, but I know he's happy to have that."

"He's been happier then I have ever seen since joining you guys." Winston grinned at Ray "and to think, the answer was right here all along."

Ray blushed profusely, heart thudding happily.

"Soo..." Winston sidled up to Ray "Where's he taking you, then?"

"Winston-!" Ray turned bright red, "i-its dinner, that's all-"

"It's a first date, small fry." Winston teased "it's always special."

Ray groaned, but started to laugh as Winston teased him about the mystery date that evening, and Egon thought about the dates he'd had with Eugene….

Peter walked outside, fancying he could feel the warmth of Ray's hand still one his skin, through his clothing. Ray was very special, Peter knew he'd found a love he'd never believed he'd deserve. Everything about Stantz was sweet, his smile, his kiss, the way his eyes lit up when he had an idea…

Before he knew what he'd done, he was standing in front of the tree that'd been the site of the battle. Why did he keep coming back to these battlegrounds?

He studied the scorched grass where the shield had fallen, places where the magic blasts had sheared bark off the tree. What had Egon said? That Tobias had likely been drawing power from the tree? How was that possible?

Idly, he reached out a hand to brush the tree. Memories flooded his mind, of himself wandering through the garden at night, somehow slipping by the wards on the house-

He shuddered, pulling his hand free, breaking the spell. He'd woken up lying in the hall that night, found wandering by his beloved Raymond. Ray had taken him back to his room, helped him relax, then given Peter his wish and made love to him, holding Venkman as he fell asleep.

Something prickled up his back, and he instinctively ducked away round the back of the tree. An idea struck him and he climbed it, hiding amongst its massive branches.

Soon, voices reached him and he listened intently. He couldn't see them very well, but he knew it was two of the junior protectorate. His stomach shifted, but he clamped down on his rogue emotions, hearing them talk.

"So, what's the boss asked you to do?" the first asked.

"See if there's any residual magic left on site, make sure its not contaminated. There WAS a lot of magic present at that fight."

Something about their voices made Peter pause, focusing even more intently-

"It was freaky, seeing how fast he went from passed out to full power, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. And I couldn't sense anything from him. Just a cold, like metal. I've never seen that before."

Peter's eyes widened, these were the two who'd found him under the tree. He'd been in too much of a panic trying to free himself from Tobias mental prison to get a good look at them.

"I'm not picking up- wait, there IS still some here, but it's buried pretty deep. We'll need something stronger to remove it. Also, theres another, fresher track here."

"Another? Huh, weird."

Silence for a moment, then;

"You think its true his father really tried to use him in a ritual to gain more power?" The first one asked, and Peter finally grew bored of their yammering.

"Well, he was kind of an a-hole, bear that in mind." he said as he fluidly jumped down from the tree, landing almost soundlessly behind them.

The two jumped about a mile in the air, whipping round to face him.

"Where'd you come from?" the first wheezed.

"New York, originally. But more recently? The tree." Peter pointed upwards "trying to get some peace and quiet in this madness."

Seeing them gawking at him in a mix of wide-eyed curiosity and nervousness, he groaned and facepalmed. "Will someone kindly explain why every one of you guys I encounter keeps staring at me like I'm a damn sideshow freak?!"

The empath could feel the anger and discomfort from the man, he couldn't really blame him for it either. This was a whole new world to him, and all he'd been seeing was scrutiny.

"Sorry," The first one blurted "we're just here to check the site."

"And as for the...staring-" the shyer one coughed "besides the Elders, magic like yours is exceedingly rare, and the fact you've lived so much of your life unaware is very unusual. Plus the way the battle out here turned- everyone's curious."

Peter grunted, glaring at the tree for some reason "The first half of that insane fight was thanks to my fathers messed up input. He thought he'd just erase my whole life and replace it with an idealised psychopath. One that'd idolise him and follow his every word. As opposed to ME, who punched him clear across a road seconds after meeting him."

The shyer one couldn't help it, he uttered a brief snort of laughter at the mental image. Peter raised an eyebrow and he blushed, averting his gaze.

"Your friend, the one that was inside the shield with you-"


"Yes, him. Is he alright, it looked very painful..."

"He's fine, Caroline patched him up as well as myself. That reckless Elder of yours needs a lesson in trigger control, but luckily that stupid clone had one weakness I could exploit."

"What was that?"

Peter smirked faintly "he was as bullheaded as my father- all I had to do was insult his precious daddy and mock his efforts to kill me. After that it was just a matter of waiting for the others to show up with the proton packs."

"Is that thing truly gone then?" the first acolyte asked.

"It's in the portable containment unit aboard the RV, it wont be going anywhere fast." peter said firmly "that things probably going to be classified a Type 7 or higher. Very dangerous, highly intelligent and a risk to all."

The shyer one whistled, it sounded impressive, he'd love to see the equipment they used. Seeing his expression, Peter shrugged.

"If you speak to Egon, the skinny guy with the glasses, he might let you take a look. He's usually happy to talk at length, but be prepared for scientific waffle."

He looked up at the tree, glad to see the fight hadn't damaged it much. It must've taken centuries to grow this big.

The other acolyte was scanning the area around them as Peter talked, when he stubbed his toe on something hidden in the grass.

"OW, what's-" he picked it up "what is this?"

The other two stared a moment.

"A brick? A very flat brick?" the shyer one said helplessly.

That was when it clicked in Peter's mind. He recognised the black and charred object the man held.

"Thats uh- well, that WAS-my cellphone." He scratched the back of his neck "I figured I had to make something that'd break that shield, so I diverted everything into that. Guess it didn't survive the process."

"Wait, this is that bright light that brought the shield down?!" Both of them gawked at Peter, who seemed rather unruffled. He shrugged.

"Like I said, it needed to be destroyed and that phone was all I had on me." he flashed backto the last message he'd seen on its screen. A love note from Ray.

"Can I see?" the empath held his hand out and his eyes widened as he held it "it's captured so much. Determination, fury, lo-"

"Oi, keep it to yourself." Peter grunted, cutting the kid off. He coughed and nodded, not wanting to make the man angry. He knew the elder was hoping this man would join them eventually, one as powerful as him would be a benefit to the organisation. But his distrust would take time to heal, so for now they had to tread lightly.

"Emotions have a big impact on magic," the other acolyte stepped in, sensing Venkman's growing annoyance "Many find companions to help ease the burden-"

"The old guy mentioned that as well," Peter frowned "does it put any strain on the one you 'pair' with? Because if it does, I'm shipping Ray off to the Chicago office. If it's going to get him hurt, he's not staying within any radius of me-"

"No, no...its nothing like that!" the shyer acolyte said urgently, understanding his concern. "I said the same thing to my girlfriend and she slapped me."

"Owch." Peter winced.

"But she was right, I wasn't going to do that. To answer your question, it doesn't drain anything from them, they're kind...kind of like a balance. They counteract the stress magic can place on your mind. Like how certain hobbies can reduce stress, a companion helps to stabilise their partners magic via their connection. He'll probably be able to sense things a little differently as a result of the connection, but thats all."

"Good, or I'd DEFINITELY have nothing to do with this whole disastrous business." peter grumbled, scowling at the skyline. "Bad enough I have no choice but to sign on with you guys, or else risk literally frying myself from the inside out because I had to take on my fathers power."

Both acolytes raised their eyebrows. So the elder had succeeded? They exchanged curious and somewhat excited glances, which Peter was able to spot a mile off.

His stomach shifted uneasily and he turned to go "don't get too excited. Im doing this because I want to live a normal life. I'm no wizard, like you or your elder."

"But...don't you want to discover what you can do? You beat that thing with no knowledge at all, you could fly through the exams after mentoring-"

"I'm not taking any exam!" Peter spun on his heel voice rising "I HAVE a life, just the way I want it. I'm not giving that up. Im sorry magics a dying breed these days, but I cant BE what you're looking for. I'm not some hero."

The words caught in his throat, a reminder of Ray's use of the word. Peter's efforts to revive him, combined with the stray magic, were the reason his lover was still with him. HIs anger spiked and he felt the air crackle around him- why did he have to owe it anything-?!

"Enough!" he said sharply, pounding a fist into bark, hoping the pain would cut it short. On contact with the tree he felt more memories stir. Ray kissing him before racing away to help Egon and Winston trap the ghost. His friends gathering around him, smiling so warmly…Ray saying the red sparks brought him back...

"Whoa." he heard a voice behind him say as his head cleared. Peter stumbled back, looking around him to see what damage he'd done-

He realised the leaves on the tree had now turned a sharp red, like the colour of a heart emoticon on his phone. The one Ray had used.

"Oops." he said in the silence, then added "At least its not on fire?"

"That was awesome..." the first acolyte said "it's cleared the remaining magical radiation too. Aside from a colour change, the tree's clean. I just feel peacefulness now."

Peter stared blankly at him then just shrugged, indicating it flew over his head. Then, he turned and left, hands shoved into his pocket. He felt a bit better actually, guessing correctly that the little trick he'd just pulled off had drawn some of his excessive magic out, letting him relax. It seemed it did need an outlet, though hopefully nothing so drastic once it was limited.

As he walked inside, he passed a couple more of the junior acolytes. He only briefly glanced at them, heading deeper into the house.

Soon the two that'd been at the tree walked in and were soon surrounded by their fellow trainees.

"What happened, how did the tree change colour?" A girl asked.

"I dunno," the shy acolyte said "he was kinda...upset at something and it just happened."

"Impressive, he's able to affect such a change without any tutelage." another older student said "there are so many theories-"

"I'm just curious to see if he's even cuter when he smiles." one girl remarked with a grin. Her friend rolled his eyes.

"Don't know if you noticed Sasha, he has a boyfriend-"

"Sssh, let me dream." Sasha flapped a hand at him.

"Speaking of which, keep that to yourself, will ya? I don't personally care, but Ray's a little shy."

The whole group let out a collective shriek and whirled round to see Peter standing there, expression neutral.

"How do you DO that?" Sasha wheezed "there are things you could teach ninjas!"

Peter smirked "years of practise, kids. You have to learn to move quietly to sneak up on some ghosts. Easier said than done with a Proton pack on, however."

"That's true," Sasha's friend agreed "and uh, we don't just blab about people's companions. It's one of the unwritten laws of the organisation; peoples bonds are considered scared, to make a mockery of them is considered a serious insult."

"Riight. That's interesting." Peter said, raising an eyebrow.

"It's true, we could get kicked out if we told anyone that stuff without permission. So hey, we're not gonna be sticking our feet in our mouths about anything."

"Good." Peter said shortly "now, the real reason I came back; this place is a warren, wheres you teacher, whatever he is- Marcus?"

"Ohhh," Sasha realised who he was looking for "we just got done bringing him supplies, he's in the drawing room on the first floor. I think he's expecting you."

A tension seemed to take up home in the older man's body for a moment, then dissipated as he sighed.

"Right, thanks." he smiled at the girl, having heard her earlier speculation "see ya."

Sasha gawked as he disappeared round the corner.

"Totally hot for an older guy."

"Sasha. Boyfriend." her friend facepalmed, she really did have a one track mind.

"Yeah? He's cute too." she retorted, making the others groan and laugh.

Marcus looked up from his final checks of the ritual circle, telling them to come in. He heard the door click shut, then a sudden intake of breath. Glancing behind him, he seen Dr Venkman staring at the ritual circle drawn on the floor. He'd turned pale as milk and looked about ready to faint. His hands were clenched tightly at his sides...

"Dr?" Marcus walked over, taking the stunned man's arm and guiding him over to a couch "are you alright?"

"Yes. No." Peter closed his eyes as he sat, pointing in the direction of the circle "w-what's that for?"

"Thats the binding circle, Dr. It's necessary when limiting power as strong as yours."

Peter took a shaky breath "it looks just like it..." he mumbled, opening his eyes, staring into the distance.

"Just like what, doctor?" Marcus asked, but at that moment there was ANOTHER knock on the door. Marcus stood straight, asking them to enter. To his surprise, it was the rest of the Ghostbusters. The companion, Dr Stantz, set eye on Peter and instantly darted over to sit with him.

"Oof, that's….that gotta be there, man?" Winston jerked a thumb at the circle.

Marcus nodded "Yes, it does. What's-?"

"That circle bears a resemblance to the one that Peter's kidnappers were going to use to directly tear his natural magic from him." Egon said, blunt as ever. Marcus winced, understanding Dr Venkman's discomfort.

"I'm sorry, Dr. I hadn't realised. I can try find another way, do this in steps-"

"No." Peter said, shaking his head "i want this over with. I can manage."

"Sure?" Ray asked gently. Peter smiled weakly and squeezed Stantz's hand, nodding.

"I'm sure, cutie." he murmured softly, making Ray smile softly.

"Well, we're hanging around to make sure Pete's safe." Winston said in a no-nonsense fashion "so, we'll just stand by the wall, out of your way."

Peter felt a surge of relief at knowing the others, plus his sweet Stantz, would be there. It wouldn't be so terrible, seeing a magic circle like that again….

"I'm just waiting for Caroline, then we can begin. Are you very sure you don't want me to find an easier path, Dr?"

Peter shook his head "just get it over with."

Marcus frowned, but nodded "I have an idea. Please excuse me a moment."

He left the room briefly and Peter let out the bemused sigh he'd been holding in the whole time. Resting his head in his hands, he muttered "What am I getting myself into?"

"The only way we can find to stop this from systematically killing you?" Egon replied and Venkman snorted.

"Don't hold your punches, 'Gon."

"You want me to hit you now?" Egon asked, confused. Ray chuckled, explaining it was just a figure of speech.

"Oh." Egon said "I never found those of particular use, they're often nonsensical."

"Hey yeah, like; Not enough room to swing a cat. That was my uncles favourite," Winston snorted "sounds like an awful way to realise you need a new apartment."

Peter chuckled weakly "my foster mother liked them too, she had a ton of those odd sayings."

"Your foster family sounds nice." Ray remarked gently and Peter glanced at him, seeing the innate curiosity that was Ray Stantz.

"Well, if you guys ever wanna know," he shrugged "just ask. Caution; recollections contain childhood shenanigans and stupidity."

"So, nothings changed then." Egon deadpanned, making them all, Peter included, burst out laughing.

Marcus walked back in, with Marie and Caroline in tow. Seeing the group laughing their asses off, he smiled.

Marie walked over to Peter, sitting on his other side.

"Marcus mentioned your unease at the ritual, I have a homemade medicine that will allow you to block out most of the sensation. You may feel a little sluggish for an hour or so afterwards."

Peter looked at his watch, they had plenty of time before he was taking Ray on their date. So he nodded and Marie pressed a bottle into his hands, telling him to drink all of it. Marcus motioned the others to stay a certain distance back.

"While I will have the ritual under full control, magic can sometimes snap and flicker, not unlike electricity. It can burn far worse at times."

"We're lucky Pete just fried lightbulbs." Winston remarked, eyebrows raising.

"And set a demonic ghost tree spirit on fire." Ray added, making Peter do a double take.

"Did I? Huh..." he scratched the back of his head "that does sound like me..."

He drank the bottle Marie had given him, and almost immediately felt like he'd been sedated ahead of surgery. Sort of. He felt floaty…

He followed Marcus across the room, following his instructions and kneeling on the floor, legs tucked under him. The markings flickered, but Peter seemed unaffected, his friends guessing the medicine was keeping him calm.

Marcus held out a hand, asking Peter for his. Then both were to set the other hand down onto the markings.

"What is this again?" Egon asked, looking aside at Caroline.

"It's like a conduit. The contact will allow Marcus to sense your friends' power and adjust his limits accordingly. It shouldn't cause any pain."

Ray nodded, but he was fretting nonetheless.

Even with the medicine keeping the majority of his nerves at bay, Peter still closed his eyes when the circle began glowing. Memories flashed through his head, of his rescue, of Ray knocking Ivan on his ass. The panic and clamour of the rituals interruption-

Like a mother hen, the medicine brushed them away, keeping him in that drifting state, leaving him only faintly aware of something tracing over his hand and up his wrist. When it hit the scars on his arm, he felt the first twinge of something like pain- the drug tried to counter it- but he sensed its influence was wearing off...

A sharp pain jolted through him and he gasped, clarity suddenly punching its way into the barrier. He clocked where he was and the sight of the circle that ensnared him once more. Panic rose and he wanted to run...

"No no no..." He whispered, barely audible even to his own ears, as his heart thumped loudly against his chest.

Something was holding him in place, he felt his magic react more...sluggishly.

"Dr?" Marcus opened his eyes, seeing and feeling the tension in the Doctor's hand. The markings for the limits were just starting to arrange themselves on his skin, filling the places where scars decorated the man's wrists. But more urgent was the look of fear on the man's face. This was pure terror, old memories rearing their heads...

"Stop-" Peter said weakly, as he glanced urgently at Marcus. "please."

"Doctor, I can't. I need you to bear with this just a moment or two more- without it you'll run the risk of systemic failure from the magics demands."

But he could see the fear on the subjects face was winning-

"Do it for your lover." he whispered softly, making Peters gaze snap back to him now "i know he is the reason youre going through with this. Focus on HIM."

Peter hesitated, then nodded, shutting his eyes once more.

Ray started slightly on seeing Peter suddenly snap out of the placid state, a look of urgency on his face as he snapped out of his trance.

"The drug, it's stopped working-!" He looked at his friends and Marie, unsure what to do.

"That's unusual," Marie said, frowning "that should have stayed in his system much longer. I don't understand..."

"He must be metabolising faster than normal due to stress," Egon piped up "He woke up very quickly during the incident where your assistant fought him, didn't he?"

"I completely forgot about it in all the furore..." Marie sighed worriedly "I hope he's alright."

Ray was only feeling more anxious as he seen Peter shake his head and look at the shining ritual marks with a fearful expression.

Marcus said something that drew Peter's attention, and he nodded shakily, keeping himself still through what Ray guessed was sheer willpower. Finally, with a pop of air and a sensation that made the floor shake, the ritual circle flared brightly, then dissipated.

Unable to wait a second longer, Ray dashed over to Peter, just in time to catch him in his arms as he slumped over sideways.

"Peter? Can you hear me?" Ray asked, glancing from his unconscious partner to Marcus.

"Its alright, this is normal, its not unlike hitting the reset button on your computer. The mind needs a moment to adjust to the new settings I've put in place.. he'll waken shortly."

Ray sighed in relief, then seen the marks poking out from Peters sleeve. They were small, intricate and glowed softy "Are those gonna be there always? They're very...obvious.."

"What's that?" Winston asked, leaning over to peer at Peter's wrist "I don't see anything."

"Me neither." Egon was puzzled, but Marcus just smiled. Caroline and Marie stood nearby, in case of trouble, although Dr Venkman seemed to be doing fine so far.

"Don't worry, those are only visible to you due to your bond, I would guess. Most people cant see them without a LOT of training." Caroline added.

"Oh." Ray nodded, relieved. Peter didn't need any more attention-

Peter stirred then, realising he was snuggled up to Ray, he blinked at his lover.

"Whassup?" he asked sleepily.

"The rituals over, Peter." Ray said softly. This made Peter snap awake and he quick sat himself up, loathe as he was to leave the comfort of Ray's arms.

"Whoa, trippy." he said, examining the marks "Can anyone else see this?"

He held his hand up to his friends, but they shook their heads.

"Just your partner," Marcus caught his attention "and even to both of your eyes, they will fade further, the are newly applied so they shine brightest right now."

Peter nodded, arm flopping back down to his lap "right."

"Don't worry doctor, things should be much calmer now. Ive left you with what I can estimate is an acceptable level of power for a beginner like yourself. You wont have to distract yourself to a massive degree to keep your power in check."

"Good," Peter sighed "because I already turned a tree a funny colour earlier."

"You did what?" Egon did a double take, was he serious?

Peter pointed towards the window "you'll know when you see it."

Everyone that wasn't Peter crowded round the window, soon spotting the glaringly red tree.

They stared a moment, then as one, all turned to look at Venkman, who went a defensive shade of red and pouted.

"Not my fault, the stupid magic wanted out. I may have punched a tree to vent, then- whoops. Also, Sorry again." he added this last bit to Marie, who chuckled and assured him the tree would be fine, it was infused with the magic that'd seeped into the ground over the hundreds of years.

"That's quite impressive doctor." Marcus said, walking over to Venkman as he stood up, stretching idly.

"I'm just glad it didn't catch fire." Egon said, making Peter snort. That'd been HIS first thought, too.

"Speaking of things catching fire, you should notice a drastic drop in short-outs at your place fo residence. The others informed me that your power surges affected the building quite often."

"Yeah, mostly lightbulbs, but sometimes other equipment." Egon confirmed.

"I sometimes felt the air change a little- that's NOT a fart joke, Peter- but thats it." Ray said, instinctively cutting his partner off. Peter still snickered to himself nonetheless.

"You seem to be very receptive to this sort of thing, Dr Stantz. It's curious." Marcus studied Ray, who tried to think back to when it'd first started.

"The Gozer thing, man. Didn't that thing abduct YOU because you were on its wavelength?" Winston said, referring to when a minion of Gozer had nabbed Ray, thinking he could reset the summon, make Ray summon something far more dangerous than a massive marshmallow mascot.

Ray blinked, flashing back to the incident. NOW he recalled it, how the creature had boasted of Ray's synchronicity with the spirit world, how he would've been like a beacon to Gozer.

"Yeah, he said I stood out a mile, more or less. Huh, you know I'd almost forgotten all about that," he chuckled.

"How? We blew up Gozer, and EVERYTHING was marshmallow for several city blocks." Venkman snickered. "it was hilarious!"

"You weren't laughing when Peck showed up and basically called you fat."

"I was- I was a few pounds over at most, Winston!" Peter glowered at Zeddemore "show off, mr marine."

"Hey, it's a surefire way to get in shape my man, don't knock it." Winston grinned, making Peter roll his eyes.

"At least I didn't try eating it." Peter added, looking at Ray with a rasied eyebrow, who coughed sheepishly.

"I wanted to see what ecto-marshmallow was like..."

"You must have a stomach like IRON, Ray." Peter said, shaking his head "Seriously, why?"

"I was hungry, I'd been kidnapped all day, I missed lunch-!"

"If we could attempt some form of concentration." Egon sighed.

"Stop asking the impossible, Spengler." Peter responded just as sarcastically.

"Good luck." Winston added.

"OKAY, got way off topic." Ray said, seeing Madame Marie and Caroline smiling at the scene in front of them.

"You boys have such tales to tell," Marie said with a laugh "I will miss your presence when you return home. You can always come back here, anytime you need a break."

"That sounds sweet!" Winston grinned and Peter nodded. This place had a lot of history and magic. He'd felt oddly….at home in town the other day.

"I suggest you get some food, Dr Venkman." Caroline set a hand on his arm, checking him over with a quick spell "you're doing much better, I can already sense the strain on your body has lessened. Once your appetite is back to normal, you should regain the weight you've lost due to this whole affair."

"There is a festival on tonight, theres bound to be all sorts of dishes." Marie informed Peter "you seemed to like the ones you ate on our excursion."

"It WAS good." Peter agreed, looking at Ray "we can stop off there after dinner?"

Ray nodded eagerly, the man loved his food.

Marie caught Venkman's eye as they left, falling into step next to him "your young man seems excited. Are you taking him out?"

Peter smiled, nodding "yeah, it's the least he deserves. I figured it'd be nice to take him out while we were here, this place is definitely something else. In the best way." he added.

Marie beamed, saying she was pleased he loved her town like she did.

"You'll do just fine, your life is in control now, with your magic at bay. Enjoy yourself tonight."

Peter nodded, he intended to!

Once in the kitchen, both Peter and Ray ordered large platefuls. Ray apparently metabolised like a furnace and Peter had a weight level to regain. He couldn't help notice how oddly his once well-fitted sweaters hung on him now.

As they all ate, they fell to talking again.

"I'm curious about how this whole "companion" thing plays into all this," Ray confessed "I wonder what their role is? Hopefully their library will help me clarify it all."

-I already know what role you do, Raymond,- Peter thought, seeing the way excitement made Ray's face light up, the way those loving eyes shone –you keep me together when I feel like I'm falling apart. You know what it is I need, you stay with me no matter how difficult I get.-

He smiled, resuming eating his food as Ray and Egon discussed the potential reading material the Protectorate had, what kind of library was it? Did they have original volumes, it was a collectors dream by the sound of it. While they convened, Winston caught Peters eye, raising an eyebrow as if to ask "you good?"

Peter nodded, then bobbed his head at the two geniuses, expression saying 'they're so adorable when they're happy'.

-True, that.- Winston's expression said back.

"Eyebrow semaphore again?" Egon butted in, recalling a fun conversation not long ago. "You were doing that with Eugene, what did it mean?"

"Basically; he was staring at your arse while you were making coffee and I called him on it." Peter smirked, seeing Egon twitch faintly. "don't look at me like that. He's a guy, Egon. A guy that has MAJOR hots for you. Admiring someone's arse is a sign of endearment. Just be happy about it."

"Argh." Egon chose to reply, removing his glasses so maximum facepalming could go ahead. Ray patted his arm with a look of familiar sympathy. Then blushed as he recalled his own experiences regarding a certain man admiring his rear end. Sure enough, he heard a childish giggle and gave Peter a LOOK, which only made the man laugh even harder while Winston looked on in well-versed bemusement.

"Don't ask, don't tell." he positioned, and the others all agreed. Peter was still grinning widely, which usually meant his brain was too deep to emerge from the sewer for the rest of the day.

-Good grief.- Egon thought, as he set his spectacles back on his face.

They left the kitchen, Ray and Peter side by side, discussing something in hushed voices. Egon had to envy them their causal display- he still didn't know how to respond to Eugenes displays of affection in front of his friends. His brain just froze and threw up error messages like his computer did when it was faced with a variable it didn't understand.

-I miss him.- he thought abruptly.

Winston seen Spengler suddenly withdraw, a look of oddly intense loneliness appearing over him, before Egon's naturally introverted disposition kicked in and he hid it. He patted Spengler's shoulder, getting a faint smile for his efforts.

Peter opted to lie down before the date that evening, so Ray stayed in the downstairs library, him and Egon talking about the new book Peter had bought Ray.

As they talked, Ray confessed Peter had said he loved him and Egon smiled- the connection between these two was clear as day. His heart flittered at the thought of someday saying that to Eugene. Egon had never felt this way about anyone before, he'd ignored romance so much. But Eugene was a VERY capable teacher…

Ray eventually set the book aside to go get ready for his date, picking what seemed like a causal outfit from the clothing he'd brought with him. His stomach flittered about, excitement and nerves jostling for position. This was his first date with a guy. With a guy he LOVED.

As he trotted downstairs, Ray heard Peters voice, talking with Winston. He nudged open the door to the library and was greeted by Peter's warm smile, his eyes taking in Ray's entire body before meeting his eyes. Ray blushed softly, Peter always made his heart race.

"Well, don't you scrub up well." Winston grinned, seeing Peter appreciating Ray's outfit.

Venkman had clearly gone to more than his usual effort, for this special occasion, as he also looked more well-dressed then normal.

Peter met Ray by the door, saying something that made Ray beam. They said goodbye to their friends and headed out.

Ray was practically radiating a happy, excited energy as Peter drove them into town, seeing signs of the festival Marie had mentioned along the way.

"Ooh, look at the masks, peter. Everyones wearing them, they're so detailed..."

Peter admired the variety of them as he parked up. They certainly did like a party here!

He and Ray walked along to the restaurant Peter had been admiring on his trip here with Marie. It was a little out of the way, but Peter wanted privacy for his sweet Stantz. Plus, the restaurant had a cosy, less corporate feel then most New York places.

They found a lovely, away-from-the-main-rush table, a corner booth, and settled in to order some food. The restaurant was one of the type with the fancy, floor length tablecloths. Meaning Peter was able to lightly brush his foot against Ray's calf without being seen. Ray squeaked softly, but met Peter's eyes with a smile, cheeks a faint shade of pink.

"So cute." Peter said, loud enough so only Ray would hear. Outside the hum and noise of the gathering acted like a curtain, blurring their words if spoken softly.

"Not just me." Ray said, those gentle, hazel eyes seeming to look right past Peter's defences. His heart jumped happily, getting to take Ray out was a rush, he wanted to do everything possible to give him the best evening ever.

They ordered food and soon got to talking. Ray asking how he felt?

"I'm fine, feel better now. Guess Marcus wasn't kidding, it does feel like I don't have as much to worry about."

"I'm glad." Ray murmured "you've had to be so tense these last few weeks- you deserve to rest and recover. We all cant wait to have you back at work- I miss you at work." he flushed a little at how silly he probably sounded, but Peter just smiled that, sweet, content smile.

"I miss you guys too. Especially you, hot stuff." he grinned at Ray who giggled happily at the nickname "and don't worry, ill be right back with ya. And hey, we got anew guy right, so we can take on even more cases!"

"You mean- can we-?" Ray asked, eyes hopeful. He really liked Eugene, and it was obvious Eugene loved Egon. He was quick, too, and had learned to use a pack and trap pretty fast. His sports background helped too.

Peter shrugged "I don't see why not, I mean...He's obviously mad for Spengs, and he did a pretty good job during that falkirk business. He straight-up said he wasn't trying to angle his way into things, in case I thought he was replacing me?"

"You did seem very quiet that time we came home to find you and Janine had acquired cake."

"Yeah, I seen Egon eyeing it. I did think you didn't need me for a moment, but you soon put rest to that."

Ray remembered kissing Peter and spilling his heart about how much they all missed and needed him, especially himself. Then he and Peter had-

Peter chuckled, seeing Ray flush "That was an interesting day. Siamese ghosts, what an oddity. When I trapped the first one, the second recognised me and went mental!"

Ray raised an eyebrow, wondering about how ghosts communicated? Peter seen the gleam in his eyes and smiled.

"So curious." he purred and Ray flushed again.

"Hey, own it." Peter told him firmly "it's what makes you so adorable. Most people would need a new pair of pants after seeing a ghost face to face- but you just declare the scientific possibilities and chase it with a PKE meter."

Ray chuckled, feeling better after just those few sentences. Peter smiled at him, a smile that made Ray's nerves tingle in a very pleasant way.

The food arrived shortly after, meaning they didn't talk as much, too busy enjoying the dishes.

"This is great!" Ray said as he finished the last bite, seeing Peter nod "I wonder if I can find a recpie?"

"Just don't let me help." Peter joked, and immediately, the Almighty Pancake of Much Hilarity popped into Ray's head and he let out a snort of laughter. Judging by the way Venkman's shoulders were shaking as he tried to take a drink, he'd thought the same thing.

"I believe you said you were a disaster area?" Ray snickered, making Peter set his glass down and burst out laughing.

"I wasn't joking about my foster mom, either. I tried cooking for mothers day- and long story short the fire department had to come out-"

Ray couldn't help it, he laughed even harder. "How?!" he sputtered.

Peter shook his head "I wanted to cook her some toast, but I was a dumb kid that didn't comprehend toasters. I tried cooking it directly over the stove-"

More laughing.

"And it caught fire."

They were laughing so much they had to pause from eating, and Ray got the hiccups. While he endeavoured to get rid of them, Peter flashed back to his childhood.

"I was at what I call "the stupid age", for I also fell out of trees, walked into lampposts and was basically a dingus."

Ray let out the breath he'd been holding, sighing in relief when the hiccups didn't return.

"I think we all have that age," he laughed "mine was when my aunt Lois made the mistake of buying me a science kit for my 12th birthday. Broke a window when the chemicals exploded. My mom went CRAZY. I was grounded for months.." Ray chuckled.

"Oops." Peter smiled, imagining a young Ray, happily messing with chemicals.

Peter talked more about his foster family, telling Ray of his interactions with the other kids (there were three) and his halloweens with all of them going trick-or-treating together.

"Do you hear from them any more?" Ray asked, studying Peter.

"Yeah, I get emails, ones moved to Cali, the other's in Pennsylvania and the third one opened a sports bar in our old hometown. I haven't been back in awhile..."

He fell silent a moment, then looked at Ray "Hey, if I ever do go back...wanna meet 'em?"

Rays eyes lit up and he nodded happily. "I'd love to, Peter. You should meet my aunt, as well. She'll LOVE you. She's got a sarcastic streak in her."

"Oh ho, a challenger." Peter grinned and Ray laughed, imagining the two in a room together.

It was a lovely dinner, just them and no interruptions. Peter told stories of his youth and Ray talked about his discovery of the fact he liked guys…

"You don't have to tell me all this-" Peter began, but halted when Ray bit his lip and gave him that hopeful pleading look "but I'm happy to hear you talk as much as you need. And that's not just my psych side talking."

Ray looked relieved, and as the minutes passed by, Peter learned about how Ray had developed a crush on a classmate before they'd met. How he'd been so panicked he'd tried to tell himself it was a phase. Until…

"Until?" Peter asked, seeing Ray hesitate.

"" Ray admitted, reddening as he toyed with his fork "it started off small, but I started noticing more things about you that made my heart go all funny. The way you smiled, the look in your eyes when you knew you'd won the argument. The easy way you flirted….I envied you, but I also had a massive crush on you."

Peter was silent, mind racing at the idea that Ray had been crushing on him all that time. No wonder he'd been so shy when Peter offered to find him a girlfriend. He didn't want a girl, he wanted…

-Me?- Peter could feel his pulse racing.

He scooted a little further on his chair, so his knee brushed Ray's under the table. Ray looked up from the intense stare-down with his plate, blinking at Venkman.

"I wish I had known. I'd have loved you all night and day long if I'd had any clue. Back then, I was only starting to realise, myself, that I was a little different. For awhile, I battled with it, I wanted to know, explore..."

He thought back "I never told my foster parents. I don't doubt they have had a party, and made jokes. They'd have been happy for me, I know it. But I was still afraid of trusting anyone, in case they took that part of me and ran away like I felt my mother had. So I kept it secret and once I moved out, I began really thinking about what I wanted."

Ray was watching him with rapt attention, eyes wide as he heard this unspoken part of Peter's past.

"I went to clubs, went home with a guy or two. Nothing serious though. Serious felt like I'd be tied down, that I'd miss some amazing part of the world, so I never even tried. It became a game, to see who I'd meet next, who I would share a barely sober kiss with. Mostly, I liked being places where my wants and needs weren't anything bizarre. Sometimes, a lot of times, id just sit and watch people. Study them. Envy their easy conversations."

He smiled, looking at the man opposite him "and thats how it went, on and off, brief spates of flings then nothing for awhile. Until, I realised a very sweet man knew my secret and I was awful to him."

"Peter-" Ray said, not wanting him to be sad.

"I shouldn't have been scared of you, Ray. You're the nicest guy in the world. Maybe thats why I was scared? Because I was afraid you'd stop being my friend? That you'd realise I was an awful person- but I wouldn't have blamed you after how I acted. Im sorry, hot stuff. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

Ray was trying hard not to cry, "Peter I could NEVER hate you. I was surprised, yes. I wasn't expecting to stumble upon that club, but the traffic was bad that night, so I parked further away. The thing I was scared of was..." he reddened and facepalmed, mumbling "I was so jealous."

"Jealous, wait- of pervy mcbitey?" Peter said, coining a nickname for Ivan and making Ray crack up at the same time.

"Mmhmm." Ray said "I'd tried so ahrd to erase that part of me, flatten it down so it wouldn't spring up and embarrass me. But the moment my brain connected you going that way with my legendary crush on you- it was a disaster. I was mad at myself- you had a thing going and I couldn't just get between that-"

He paused to look at Peter "that's an innuendo, you can laugh if you wanna."

Peter did crack a smile, but he was watching Ray, patient.

"Thats why I pushed you away when you sat me on Ecto-1 and kissed me. It felt so good and I wanted you so strongly- but I kept thinking I could be interrupting something special with that guy."

"That's why you asked me to be honest." Peter nodded "you were asking if I loved him or not. That's what makes you so special Ray, you CARE. Even after I turned on you like that, you were still worried about me. You're what changed me, Raymond. I realised I COULD handle wanting more than just a fling- that better things were within my reach. Even though you knew about my past history of recklessly sleeping around- you still refused to see me the way I saw myself."

"Because you're so much more than you give yourself credit for." Ray said, smiling at Peter "you have so much that you've shown me and given me. You were the first in so many ways for me. The first id ever crushed on after my realisation, the first kiss, the first..." he coughed, too sweet and shy to say it aloud.

"The first night." Peter whispered and Ray nodded.

"You're the first man I've ever loved, truly and completely loved." Peter whispered "you've given me a whole new outlook, cutie."

Ray lifted his glass, "to us?"

Peter grinned warmly, tapping the glass against Ray's "To us."

Once they'd had their food and Peter had paid the bill, they ventured outside, to take a look at the festival in progress. A girl dancing by handed them fancy, ornate masks and Peter shrugged, before he and Ray donned them and dove into the party.

Marie wasn't kidding- there WAS a lot of cool stuff going on. Both were too stuffed to eat much more than a snack or two, but the ones they did try were great! Ray was just happy to be here with his beloved Venkman. The things Peter had revealed over dinner- it made Ray love him even more, determined to make sure Peter knew his true value.

At some point in the evening, Ray noticed quite a few people were paired up, and not just the traditional way either. HIs heart pounded, were they celebrating love?

Peter must have noticed it too, as he spun Ray round to face him, much like the moment under the stars when he'd confessed his love for Ray.

Ray looked into those deep brown eyes, the mask hiding the top half of their faces but letting Ray see those loving eyes.

Peter titled his head, as if to say "may I?"

Ray nodded, smiling. Peter drew him close and the masks tapped together lightly as he kissed Ray, surrounded by music and laughter, sending a delicious thrill down Ray's spine.

They heard an appreciative whistle and parted, seeing a trio of ladies next to them. Two of the girls were clasping hands, looking as giddy and excited as Ray felt. Ray blushed, glad his mask hid it.

"Heck yeah!" the third girl whooped " I don't know who's cuter- the guys or the girls. Who cares, I'll go either way!"

Peter smiled, sensing the generosity and truth in their words. "Nobody needs to hide." he said confidently and the two holding hands cheered and flocked around the duo.

They ended up talking for quite awhile, between snacks from the carts and a soda or two. The two lived in Orleans, and looked forward to the nightlife as much as the day. Both men confessed to being doctors of their respected professions, and if the girls guessed their identities (unlikely), they clearly believed in love over fame, as they never even hinted.

They fussed over Ray, him being the shy one, they utterly fell in love with his shy nature. At one point during their stroll, Peter took his hand and Ray beamed happily up at him.

"You guys are totally adorable." the Bi girl, her name Sera, declared as she seen them. Ray had learnt the other two were called Rio (yes, like the place in Brazil) and Lisa.

"This is kinda new to me." Ray squeaked and Rio nodded, giving him a reassuring smile.

"It was new to me too, two years ago. Lisa did everything shy of booting my out of my shell, and I am SO glad she did. Let me say this; don't let anybody tell you you're anything other than perfect the way you are."

This made Ray feel a little braver and he nodded. Peter was glad to see him embracing this side of him, after learning he'd hid it so many years.

"How longs it been?" Sera asked, "if you don't mind me asking."

Peter blinked, then realised she meant how long they'd been together "Oh, it's fine. It's only been a month or so, hasn't it?" he asked Ray, who nodded. Time had gone by so fast, for reasons both good and bad.

"Aww, thats so sweet. You two must be meant for each other." Rio smiled, seeing how happy the shyer gentleman looked, but also how happy he was. He radiated a joy that was almost infectious.

"I certainly know I got luckier then I ever expected." Peter smiled, seeing Ray blush anew.

Eventually they parted from the girls, waving goodnight as they headed back to the car.

The mansion was silent when they arrived back, they'd been out later then expected. So they snuck quickly to their respective bedrooms. Ray was just about to put his pyjama pants on when the door leading to Peter's room (the connected room that had allowed Ray to check on him during those first hours of worry.).

Ray let out a loud yelp and held his clothing in front of him like a shield. Then realised it was just Peter. He sighed, relaxing a little. Then he noticed Peter hadn't said a word.

"Peter..?" he asked curiously and Venkman held a finger up, still staring at Ray.

"Just a sec, shamelessly ogling."

Ray blushed profusely, but his heart thudded happily.

"Sorry, I though this was a closet." Peter said, then paused "there's a joke there, I know it-"

Ray burst into laughter, getting a grin from Venkman. He crossed the rest of the distance between them, wrapping his arms around the barely clothed Raymond. Ray happily snuggled into his arms, still feeling the excitement of the whole date surging in his veins.

"Tonight was amazing." he murmured as he nuzzled Peter's cheek.

"Glad you enjoyed it, hot stuff." Peter kissed the sweet spot below Ray's ear, making him sigh happily "I have every intention of treating you to much more."

Ray kissed him deeply to convey his excitement, and Peter's hands traced over his back, sending teasing shivers up his spine.

"Wanna stay with me tonight?" Ray asked as Peter finally ceased kissing him, getting a sultry smile in response. In the end, Ray didn't bother getting dressed fully, he just got into bed with Peter alongside, safely tucked into Venkman's warm, strong arms.

Peter studied the snoozing Ray as he grew drowsy. Tonight had been wonderful, getting to take his sweet Ray out on a proper date, to talk about so many things he'd never shared until now. Ray had clearly enjoyed himself, as even in sleep he was smiling softly, so much more confident with his sexuality than he'd been at the start.

He was woken the next morning by Ray sneaking back into bed after a loo break. Peter immediately snuggled him and mumbled a half-asleep greeting. Ray smiled, kissing Venkman as he woke up fully.

"Shower?" Peter asked.

"Together?" Ray queried back.

"Oh, you know my answer to that-" Peter grinned, giving Ray's bottom a pat as they headed for the bathroom in Peter's room (it was bigger).

"You two have fun last night?" Winston asked as the duo joined him and Egon for breakfast. Ray nodded, launching into the dinner, the festival-

Egon wondered what it'd be like to do something like that with Eugene? He longed to get home to the man, hearing his voice over the phone wasn't enough…

"I assume we're heading back either today or tomorrow?" Peter asked, making Egon jolt in his seat "it's gonna take a day or two to get back after all..."

"Ah, well, we can leave once all the agreements with the protectorate are finished. I believe they still need to discuss a mentor of some sort, Venkman."

Peter grumbled under his breath at the mention of this, but did finally begrudgingly accept Egon had a point. Ray patted his hand and Peter managed a weak smile.

"I'd better go find 'em then, I wanna get this over with." he grunted, getting up from his seat once they'd finished their food. He thanked the cook then swanned out of the room.

"Huh, he didn't drag you along with. Maybe he's finally adjusting?" Winston theorised.

Ray hoped so. He'd love Peter regardless, and he knew Venkman had likely accepted this and was hopefully using it to confront his fears.

Peter strolled through the halls, hands shoved in his pockets, searching for Marcus or Caroline. Again, he felt like he was getting lost in this house. He closed his eyes, wishing he could just find-

There. A faint tug on his consciousness led him off down a hall, round another corner and he found himself in front of a door. He raised a hand to knock, when the door abruptly opened and he came face to face with the gaggle of student acolytes.

He blinked.

They stared in open curiosity at him.

For a moment, nobody moved.

"Do I need to start selling tickets now?" Peter said curtly, he wasnt used to being idolsied like this. He was the class clown, the one who made a fool of himself as a distraction. He wasnt some long lost history icon-

"Sorry, sir." the one at the front said, inclining his head respectfully.

"Sir? I'm not your teacher." Peter huffed, spying Marcus coming over to investigate "He's the teacher."

"Dont worry, it's common for juniors to address seniors with that greeting, Dr."

"I'm pretty sure these guys have been here far longer than I have. I only met you two days ago." Peter snorted "you can dispense with the formalities."

Marcus smiled, motioning to his students "On a technical level, Dr, you have power equivalent to an elder, and your demonstrations thus far have shown impressive talent. That is why they address you so."

The students nodded as one, some still wearing wide-eye curious expressions.

Peter felt oddly flustered, they weren't supposed to LIKE him. Were they?

"You mean the tree thing? I was kinda hoping one of you could switch it back-" Peter sighed, and the students shook their heads.

"That was a big spell, man. Also, we'd have to know the spell to undo it, and you kind of...wrote it on the fly. Most of us study spells to use them, you've kind of just-" one of the male students struggled to finish, so Peter stepped in.

"-been pulling things outta my a-" Peter began, only for Marcus to cough and the students start laughing.

"Regardless of where it originated, Dr," he said with a faint smile while the students giggled "it was still a sizeable spell. It would take a fair bit of study to unravel and 'read' it, as it goes."

"Ah, right. Suppose I should be glad it didn't turn neon yellow." Peter muttered "or catch fire."

"You're very preoccupied with things catching fire." One student piped up and Peter shrugged, recognising him as one of the two he'd talked to under the tree.

"It's what happened around me when I first came home after the hospital. I stayed at the HQ, and blew out many lightbulbs, caused freak electrical crashes and set Egon's laptop on fire. Among other things. It got so bad the containment unit had to be re-shielded in case it got strong enough to scramble the controls."

"Oops." One student said, wincing "I had a growth spurt after I joined these guys- I completely fried all the electronics in my room. The TV just straight up melted."

"Wild power swings aren't uncommon during increases in power," Marcus smiled "we've all experienced them one way or another."

Peter nodded, before stepping back to let the students go by. Some shot shy glances at him and he wondered if he was a bit intimidating. Sasha just grinned at him, she seemed entirely unfazed.

"They mean no harm," Marcus assured him, as the students glanced back at their new addition and their tutor. Feeling bad for his outbursts, Peter raised a hand in a wave goodbye and even managed a small smile. The gaggle of acolytes seemed happier as they turned the corner.

"Seeing you fight against such a strong opponent has given them great respect for you, doubly so since you've had no experience with magic. I'd wager a few recognise you from your regular profession as well, so there's that as well."

"Celebrity, right." Peter groaned, shaking his head "I'm not some hero, I don't get it- oh never mind. I came here to talk to you."

"Oh! Of course, no problem. What did you wish to discuss?"

"About the tutoring thing. Mistake it not for my being unwilling to appreciate your help, but we're gonna have to leave for home soon."

"I understand completely, Dr." Marcus said "and we already considered that. We figured you would want to return home ASAP, you have a long way to travel. Let me call Caroline, she should be finished with her tasks by now. No doubt she seeks you, so this will be perfect."

Peter perched on the edge of a desk while he and Marcus waited for Caroline. Venkman's stomach was shifting again. His mind kept going back to the memories of the rescue. He trusted his friends to accept him- would he be able to trust these guys after what'd happened?

Caroline walked in then, starling him out of his daze. She smiled kindly at Venkman, sitting on the edge of the teachers desk.

"I have good news, Dr Venkman, the Elder has assigned ME to be your mentor. I can monitor how you are dealing with your new limits as well as teach you basic skills."

Peter nodded, silently relieved that one of the two sensible ones he'd met was going to teach-

"Wait, I don't know where you live but I bet it's not New York. How's this gonna work?"

"Oh that's easy. I travel all the time, to different states and counties. Moving to New York for a spell is no trouble at all, in fact its one of the few places I've never been to. I'm looking forward to seeing the city."

Peter blinked, accepting all this and nodding.

He still looked apprehensive, wether he realised it or not and Caroline worried he'd struggle with his lessons if he kept treating his magic like a houseguest he particularly despised. She could understand the pain associated with it. The terror of the initial kidnap and ritual, followed by the bursts of overload and ending with the fight against his father. He understandingly associated it with pain and danger.

"Are you and your companions going home now you've finished your business here?" she asked, echoing what Marcus had been asking.

"We'll likely leave soon, we've been away too long, there's probably cases piling up already. Plus the mayor and his cronies don't like us going out of state unless it's for financial reasons." Peter shrugged "We only have two people working backup, they need a break by this point."

"Then we have just one more favour, Dr Venkman." A familiar voice spoke from the doorway and Peter went tense as a board. It reminded Caroline of when her cat seen something it didn't like. The Elder didn't seem fazed by Peter's body language, simply walking to stand before the trio.

"I spoke with your college, a Dr Spengler. He's satisfied the uplink is working and now all that remains is some paperwork. We may be magic, but we still have filing."

Peter grunted an affirmative, staring at the papers being held out to him. He took them, studying each one intently, he wasn't going to be fooled by a magical EULA, nu-uh.

"Complete it at your leisure then return it to any of the seniors."

Peter stared at the words "Magical study introduction" and could only manage a vague sound. All this paperwork made it feel too real, to close for comfort with regards to his "lets pretend this isn't happening" mindset.

"Maybe after that we can graduate to words?" The Elder sighed to himself.

"What have I to say on the matter that hasn't been heard?" Peter said archly.

The Elder nodded "Fair point, I daresay. While we all hope you'll eventually reconsider your feelings on magic, your suspicion has good grounds. I'll leave you to it." then he left.

-Getting him to sign on with us was one battle, but I fear we face a much tougher one to get him to accept his potential.- the Elder sighed as he strode back to his room. -He is very stubborn, and fiercely loyal. Yet, there is hope with this one. His ability to free those once enslaved by his father was impressive. Compassionate magic, a powerful trait.-

Back in the makeshift classroom, Peter sighed, rubbing his forehead as he looked at the paperwork.

Caroline asked if he wanted help understanding it and he nodded reluctantly, but also added that the others should see this. Caroline followed him back to the Library, where the others tended to hang out lately. Ray seen Peter's tense, withdrawn expression and wanted instantly to hug him. But he held it in check as they all sat around the table, Peter resting his chin in his hand and drumming his fingers on the table lightly as the magical paperwork was dissected by Egon and Ray, with Winston's input now and then.

He only broke out of his daze so Ray could translate any legal speak, surmising it was just a basic agreement for the following: Peter was giving consent for them to study his magical training and past history, and they were promising to supply whatever he needed to someday be in safe control of his full power.

"Theres no limit on this," Caroline added "so don't feel you need to rush yourself."

Peter nodded mutely, it was easy to see he wasn't happy with all this taking such a big role in his life. But he'd already admitted he knew it wouldn't go away if he just stuck his head in the sand. Ray's hand came to rest on the arm that was restlessly drumming, those hazel eyes wordlessly asking was he alright?

Peter nodded, giving Stantz a small smile.

"I have some books for you, Dr stantz, l'll go fetch them shortly. They're all on the history and study of companionship throughout the ages. I know you were curious to understand when we last talked."

Ray nodded "whatever helps to understand all this." he added.

Peter pushed up his sleeve, studying the marks once more. They still appeared to his eyes, but now they were only glowing very faintly.

"Are they settling in well?" Caroline asked and Peter gave a hesitant nod.

"I think so, I don't feel like shorting out like before. The headaches have backed off too, I can finally think straight."

"Uh-oh." Egon said bluntly.

"Everybody duck!" Winston did his best impression of hiding to avoid a bomb blast.

"Har har, wise-asses." Peter grunted, folding his arms and pouting. Ray giggled, making the glower turn to him, which only made him laugh harder.

"Hopeless" Peter sighed, making all three laugh. Even Caroline was chuckling, seeing the groups efforts to cheer Venkman up….by insulting him? What a strange camaraderie these boys had.

"Can you still see them?" Peter eventually asked a less giggly Ray. He nodded, again confirming Caroline's thoughts that these two had a very powerful companions bond.

And so, with his friends approval and support, Peter signed the proposed contract. They'd teach him, and he'd let them study his magic. He just hoped this wasn't a big mistake…

They made plans to leave the next day, and Marie decided they'd have an outdoor garden dinner that evening, just her and the Ghostbusters.

As she was checking to make sure the placements were correct, she spotted a figure out of the corner of her, in the distance. It was doctor Venkman, and he was standing beneath the tree he'd accidentally changed the colour of. Well, its leaves anyway. She left Thibodeux to tend to the rest of the preparations and drifted over to where Venkman stood.

"Again, sorry about this. I've no idea if it can change back or not..." Peter said sheepishly as she stood next to him.

"Fret not, child. It's a tough one, this tree. It has seen and absorbed much over the centuries, a little cosmetic change wont stop it."

She could see he was pretty withdrawn and asked him what troubled him.

"Nothing really. I'm just apprehensive about learning magic. Once opened, that door won't close. Plus, I wonder where my mother is right now. All the digging into the past, of how much a monster my father was; I have to wonder what she saw in him. Am I like her at all? I mean, I look quite a bit like my father, who knows what I've inherited from his side…." He shuddered at the thought.

"You are your own person, child. You have proven little of your fathers side, he took free will whereas you strove to grant it. I observed your interaction with the ghosts of your father's slaves. You realised what kept them bound; forgiveness. Both their own AND yours. By giving them that, you spared them an eternity of waiting. That takes something your father did not have; kindness."

"You remind me of Raymond- he can always see the good in me, even when I try to deny it. He wont stop believing in me, even when I'm at my worst."

"You have much good in you to find," she smiled "you are very loyal, doctor. You fought your father to save your friends and loved one. You fought against possession for the sake of your dear Dr Stantz. You battled for your life so you could protect the others in turn."

"I did have a dream.." Peter murmured "I seen them fighting to get me away from my kidnappers. I guess what I'm getting at is.." he sighed, giving voice to the final thought of that dream "if I've gotta learn about this crazy stuff, who better than them, right?"

Marie beamed warmly at him, nodding. Peter felt a little better, and felt the weight on his chest ease off.

The last dinner with the Madame was a wonderful one. She thanked them for visiting her, and hoped they'd return under less hectic circumstances. She spoke at length with Peter, assuring him Caroline was a patient tutor, she wouldn't push him to accept his magic. Also, that she had faith that he'd learn to master it, he was stronger than he knew.

Ray came to sit with Peter as he packed that night, not saying a word just sitting there as Peter packed everything into his case. Marie and the Protectorate had gifted them with various things, including books, homemade sweets and several recipes for Ray to try. Marcus had given Peter a book on the basics of magic for him to peruse at his leisure. Peter slotted it in alongside the book on divination the man in the shop had given him.

"All set?" he asked Ray now, as he zipped his case up. Ray nodded, taking Peter's hand and holding it gently. Peter took the invitation to sit beside his lover and slipped an arm around him. Ray leant against his chest, sighing happily.

"We're all here, you know that right?" he asked suddenly "I'll study what you study, that way you wont feel pressured and I can understand what you're going through. Would that be OK?"

Peter blinked, then nodded, feeling his heart warming at Ray's words "I'd like that, cutie."

"Then it's settled." Ray whispered, locking lips with Peter a second later. Peter groaned, moving Ray onto his lap for even better kissing vantage. Ray got comfortable, about to kiss Peter again, when-

"Oh for- can you pay attention for 5 seconds without smooching Stantz?"

Winston's voice startled the pair, making Peter sit bolt upright, and Ray lost his balance. He squawked, falling backwards onto the carpet.


"Winston, don't you ever knock!" Peter grumbled, pouting at being interrupted. As he spoke, he took Ray's hand and helped him up.

"I could, or you could learn to close the dang DOOR, dingus." Winston shot back. Peter stared blankly, but Ray facepalmed. He'd come in via the hallway door, he hadn't checked it was closed...

"Oops." he said sheepishly, hearing Peter chuckle.

"We'll be leaving early, so no shenanigans, get my drift." Winston said mock-sternly, eyeing the two. Ray went red and tried to look innocent, while Peter just smirked.

"Is that a challenge?" Peter asked, getting a laser-beam glare from Winston before he left.

"That a no?" Peter joked, catching Ray's eye and grinning.