
"You know, love, looking at you takes my breath away. And I might just need mouth-to-mouth this time…"

Chell looked up from her book, unimpressed. "Wheatley, did you just ask me to kiss you?"


"We're married. You don't need to ask."


(chronologically would have to come before #1 but order of post)

Chell leaned against the table, and tapped Wheatley's shoulder.

He didn't look up from his handheld. "Yes, love?"

"Notice anything different today?"

"Can't say I have." He continued on with his game, and Chell patiently remained where she was. And for a minute, nothing happened. Then, realization crossed Wheatley's face. He jerked his head up, looking at her with bewilderment. "Did- did you just… talk?"

Chell grinned. "Surprise~"

#3 (Easter's Fools)

She was simply sitting in bed when Wheatley barged into the room, a goofy grin on his face. "You know what day it is?"

Chell looked at him quizzically. "Sunday."

"No, no, no, I meant the date."

"First day of April." Her eyes narrowed. "You aren't planning a prank, are you?"

Wheatley made his most innocent expression. "Of course not, love. It's just that all the eggs and candies are on sale for Easter- which is also today, by the way- and I thought I might make you a sweet treat."

"Wheatley, if you made me another watermelon 'cake,' God help you."

"I swear it isn't a watermelon cake." He took her hand and pulled her out of bed. "You'll love it, I promise. Made it all by myself." Wheatley half-dragged, half-led her to the kitchen. On the counter, a pan held a frosted confection.

"Ta-da! Made you a cake!"

Chell hesitated. It looked real enough, and smelled of chocolate. But his face implied it was something else.

Maybe he sensed her skepticism. He smiled reassuringly. "Go on, love, have some."

She picked up a nearby knife and tried to cut the cake, but stopped when she heard the sound of paper ripping.

Chell looked at Wheatley. "That's not a cake-"

"Yeah, it isn't. April Fools!" He grinned. "They're cupcakes. But, er, it ought to taste like a proper cake." He removed a cupcake from the pan and held it out to her. "There you go, love. Oh, the… the frosting's all over my hands now. Could you, uh… Could you take it? And, wouldn't want to impose, of course, but I'd like if you'd have some. I cross my heart I followed all the instructions right."

She smiled and took the proffered cupcake.

It was a much better "prank" than last year's.