Dragon Tech Virtual Reality: The Game War

If any spelling errors or grammar issues are found please let me know so that I can fix them.

Every story I write is up for adoption as I know I probably will never be able to finish them, if you are interested in adopting a story let me know, however there will be rules and if they cannot be obeyed then you cannot adopt the story. Sorry but it's something I have to do.

The Dragon, it was an invention that changed the way the world worked. The Dragon was the first ever and only device to allow Virtual reality players come alive. In this system it allowed the player to become their character, allowing them to feel what their character feels and see what their character sees. You could become anyone and do anything, and that's what attracted so much attention to the system. No one ever wanted to give up their dreams, everyone wanted to live them, and the Dragon allowed players to do just that. The system allowed players to become the character from their favourite movie, game, TV series or anything they wanted to be. Anything was possible with the Dragon.

Within the system there are 5 main realms; past, present, futuristic, fantasy and The Wild lands. Each sector allows players to do whatever they wanted, as long as they were within the boundaries of that realm. The sector of the past is often referred to as the 'Era of Old' or the 'Dynasty of Destruction' as most players in this realm play as Knights, Vikings, Samurai's or Pirates. Therefore most of the time spent in this realm like many other realms is spent fighting. In this realm there are 4 restrictions;

1-You must play as a human player model, no exceptions

2-There are no guns or specialised weapons allowed in the realm, all guns and special weapons will automatically be restricted upon entry unto realm.

3-No futuristic weapons or items allowed, these items will also be restricted upon entry into realm.

4- No fantasy objects or magic allowed, these items will also be restricted upon entry into realm.

The present realm is just like modern day society, thus it is often just referred to just as the present as it is no different. The only difference in this realm is that you are able to experience whatever you can't outside of the Dragon. Furthermore some people often use their dragon to do their work rather than go into work, however this is frowned upon in some companies. There are 3 restrictions in this realm:

1-You must play as a human player model in all PvP arenas, no exceptions. Non human characters are allowed outside of PvP

2-No futuristic weapons or items allowed, these items will also be restricted upon entry into realm.

3- No fantasy objects or magic allowed, these items will also be restricted upon entry into realm.

The futuristic realm is known as the future or the intergalactic realm as players are able to go from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy searching new worlds and finding new things. In this realm; spaceships, robots, flying cars and just about any technological advancement ever thought of is present. All player model types are permitted in this realm. Aliens and monsters are often found in large numbers within this realm. There is 1 restrictions in this realm:

1- No fantasy objects or magic allowed, these items will also be restricted upon entry into realm.

The fantasy realm is just as it sounds with wizards, mages, magic and dragons just to name a few things that are present in this realm. With magic being a big part of this realm there is always a duel with magic going are 2 restrictions in this realm:

1-No futuristic weapons or items allowed, these items will also be restricted upon entry into realm.

2 There are no guns or specialised weapons allowed in the realm, all guns and special weapons will automatically be restricted upon entry unto realm.

The final realm is known as the Wastelands or Wild lands and the reason for this is because half of the real is a dedicated war zone. Every zone has fighting as PvP and PvAI is a major part of the game however there is no part of those realms that is in permanent conflict on a large scale. Sure each realm has hundreds battling each other at a certain time often going into the thousands but here it's always hundreds of thousands fighting. This realm is a warzone, there are only 2 safe zones in this realm which are both smaller than the rest of the realm, and there are no restrictions or limitations in this realm. This means that there is more to be earned for battling in the realm, however this also means that more to lose. Every time a player dies in a realm they lose some of their possessions, the maximum a player can keep in their storage is 50% of what they own. The game is able to determine the worth of every item in the game and therefore determine what 50% of your possessions looks like. Every time a player dies in an ordinary realm they lose 50% of all their possessions, as well as all the weapons and equipment on their person, however in the Wastelands a player loses 80% of their possessions but gain an extra 50% when doing something, compared to other realms.

This may not seem fair but when in the Wasteland money is earned quickly and because money in game can buy things in the real world people are willing to risk it all to earn some quick cash. There are a lot of players who do this type of thing, and the money produced is good, but it's not amazing. That's why many choose a job in the real world and then get a bit of extra cash in here if they're lucky. However there are a select few who choose this as their job because they can't find a real job, they have done something and can't be hired, therefore they need a clean way to get money or they just don't want to get a real job and find this world way better. I unfortunately didn't get a choice and am one of those select few who are forced to work in this world. I mean, I don't mind it, it gives me money but the exchange rate between the game and real life is extremely low and knowing you could lose it all at in a moment doesn't really help either.

I first started playing on the dragon when I was 6, 15 years after it was released and by the age of 14 I had gained more than I had lost, however that all changed the day after the accident. I lost my family; father, mother, uncles, aunts, everyone that I ever knew about died that day, all except one. However they couldn't help me as they were in a financial crisis and lived far away, so I was alone. I got all that was left from my family, which wasn't that much as we were poor, and after my hospital visit and the funeral the only thing left was a large bill. For 2 months I didn't really do much, I was broken, lost, I felt like I had no purpose. I knew I was never going to be able to go into the outside and get a job again because of what they accident until a doctor spoke to me. He said that if I got a large sum of money I could be fixed, I could live an almost normal life again, I could be me again. I made a decision that day, I was going to do whatever it took to get money to survive. I didn't care if I become one of the most hated or wanted people on the servers I needed money and right then I didn't care how, all I knew was that I needed it. So I made another decision, I put on my dragon and went into the game, I then sold everything I didn't need and bought a high tech Dragon. It would allow my in game performance to skyrocket. I'll admit it was expensive, really really expensive but it was worth it, with the limited edition Fury model I was more my character than I was myself.

Everything felt real. I could smell, hear and feel more than I had ever felt and definitely more than I had felt in the past 3 months, it was surreal and I loved it. For 4 years I fought in the realms earning money, catching bounties, killing players, winning races and doing everything possible to earn money, however it was never enough. After the occasional setback I still wasn't earning nearly enough to break even with the debt I owed, I was close but I wasn't as close as I wanted to be. I didn't have many friends in the realm and I certainly had no friends out of it, so I didn't have many friends to help me along or keep me motivated, but I suppose that day was the day my story changed...

A large blonde man with a hook for a left hand and peg leg for a right foot stood next to a large truck, "Where are ye laddie?"

A young man in an all black armour suit came running out from behind the corner "I'm here, I'm here don't get your knickers in a twist."

"Well I wouldn't be annoyed in somebody did their job on time, now git to work" Said the man.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sorry Gobber I got distracted in the wasteland, you know me" said the younger man as he ran past Gobber avoiding the hook that was swung at him (Kinda like in HTTYD 2 when he's late to the forge except that was a hammer) towards the back of the shop to look at the other car.

"So how did the mighty adventures Hiccup go in the Wasteland" said Gobber as he opened the bonnet of the truck to inspect his work.

"Well I suppose, it could've gone better. Killed quite a few low rankers who were looking for easy cash so it wasn't a good payday but most of the big game wasn't there today, you heard anything?" said Hiccup as he opened up his inventory to retrieve the colour coding schematic for the car.

"Ah you know the rumours apparently something big is gonna go down soon, so all the high rankers are just waiting for the news to drop and get a head start."

"You think it'll really be worth it though, all the other big events have been pretty worthless?"

"I don't know laddie, all I can say is we'll find out soon enough." 2 hours later the men were finished their work on the cars and Gobber was teaching Hiccup how to work on the Tie Fighter someone had ordered, when they both got notifications.

When they opened the message a humanoid looking man appeared, his name was Xobrus, a Zabrak, however his real name is Jackson Antherton, the CEO of Dragon Tech. "Hello users today marks a momentous day in Dragon Tech history, today I announce the beginning of the largest tournament known to mankind."

Gobber frowned "Bulldust, it's this is just your way of getting people to put more money into this game."

"Let's just hear what he has to say before we put a label on it, you know I need cash and if it's a easy way to earn cash you know I'm in" said Hiccup curious of what the CEO was about to propose.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say lad" said Gobber as he fiddled with the Tie Fighter.

Hiccup continued to watch the man speak as Gobber worked away, "Tomorrow at noon the competition will start, there is no time limit on the competition, because if there was nobody would finish it. Once it starts a clue will be dropped to all players, once the clue has dropped it is your job to decipher the clue and begin the race to the finish. Now I know you're all wondering what the reward is as most of our competitions have pretty meagre rewards, well don't worry this one isn't. In this competition there are 5 challenges for 5 main realms, and at the end of each challenge the first person to find the item will get a reward of a hundred thousand dollars, not game currency, real money. Then the first person to get the 5 items and solve the puzzle will win 120 billion dollars and a share in 25% of Dragon Tech stocks. You can take on this challenge with a team or win the glory all by yourself, it's all up to you." Hiccup hadn't heard the last few words of Jackson Antherton as he had almost passed out. He couldn't think of anything else but the money put on the table and his mind was working overtime. If he could be the first person to win the first 5 challenges he would be able to pay off all the debt that he had accumulated and had been trying to pay off for the last 4 years. However if he wanted to be normal again, if he ever wanted to be able to be free he had to win the competition. He turned to look at Gobber who was just as gob smacked as he was.

"Gobber, I'm gonna need your help."

The next day

At noon the next day hundreds upon thousands of players stood in the safe zone of the Wastelands and waited for the announcement to happen, and then it came. A message appeared in the sky, it was a riddle:

For now I will rot with the beseechers
Staying as a creature I will not feature
For the student has become the teacher
and I am no longer a legendary creature

I have a mouth but I cannot speak
Eyes, but I cannot see
Ears, but I cannot hear
A mouth without breath
For my breath was once fire

For a dragon I was called
But a serpent I became
And a snakeskin is all that does remain

First things first, I'm not a poet, nor do i know how to write riddles. Second thing, it's not supposed to make sense, everything will be explained in later chapters I assure you.