Greetings All. This is where Just Another Saturday Night ends. Chapter 13, rather fitting for Gojin. I figured this was the appropriate way to end this story. Sorry, I didn't go into a blow by blow battle scene, but I'm not much for that kind of thing. While this tale has ended I do want to do one of Castis and Teskal working together. (But not on chasing down Gojin.) Anyone got any suggestions for what the C-Sec odd couple could be working together on? If so drop me a line. I'll at least listen. I thank all of you who've faved, followed, reviewed or commented on this story. You are terrific.


Gojin thrashed awake to the stench and feel of rotting garbage, decaying flesh, and things dissolving back into their base components. Where in Spirit's name was he.

That last he remembered he'd been moving down one of Omega's many twisting, trash filled alleys with his latest 'job'. Some Salarian who hadn't paid a small time blackmailer the money he owed. The Blackmailer had hired Gojin, though he didn't go by that name here on Omega, to deliver a lesson.

Lesson! Had those damn kids tripped him up somehow and made him hit his head. He was going to take extra time with them.

"You're finally awake." Came a deep flanging voice. "Was about ready to dump something liquid on you." Absently Gojin shuddered at what that might have been given where they were.

He was about to snarl back at the other man when the tone, and lack of sub harmonics, registered. This wasn't anyone he knew; and if he was keeping his sub harmonics suppressed – not someone he wanted to know. Only those with something to hide blocked their subs.

He crawled to his feet, flinching as he put his hands in things that ballooned and popped, showering him with rot and decay. He knew where he was now – the TIP – the place where all of Omega's garbage came to be disposed of. Some of it less than willingly.

Staggering upright, he faced the owner of the voice.

The other man was sitting calmly on relatively clean crate buried in the midst of a station's worth of garbage. An adult male from the bulk of the shoulders and the height. Not as tall and broad as Gojin but not an easy opponent either. He was wearing deep cobalt blue heavy armor and a darkened helmet. Over his back, Gojin could see the stock of a powerful sniper rifle. For a moment he froze then realized that if the stranger had wanted him dead, he'd already be dead.

"Who in Spirit's name are you?" He looked around, but couldn't see anyone else.

"Later." Came the same cold voice.

Now, getting a better look at the man, Gojin saw an insignia on his right arm. Two lines surmounting a very stylized bird, all in a deep golden yellow. He realized that he dimly recognized that insignia. He'd seen it painted on different walls in some of the wards; but he couldn't remember what it meant.

"Where are the two kids that were with me?" Gojin demanded.

There was a sudden sub harmonic growl that the armor couldn't quite dampen.

"Headed back to their parents." The stranger straightened up, then stood up.

"Now I'm going to have to catch them again you stupid pyjak." Gojin spat at him, irritated.

"No." The voice was colder than outer space. On the heels of that the other man took off his rifle, carefully laying it down on the crate, then began to remove his upper armor.

"Not interested." Gojin told him, looking around for a way out.

"No choice." Came the reply. "The only way you get out is through me."

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"You!" The other man had removed everything but his helmet. With the top half of his armor gone, his sub harmonics were clearly audible. They were coldly angry.

"There is no place on this station – in this galaxy for someone who preys on children." His rage spiked and Gojin began to reconsider how bad this situation might be.

"They're just kids – no one gives a damn."

"I do, Gojin." There was a snarl from under the helmet.

That caught him off guard. No one knew his name on Omega, he'd made sure of that. Except perhaps Aria, but then she knew everything.

"Who's Gojin? My name is…."

"Gojin Dregus…cheap enforcer for anyone who can pay. No talent, no skills, and no morals." The other man shot back.

"How in Spirit's name do you know that?" Gojin was surprised. He'd buried his real self and name decades ago.

"C-Sec." Two hands rose towards the darkened helmet.

"You're not C-Sec." Gojin jeered at him. "They don't come here."

"No, but the man who got the info was one of their best." With that the helmet was lifted clear.

He found himself facing a young male, Silver grey plates, greyish tan skin and blue eyes, wearing a blue visor that covered one eye. And cobalt blue colony markings that looked somehow familiar. Then he flashed back to an older male in C-Sec blue.


"Good." There was no smile behind that comment. "You remember."

"Which member of that pathetic clan are you?" Gojin was still angry with Vakarian for chasing him off the Citadel and a host of other things. This youngster didn't scare him.

With that Vakarian pulled something from a pocket in his armor and threw it at Gojin's feet. When it rolled to a stop, he got a good look at it. It was an old model Varren control collar.

"Is that…" He paused as he remembered one of the last times he'd really used that type of collar, because they were too easy to hack and/or get out of. "You!"


It was Vakarian's kid. One of the few to ever get away and survive. And cold fingers grabbed his spine because it looked like he was out for payback.

He'd never really faced one of his old victims, one that was physically his equal. He'd always preyed on those weaker than him. If he could have run, he would have.

"How'd you get away?" Gojin stalled trying to look for a way out.

"A good friend from the Alliance." Came the quiet reply then Vakarian shook his head. He carefully removed his visor and set it by his rifle.

"The sniper is bio-locked to me, so won't open for you." He said without turning around.

"It was just business." Gojin lied.

"No." Vakarian turned around. "You enjoyed it too much for it to be business. Business is leaving children alone, business is a clean kill not torturing and beating. No, this was always about more than business for you."

"So what? There are always more kids." Gojin taunted the man hoping he could get past him if he charged; but Vakarian didn't move, except to pull a long combat knife from it's hidden spot in his armor.

"I'm not armed." Gojin wanted to back up; but knew he couldn't show the other man any fear.

A second knife appeared from nowhere and was thrown at him.

"I'll give you a fighting chance." There was a long pause and cold blue eyes locked with his. "Something you never did."

Vakarian stood quietly while Gojin picked up the knife. The older man knew how to use one but the way the younger man stood said that he'd had much more experience with it.

"What name should I list you in my kills as." Gojin tried a bluff. Throwing in a snarl to back it up. Though if he'd been human he'd of been sweating.

"Who I was does not matter anymore." Came the ice-cold reply. "Now I go by a different name – as you do."

"Oh and what's that?" Gojin pushed distain in his sub harmonics. But Vakarian seemed immune to whatever Gojin was putting out.

Cold rage rolled through Vakarian's sub harmonics as he answered. "Archangel."