Danny hissed, pressing his back against the seemingly warm concrete warehouse wall. Straining his hearing, his ears picked up the soft stumble of steps, and hushed whispers. At this moment Danny would rather be babysitting Satan's kid right now.

"Did you see where the freak is?" All he wanted was a bathroom break, how was he supposed to know he was landing near hunters? Another wise left him as his eyes fell to the blood clinging onto blue jeans. Yea he should have just gone straight to the Winchesters, things rarely go well for him. A ring, and bang followed a few feet away from him causing him to jump.

They were going to find him soon, he had to move, but the good question is what the hell it was they shot him with cause it burns like hell.

carry on my wayward son, they'll be peace when-

"Fuck" Danny whispered, wrangling his phone out of his pocket and hitting mute... The damage was done.

"He's over here!" Danny growled, taking a dash towards the exit, hearing gun fire ring behind him. He can do this, he can. First, can't let Sam ring through can he.

"Hey Sam, now's not a good time." Danny rushed, falling through the floor fast, barely missing another bullet. A string of curses followed his disappearance, and he settled a few floors below.

"Were those gunshots? Danny, what the hell?" Sam's worried voice filtered through as Danny picked up hurried footsteps running down the stairs. A sigh of relief left the teen when his eyes landed on the much healed, and less painful leg. "Are you okay? Do you need help? where are you?"

"Sorry, I got spotted by some hunters but I'll handle it." Danny responded, hearing footsteps get closer. "I'll just be a little late, okay?"

"If anything, call us. Okay?' Sam's voice held no room for argument, not that Danny would have argued with him.

'Yea, I'll see you." Danny sighed, and slide his phone away. The Footsteps grew louder, as Danny sided. Quickly he lined up the boxes littered around the floor against the door, mostly for telekinetic practice but also to keep them busy for as long as possible. Releasing a breath, he turned invisible and stepped through the wall. Picking up and flying towards the store he saw. He doesn't care what happened, he needs a bathroom and a snack.

"We'll be back soon." Sam spoke, an apology clear as day on his face with Dean already out at the car. Danny decided to be nice to Dean's moodiness all things considered. He appreciated Sam holding back a minute to check in and make sure Danny would be alright.

"It's fine, you guys go. I'll keep the baby but actually basically an adult, busy." Danny waved off with a small laugh. "I've got this, and if he suddenly starts crawling on the ceiling I'll call you and higher a priest." Danny joked, earning a laugh of Sam.

"Thanks, we owe you." Sam smiled, giving his byes to Danny and then Jack before leaving with a sparing glance backwards.

Danny smiled awkwardly at the kid before him. The kid just sat on the couch, looking just as out of placed as Danny felt. Of course Danny did not like the fact that someone who was basically just born yesterday was taller than him, and already looked his age. It wasn't fair, not like things often are at his height, but it's still saddening.

"So, what'd you like to do?" Danny asked, watching the kid's face contort in confusion. "Like watch TV, or a place to go out an eat, or games?" Danny continued, only watching the confusion grow.

"I like nougat..." He spoke, taking a pause before adding on. "and burgers."

"Okay, what about TV?" Danny questioned, motioning towards the TV settled in the den. He was only met with another confused stare which caused Danny to sigh. For the son of the literal devil this kid was extremely clueless. That's fine though, experience with new ghosts has trained Danny for this. Regardless of how much Danny would much rather be back at school, with Theo. "Cartoons it is." Danny flicked the screen on, watching it steal all of the kid's attention.

The older of the two held back a laugh, maybe it wont be all that bad if all he really has to do is sit here with the kid. Not that it's much fun, if Jack has enough sense, Danny might be able to take him out for ice cream or to an arcade. There's nothing worse than boring babysitters. The Winchesters didn't give him much to go on besides keeping the nephilim alive and out of trouble.

Which really means they shouldn't have chosen Danny because trouble always follows the young college student everywhere. Nonetheless, everyone seems to think he's the best choice for very important jobs. You would assume people would realize that's not the best idea.

"Can people do that?" Jack's voice broke through Danny's thoughts. He turned his attention to the television which happened to have Scooby Doo on. Shaggy had done the cliche Scooby run, stuck in place for a second while in the air. Danny chuckled for a second, regardless of how the kid looked or what powers he has, he really is just a kid.

"Nope, its just cartoon logic. It stuff that only works in shows like this." Danny waved towards the screen for emphasis. "After this episode, I'll show you the Looney Tunes. Now that's a melting pot of Cartoon logic." Danny laughed, turning to the show.

"So, what are we feeling for lunch?" Danny asked, opting to sit on the counter rather than a chair. The kid was seated at one of the counter seats, watching Danny with a confused and intrigued stare. Danny sighed, shaking his head. Sometimes he forgets this kid didn't experience a lot of things. He can't be surprised that the Winchesters didn't bother to try and have the kid experience the world a little. But, hey if he was gonna babysit, it was going to be a good time for the both of them. "Okay, what do you like? Nougat, right?" Danny continued.

"Yea... and burgers." Jack answered, Danny really should just get used to the kid's constant state of confusion. Danny paused, thinking through what they could have for lunch.

"Okay, I've got an idea." Danny declared, grabbing a set of keys of the wall. He started for the door, before looking back and seeing Jack still seated. "You coming?" The college student ask motioning towards the door. Danny raised an eyebrow at the look of surprise the kid gave him.

"I can come?" Jack asked, standing up. "I can't really... go places." He added, looking confused and surprised. Danny inwardly sighed, he gets it he does. Jack was powerful, he had people after him, but Jack was also just a kid. Regardless of age. As much as he trusts the Winchesters' judgement, this was one thing that he can't get behind.

God, Danny sounds older as the day passes.

"Well, I'm not them." Danny shrugged with a grin. "So, you're invited." The grin dropped to a pleased smile and the look of excitement that took on the kid's features.

"Okay, so let me get this straight." Danny all but growled, watching the sad kid. "Dean wants to kill you just because your dad is Lucifer?" Danny can't really say he's surprised, he just figured Dean had grown more as a person than that. Parents' don't dictate who you are or who you will be.

"He doesn't like me." Jack answered, looking down. Danny sighed, taking a seat next to the young nephilim. Before he could speak up, Jack continued. "What if I am evil like he says? I've hurt people." Jack looked up, tears lining his eyes and regret clear as day. Danny swallowed, he's had these conversations with himself one too many times.

"You're not." Danny shook his head, placing a comforting hand on the kid's shoulder."Trust me, I know. Who your parents are, what abilities you have, what prophecies say, or hell what even God says. It doesn't define who you are."

Danny watch the sadness and doubt still swirl in those blues, okay Danny really needed to work on his speeches. It's not like he's been giving them as often as he used too... That was now technically Theo's job.

"Look, I was supposed to be evil. Worse than Satan himself." Danny spoke, watching the interest and surprise weigh into the kid's eyes. Danny nodded at the look of slight disbelief. "I know right? But I was, but I didn't. Which means you don't have to be."

"Sam says that." Jack spoke, looking down.

"But you look up to Dean." Danny concluded, watching Jack nod. "Dean's a little rough around the edges, but trust me. He'll come around."

"I hope he does." Jack responded, he didn't look as lifted as Danny would have liked, but it was better than he looked a few minutes ago.

"How about this, tell me what you can do." Danny asked, trying to less the tension. Jack's confused look made Danny sigh. "You know, like Angels fly, I can turn invisible, and like a ton of other things but thats besides the point." Danny shrugged, he'd rather not go into all the details.

"Like... Cas flies?" Jack asked, Danny smile and nodded. He'll try to help the kid while he's here.

"Hey, are you free?" Theo's voice filtered through the speaker. Danny smiled, glancing over at the half angel sleeping soundly on the couch nearby. Making his way towards the kitchen off to the side, Danny answered.

"Hey babe, yea. Jack just fell asleep." Danny responded, resting back against the kitchen counter. He's mind running through all they've done in a short time.

"How's the kid holding up?" Theo asked, Danny can hear typing in the background. Leave it to Theo to call him while he's busy with schoolwork. Danny couldn't help but smile before answering.

"He's a tough kid, we're getting along pretty well." Danny replied, musing about how well he helped Jack find a few parts of his abilities. He felt a little sad having been reminded of how Jack got into this place. "He's dad's not the greatest and no helping him. His uncles aren't the worse but... The kid deserves better." Danny sighed, running a hand through his hear.

"Hey, at least he has you right now, right?" Theo responded, the typing halting for a moment. "Anyone with you on their side is going to be okay, I would know." Danny smiled, huffing a laugh.

"You're cheesy, you know that right?" Danny asked, smiling at the ground. Sometimes he wished Theo was there, but at least he knew he was safe back on campus.

"But you love meeeee." Theo laughed, typing continuing. Danny barely picked up the sounds of footsteps approaching the entrance of the bunker.

"As much as I love talking to you, looks like I gotta run?" Danny sighed as the steps got closer. He heard Theo shuffle around for a bit before the other student sighed as well.

"I need to see on of my professors, so call me later?" Theo asked, and Danny nodded. "I love you."

"I will." Danny smiled, pushing off the counter to greet who ever was about to come in. "I love you too."

"Dean, I get it." Danny pulled Dean aside after the Winchesters got back. "I get why your worried about Jack being evil-"

"He is!" Dean cut in. "He's done so much da-"

"No, you're going to listen first." Danny cut Dean off, being met with a surprise look. "You can't tell me Jack is evil because his not human, you can't tell me its because of his dad, you can't tell me its because he lost control of his powers and hurt people, and you can not tell me some prophecy bullshit okay?" Danny paused to take a breath, leaving room for Dean to speak up, which he didn't.

"You should know this, considering me. Considering the many friends you've made on the field." Danny sighed. "All I'm saying is, regardless all that, Jack is just a scared kid who looks up to, and just wants to not feel like a monster. Think that over okay, be easier on the kid." Danny finished. He watched Dean inhale before responding.

"I'll try." Dean spoke, glancing over to the room beside them.

"That's all I ask." Danny gave a small smile before shaking his head. "Okay that's over, I'm tired of sounding like Sam."

"Which Sam?" Dean laughed as the two walked back to the others.


AN: A 2020 update has been long over due... well an update in general lmao. I hope you guys are being safe, and all of you guys stay healthy during this. The whole situation is weighing heavily on my mental health, and I'm trying to keep it together through binge watching shows, starting to write, and painting. I hope you guys all find your things to do, and generally stay okay in this times.

I'm not going to do the one on one review answers, but know I read them! I remember one mentioning Danny and Theo, and I had to. I debated about getting him a girlfriend or boyfriend but Sam M. and Tucker only have girlfriends, so I wanted on difference. I also like the name Theo so I had to. And no, Theo doesn't know about the whole supernatural side of things.

Okay so I don't have a crazy amount planned going forward and if I did stop this story I want to at least hit chapter 30 (or more, just divisible by five number) so pleaseeeeee if there is any situations you want Danny put in or any people he should meet, please drop it below. I have maybe 2-3 chapters planned that are iffy.

But just let me know what you guys would like to see! Hasta Leugo! Stay safe!