Chapter 8

Albus Dumbledore was relived that Sirius had left his name out of his trial but nevertheless he knew he had to be on guard and change his plan, it would be imperative that Harry had to be at the Dursley's this coming summer since he had something big planned, short term his plans were screwed, especially now that The Weasleys and Sirius Black would never allow Harry to compete in the tournament now, Harry was now gaining supporters of his own and though they weren't rich nor as powerful The Weasley family were the largest pure blooded family in the Wizarding world that were staunchly on the light side, Dumbledore was counting on their support, that was also never going to happen so he had to find a replacement family to endorse the Dumbledorian view,

He was going through his list of possibilities on his list, The Diggory's were light but couldn't be as easily bought, The Bones family, although we're on the side of light, we're also very distrustful of Dumbledore after he had to make a sacrifice for the greater good and allowed death eaters to wipe out three quarters of the family, leaving only Amelia Bones, her orphaned niece Susan who was also Amelia's ward, and Amelia's second cousin, Ambrose Bones and his family and that branch of the family left England shortly after the war, Dumbledore shook his head, the sacrifice of the Bones family was necessary why couldn't they understand the greater good, he thought sadly, Fawkes was watching her master and a sorrowful tear went down her feathers, she knew her master had gone too far and she was fed up with being tied to him, he was now as evil as Voldemort in her view.

Dumbledore then remembered that he had to have his meeting with The now insufferable Lords Potter and Black, honestly he wished he allowed Sirius to have been kissed by the death eaters now, he was more trouble than was worth.

In the Hufflepuff common room, Susan, Hannah and Megan we're sitting away from their housemates, Ernie and Justin were becoming unbearable in their vendetta against Gryffindor house and in particular; Harry Potter.

"I'm fed up with this!" Susan said "our house has become utterly insane over this tournament and our treatment of Harry is out of order" she said, the other two girls agreed

"I admit I was annoyed at first but it's no way Harry entered the contest himself, But at least he's out of the tournament by his own demand, surely that should prove that he never entered out of his own free will" Hannah said "and also Neville told me Harry hates all the attention and he's shared a dorm with him now for the last three years so he should know better than us"

Megan and Susan nodded in agreement, at that moment Ernie and Justin came up to them "House traitors is what you all are, it's worse since The Bones family have always been in Hufflepuff and now Susan is siding with the attention seeking Gryffindors!" Ernie said, Susan rolled her eyes

"Why on earth are you letting this get to you so much!?" Susan said heatedly "you have no right to say that I'm disloyal to my house! If anything your actually displaying more of the negative traits of a Gryffindor and Slytherin than the positive ones of a Hufflepuff!"

At that moment Cedric came to the crowd "That's it!" He said "over the last few days I've come to realise that our house isn't truly displaying the values of true Hufflepuff, we are accepting of all regardless of blood status or family background, if your a Hufflepuff your family and we treat those outside our house with the same respect, but most of you haven't" Cedric looking pointedly at Ernie and Justin "you've belittled and bullied Harry Potter for something that wasn't his fault, in fact that's twice in two years that Ernie and most of our house have falsely accused Harry Who by the way is of Ancient and Noble standing due to his Potter and Black heritage more so than a MacMillan which is only Noble"

"Leave me out of this" Ernie said, but Cedric carried on "Why should I Ernie? You've been attacking Harry and on both occasions you've falsely accused him of crimes or incidents that he was proved innocent of, and furthermore I have spoken with my family and my father agrees that I should withdraw from this tournament, I refuse to represent a house that thinks it's okay to start Hogwarts civil war" he said, Justin looked furiously at Cedric

"You can't withdraw! What about our house? We can finally show that we are just as brave as a Gryffindor, just as smart as a Ravenclaw and even as cunning and as ambitious as a Slytherin" he said, there were murmurs of agreement and some angry stares shot at Cedric's way

"I would have liked to have represented Hufflepuff as a house of tolerance and kindness and as well as proving that we are a valuable house, but I'd feel like I was a fraud at this moment and most of you lot only have yourselves to blame" Cedric said and he left the common room leaving behind a stunned silence until Ernie spoke up

"What a cowardly..." he said but Megan interrupted him "Shut up Ernie! Your responsible for this! And you as well Justin! With your endless attacks on Harry and by the way on that point you do realise that the Gryffindor's aren't very happy with you, especially the Weasley's, Potter's closest allies, and the largest pureblood family in our world, set to over take the number of Black's in the next few decades, they plan on retaliating against our house for yours and Justin's actions, If we're lucky Cedric might be able to talk them out of an attack, but no guarantees, so well done boys, you may have started a Hogwarts civil war, at a time when we needed to show a bit of unity" Megan finished as the whole of Hufflepuff house now stared at Justin and Ernie who for the first time didn't look as pompous as he normally did.

Sirius and Harry's meeting with Dumbledore went well, they managed to dissuade him that Harry would never again return to the Dursley's and the best part was, was when Sirius told the old coot that he would be taking up his position as Lord Black and would also become a new governor of Hogwarts, Dumbledore looked petrified at this as his plan to isolate Harry from his friends and allies would be made much more difficult to achieve he would have to come up with another plan and fast, meanwhile Sirius and Harry were laughing at their success, Harry was now formally the heir of Sirius and Sirius had immediately taken to expel the Malfoy family and the Lestrange family and reinstated Andromeda and her family to the Black family, Harry was also made a member since he was a Black on his paternal grandmother's side of the family

"Dumbledore's face when you told him your going to one of the new governors" Harry chuckled, Sirius gave out his bark like laugh, it was good to laugh, out in the open with his godson, whom he loved more than anything in this world

"It's a first victory but there are still many more battles to come" he said "but right now I need to prepare our new home, for when you come for Christmas" he said, Sirius also needed to pay a visit to the Weasley's to thank them and then go to the ministry to meet with Cornelius and Amelia for a plan of action, being Lord Black now meant a busier life but Sirius knew things needed to change.

Harry felt lighter than he had felt in years, for the first time he saw a future beyond seventh year, he wanted to live his life and be with those he cared most about in the world, he now had a home with Sirius and hopefully Remus would join them, never again would he have to go back to the Dursley family and that was a great feeling.

Molly was making lunch when she heard the floo go, she ran to the living room and saw Sirius Black standing there in regal robes

"Mrs Weasley" he began "Sorry for the intrusion, but I just wanted to come by and say...thank you"

Molly motioned to Sirius to sit down as she cast a spell on the tea pot to make tea, she wasn't sure about Sirius but she wanted to listen to him.

"For what?" She asked, Sirius said "for being there for Harry, being his family and his safety net" Molly smiled

"It was an absolute pleasure" she said, but inside she was dreading this moment, Harry now had his godfather, why would he need her or Arthur now, but then Sirius said something that made her feel reassured

"I know I'm his godfather and legal guardian, however I understand that your now his magical guardians too, and I will still want your help and input where Harry is concerned" he said, at this Molly warmed to Sirius

"You mean, you want us to still be his magical guardians?" She asked

Sirius nodded "of course, Harry is Ron's best mate and I wouldn't dream of just removing him completely from your family when you've acted like the family he never had in my absence, that is why I want to also speak to your husband, to start an alliance with your family, mainly for Harry's sake but also to unite against a certain headmaster"

Molly bristled at the mere mention of the headmaster of Hogwarts, she loathed the man now "well Arthur normally comes home for lunch, he should be here in a few minutes, why don't you join us? Percy will be there too" Molly said cheerfully now warming to the Black heir.

Sirius Black smiled and said "Ah I've heard from Harry that you're cooking is legendary I shall look forward to joining you for lunch "

Molly and Sirius spoke a few more minutes

then fire roared and out came Arthur and his son Percy Molly got out to greet her husband and son and Sirius stood up and walked over to the father and son and shook their hands, "Lord Weasley..." Sirius began but Arthur waved him off "Just Arthur, Sirius, no need for formalities" he said smiling and the three men sat down while Molly went into the kitchen.

"I would also like to congratulate you on you being cleared, and our apologies for ever believing you would betray Lily & James Potter" Arthur said sincerely, Sirius smiled and replied "I probably didn't help my cause by going after Pettigrew in the first place" he said "I should have fought harder for Harry, to keep him and raise him myself" Arthur looked at the younger man and felt sorry for him,

"Sirius it wouldn't have made much difference, Albus had it all planned out, he removed you as guardian a week before the Potter's were murdered, I saw the documents myself at Gringotts, the goblins there are going to investigate this throughly" Arthur frowned, at that moment Percy spoke for the first time,

"I told you father" he said "Dumbledore wasn't a man who could be trusted, after Ginny's first year and how Dumbledore handled the Chamber of Secrets situation I completely lost faith in him, especially since he did nothing to prove Harry innocent of his being the so called heir of Slytherin" he said, Sirius and Arthur looked at Percy, Percy continued "Dumbledore was so ineffective during that year, he needs to be removed" he said, the two older men nodded in agreement l

"Well I'm working with Fudge and Madame Bones on that score" Sirius said "however we also need to form an alliance and that's why I'm here Arthur" he said as he took a warm cup of tea from Molly "I think Voldemort" Molly, Arthur and Percy all shuddered But Sirius carried on as if nothing happened "Is going to return very soon" Molly gasped, Arthur sighed and Percy frowned "But Lord Black..."

"Sirius" Sirius corrected him smiling "Yes er Sirius, how can You know who come back? His body was blown up years ago, surely he can't return"

"Voldemort from what I understand has delved into the darkest of dark magic, I'm not sure what as of yet, but his spirit somehow lives on, you see at the moment we are in peacetime, but we can't be complacent, that's why Voldemort was able to amass an army so quickly last time, after Grindleward was defeated in 1945 the wizarding community spent the next twenty years being to lax and complacent, we never once though there would be another war, a war far worse than the war against Grindleward, now while I think this peacetime isn't as secure as the one between 1945 to 1969, we are in danger of being to lax, there are still death eaters out there, like the Malfoy' and the fact that Voldemort did disappear is more reason why we should be on alert"

Sirius finished, the room was quiet until Molly spoke

"What can we do" she asked nervously, she sat the last war out but this time she knew she had to take part and help somehow, Sirius smiled at her "help Harry, support him, let him know that he does have people who love and care for him, not just as the boy who lived but just Harry, he's not a weapon against Voldemort he's a fourteen year old boy, who has seen and lived through too much already, it's up to us not him to stop Voldemort now" he said, the Weasley's in front of him all nodded in agreement, Arthur said "well now you've got Fudge onside it shouldn't be too hard to get ministry backing" he pointed out "I can speak to my neighbours, The Diggory's Fawcett's and Lovegood's" they're light families but never joined Dumbledore's faction in the last war, I think they distrust him too"

Sirius smiled, hopefully he could preempt the work Harry would have to do, but for now he wanted Harry to enjoy the next few years at Hogwarts, the company of four later sat down to a lovely meal of beef stew before Sirius floo'ed back up to Remus's house later that afternoon, satisfied that he and Molly & Arthur Weasley both agreed that Harry was their priority.

Sorry for the long gap between updates, life and uni got in the way but I'm going to try and update every 2-3 weeks if I can! Once again so sorry