Azureking: Hey everyone this is the new version of Master of the Rave. This chapter is EXTREMELY dark. But after this will be Fairy Tail canon. Please endure this chapter.

Also, this will not go down I intend to finish it!

sorry had to repost due to something in the first making my whole story scambled with letters...well now its fix!

Please Enjoy this chapter!

It was a cold evening. The sky was gloomy grey and it was raining heavily. A young boy, no older than twelve years old, was looking through the window of his room at the depressing weather.

The boy has short blond hair that was a bit on the spiky side, soft lightly tanned skin and sea blue eyes. He was dressed in average clothes that consist of a grey short sleeved t-shirt and dark shorts.

He was sitting on his bed and holding his legs close to his chest. 'Why…. why do I have to suffer like this….'

One might wonder, why does a young child have such depressing thoughts? If one took a closer look at him, they would immediately understand. His face was covered in small bruises and at some places it was swollen up. His eyes were red and puffy from crying with few tears still running down his cheeks.

This boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze…. and since the day he took his first steps his life has been a living hell.

You see, Naruto was born in family that was purely made out of kunoichi and naturally, he sticks out like a sore thumb. But then a question arises: how can his family consist purely out of kunoichi? The answer is simple.

Naruto is the first boy in elemental nations to be born from a union between two kunoichi, Minako Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. His mothers are the very first kunoichi in the world who openly expressed their love for one another and they are what one might call "lesbians".

Minako Namikaze is Konoha's very first female Hokage who earned the title "the Yellow Flash" during the third Ninja war and is the fastest kunoichi alive to this date. Her legendary skills are also matched by her legendary beauty. She has shoulder length blonde that goes straight with some spikiness in it, sky blue eyes that you can easily get lost in, an hourglass figure with D-cup breasts, a face that looks like it was sculptured by the goddess herself and beautiful pink lips.

Her lover, Kushina Uzumaki, was quite a legend herself. Because of her masterful sealing arts and sword skills she was given the title "the Red Death" during the third Ninja war. She has a slender, feminine build, fair skin, d-cup breasts, beautiful violet eyes, fiery red hair with strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left, keeping it out of her eyes. Kushina also had one very deep secret that only few knew… she used to be a Jinchuriki of the mighty nine-tailed fox, Kyuubi.

Nineteen years ago, after Minako was declared as the fourth Hokage, the very same day she, in front of the gathered villagers and ninja, confessed her love for Kushina who at first was shocked but quickly returned those feelings. Of course, there were quite a few people angry at such proclamation, believing that it is a sick relationship and that both of them should find a good man instead. Needless to say these people were quickly and painfully disposed of. But their love still had to face the obstacle in a form of Konoha's council. A lot of civilian councilmen along with the Uchiha clan head, Fugaku, stated that their relationship is impossible. But they were quickly put into their places when the rest of the clan heads including the two elder advisors reminded them that Konoha always respects ones life's decisions and that there isn't a law that forbids love between two females.

Not wanting to back down, Fugaku called out on the child problem. He angrily stated that two women can't have a child together, but even this argument was put down when Minako announced that she invented a special seal that would allow her to temporarily gain completely functional male genitals. After that, no one had anything to say and the very next day the two women were wed by Hiruzen. The fantasies of the two beautiful women having sex on their wedding night left many men with massive nosebleeds.

After a week passed Tsunade, Konoha's most skilled doctor, announced that Kushina is pregnant. Nine months later, two perfectly healthy baby girls, Ruka and Kaede were born. They were the living proofs that a union between the two females is possible and any leftover objections faded away. Since that day there was no longer any protest on Minako's and Kushina's relationship.

Two years had passed by and the two more girls, Tsuki and Suri, were born. Everything seemed to go well with the all-female family until five years later…. a boy was born.

There were many shocked people and some instantly believed the child to be an abomination and should be either killed or put into an orphanage. Minako quickly shot down those proposals, stating that just because Naruto was a male born from two females doesn't mean he's a freak of nature. After an examination Tsunade confirmed that the boy was perfectly healthy and had no problems whatsoever with his body. Both mothers were overjoyed with their child and named him Naruto, promising a life filled with nothing but happiness… how he wished that was true.

The first year of Naruto's life was normal, he was loved and taken care of properly…. that is until his younger twin sisters, Miyuki and Shiki, were born and the day the great Kyuubi attacked.

A mysterious man appeared at chamber where Kushina gave birth to the twin girls and took one of them as a hostage. Minako managed to save the child but in doing so the mysterious man kidnapped Kushina and released the Kyuubi. While the beast was destroying Konoha, Minako confronted the mysterious man and managed to defeat him but before she could capture him, he escaped.

Minako then quickly returned to her village and was prepared to seal away Kyuubi at the cost of her life but before she could go through with it, she was knocked out by the previous Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. He took Minako's newborn daughters and sealed the Kyuubi into the two girls by splitting the fox into two halves: yin and yang chakra.

When the next day Minako woke up, it was to the sight of her whole gathered family. She was told of Hiruzen's sacrifice and while she was sad at his passing, she was glad that he gave her the chance to live happily with her family. It seemed things were really starting to look up… except for Naruto.

Naruto's journey to a life full of misery started out slowly. At first, it began with neglect as all of the attention was given to Konoha's twin heroes who hold Kyuubi imprisoned. They were showered with gifts and praises while Naruto was pushed into a corner like a simple bug not worth mentioning.

Then the physical labor began. As Naruto grew into a six year old boy, he was now smart enough to talk and to take care of himself a little. He begged almost every day for his mothers and sisters attention so much that they finally had enough. They stated that if he wants their attention so badly, than he must earn it. Naruto asked if they wanted him to become a powerful ninja just like them and the answer he received was a slap to the face by Minako. She yelled out that he mustn't ever dare to mention that again. Her family is now known for being a powerful all kunoichi family and she wants it to keep it that way. She said that if he truly wants them to pay him attention, than he must from now on take care of the household chores, ALL of them.

Wanting to please his family Naruto did as he was told. But of course, being only a six year old boy there was only so much he could do and that often led to him doing mistakes during his work which in turn led to another part of his life's suffering… physical abuse.

Whenever Naruto made a mistake or failed to do something at all he was punished, harshly. It began from simple slaps… than to kicks… than to punches. Even the tiniest mistake resulted in pain and sometimes, when they were truly angry, they would lock him up in the house basement for a whole day. During that time he would be given nothing to eat and only allowed to drink water. This continued until Naruto reached the age of ten and as he grew older, so did grew his family's other needs.

A very distinguishing thing about him is that he is an incredibly cute and handsome boy, something his family members often take advantage of. His final circle of despair is sexual abuse.

It began when one day Minako returned from a council meeting incredibly frustrated. She was mumbling something about the Uchiha clan head being a pain in the ass. Normally when she was frustrated, Kushina would be there to 'relieve' her of it, but since nobody was at home that day except for Naruto and her, he became her frustrations outlet.

She grabbed him harshly by his hair, dragged him into her bedroom and threw him on the bed. Then she started touching and licking him at inappropriate places. He didn't really understand what she was doing, only that it was wrong, painful and he didn't like it one bid. He tried crying and begging for her to stop, but she would just slap him to shut him up or ignored him completely. At times she would even abuse him more fiercely when he begged.

After that day a chain reaction was started as Kushina and his four older sisters also began using him as their frustrations outlet. A year later his younger twin sisters joined in as well.

A final question one might ask is… why wasn't anybody helping him… why was such abuse even allowed? The answer once again is simple: no one knew.

The villagers and ninja of Konoha are told nothing of what is happening at the Uzumaki-Namikaze family home. Whenever someone visited the family Naruto would be locked up in his room and they would say that he is sick or if someone does meet him, he is forced to lie about his injuries.

So currently Naruto is trying to rest a little since he already completed his chores for the day. House was gleaming like a diamond and all of the meals have been prepared. He just hopes that day will end with nothing bad happening to him.

He is about to lay down on his bed until his room's door is kicked opened by an angry Ruka. She is a very beautiful girl with a matured hourglass body. She has a unique set of deep red eyes that are only matched by her equally deep red, long hair. (Think of Inner Moka from Rosario + Vampire)

"Damn bastards, can't take no for answer until you literally beat it into them…" she mumbles angrily to herself as she forcefully closes the door behind her.

She takes a seat in Naruto's desk chair, sticks out her bare feet to him and speaks in a commanding voice, "Do it."

Naruto looks at her feet and slowly crawls towards them before stopping and retreating back to the window. "U-u-u-m-m…. R-Ruka, m-maybe w-we c-c-cannot d-d-do t-this t-today?" he says in a very stuttering voice, "I d-d-did all of the c-chores today and meals are-" He was not able to finish the sentence as Ruka grabs him by the throat and throws him into the wall behind her.

Naruto hits the wall painfully and falls to the floor. He then feels intense pressure being applied to his head. He opens his eyes and sees Ruka's foot placed on his head while she glares at him with almost pure murder in her eyes. "Did you just try to refuse my order? I must be hearing things as I could have sworn that you just did." She said with a voice so cold that would make winter seem warm.

"N-n-n-ooo! I'm sorry! I-I-I'll do anything you ask just please don't hurt me!" Naruto begs with tears streaming out of his eyes. At first he becomes relieved when he feels the foot being removed, but then he starts vomiting and holds his stomach in pain as Ruka just kicked him there… hard.

"You useless waste of space! You should be grateful that I even allow you to touch me! Yet you dare to-"

"Honey, could you come down downstairs? Minako and I want to talk a little about your recent promotion." Kushina's voice could be heard from downstairs.

"Tch, you got lucky you worm. But this is far from over!" Ruka turns around and walks out of the room. She gives him one final angry glance before closing the door behind her.

Naruto painfully crawls over to his bed and lays down as gently as he can. He then covers himself with the bed's blankets, "…..why….. why can't I have happiness….. I can't… I can't take this anymore…" Were Naruto's final whispered words before he cries himself to sleep.




Naruto was instantly woken up to Minako pulling his hair, "AH! Mother, what are you doing?!" he yells in pain as his mother throws him on her bed.

She strips off her clothes and Naruto saw his mother completely naked with a predatory smirk on her face, "It's just you and me today. Kushina has to visit her cousin Mei and your sisters are either on missions or at school... I have the whole day free to myself. I need some release from rejecting all of those stupid clan males this morning and you're gonna give it to me"

Naruto starts shivering as unrestrained tears role down his cheeks... the day he dreaded the most has finally arrived, he was going to be raped by his own mother. His family up until now only just molested him and would just force him to make them climax... but now… He prayed to all of the gods out there to let him escape this! He doesn't want this!

Minako starts to lick his neck and then bit down on it... hard… hard enough to draw some blood! "M-M-MOTHER, PLEASE STOP!" he shouts while pushing her head away from him.

Minako growls and she punches Naruto in the stomach, "You ungrateful little brat! I put a roof over your head and feed you! I even let you enjoy my body and this is the thanks I get!?" she then smiles sadistically. "Heh, it's not like anyone would ever want you. You can only be loved by this family. Now... do your job properly and I might let you enjoy this as well." She finishes the sentence and licks her lips.

Naruto at this point is now completely terrified, ""

Minako gains a confused look, "What?"

In a low but terrified voice Naruto begs his mother, "Please don't do this… please, I just want to have a normal family. A family that shares happiness with me every day. A family that praises me when I do something right and comforts me when I'm scared. Please… I just want my mother to love me normally, like a true mother would… please…"

Minako looks shocked for a moment before her eyes are overshadowed by her hair. Naruto's hopes rise a little believing that maybe, just maybe, his words were able to get through his mother, but they were instantly shattered when she slaps his face while looking at him with an amused expression, "Oh do you now? So the love I give you is not good enough? Maybe it's about time I fully educated you in manners. Yes… I will make sure that you will never protest ever again." she said seductively.

'This can't be happening! Isn't anyone going to stop this?! Please, someone, save me!' Naruto thinks desperately but knows no one will help…

He can't let this happen… he can't let her do this him. He starts looking around the room for something that could help getting her off him, ANYTHING! He notices a lamp placed on the nightstand that is within his arm's reach.

Minako was too engrossed in her own lust that she didn't notice a lamp colliding with her head.


"AHH!" Minako fell off her bed and held her head in pain, feeling a little blood trickle down her forehead. She quickly recovers and stands up. She looks at her bed and sees Naruto missing. She then hears someone running down the hallway. "You just made a big mistake you brat... one that you will be paying off for the rest of your life!" She grabs a bathrobe from her closet, puts it on and starts chasing after him.

Naruto quickly runs into his room and locks the door. He then pushes his desk to block it in case Minako had a spare key. He jumps on his bed and holds his legs close to his chest while rocking back and forth, scared beyond belief. He has defied his mother and the retribution for it will be severe.

Loud banging and shouting could be heard from behind the door and he knows that he has only little time left before she forces her way into the room.

"There, must be a way to escape, anything please! I just want ESCAPE!" Naruto didn't have time to react as blood red runes suddenly appeared in midair and with a flash of red he disappeared from the room leaving only a broken window and blood stains on his bed behind.

Minako broke down the door and is greeted by the sight of a shattered window and Naruto's bed covered in blood stains.

"N-N-Naruto? H-Honey?" all of her anger was quickly forgotten and her voice was wavering from the mere thought of her son being dead or worse, being kidnapped. "O-Okay, y-you made your p-point. I-I promise I will stop touching you... Naruto?"

"Kaa-sama?" Minako looks behind her to see her daughters walk into the room as well. "What happened here? Where is Naruto? "

Minako's eyes are suddenly flooded with tears, "Naruto...he...I..." she falls to her knees crying, not being able to complete that sentence.




Two women, a blond and a brunette, could be seen walking down a stone rode. "So Elli, when are you and Haru going to finally tie the knot?" the blond woman asked the brunette.

Elli was a young woman wearing a short sleeved shirt and jean shorts. She also had two unique Tonfa strapped on her belt, "Well, I was thinking maybe in a few months. By the way Julia, how's is Let holding up after that battle with that little boy with the pink eyes?"

Julia was a mature woman wearing an outfit similar to the ones female wrestlers wear but in orange color, "He's fine, but who knew that brat could turn into a huge turtle! I wish that we didn't have to retreat but we were severely outsized by that thing!"

Elli giggles while nodding, "Yeah, that was bad and Musica sai- OH MY GOD!" she quickly runs forward towards a bleeding child that was laying on the side of the road. "Julia, we need to find Haru now!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!"




Naruto slowly starts to open his eyes, ""

"Julia! He woke up!" He hears a female's voice and turns his head slightly to the right. In his field of vision he saw Elli and Julia.

"Wow... he's kinda cute. Reminds me of Let when we were younger. Hey kid, are you okay we-" "AHHHHHHH!"

The two women jump back startled from the boy's sudden screaming. Despite being heavily bandaged the boy began to crawl away from them but was quickly picked up by a spiky brown haired male wearing a robe, "Julia, what did you do? This kid is scared near to death."

"I swear I didn't do anything! The boy just started screaming when me and Elli tried to talk... to... him?" Julia sees the boy quivering in fear. "What the... hey kid are-"

Julia tries to reach out and comfort him but he flinches away from her hand, "Please...please...please...please..." he begs quietly. Let walks over to Julia and shook his head.

"Julia... I think he has a fear of women. Let me and the rest of guys talk to him." He suggests.

"Fine... just tell me if the kid is alright." she requested. Let nods and calls in to two other males into the room.

He then turns around and smiles at the scared boy, "Hey there, kid. My name is Let Dahaka," he then points at a silver haired young man who has a broadsword strapped on his back. "This is Haru Glory," he then points at dark haired man who had a calm smile on his face. "And this is Hamrio Musica."

Naruto sits on the ground and holds his legs close to his chest. Few minutes pass before he begins to speak in a voice barely above whisper, "...Naruto..." he didn't use the last names those "monsters" had.

Haru nods and sits down on the ground as well so he would be on the same eye level as the boy, "My fiancé found you hurt very badly by the side of the road. Can you tell us what happened?"

Naruto shook his head, "nmmm!"

Musica places a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "You know kid, we're heroes and we won't let a child cry, not when we can help to prevent it."

Naruto looks at the three men and then, hesitantly, at the women. Few minutes pass as he contemplates if he should trust them.

"Guys, I wish you can help with carry the water!" a young female said walking up the group. She had short blonde hair that gave a tomboy appeal. She wore a blue dress almost something from a church attire. She stopped when her gaze hit Naruto. "Ahh…"

Naruto eyes widen as he saw the girl as well, her eyes meet his and something...was odd. His chest was warm and oddly safe.

"Hm? Ah! Oh my gosh! What happened?" She gasped, running over to the boy. "Look at these wounds, they're terrible." She said, feeling saddened that such a young boy would be hurt this way.

"Hey Luca, the kid is-" Julia started but stop as the blonde hand was took into hers. He look adorable shy as he keep looking down with a bright blush. "Huh?"

"You poor thing. What happened to you?" Luca asked Naruto.

"I…" Naruto mumbled. "I don't know if I should tell you…"

Luca nodded smiling sweetly, "It's fine, my father always told me that sometimes it better to not speak it." She said kindly as her hands glow white, "Stay still."

"Wha- what are you-"

"O Lord, I pray to Thee. Heal the wounds of this young boy who has suffered greatly." Luca prayed.

The young male eyes widen as the bite marks that his mother gave him faded, his skin was more healthy and lastly he felt more...alive. "W-What did you do?"

"I healed you." Luca smiled sweetly. "It comes in handy when used right, unlike some people who think otherwise." She said, glaring at the other males who flinched.

"What did we do?!" They yelled comically.

"Heh… hehehe… hahahahahaha!" Naruto laughed.

Luca also giggled covering her mouth with her hand, "Hmhmhmhmhm, Naruto...kun? Please...what happened? I know what I just said...but I want to help truly."

"Please kid….we're heroes we can protect ya." The man in the green robes declared with a small smile as he move Luca slightly who pouted.

Naruto thought about it for a moment. So far they haven't given any reason not to. They found him hurt and brought him here to nurse him back to health, 'Not like I can survive on my own anyways. I never really was outside of the house before so I have no idea where I am...but I can't just…' His eyes widen as he felt the young girl's hand on his, seeing a female kind and hopeful smile made him feel...hope...for the first time in his whole life.' " started about six years ago..."

And so Naruto explained them his life of suffering up to now. The three males stood there and listened to the whole story without interrupting him even once, except on some occasions showing disgusted and green faces. "…..then I felt a sudden surge of energy and everything went dark. Then I woke up here." He didn't leave out anything in his explanation and didn't sugarcoat any of it as well.

"Wait here." Let said as the three males went to talk the females and explain what Naruto went through. The girls covered their mouths in shock when they heard about the molestation part, that's what Naruto thought.

"It's okay…" Luca encouragingly stayed to his side.

Haru then walks back over to boy with a smile, "Naruto... I have a proposal for you. From what we understand you are most likely far away from home. So how about you travel with us? We are currently still in the Elemental Nations but at the border of the Lightning country and far away from those "people". We can train you to become strong enough to protect yourself and do some sightseeing as well. You see, we're currently on our way home and… we would like you to come with us. But if you want to go to another village then we can drop you off along the way. What do you say?"

Naruto quickly stood up and nodded, "Please... take me away. I can't stay here, ever... I want to leave."

Haru smiles and raises his hand, Naruto flinches until he felt his head being patted. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you..." he brings Naruto to his side, "C'mon, let's go to Fiore."





"Hmhmhm…" Luca giggled as she saw him sleep peacefully. "Hard to believe it's only been three years…"

The boy was sleeping at her lap...Naruto Raregroove Glory...she smiled with a blush when he took her family name as well, stating that it was his honor to be related to her in name only.

Luca yawned a bit as she rubbed her eyes, it been a week since they have started their own journey. Looking to her right was two sword stabbed into the ground, proudly crossing each other. Decalogue and Ten Commandments, the two greatest swords in all of existence. How they came to obtain those swords is a long story in itself, but to make it short, they are the inheritors of their father's dreams.

Luca patted his head as she saw the sunrise, "Hey Naruto~" She sang out beautifully as the boy lazily open one eye.


"The sun is up, let's watch it together~" She grin as the boy got off her lap and nodded, as he sat next to her Luca place her head on Naruto's shoulder. "Hey hey~"

"Hm? What is it?" Naruto asked lazily.

"You know my mother, told me that around these parts when two friends watch the first sunrise together, they would be together forever." She said excitedly, "Won't that be great?"

He nodded with a great big smile on his face, "Yeah, it would be~"

The light came making the two groan at the sudden heat, although they sat in silence their fingers intertwine as they held on tightly.

Naruto felt longer afraid of returning home, as long as Luca was with him he can face anything. "Luca?"


"You'll always be my best friend…"




"Last stop."

"Ohh…" A young man said as he lifted his head from his hand that carry it. "Must have doze off there...Yawwwww…" The boy yawned from the tiredness before taking off his hat to scratch his head and place it back. He stood up as he looked at the large body of water that the train he was in was passing by, he saw his reflection. Naruto R. Glory face...

Naruto had grown over the past ten years. He now wore a short wide black hat with a flat top on it, while wearing a rather nice three-piece suit, consisting of a white dress shirt, a long red scarf that's tied and held properly by a large gold brooch and has a black jacket over that. His dress pants was also rather nice as well as it was black and has black shoes too.

Moving back to his seat he stare at the wall that had two large bandage swords, "Luca...I will make up for my mistakes…" he vowed before noticing a pink haired boy passing by him, he look rather ill. Standing up he looked at the hallway, "Sir? Are you okay?"


"Eww…" Naruto groaned out.

"Ugh… sorry… kinda sick at the moment…" he groaned.

"You have… motion sickness?" Naruto blinked.


The blonde smile as he grab some candy, "Here these are perfect then, it'll help you cure it."

No more than a second the boy took his treats and ate them...wrapper first. "Uhh…"

"T-Thanks, names Natsu!"

Naruto smiled back at the boy, "Good on ya, my name is-"

"We have reached the last stop."

"I'll see you next time!" Naruto said as he placed one sword on his back while the other turn into a purple sphere as it went into his hand. "Til we meet again."

Walking outside to the station Naruto looked up into the sky.

"Alright, gotta find Fairy Tail soon…" He said with a warm smile.

Azureking: Sorry I haven't really change much, next chapter which is almost done will be up and things will show. Naruto does have his fear of women and at times from comical gags and serious moments.

But now you met Luca Ravegroove (model after Jeanne D'Arc from Fate series.) and the timeskip will happen. This time, I won't rush and you will see how badass Naruto is, while he still scared of women...he will kill. He isn't a hero like his father but neither a monster like Lucia, he is just a...killer.

If you ever seen Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, he is a bit like Solf J. Kimblee just not as insane or evil. A killer who can hide his madness...but he does have some good in his heart.

Just watch as this new Naruto fits in this story.

In the famous words of my favorite novel and Servant...Wait and Hope...