Well, I'm screwed.

Turns out I hadn't updated this story in six months.

I always hate when authors do that. I am now a hypocrite. I am very sorry to all of you who were waiting and hopefully this chapter was worth it.

...no, my writing couldn't be worth it.

Disclaimer: I don't own FNAF.

The Puppet felt glad that the moment Mike walked in he was a child again. That meant he wouldn't be wound at all and could protect the child from Fredbear. And, of course, ask what the heck he had meant by the fact that he was real.

Chica too was glad that right away the man was turned to a child so quickly. She'd barely gotten any time with the young, carefree child and couldn't wait.

Bonnie too was slightly excited. Not to the point where he'd hoped that maybe Mike might be a child again, but to the point that he was curious about what it might bring. He'd apparently believed the Marionette was alive as a child? The Marionette was the newest animatronic to the pizzeria, and even he was years old. Though, he wasn't the youngest of age, being in their bodies wise. This was common knowledge to the animatronics, but how did a mere child figure it out?

Foxy, however, was quite worried for the child. In fact, he was tempted to attempt and shut down the golden bear. The child had been attacked by him and was obviously frightened by him, and seemed hypervigilant of all the animatronics. All but Foxy.

Freddy was eager for the man to be an adult again so he could kill the nightguard, even in knowing he was harmed by an animatronic in his past. He couldn't bear to hurt a child, no pun intended. So when Mike was a child again, he was upset. Though he shared the curiosities with Bonnie, he wondered about Marionette and Foxy's past relationships with the young boy.

Fredbear, however, was furious. He knew that, as long as the man was a child, he wouldn't be allowed near him. He needed to finish what he had started, even if it got them all caught, no matter if a child or man. In fact, the mere fact he was a child egged him on to hurt the child. Though how to get past the others...?

As for Mikey, he seemed beyond ecstatic that Foxy was waiting for him outside of the curtain for him and raced towards the metal fox, leaping into his arms and Foxy wasn't complaining. He had been Foxy for years and yet didn't remember the boy, but the boy surely remembered him.

Another thing that the animatronics noted was that he seemed older. Not much, just an inch or two taller, his hair was longer and more shaggy, he worked a lot better with the leg, and he seemed to exhibit a more confident smile, instead of just a small, goofy one. The smallest amount of fluff he held was now gone.

"Hey Foxy!" He greeted excitedly, glancing nervously at Chica and Freddy before shrugging them off and turning back to Foxy. "Arrh, 'ey Laddie." Foxy spewed back and the boy smiled widely. "Can we go play some games?"

Foxy set the boy down and guided him towards the arcade machines, grabbing the basket of tokens from the Prize Corner and following the eager boy. Marionette, who was popping out of the box and leaning over the edge, was noticed but dismissed by the boy. That alone raised some eyebrows.

Marionette then allowed himself out of the box and slowly inched towards Mike, eventually levitating behind Mike to watch him play the game. It was some game of a knockoff pacman, though if Mike could tell it wasn't the real thing he said nothing as he egged the blue pie guy on to eat the dots.

"So, what do you think it was?" Chica asked Bonnie and Freddy, gesturing to his leg. "You think Goldie really did that much damage to him?"

"He must have. Though Goldie isn't one to leave a job unfinished."

Bonnie looked towards Freddy. "Which is why we won't let him get hurt, adult or not. He isn't a threat: it's pretty apparent to me now that he was merely a child when we were killed Freddy. There's no reason to hurt him: killing isn't a game." Freddy only slightly disagreed.

Meanwhile the young boy switched games frequently, finally revealing he noticed the knockoffs when he groaned about how this one wasn't as smooth as the original game was.

"Hey bud, can we ask you a question?" He hummed in a response, making Freddy feel as if he had the go ahead. "Where are your parents?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Mom's probably at some bar or strip club or something... somewhere she can drink in peace and strip herself of pride." It was clear the young child had no idea what a strip club really was. Either way, most the animatronics didn't either. "I think dad's in the back. Fixing something. He never let's me help anymore. I wish he did." The boy said this easily, his hands continuing at the joysticks and eyes glued to the pixelized screen.

"I gotcha... bud, you probably need a nap." They were running low on tokens and the boy seemed to sway precariously as he played. Only Bonne recognized this, but it was enough. Either way, that way they could have a break from the kid.

As if they needed a kid wasn't even intruding on those three.

Foxy had been mindlessly chattering in his pirate accent to pass time as Marionette stood silently, the two watching the five year old's concentrated gaze fixated on winning the game for the tenth time.

Soon after this, he left this game for another game quickly once he got bored of repeatedly winning.

"Now is it just me, or is he way too skilled at all these games for an average youngling?" Foxy asked the three, who'd resorted to whispering amongst themselves.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, totally. I'm guessing it has something to do with his father." Chica broke in.

"Totally." Bonnie agreed. "He shouldn't have so much skill, it worries me. But either way, better that then him pestering us about him being hungry." Soon after Freddy said this however, the boy- having heard the conversation and wanting to be annoying- popped up behind the group. "I'm hungry! I want pizza!"

The four groaned, Marionette just dropping his head into his hands.

I was planning to write each chapter as a night until the end of the night where he changes back, but eh. I've got a different idea. Suppose it doesn't work, then whatever. No harm, no foul.

But yeah, again I'm so sorry everybody! I wanted to upload tonight so it's pretty short, and I'm not sure what else to add without dragging it out or bringing it to another night, which would extend the wait time a lot longer.

Ugh, writer problems.