(stage directions) *actions*
(black screen, action music playing)
announcer's voice over (AVO): You've seen Lord of the Rings
*Frodo walks over and places ring on pedestal in the council of Elrond*
(screen fades black)
AVO: You've seen the dark lords
*black riders chase Arwen through the woods*
(screen fades black)
AVO: You've seen the fellowship
*fellowship walks single file over the hill top*
AVO: but you've never seen this
*three teens, 2 girls and 1 guy, stand side by side surrounded by orcs.*
*kaiti swings sword and kills an orc.*
*Sarah pulls out a sling shot and hits and orc in the head, then spins the sling-shot old
western style and puts it in her pocket*
*William pulls out a dagger and stabs an orcs then jumps out of the way when it falls
limply forward*
(screen goes black)
*the fellowship and the teens sit around a fire*
Kaiti: but don't worry, we're not here to hurt you.
Legolas: Indeed! *storms away*
(screen goes black)
*William and Kaiti stand in the woods glaring at each other, the rest of the fellowship
William:You mean the fact that I'm trapped in a place that isn't reall with people that
don't exist? Or that I'm trapped here with you?
Kaiti: And exactly what is THAT supposed to mean?
(screen goes black)
Sarah's voice over: you can run you're whole life and still never get anywhere
*kaiti and sarah sit outside moria while Gandalf tries to open the doors*
sarah: well what are we going to do then?
Kaiti: we can't do anything
(screen goes black)
*light from Gandalf's staff turns on. Kaiti stands clutching Boromir's arm, eyes slammed
shut. She slowly opens on eye and looks up. Quickly lets go of his arm and brushes off
his sleeve*
Kaiti: sorry about that buddy
(screen goes black)
*Aragorn looks down at Sarah, handing over her sling shot*
Aragorn: you can not do this alone
*sarah quickly grabs sling shot*
sarah: watch me!
(screen goes black)
*William looks up at Galadriel*
William: I don't know why I'm here, or what I'm doing.I just want to go home.
(screen goes black)
(music stops)
*Kaiti and sarah are skipping arm in arm down a hill, the others are walking behind and
Kaiti and Sarah: walking makes us happy! Do the happy dance! Do the happy dance!
(Music starts again, screen goes black)
*Kaiti kicks an orc in the head, knocking it backwards*
(freeze frame)
AVO: Kaiti!
*sarah punches an orc in the face*
(freeze frame)
AVO: Sarah!
*William trips an orc, jumps on it's back and snaps it's neck with his foot*
(freeze frame)
AVO: William!
(screen goes black)
AVO: 3 teens now join the fellowship on an unforgettable adventure!
*the fellowship, sarah, kaiti, and William, run through the halls of moria chased by the
(screen goes black, gold letters fade in)
coming soon to fanfiction.net and kiwibox.com
(letters blow away like dust, new letters fade in)
The New Fellowship of the Ring
(letters blow away, music fades)
*kaiti kneeling on the shore of the river. Looks up, tears streaming down her cheeks*
kaiti: I can't do this
(screen goes black, gold letters fade in)
Ok! There u go! That's the trailer for my new story "torn"! But don't worry. The rest of
the story isn't in script format, but I did the trailer that way because..i could. I'll have
chapter 1 up a soon as I finish typing it, which I am doing as you are reading this. For
Kiwiboxers it will be up tomorrow and for fanfic peeps it'll be up as soon as it's typed.
So read and enjoy! (and do u see that little button that says "review" or "respond"? it's
there for a reason!)
(stage directions) *actions*
(black screen, action music playing)
announcer's voice over (AVO): You've seen Lord of the Rings
*Frodo walks over and places ring on pedestal in the council of Elrond*
(screen fades black)
AVO: You've seen the dark lords
*black riders chase Arwen through the woods*
(screen fades black)
AVO: You've seen the fellowship
*fellowship walks single file over the hill top*
AVO: but you've never seen this
*three teens, 2 girls and 1 guy, stand side by side surrounded by orcs.*
*kaiti swings sword and kills an orc.*
*Sarah pulls out a sling shot and hits and orc in the head, then spins the sling-shot old
western style and puts it in her pocket*
*William pulls out a dagger and stabs an orcs then jumps out of the way when it falls
limply forward*
(screen goes black)
*the fellowship and the teens sit around a fire*
Kaiti: but don't worry, we're not here to hurt you.
Legolas: Indeed! *storms away*
(screen goes black)
*William and Kaiti stand in the woods glaring at each other, the rest of the fellowship
William:You mean the fact that I'm trapped in a place that isn't reall with people that
don't exist? Or that I'm trapped here with you?
Kaiti: And exactly what is THAT supposed to mean?
(screen goes black)
Sarah's voice over: you can run you're whole life and still never get anywhere
*kaiti and sarah sit outside moria while Gandalf tries to open the doors*
sarah: well what are we going to do then?
Kaiti: we can't do anything
(screen goes black)
*light from Gandalf's staff turns on. Kaiti stands clutching Boromir's arm, eyes slammed
shut. She slowly opens on eye and looks up. Quickly lets go of his arm and brushes off
his sleeve*
Kaiti: sorry about that buddy
(screen goes black)
*Aragorn looks down at Sarah, handing over her sling shot*
Aragorn: you can not do this alone
*sarah quickly grabs sling shot*
sarah: watch me!
(screen goes black)
*William looks up at Galadriel*
William: I don't know why I'm here, or what I'm doing.I just want to go home.
(screen goes black)
(music stops)
*Kaiti and sarah are skipping arm in arm down a hill, the others are walking behind and
Kaiti and Sarah: walking makes us happy! Do the happy dance! Do the happy dance!
(Music starts again, screen goes black)
*Kaiti kicks an orc in the head, knocking it backwards*
(freeze frame)
AVO: Kaiti!
*sarah punches an orc in the face*
(freeze frame)
AVO: Sarah!
*William trips an orc, jumps on it's back and snaps it's neck with his foot*
(freeze frame)
AVO: William!
(screen goes black)
AVO: 3 teens now join the fellowship on an unforgettable adventure!
*the fellowship, sarah, kaiti, and William, run through the halls of moria chased by the
(screen goes black, gold letters fade in)
coming soon to fanfiction.net and kiwibox.com
(letters blow away like dust, new letters fade in)
The New Fellowship of the Ring
(letters blow away, music fades)
*kaiti kneeling on the shore of the river. Looks up, tears streaming down her cheeks*
kaiti: I can't do this
(screen goes black, gold letters fade in)
Ok! There u go! That's the trailer for my new story "torn"! But don't worry. The rest of
the story isn't in script format, but I did the trailer that way because..i could. I'll have
chapter 1 up a soon as I finish typing it, which I am doing as you are reading this. For
Kiwiboxers it will be up tomorrow and for fanfic peeps it'll be up as soon as it's typed.
So read and enjoy! (and do u see that little button that says "review" or "respond"? it's
there for a reason!)