Remus went to his parents' house for Easter. The Potters, Sirius, Cathal, and Arthur, dropped him off at his house; a quaint tudor house in the middle of a field, and headed up to the mountains.
"I don't understand why you boys want to come all the way out here." Mr. Potter said
"my father's ashes were scattered through these woods at about this time a few years back," Arthur lied, "every year Cathal and myself travel here to commemorate his life."
"Oh that's so sweet, Arthur." Mrs. Potter said quietly.
The cabin was small, it had only two rooms, the bedroom, where the parents slept, and the living room, where the boys slept. They ate outside under the trees.

The boys snuck out of the cabin late on Saturday, not long after Peter took the Floo Network over. They headed up the mountain, in a nervous silence the whole way. When they got to a small opening in the rock, covered in moss, they knew they were in the right place. Magic was thick in the air, Merlin couldn't help but smile at the feeling of it flowing into him. In this new world it wasn't often he felt that.
"You want to go first Cathal?" Arthur asked when they walked up to the dark cave. They put their wands down on a rock outside.
"No, I don't really fancy it." He said, shaking his head and staring blankly at him,
"You don't have a choice." Arthur said, and Merlin he nodded quickly, head tilted, and walked down the dark passageway.
"Emrysss..." three voices hissed, sounding as though it were all around them. Peter tried to run away, but Sirius pushed him ahead.
"Oh great Triple Goddess, we have come to ask a favor of you!" Merlin said, bowing to one knee, the boys stood a bit farther back nervously watching. In the back of the cave stood three old women in ragged ripped cloaks, hunched over in their great age, waiting for centuries for the next soothsayers to come and relive them of their long service.
"And why... should we... help you?" The voices said one at a time.
Merlin took the bread and set it at the goddess' feet.
"We have brought you sacrifices." He said
"Bread?" They laughed,
"You aren't getting much of anything as of late."
"Liessss!" They hissed, "The Old Religion lives on under a new name!"
"They have given the Religion sacrifices, you alone have not been pleased by any sacrifice for centuries."
"...what is it you ask for?" The center one asked.
"The power æt Bredan Æt Déorcynn." He said, they laughed
"You have New Age Wizards with you, do not mock me Emryssss."
"He speaks the truth, we humbly ask for this Wundor." Arthur said stepping forward, and bowing
"Ah The Once and Future King..." They hissed, "you've finally discovered the Magic within your sáwol?" She teased, "hmmm... we shall grant you this favor, Emryssss." They said finally, he bowed deeper and began the spell
"Eaw eormenláf þrifeald rícen álíefednes mec þe ríce swá þæm ic máius bredan æt béon ne mann ac déorcynn þý bita wiðinnan mín sáwol." His eyes burned gold, and the bread had set on fire, "Ágildan mec æt ábycgan swelc þe wundor on mín syfre." He muttered he felt his eyes burn golden the whole time, and for a while afterwards and then his whole body was tingling. The world seemed to shrink. He looked down. He no longer wore shoes, in their place were two taloned feet. He looked to his arms, they were brown wings. He flapped them, then willed himself human.
"a merlin." Arthur laughed, "fitting." Merlin grinned, eyes crinkling.
James, Sirius, and Peter stepped forward now, and along with Arthur set their bread at the Goddess' feet. Merlin held his hands over their bowed heads, and his eyes began to glow good again.
"Eaw eormenláf þrifeald rícen álíefednes mec þe ríce swá þæm hé máius bredan æt béon ne mann ac déorcynn þý bita wiðinnan lóh sáwol. Ágildan _ æt ábycgan swelc þe wundor on lóh syfre!" He was screaming at the end, fighting through the pain of all the magic flowing through his body. The boys began to transform. Claws and hooves scratching the stone floor. At last they stood, and bowed to the Triple Goddess as animals. Arthur had become a great Lion, James, a Stag with grand antlers, Sirius a huge black dog, and Peter a brown rat.
They transformed back and left the cave.
"Emrysss!" The Goddess called, Merlin looked back, "remember your destiny." He nodded and they walked out of the cave.
"We're bloody Animagi!" James said and transformed again, trotting bout the clearing, tossing his antlered head. Sirius laughed a bark like laugh then covered his mouth,
"Have I always laughed like that?"
"Not quite so dog like, but yes." Peter squeaked. Arthur smiled and pushed Merlin with his shoulder,
"Good job." He said, Merlin beamed.
"Thank you, Sire." He said. James the stag headed back into the woods, Peter turned to a rat and jumped onto his antlers. Sirius, now a dog, bounded after them playfully. Merlin picked up their wands and transformed into a bird. Arthur was last, turning into a lion and following after the boys.