"Did you see Merlin in the gardens the other day?"

The knights of the round table were walking along the corridor but stopped when they heard some maids talking about their friend around the corner. They all stood and listened in to the girly gossip.

"I did! I swear that man could have me any day."

Gwaine's eyes went wide with a mix of shock and pride. The knights couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Good luck with that, I heard that he was going out with Gwen."

Elyan choked.

"No way their like siblings, anyway he was flirting with suzanne at the last feast."

Leon grinned.

"You called that flirting, you should of saw how he was talking to me when we in the tavern... just the two of us."

Percival almost fainted.

"Like I would believe that."

"Well you should because it happened. And trust me them lips can do marvellous things besides talking."

Lancelot was trying to get bad images out of his head.

"Stop trying to make me jealous, I'm probably the only maid he hasn't kissed."

Eyebrows rose.

"You don't know that, all I know its he's kissed me, Lisabel and Gwen."

"Gwen?" Elyan whispered.

"I'm not getting my hopes up, I heard a rumour that he's gay."

"Why would you think that?"

"Why wouldn't you? With all that time he spends with the knights and Arthur, I wouldn't be surprised." The maids started to walk away so the knights could hear the rest of the conversation.

They all stood, still shocked from what they had over heard. They never knew Merlin was so popular with women. Leon realised that he wasn't the young, lanky boy that stumbled into Camelot all them years ago anymore, he had grown up right infront of them without their knowledge. The clothes that used to hang off his skinny frame now cling to his surprising muscles in all the right places. No longer was he oblivious to the weight of responsibility and trust on his shoulders. He had grown into the funny, lovely Merlin that they all had the pleasure to meet at some stage in their life. So it was no surprise that he now appealed to more people, specifically of the female gender.


"Hey Merlin." Gwaine grinned suspiciously as he and the knights found Merlin and Arthur in the armoury.

"Hi Gwaine?" Merlin was clearly confused by the confrontation.

"We have some things to discuss." Leon stated.

"I'm confused what's going on?" Arthur asked his knights.

"Nothing much, we just heard an interesting conversation and we thought you might like to hear it to..., a really interesting conversation." Gwaine smirked.

"When did you kiss Gwen?" Elyan blurted out, to curious to know about something that concerned his sister.

"You kissed Gwen!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Woah! Wow, calm down!" Merlin stood up, putting his hands up in surrender, "Where did you hear that?" Merlin put his hands down by his sides.

"Some maids were having a conversation about you, about how that man could have them anyday. Care to explain?" Lancelot laughed.

"Yes and how them lips can do marvellous things besides talking." Gwaine teased.

"Oh god!" Merlin sighed.

"Gonna tell us why you have maids talking about you left, right and centre?" Arthur laughed.

"I.I..I don't know! It just happens!"

"Oh so is it kind of like how you kissing Gwen 'just happens' ?"

"Yes!... No! I mean no!"

"Relax Merlin, were only messing." Percival calmed him.

"But on a serious note... When did you kiss Gwen?" Arthur added.

"My first year in Camelot, ages ago. Before you would even give her a second glance."

"Well, Merlin I've got to say, I never thought you to be so popular with the ladies. But I suppose it doesn't matter because they also said that rumour has it that your gay." Gwaine shrugged as the knights all left a shocked, distraught Merlin in the armoury on his own. I'm sure if the maids heard he was on his own they would quickly change that for a fact.