I rolled onto my left side and mumbled about a few more minutes of sleep. I heard a booming voice yell something about nurses and doctors and thought that…. I couldn't quite place who had left the tv on. I slowly opened my eyes to see white walls and people in blue clothes and white coats. Doctors. Nurses. I was in a hospital.

Suddenly hands were all over me. I couldn't stand it. I tried to shove them off. Someone told me to stay calm. Someone said to stop struggling. Too many people, too many voices, too many hands. It was all so very suffocating. Warmth flooded me and I knew what that meant. I was being sedated.

After a few quick to slow heartbeats people were still touching me but I didn't care much. Things were… fuzzy… and warm. I was floating but also under a thousand blankets. Someone looked at me. Doctor probably. Asked me something. I couldn't figure it out. Then they all left. There was a dark spot in the light. He was all reds and greens and blacks. He was big and small and everywhere. I think I giggled but it didn't feel like me. Then I heard something deep and daring and strong and rough. Then there was blackness.

I opened my eyes to see that no, it wasn't a dream. There was a nice looking man with small hands in blue clothes hovering over me. "Hello little lady." He sing songed a little as he talked. "I'm just going to go call the doctor and she will tell you everything that is going ok?" He didn't wait for my reply as he stepped out of the room. A few minutes later a small older woman walked in. She was in her 40s maybe and starting to grey. I shifted uncomfortably in the paper gown I was wearing.

She stopped at the end of the bed and picked up a chipboard that she didn't even look at. "Hello, I'm Doctor Ragan. Can you tell me your name?" I nearly laughed until I realized something. I didn't know what my name was. I shook my head tears in my eyes. I could see concern on Doctor Ragan's face. She tried to hide it. "Can you tell me what you do remember?" I nodded.

"I know that this is a hospital. I don't know why I'm here though but I am guessing it's not good." I could feel my voice catch, my throat burning. I could feel tears falling on my cheeks. "I'm a girl. I think I'm older maybe. Right?" I asked. I didn't wait for an answer. "I remember a house with cars everywhere. Books and doors and phones. I remember a man who, I loved him I think. He was short and in a wheelchair, no he wasn't. What's happening to me?"

Doctor Ragan just looked at me. After a moment she sighed. "You hit your head. There was a young man who brought you in. He can probably explain better than I can, but it looks to us that you have amnesia. You have fragments of memories so that is promising. We are hopeful that with the proper stimulation your memories will resurface." She started to walked out.

"What happens if they don't?" I asked suddenly.

"Then you will make new ones. Everyone has emotions attached to their memories. Those don't go away. Until the memories come back, just trust your emotions." With that she walked out. I layed there, wondering things about my life. I tried to remember family or friends. I tried to remember anything. Small images popped up every once and a while but none of them made sense.

A few minutes later two very tall, well built men walked in. One had hair that nearly hit his shoulders. One had a leather jacket. The color green popped into my head along with a car with seats that seemed like couches. The one with long hair was taller than the one in the leather jacket. He spoke first.

His voice was soft and sweet as he tentatively said, "Hey. We just talked to your doctors and Doctor Ragan, well she took really great care of you but she said that you were having trouble remembering things." I nodded. He nodded with me, looking at the leather jacket wearing guy. He seemed angry. "I'm guessing you don't remember us then?" He seemed hopeful. I shook my head.

"Maybe we could get Cas down here, see if he can fix her." The angry leather jacket wearing man said. His voice was like gravel on glass.

"Is Cas another doctor?" I asked. They whipped their heads towards me.

"Kind of." The long haired one said. "We can fill in all the blanks if you want, but we kinda want to get you home first."

"I live with you guys?" The taller one nodded. I nodded as well.

"Ok good. My name is Sam by the way and this is my brother Dean." I nodded.

"What's my name?" I asked tentatively.

"Louise Isadora Taylor. We call you Lou though." It was the shorter angry one, Dean, who had answered.

"Isadora?" I asked skeptical. Who would do that to a child? He just nodded.

"Sammy, go get her checked out with the doc and I'll stay here." Dean said to Sam. The taller brother just nodded and walked out of the room. Dean stuffed his hands in his pockets and stood there for a moment. I was about to ask him something when he spoke up. "I'm going to go see what is taking so long." He stormed out of the room.

I looked down at myself in the sad little paper gown. I wondered what exactly landed me in the hospital or if I had just fallen in the shower or something and hit my head and now I was there. I looked at my right arm, with a few tubes sticking out of it. I pulled them out one by one sucking in a sharp breath with each.

I moved to my knees, shaking under my weight, to find the clipboard at the end of my bed. I read what it said. I couldn't figure out what any of it was saying but there was a picture of a woman. Her head was highlighted as well as her left side and her right foot. I pulled at my paper gown to see my left side, the movement hurt a little but I ignored it. I ripped open the gown and saw a bandage around my middle covering another bandage. I rocked back to lay down and pushed the covers off me to see my right foot. It was still there thankfully. But it was in bandages. I was starting to feel like a mummy. I put the clipboard on the bed and swing my legs over the side, grunting with the effort. I placed my feet on the tile floor only to pull them back up, shocked by the cold. I tried again only to find that when I tried to stand, my right foot screamed in protest. I also yelled in protest but only for a split second.

I picked my right foot off the floor and hopped or shuffled might have been a better word, towards the door. I gripped the wall and some chairs to get to the closed door. I pushed on the heavy wooden door. It took too much effort to actually get it open, but then there was no weight but my body was still pushing. As the door flung itself open I flung through it and nearly face planted the floor when hands caught me. I cried in pain. The hands gripped me under my arms and hauled me up. I placed my hands on their chest. Sam. He had dropped something on the floor while trying to keep me from falling.

"What the hell happened?" Dean yelled from down the hall. He held a cup in his hand and was making his way down the hall.

"Lou fell when I opened the door." Sam explained.

"Why is she even out of bed?" He nearly yelled. "Son of a bitch, I told you to stay put!" He yelled at. I felt like crying again.

"But you didn't and I just, I didn't, I…" I couldn't find the right words.

"Dean, come on man, lay off her." Sam said. He still held me. I looked up, up, up at him. Man he was tall.

"Lou… Just get her back inside." Dean seemed so angry all the time. I wished I could remember what I did that made him so angry. Sam guided her inside the room carefully. I eventually sat back down on the bed. I hung my head casting my eyes down. I didn't know how to talk to these people. I felt like I knew them, that I liked them, but other than that, there was nothing but small pictures. A bag was placed on the bed next to me, it was the same bag that Sam had dropped. It had clothes in it and a phone and a knife. I looked at them confused.

"These are the things on you when you were brought in." Sam explained. I nodded.

"Are we family?" I asked suddenly. Sam looked at Dean.

"Yes and no. We aren't related but family, at least for us, is more than just blood." I felt myself shrink with every word he uttered, not because of what he was saying, but because he scared me. "Look Lou, I'm sorry for snapping earlier." He said, bending at his knees and sitting on his heels so that he looked up at my face. "It's just, you gave us a huge scare Sunshine. I was just scared." I nodded at him. Words where hard for me. Everything was scary for me but I wasn't yelling at people.

"Do I get to leave?" I asked, looking at Sam. I felt Dean stand back up to his full height.

"Yeah, the doctor said that whenever you're ready that we can take you home." I smiled at him. I could feel my lips strain from stretching them into a crooked smile. "Oh and I got you some new clothes since the ones in here," he held up the bag, "are a little ripped and um covered in blood."

I didn't know how to react to that. How did normal people with memories react to a statement like that? I nodded for what felt like the millionth time making me feel like a broken bobblehead. I took the new clothes he extended towards me which were just grey sweatpants and a t-shirt with the hospital logo on it. I hesitated for a second then started to get up to go change in the bathroom.

Dean stepped in stopping me from moving any further off the bed. He grabbed the clothes from my hands, putting the shirt on the bed next to me on top of the discarded clipboard. He started to put my feet into the sweatpants as if I were incapable of doing it myself. I bent down to do it myself when a sharp pain in my left side made me stop. "Yeah stop trying to do everything and just accept the help Sunshine." Dean quipped.

"Sorry." I mumbled out. He gazed at me as he got the pants to my thighs.

"I think you can take it from here." He said, moving away from me so fast I would have though I burned him or something. I tugged at the pants resigning myself to lying back on the bed to get them settled on my hips. I huffed as I sat back up, reaching behind me to untie the paper hospital gown. Both men turned away as I started working on the knots. Their backs where to me when I removed the gown completely, leaving my chest bare to the elements. I grabbed the t-shirt and pulled it over my head.

I sighed, "You guys can turn around now." They both turned to look at me, the light from the window shining through to illuminate them. I could finally see, Dean's eyes. That was the green I was thinking about.

"Alright, you," Dean pointed at me, "stay put. I'm going to go get a wheelchair because there is no way in hell I'm letting you walk on that foot." As he stormed out of the room I looked at Sam.

"Is he always this intense?" I asked unsure of the relationship I shared with the men. Sam looked at me with eyes I could only describe as puppy dog esc.

"I mean, yeah kind of." Sam rubbed the back of his neck. "The thing is, what we do, the life we live…" He trailed off. "Look Lou, this is really something we have to talk about when we get home. We're a little far so it's going to be quite a car ride." He looked like he wanted to be done talking.

I tried to push as gently as I could. "How did I get hurt?" I thought it was a simple question but the look on the tall man's face told me the answer was complicated.

"You got hurt on the job." That was all he was willing to divulge. I didn't know much but I did know that I didn't like being lied to and a half truth is a whole lie. I didn't say anything.

Soon Dean came back in with a wheelchair and when I tried to stand he fixed me with a look that told me if I tried I would regret it. He lifted me up holding me by my back and behind my knees so that he could place me in the chair.

"You do realize I can do things on my own, right?" I asked irritated with the events of the day.

"You realize that I don't care?" He asked with a sharp tone that made me feel even more like a child. I let them wheel me outside to a sleek looking black car. My first thought was that I wanted to drive her. My second thought was that I would never drive her. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window of the car. A flash of blonde, and eyes that looked very sunken in. I looked away. I didn't recognize the girl that stared back at me.

I went to stand only to have a heavy hand press on my shoulder. I yelped in pain and the hand disappeared. My view of the car of obstructed by the view of Dean kneeling in front of me. "Sunshine! Are you good? What happened?"

I shook my head, there was so much concern in his green eyes. It was so confusing. "I'm fine. It's um, it's just my side." My hand went to the bandages I knew were under the shirt I was wearing. He put his hands on my arms and my eyes flew to his hands then back to the green of his eyes. "I have a um question Dean," I tested his name. It felt both foreign and comfortable. He stood then, his hands leaving my arms.

"Lou, look we have to go home. Sammy get her in the car." Dean stormed to the driver's side of the car and slammed the door as he got in. I flinched at the sound. I craned my neck to look up at Sam who was behind the wheelchair. He looked down at me with a pitying look that I didn't really like.

"If you open the door I can get in." I said simply. He didn't hesitate. He didn't say a word as he opened the back door. I stood on one shaky leg, pulling my bad foot up off the ground. I hopped to the seat and scooted in to the other end. I decided it would probably be best if I just layed down and tried to sleep. I turned to face the front of the car, my injured side facing the roof. I saw Dean looking at me in the rearview mirror, his eyes hard and unreadable. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I don't know if he heard me or not, he didn't say anything. I didn't even know what I was apologizing for, I just knew that I should.