Hey guys! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy :) I will hopefully have fully edited chapters 1 to 3 by Wednesday and posted chapter 4 by Thursday. I apologize for the wait and thank you for your patients

Chapter 1

Marinette had never complained about who she was partnered with by the science teacher for class labs. So long as she wasn't partnered with Chloe, she was satisfied. Until today.

Her teacher kept the lab partner schedule on a rotation so that everyone would have a chance to work with different people. Today, Mari was partnered with Rose, which was something that did not bother her. She was bothered that her sweet, innocent Adrian was partnered with Lila. And she was bothered that he didn't appear to mind the partnership. Marinette would occasionally hear Adrien giggle or Lila laugh and it filled her with rage.

Why was he being so friendly with her? Couldn't he see that she was corrupting him? Hadn't he realized that she'd done nothing but lie since she's come to the school a year before? Despite everything she'd done, he was willing to be her friend. At least, Marinette thought, Chloe never liked or tried to manipulate him.

"Marinette!" Rose complained bringing Marinette out of her angry mind. "You're burning it!"

"Oh-what?" Marinette noticed that the test tube she held over the small flame had begun to blacken. "Oh no! I'm sorry!"

Rose, being too easy-going to be bothered by the small set back, replied, "It's okay. We have plenty more."

The class seemed to drag on forever, or at least that's how Marinette felt. When it was finally over, she waited for Adrien outside the classroom door so that she could 'accidentally' bump into him when he walked out.

"Oh," He gasped when she walked into his chest and began fumbling her books. This was not something she'd planned. He helped her steady herself and said, "I'm sorry Marinette. Didn't see you there."

"Oh-no!" She gushed, as she still did often, when she spoke to him. Although she'd known him for over a year, and they had become close friends, he still made her face heat, her stomach feel heavy, and he made the blood rush to her head making it sometimes difficult to speak. "It was my fault! I should have watched where I was going- I walked right into you."

He laughed a little, as he always did, finding her ramblings to be amusing. "How did you find that lab?"

"It went well!" She cheered with more enthusiasm than she'd originally intended, "Rose and I make a great team. Speaking of teams; I saw you were with Liar- I mean Lila." She heard the gross tone in which she said the other girl's name but it was the most pleasant version she could manage.

"Yeah." He once again didn't appear unhappy to have been working with her. "We're going to work on the lab report at her house after school."

Marinette choked on her own saliva when she heard that.

"You're..." She coughed. "What?!"

"We want to make sure we have the correct data." He explained.

"So you're going to her house?!" She was about to tell him what an awful idea that was and that they should just text, but then she also decided that she didn't want Lila texting him either. "What's wrong with the school library?!" Quiet, she thought, and public with many, many witnesses.

"Why not?" He asked, smiling innocently while Marinette struggled to maintain her panic. How could he be so calm knowing he was going into her lair? She couldn't understand. "My father doesn't expect me home until seven anyways. And I like going new places."

"But with Lila?" Marinette didn't try to disguise the disgust in her voice. "Do you trust her?" Marinette imagined her house filled with dust, spiders, and coffins. She imagined Lila slept on a bed of sharp spikes and although she was consciously sure it was probably not the case, she feared that Lila's undoubtedly awful family would kidnap poor Adrien and lock him in their scary basement.

"What's she going to do?" Adrien wondered. "Besides, I know she's done some bad stuff in the past but she really is a nice person if you get to know her. And it's good to be forgiving."

Marinette swallowed his hard suggestion that he'd actually gotten to know Lila, and focused on the more appropriate comment; "You know, there is such thing as being too nice."

He laughed once, touched her shoulder in his affectionate but just-a-friend way and walked into his next class.

Marinette could not relax for the rest of the day. She also did not worry about whether she was bothering Alya with her constant texts about Lila and Adrien, or not. In her mind, this was important and Alya was the only one who could keep her wild imagination from flying away. Alya was kind enough to remind Marinette that if something bad were to happen to Adrian, Ladybug and Chat Noir would surely step in to save him.

Marinette knew instantly that Alya was right. Ladybug would keep an eye on them for the entire night.

Marinette had gone into an anxious panic when her mother had insisted she stay home for dinner. They agreed to have dinner at five-thirty but that meant two full hours of not knowing where her precious Adrien was or if he was okay... Or worse... if he had gotten closer to Lila. The thought made her stomach twist and made her face pale enough that her mom let her leave the table early and go upstairs "to bed", believing Marinette had to bed sick.

Marinette asked her parents not to bother her so she could nap, made a pillow body in her bed, and transformed into Ladybug.

The anxiety was driving her crazy. Her mind filled and raced with endless possibilities as to what could be happening. She envisioned both the bad and the very bad, such as Adrien becoming hypnotized into believing he was in love with Lila, then running away with her to live happily ever after on a pig farm. Or them getting intimate and her ending up pregnant thereby destroying everyone's life and causing the Earth to surely explode.

When she reached Lila's apartment, only Lila's parents were home. Fear gripped Marinettes' heart as the endless possibilities of where they'd gone became worse and worse. She nearly flew as she raced over the city trying to find them and she didn't succeed until the sun was finally setting. Adrien and Lila were walking when she found them, laughing about whatever they were talking about and eating some kind of desert which she feared might be a certain un-nameable-because-it-is-too-terrible-to-even-consider ice cream, but when she looked closer she decided it was not. Andres ice cream never came in foam cups.

Ladybug calmed down because Adrien was safe within her sight lines but was filled with anger that they were clearly not only working on their homework. Marinette looked at her watch and saw the time was nearing seven. Adrien would have to go home soon, she remembered, so she only needed to keep an eye on them until then.

She watched them in an angry, jealous (though she wouldn't admit that part), frenzy while they casually walked the streets and watched the setting sun.

Finally, at six-forty-five, Adrien stopped walking and said "I'm sorry Lila, but I have to go home now."

Ladybug could hear Lila's reply with extreme clarity, "Oh, it's okay Adrien. It was fun spending time with you. And thanks for listening. You've always been such a great friend."

Ladybug barely suppressed the pressing scream demanding it be released from her body. Instead, she held her breath and glared as Adrien replied, "No problem."

Then Lila hugged Adrien which made Ladybug's face go red but only for a second because all the blood seemed to leave her body and she felt a sharp heavy pain in her gut when she saw Lila lean up and kiss Adrian on the lips.

Ladybug must not have been breathing because the next thing she knew she was on her back on the roof staring at the darkened sky with no memory of having fallen or fainted. Her body felt heavy- too heavy for her to want to stand. She felt a mix of pain, anger, disappointment, and a small pang of hatred which she desperately tried to repress.

What? She thought over and over for she wasn't sure how long. It felt like forever.

"You okay, LB?" Her head turned slightly towards the familiar voice and saw two black boots standing near her head.

"Chat." She quietly acknowledged. "How'd you find me?" She didn't need to look up to know it was him.

"I saw you fall a few seconds ago and raced over." He answered. She looked up and decided he looked rather proud of this. A few seconds ago. That must mean less time had passed than she'd thought. Ladybug sat up quickly so she could once again watch Lila and Adrian, though she feared what she might see. Lila was there, walking back towards her home but Adrien was gone.

"W-where's Adrien?" Ladybug breathed.

She heard Chat chuckle as he answered, "He went home, I'm guessing."

"What are you doing here?" Ladybug wondered, regaining her energy and jumping to her feet.

Chat Noir was leaning casually on his staff, smirking at her suggestively but she couldn't understand why. "Whaaaaaat were you doing here, M'lady?" He rebutted.

"I was keeping an eye on liar down there." Ladybug snapped glaring at Lila as she disappeared from sight. "She was on some kind of date with Adrien Agreste."

"Are we sure it was a date?" Chat wondered casually. "I mean, they might just be friends."

"Friends don't kiss each other like that." She snapped bitterly.

"Kiss." He blinked in surprise. "I don't think-"

"I know what I saw." Ladybug snapped. "She's manipulated poor Adrien again."

"I'm sure he hasn't been manipulated." Chat laughed. "Otherwise he wouldn't have pushed her away, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Ladybug asked, now a little confused.

"You didn't notice him push her away right after she had gotten too close?" Chat wondered then shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. I was just curious about what my little bug was up to tonight." He leaned into her with a pleasant smile but she put out her arm to maintain the distance. "Get it? Curious? Like a cat?"

"Your puns need some work." She suggested. "They are starting to get dry."

"On the contrary," He mused, "I think I am very punny." Then he started laughing. She rolled her eyes, mostly because she was too busy worrying about what unknown horrors Lila might have done to her poor, sweet Adrien.

"Come on." She sighed. "Let's go make sure he got home alright."

"I'm sure he did." Chat replied, breaking away from his laughing fit. "How about you and I go visit the Eiffel Tower. Maybe impress some tourists with our super heroism." He flexed for her but she was unfortunately too busy watching the way in which Adrien would have walked to go home.

"I want to be sure." Ladybug decided before sending her yo-yo flying and leaping through the air.

"Ugh." Chat rolled his eyes and sighed before loyally following.

Marinette got home around two in the morning. Adrian had been at home as Chat had promised, safe and sound in his bed although she couldn't see his face. He was tucked into the sheets and sleeping soundly. Ladybug had worried because he would have only gotten home a few minutes before they'd arrived, and it was only seven at night but Chat assured her that he'd probably just had a long day.

Her and Chat had spent the rest of the night over the rooftops of Paris looking for any trouble. They found a couple muggers and a drunk driver but no akumas which was the most important part.

Since she hadn't needed much energy during the night, she was able to wake up tired just in time to run into class as the bell rang. Lila, who was unfortunately seated behind her, spent the beginning of the class whispering to her friend about her time with Adrien. Her story of the kiss was much different from Chats. In fact, according the Lila Adrien had kissed her. Marinette found she could no longer properly remember what had happened; only that it had torn her heart in half and thinking about it made it difficult to breathe.

Marinette waited until after class to speak to Lila. She maintained the most civil tone she could manage and simply said, "Hey!"

"Hey, Marinette." Lila said with a neither friendly nor hostile tone of voice. She'd never had an issue with Marinette but she knew that Marinette disliked her and often acted accordingly.

"I heard that you and Adrien hung out last night." Marinette had to nearly run to maintain Lila's fast pace as they walked to her next class.

"Yeah." Lila replied trying to sound as if it meant nothing to her or like it was no big deal because her and Adrien were already such close friends. "We hang out often."

This comment stung Marinettes heart but she reminded herself that it was likely just another lie.

"That's cool." Marinette noted although she wanted to trip the other girl. "I also heard you kissed. Is that true?"

"What is it to you?" Lila wondered almost smugly with a small smirk painted on her lips.

"Oh-I'm just curious." Marinette explained.

"Stay curious, then." Lila replied. "Or ask him yourself. But it might be a little hard for you to handle so proceed with caution."

Lila gave Marinette one last halfhearted smile before walking into her next class.

Mari felt like her heart had once again been shattered and as if boiling, burning water was filling her stomach but her stomach was never full.

Sluggishly, she moved to her next class for which she arrived just before it started.

She sat with Alya in this class which meant her and Alya could write notes to one another through their tablets.

"You look terrible, girl. What's bothering you?" Alya wondered.

"Adrien and Lila kissed." Marinette wrote. Alya tried but failed to withhold her scuffled, choked laugh.

"I'm sure. And I walked on the moon last night. Ignore what that girl says, you know it's all lies." Alya tried but it was no use on Marinette.

"This time, I don't know." Marinette sighed loudly but it did not get the teachers attention.

Alya watched her for a worried moment but then wrote, "You know who isn't interested in Lila? A certain musician named L-U-K-A. He's nice, attractive, older and you can TALK to him most of the time.

Marinette glared at the screen for a second and wrote, "I can talk to Adrien."

"Yeah, but you don't." Marinette knew Alya had a point and so did Tikki, although Tikki hadn't seen the message.

"Pst." Tikki called from inside Marinettes pouch. "Stop feeling sad, Marinette. If it's bothering you, do what Lila suggested and talk to him."

"You're right, Tikki." Marinette breathed into her purse.

"Who are you talking to?" Alya whispered.

"Uh-ha! You." Marinette replied, startled by the question.

"Marinette." The teacher called. "Alya. No talking."

Both girls apologized and sat back quietly.

After school Marinette found Adrien just before he could change for fencing practice.

He was as friendly as usual.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing." She sang awkwardly. "I just wanted to ask you a question."

Adrien's small, welcoming smile broadened, "Go for it."

"I-uh-well I heard-uh..." She scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

"It's okay, Marinette." He encouraged with a smile. "Spit it out."

"Well it's just..." She took a deep breath and asked, "Did you and Lila kiss last night? I don't mean to pry but I heard you kissed and she was talking about it and I asked her but she said to ask you and I know that it's not any of my business but I'm also really curious so did you?"

Adrien blinked in surprised, both from the question and the speed at which she'd spoken. It had been a while since he'd heard her rant.

"I-uh..." Adrien awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I don't... I mean, it's kind of private. I told her I wouldn't..."

"Oh!" Marinette gasped loudly in an effort to keep her voice from shattering as she spoke to him. "No, it's okay! I was just wondering, that's all!"

"Can we talk about it later, maybe?" He wondered, still looking uncomfortable. "I have fencing practice and-" He was cut off by the sounds of students screaming and running back into the school.

Chloe was among them. She ran directly into Adrians unprepared arms and cried, "It wants my hair, Adrikins!"

Adrien sighed and rolled his eyes. "What did you do this time, Chloe?"

"Me?!" She gasped in an insult. "It's his fault for wearing that jacket with those shoes."

Just then they saw a strange looking boy with mix matched socks, patchy pant-legs, and mis-coloured hair jump onto one of the school walls.

"I am fashion disaster!" He announced.

"That is the most accurate statement I have ever heard." Chloe agreed.

"I've got to go." Adrien announced as he let go of Chloe and bolted for a washroom.

"Me too." Marinette agreed, momentarily forgetting her Adrien heartbreak.

Marinette was relaxing on her balcony trying to clear her head. After she'd freed the akuma and gone home, the memory and pain returned. Now she knew that Chat Noir had been wrong, or trying to make her feel better. Adrien was a willing participant when it came to kissing Lila. He liked her. She'd thought she'd had a chance, and maybe she had, but she missed it. He wanted someone else. She doubted there was anything she could do about it since, as Tikki had told her while she cried, you can't force someone to love you. You can only wait and hope they change their mind. Or move on. But Marinette feared there would be no moving on. She'd had so much hope that her and Adrian were meant for each other. But right now, that felt so far away, and he felt way out of her grasp.

The small breeze helped to dry the tears from her face.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Marinette jumped when she heard him speak. She hadn't heard him arrive which, although he was stealthy, was uncommon.

"Chat Noir." She acknowledged turning to face him after quickly wiping her cheeks encase there was any evidence of her tears. "Nothing is wrong."

"Are you sure?" He jumped off her railing and stepped closer to examine her face between his index finger and thumb. "I could have sworn I heard you cry."

"I'm not crying, Chat." But her voice cracked and betrayed her. Something changed in his eyes. They looked sad, almost worried, and he pulled her into a tight hug.

"It's okay to cry, Mari." He reminded her softly on the side of her head. "I'm always here for you."

She wasn't sure why but that caused her to break down. She crumbled to the ground in a fit of tears but he caught her before she could hit the floor, and picked her up bridal style so he could carry her into her room and tuck her into her bed.

He'd been in her room a couple times, both as Adrien and as Chat Noir, though she often changed it. Like, he noticed that when he came as Chat, she often had photos of him-as Adrien-from magazine and photo shoots. This never bothered him, though. He was his fathers preferred model and she was a big fan of his father. The photos weren't up when he came as Adrien, though, but he had decided that it was meant to make him feel more comfortable.

He lay next to her in her bed and cradled her as she cried. He couldn't understand what she was crying about and she never told him. He doubted she could make out the words if she tried.

The fit of tears only lasted about fifteen minutes and had taken most of her energy. She quietly laid on his chest for a few minutes after the tears stopped. Chat didn't ask her why she was crying. He didn't need to know if she didn't want to tell him. His hand softly rubbed her hair, and her back and her arms.

"I feel so stupid." She finally moaned quietly.

"You're not stupid." He disagreed just as quietly, not wanting to disturb the quiet aura that had taken the room.

"I am stupid." She disagreed. "I was stupid to think he'd wait for me to be brave." Oh. He felt her words like a punch to the stomach but wasn't sure why. "Or that he'd come to me. And now he's moved on."

"Who?" Chat wondered why the question was hard for him to ask but he did not let his thoughts ponder deep enough that they'd distract him from her answer.

"No one." She muttered.

"Why won't you tell me?" He pushed softly.

"It's embarrassing." She answered.

He sighed and responded, "Whoever it is, no one should make you cry like this." His voice was hard and serious. Protective, she thought and hugged him closer. "Anybody would be lucky to have your love."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better, kitty." She mumbled but somehow his voice was calming her and his words made her happy.

"Should I cataclysm him for you?" Chat wondered, she thought jokingly but he wasn't sure, as he presented his ready claw.

"No, thank you." She answered and kissed his cheek.

He smiled a little and felt his heart skip a beat. It was the excitement, he decided, he was in a pretty girls bed with her- a first for him -and he'd just made a good friend feel much better after some dumb boy had hurt her.

She did not move far from him after kissing his cheek. Her face remained close and she found herself wanting to remain even closer. Slowly, with caution so she could gauge his reaction, she moved closer to kiss his cheek again. He lowered his raised claw so that it was rested on top of her hand which was still resting on his chest.

Marinette leaned in one last time to kiss his cheek, deciding she needed to give him space but more importantly get some space. Some fresh air, she thought. That would reorganize her scattered mind. As she leaned in this time, though, he turned his head so his lips would meet hers.

Marinette released a small gasp over his lips as she realized she was kissing him. Her eyes went wide in surprise as he moved his hand, the one which had held hers, to cup her face. He deepened the kiss and for a reason she could not explain, she allowed it. She sucked in one last breath and let her eyes drift close as she surrendered to the soft kiss.

Chat Noir hardened the kiss, though, tightening both his hands on her. The one that had been rubbing her back now grabbed her arm for support while the hand on her cheek slid back just enough to reach her hair and pull her closer.

A small moan left her lips which encouraged him to continue.

Chat began to shape their position and shift them until he was laying on his back with her laying over him with her chest pinned to his and her legs around his hips. He decided, with very little thought, that unless she asked him to stop, he wouldn't let her go.

One hand continued to hold her face to his as he kissed her, occasionally nibbling her lips and massaging her mouth lightly with his tongue. His other hand slipped up her shirt feeling every part of her surprisingly muscular back. She wasn't wearing any kind of bra which excitement him more than he expected it to.

"Chat." She breathed into his mouth.

"Hmm." He replied moving his lips off of hers and along her chin to her jaw line, then to her ear which he nibbled, ignoring her earrings, and down her neck a little.

"What are you doing?" She breathed, keeping her eyes closed. She didn't want to get lost in his green eyes, and she also didn't want them to remind her of their partnership. She didn't want to think about that. For now, his actions were innocent enough, right? She convinced herself of that, anyways. He was just kissing her, and touching her in places he'd done before. But now it felt different. Her heart was racing, her stomach was turning in a way it never had before, and she could feel her body telling her mind to go to bed and let it do the work. Her mind would tell her to stop, so she didn't want to know what it had to say. Not now. Besides, she trusted him.

"Making you forget about him." Chat answered because it was the only answer he could think of.

"I can never forget about him." The sadness was coming back so she closed her eyes tight and brought her skin closer to his lips. She didn't want to think about Adrien. She didn't want to feel the hurt or the fear of him loving someone else. She wanted to forget for a little while. And apparently, Chat Noir could help her take her mind off of Adrien. Whatever he needed to do to keep Adrien out of her thoughts, he could do it.

Chat wasn't exactly sure what had come over him but he was following an instinct he'd never experienced like this before. He knew what was happening in his pants, this wasn't the first time for that, but it was the first time he'd had someone to experience it with him. His hips rubbed against her body almost automatically, and he felt himself purr each time.

"Claws i-" Marinette covered his mouth suddenly. Her eyes were open, her body over his but not the same way as before and he felt the sudden desire to pin her down so she couldn't stop him again. This instinct was part of the reason he wanted to be Adrien for a minute. Adrien could control himself. Chat Noir didn't have to.

"I can't know your identity, kitty." She reminded.

"But I..." He tried but she shook her head.

"You can't tell me who you are." She continued. "Or show me."

Chat hesitated but for only a fraction of a second. Then he grabbed her and swung her body under his. He held one of her hands out to the side and began kissing the bare piece of her tank-top exposed chest. His other hand cupped her chest over the shirt demanding her nipples harden. She moaned as he did this, keeping her eyes closed and convincing herself it meant nothing. Plus, the more he touched her the more she craved his touch. He rubbed one then moved his hand to her stomach and kiss the hard nipple over the thin shirt. Then he lightly bit it over the shirt and enjoyed the loud cry as her body arched closer to his.

A mischievous grin crossed his face as his free hand slid down her body, and under the hem of her shorts. In both their minds, nothing serious was happening yet. They were just being close as friends often were. Trusting each other completely and using only physical language to communicate. Neither had done anything like this before so the new sensations drove both into a frenzy of physical urges they weren't sure they understood.

"Chat." She whimpered as his clawed fingers rested over her heated virginity. It was wet, and slick which surprised and excited him. "You can stop."

"I don't want to." He decided pressing two of his fingers against her vagina. He smiled as she moaned again. He continued to play with her nipple between his teeth as he pressed his fingers into her like a slow song on the piano.

"It's getting..." She panted breathlessly, keeping her eyes closed.

He released her hand suddenly and for a moment she felt disappointment until he pressed his finger against her clit and used his other hand to begin pulling off her tank top. When it was off, he pulled it over her head and used it to cover only her eyes. It wasn't yet dark outside, and the orange and pink glow of the sunset made it easy to see one another. He wanted to continue staring into her eyes but he also knew he would have to release Plagg soon, especially if they kept moving this quickly.

"Chat, please..." She breathed as his lips touched her bare stomach causing her to jump.

"What do you want, Princess?" He wondered quietly.

"It's too much." She breathed. "I'm not ready."

He kissed both nipples, then licked a line between the two. Then he pressed the growing bulge in his suit against her hip and let his fingers slide between her legs. None had entered her yet, and knowing he was going to be the first, that he was the first to ever touch her there, his heart was pounding too fast and excitement filled him.

He nibbled one of her nipples again before nibbling a line up to her ear where he whispered, "On the contrary, princess, I think you feel very ready."

"I'm saving myself." She breathed opening her eyes and lifting the shirt to look at him. His face was tilted against the side of her head. She saw his hair and one of his eyes before he grinned seductively and lifted his face to kiss her lips once.

"For who?" He wondered.

"Him." Hearing her say this bothered him more than he expected it to. He managed to maintain his playful exterior, though.

"Him." Chat repeated. "Him who left you crying because he chose someone else? I will always be your friend, Mari. I will never leave you. No matter what happens."

Although she knew the reason he was saying these words, she also heard the sincerity behind them. She'd heard him flirt many times. She'd heard him trick people. But it had never been in his nature to lie to her. She knew she could trust him. Plus, she kind of wanted to. Her mind said think but her body said go.

"How many times have you done this?" She inquired.

"Never." He answered immediately.

She was somehow doubtful. "Are you lying to me?"

He looked almost insulted by this question for a moment but hid it with a playful smirk. "Have I ever lied to you, princess?"

She shook her head and smiled. "Thank you."

"De rien." He replied before kissing her again. He was faster now, sliding his hands down her body with more urgency to remove her bottoms. When they were off, he looked down at her admiring her beautiful naked form, sprawled out and waiting for him. Her chest was rising quickly and her eyes remained intently on him.

He offered her one last beaming smile before covering her eyes again. "Don't move."

"Chat?" She gasped.

"Don't look unless you want to know my identity." He warned. Although a large part of him wished she would look, she put her hands on her eyes and let her head fall back into the pillow. "Claws in."

With a small flash of green, Chat Noir was gone leaving only Adrien. Plagg flew out of the ring and crossed his arms then narrowed his eyes to glare at Adrien.

"Well, well," Plagg sang. "How inappropriate?" Adrien, not wanting to wreck the moment or wait even a second longer, simply pushed the floating Plagg lightly away. "Fine." He called as he floated away. "But I don't want to see this." The lamps turned off suddenly, thanks to Plagg, so the only light came from the sunset outside.

"Where are your parents?" Adrien wondered.

"The bakery." She answered still covering her eyes.

"When does it close?" He knew the answer before he asked the question.

"I-uh-an hour or two?" She didn't even know what time it was. They'd had dinner as soon as she got home from school and fighting the akuma but had a large pick up due today keeping them busy.

Adrien smiled as he put one hand on one of her shoulders to keep her steady and lifted her legs to wrap around his hips. He then pulled off his jacket and shirt and kicked them aside, followed by his shoes and socks. He wasn't sure what exactly he was supposed to do as far as clothing was involved since his main teacher on the subject came from videos online.

Without much warning, he flipped her onto her hands and knees. "Chat." She gasped.

"Don't worry, Mari." He breathed into her ear softly before kissing it and getting behind her. He opened his pants just enough to give himself space since the pants had gotten too tight, then he pressed his still covered hips into her butt and reached around her, once again holding her shoulders to keep her steady. He reached his hand between her legs and returned to rubbing and exploring what would soon be his. It was still slick and warm, overall ready for him. He lightly thrust his hips into her backside as he explored her with his fingers, teasing both of them. He was mostly curious to see how she would respond to him touching certain spots and pinching others. He smiled wide each time he could make her moan.

He reached around her chest and pulled her up so she was standing on her knees with her back to his chest as he rubbed her. His other hand began toying with her nipples.

After some time playing he found the main hole he wanted. Slowly, he inserted one finger. She let out a whimpered gasp as he began slowly moving his finger in and out. His thumb massaged her clit as he did this. He held her tighter as he inserted another finger.

"Chat!" She cried.

"Mmm." He moaned realizing once again that he was the first and only one to ever touch her here. To be inside her or to be inside this spot. He also realized this was the first time he'd been inside of anyone like this, and found himself happy that it was her. He smiled widely, as he had been doing, taking his hand off her chest to help pull her shirt back over her eyes. He rolled her back onto her back and slid his pants down. Chat lifted her legs again and continued moving his fingers inside her, enjoying her gasps and moans and small cries, as he grabbed his hardened dick and pressed his tip against her entrance.

Marinette let out a loud but breathy gasp. "Chat!" He wrapped one of her legs around his waist and pulled the other over his shoulder, immediately impressed with her flexibility. One of his hands played lightly against the skin on her legs, causing her to tremble.

"Mari." He moaned removing his fingers and sliding his dick inside to replace his fingers. He slid only some of himself inside her tight hole, wanting her to adjust as he better positioned them. She'd let out a cry which he kissed her as he tried to stop her from getting her parents attention. Marinette clenched her eyes shut and clawed into the sheets because it was the only thing she could think to do to combat the pleasurable pain.

"Maybe this was a bad idea!" She groaned draping one of her arms over her mouth as he opened her legs wider and grabbed one side of her hips. He leaned his body over hers, forcing himself a little deeper into her making her squeal into her arm. He grabbed her shoulder with a tight grip for support.

"Do you want to stop?" He inquired knowing it was unlikely he could convince himself to stop at this point. Or at least, he really didn't want to stop. Her vagina tightened around his dick also claiming it for itself. He let out a small moan and prayed she would not say yes.

"No." She whimpered. He sighed a breath of relief and pushed himself in deeper making her cry out. Once he was all the way in, he groaned and began thrusting into her slowly. Slowly, slowly, enjoying the feeling of her most private body parts wrapped around his as he moved hard and deep, slowly becoming faster. He started wrapping his arms around her to close the distance between the two. Her arms wrapped instinctively behind him, feeling his bare skin for the first time. She attached her mouth to his shoulder and nearly bit into him to stop herself from screaming as her nails dug softly into his back, getting harder and harder.

"You're so wet, Mari." He praised. "You feel so good."

Whatever she replied came out as a muffled cry into his shoulder.

Adrien picked up his pace and began moving into her with more speed, power, and confidence. Her legs tightened around him, trying to maintain their positions. When they fell out of place, he would put them back or find another spot for them so that they were always on his body.

"Mmm...mmm... Chat!" She moaned. "Oh, Chat!"

"Mari... I'm almost..." They were both sweating already, their faces pink as they thrust their hips into one another. "Please Mari..."

She didn't know what he was asking for and she didn't care. She wanted him, just like this but somehow more. Closer. Harder. She kept her eyes closed so that she wouldn't see him, even as the shirt began to slip. He often returned it around her eyes.

She felt her body tighten, it something in her stomach she was sure, and felt it too.

"Ah!" She cried out as he touched something inside her that set her off. Craving the response again, he went searching until he found it. He was sure he'd almost found it when he felt her body begin to tense around the hips. He grabbed her hair and pulled it for support so he could continue.

"Mari, I think I'm going to..." He groaned before finding his release deep inside her. "I'm sorry, princess." He panted.

"It's okay. Keep going." She begged, knowing she was close to something good. She'd had a couple close calls but felt them building and she wanted to know what the build was leading to. "Chat."

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded moving his hips faster and into the spots that had her the most responsive. He kept going until he was covered in sweat and she screamed out.

"Oh Chat..." She panted, falling to her stomach on top of him. He did not leave her as he fell back. "Good kitty." She praised. laying over him, wrapped around his body completely.

He smiled and kissed the both of her shoulders, rubbing her back softly as his way to thank you. After they'd both caught their breath, he rolled them so that he was on top of her with her legs tangled around his.

They laid in silence together like that. He kept his dick inside her letting her body tighten and release around it, slowly doing all the work for them. Both moaned as the muscles in her body began to contract again and again, suddenly more and more rapidly until she experienced her first real orgasm. She let out a small cry into his shoulder and clawed into one of Chat Noir's wrists.

He groaned loudly as her body reacted around his getting wetter and tighter and tighter and tighter. Her parts all swollen and wet.

He remained like this for another minute to enjoy the pleasures of her body before pulling out, cumming on her stomach, and dropping beside her so she couldn't see his face unless she looked.

"Close your eyes." He ordered and she did. He jumped out of the bed and raced to find a wet cloth to clean them both up.

She laid on his chest again, with her head in the curve of his neck as he lightly rubbed her bare back and arms.

"Thank you, Chat Noir." She panted, moving to lay on his chest again.

"No, thank you Marinette." He kissed her head and smiled replaying the evening in his mind over and over.

Thank you for reading. Will probably have the next chapter out soon!

Feel free to review or comment if you liked it so far or found any errors you think I should be aware of (Anger issues and hate speech will be ignored or blocked)