A/N: Man I'm an idiot. I never gave Hex the mission complete for destroying the WF camp. Well, I'll just say it here now that they are level 10 with 2 unused skill points at the start of this chapter but that wont matter really.

A/N2: Unfortunately my computer is dying and it is becoming harder and harder for me to get it running let alone accessing the internet. I will still make an effort to write the stories I've promised but it may takes some time if my computer bites the dust, since I would have to get a job and save up enough money to buy a new one. I've taken precautions in case my computer does die by putting my stories on a flashdrive but it doesnt have much space on it so I've only put my story ideas and the two stories I've written so far onto it. One being this one and the other being that serial killer fanfic I've promised. The SK fic is coming along rather nicely and my only concerns are capitalizing on the MC's personality and having to watch RWBY S1 and S2 again to help remember events since they will probably end up at Beacon. (I'm not putting them on a team if I go that route, it just makes the most sense with how I'm writing their backstory) With all of these updates said and done, enjoy!

Nova Figura CH.9

A few months later I was out patrolling Mountain Glenn with a few grunts. Thankfully they were the right amount of serious about their jobs and didnt question my orders to talk through our scrolls instead of doing it out loud. All in all, Jerry, Jim, and Joseph were pretty nice people. They treated their job seriously and had decent personal revenge reasons for becoming terrorists.

We were in the middle of our break time before I got a message out of the blue from Cinder. "An unexpected wrench has made its way into my plans and so I must delegate my mission to you. Me and my pawns will have to watch from the sidelines as you infiltrate Beacon. From there you will have to sneak into the CCT without killing anyone and upload a virus to their computers. Most of the higher ups and students will be distracted at a nearby dance, leaving only weak soldiers guarding it. Nonetheless, killing them will only bring more eyes your way and they'll put more of an effort into checking for viruses, so it is vital that no one dies."

After reading a bit more about the mission details I decided to revive my grinding efforts on the grimm around this area for the next few days before I had to fly out. If things go sour I'll have to be strong enough to fight my way out.

By the time of my mission I reached a rather astounding number for just killing grimm with no mission rewards. Now all I need to do is allocate them. 'Status' I think.

[Level: 15

Health: 200/200


(Destruction) – 2

(Creation) – 5

(Knowledge) – 1

Forms: Nevermore

7 skill points available!]

'Hmm, seeing as how creation doesnt actually give me more health, in a way it makes it all the more important to just focus on getting armor and speed. So I guess I'll invest 5 more into creation and 2 into destruction.' I decided.

Upon getting creation to 10 I grew a rather useful breastplate from where my lower ribs would be all the way to the base of my neck. It was rather plain looking except for the 12 thin red stripes on each side of me that look like unconnected ribs. Unfortunately the two points into destruction did nothing which makes sense as I seem to grow something new every 5 points.

Now that I have the breastplate stuck to me the shirt I'm wearing is too tight and you can see the outline of the breastplate through the shirt. It looks extremely odd and I'd rather have people not questioning why I'm trying to wear armor under my clothes so I decide to take the shirt off.

Before I leave for Beacon I go to say goodbye to Jerry, Jim, and Joseph while getting a few jokes about me being scared enough to put on armor instead of my shirt over what they seem to think is a bodysuit of some sorts I wear that I just went with. My skin does feel rather smooth and velvety for some reason.

Anyway, I went to tell Adam about my departure and then off I was, flying south to a place I'd rather not be. The sun to my right was slowly disappearing below the horizon, and by the time I made it to the Emerald Forest it was gone completely.

* ping *

[Mission start! Inquisitive infiltration!]

I'm not sure if it was the long flight or just how nervous I've become but I had a rather hard time taking off from the branch I was perched on. Flying up near the cliff face I half expected to be spotted somehow through surveillance or one of the guards patrolling around Beacon but I fortunately wasnt.

As I was flying over Beacon's school grounds my mind drifted to AA guns shooting at WW2 planes. I could just imagine it now if someone happened to look up and see a small grimm flying overhead. 'Man I gotta shake these thoughts and just focus on the mission.' I thought while getting goosebumps on my skin. 'A bit of comedy might help me calm down' I thought with a smirk.

As I made my way to the giant tower I decided to land and transform on a roof as there wasnt really any alleys and I needed a place to surveille the guards. After all it wouldnt help to just run at them, I'll have to gain some ground so there is less distance to cover and from the looks of it I'll be hiding in between some low hedges.

I jumped to the ground with a quick roll to help me keep momentum and transitioned it into a sprint to the aforementioned bushes. A quick dive into the midst of the bushes and the guard that was on lookout duty was none the wiser. Due to him being none the wiser the next thing he saw when he looked back in my direction was a humanoid figure jumping at him with claws outstretched and almost glowing in the pale moonlight.

As I was jumping however I remembered that I'm not supposed to kill anyone so those outstretched claws quickly balled themselves into the closest thing resembling a fist they could. With a crunch as my fist impacted his face he went down with a few less teeth than he previously had.

Since this is a stealth mission I would obviously have to hide the body and where else better than inside the building of guards that I'm going to have to beat up! Understandably the guards didnt like this idea, as soon as I walked a few feet in they raised their guns at me. Deftly I threw the unconscious guard at them and the ones unoccupied by the body flying at them opened fire.

If they knew I had no aura then they should have aimed at my legs but I'm guessing they just think I'm some kind of White Fang member as they just shot at my chest and their bullets were deflected off of my gauntlets, hardly making a scratch.

Not really wanting to waste time or endanger the mission with anything too fancy I mostly just stuck to punching them repeatedly with a few kicks thrown in to redirect their guns aim. Only a few bullets hit me and most were just grazes so I miraculously only lost 10 HP.

With the guards on that floor knocked out I proceeded to the elevator which opened before I pressed the button. With this in mind I quickly ambushed the two guards in the elevator and made my way upstairs.

It was eerily quite with only the low hum of all of the computers that were on. The goosebumps arrived again as I realized that this is all oddly going too smoothly. Nervous, I placed the scroll onto the wireless connection platform and the virus got to work at downloading itself.

Just then the elevator opened again, my head whipped around almost faster than my body could manage to move. A girl in clothes that resembled a mix of street thug and goth peered out from the elevator. Perhaps not seeing me off to the side yet. As she stepped out of the elevator I decided it was inevitable that I would be discovered, and so I stepped out from the side to meet her.