Azure King: Hello everyone, I finally got back to this side of fiction, all these years finally gave me the chance to write a good story. Also I LOVE FGO~! I got nearly all the servants, save for the avengers and rulers...awww~

Anyway, me and Queen have been working on this for a long while. And yes, this is a harem, but not a ALL girls belong to Naruto mostly because it would to much and the lemons would kill me haha. So please understand that while many girls will be there not all will, this will also crossover with Tsukihime and also Kara No Kyoukai.

Now the arcs aren't going to be long as many of you probably know how it happens, but I will make changes. There will be times before and after Singularities that Naruto will be bonding with his servants. So please enjoy this fic!


A seventeen-year-old male sat up, revealing his upper naked body to the world. He rubbed his face as the teen looked at the clock on the wall in front of him with it being 5:30 in the morning. He was naked enjoying the nice breeze in the room. His body was devoid of any unnecessary fat and had only muscles from intense training. It was lean and stacked like a master martial artist. His skin was a healthy tan, which is naturally for someone like him, who spends most of his day outside when he can. His blonde spiky hair was long as his bangs frame the side of his head. "My day off…" He mumbled, remembering that he didn't need to work. But the habit of waking up is embedded in him.

He yawned softly as gently got off his bed, doing his best to be quiet, until-

"You know I'm not a greenhorn. I was awake the second you spoke." A soft voice said from the bed, making the boy smiled wryly.

"Ehehe… was I that obvious?"

"No… I just felt a little less warm." She smirked; at least what Naruto could think she would do at this moment. Turning around he saw a nearly nude girl using the white cotton sheets to cover her body. From what they did last night, she was also naked. Her body was petite compared to her lover and was a smaller in many ways. When she stood compare to the male she was a few inches shorter than him. The teen woman's skin was the perfection of alabaster white, no imperfections or flaws. Her long wavy ivory colored hair made him think of snow falling from the sky. He also loved looking into her topaz/golden eyes that were more enduring than anything he has ever seen. Her three sizes are also B75/W54/H77 (though her breasts are perfect if Naruto had to be honest). He didn't know how he got this ability but he both cursed it and found it helpful when shopping with her. Then the sharp but warm feeling topaz eyes were staring right at him. "Where are you going? Church doesn't start yet."

"Where are you going? Church doesn't start yet."

"I gotta meet up with Shirou for something." Naruto said as he got off the bed to head for his dresser. Taking out black long sleeved priest robes and grab a white jacket over it.

"House husband training?" She smiled hoping for reaction.

"Something like that." He grinned sheepishly.

"Ritsuka called last night after our session, she says she has a surprise for you." She stated while fixing her hair from the bed messing up. "So please try not to sleep with her."

Naruto blushed and stammered as he looked away. "O-Of course not! You're the only one for me…"

The girl blushed with wide eyes before giving a serene look before laying her back on the bed. "Thank you. Did my father ever call back from London yet?"

"No, not yet. Why?" He said as he went to pick up his clothes and put on his pants.

"Nothing, just curious. He trusts you more than me when guarding this city. I should be more useful at least." She simply said no feelings of any ill or negative emotions could be trace like it was the absolute truth.

"Caren…" Naruto muttered, after putting on his scarf he went over to her, kissing her gently. "You're not useless. I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Pulling him back into the bed she looked in his eyes, something possessive was in her gaze. "No matter what happens, you're mine…" She said hotly, bringing his hand to her nude waist. "And I'm yours…"


Before anything could be done, the clock thankfully or un-thankfully loudly rang, making Naruto reluctantly move away from his lover. "I'll be back."

"Go on, my love." Caren smiled serenely. "I'll be waiting."

Naruto nodded before slipping on a black jacket over his body, "I know." And with that, he left the room, leaving Caren by herself.


Outside of the church Naruto saw a blonde woman standing outside of gate, humming sweetly as a black cat was on her shoulder listening to her song. Naruto eyes widen as he walked up to the woman. "You know that if anyone else saw you, then they would have to kill you."

The woman was something out a model magazine, perfect body proportions that would many men fall for her in lust, her bust was a great B88, her waist a perfect W55 and her hips are H85. She was in her early twenties, or at least look like it, she wore a tight white sweater over her body and had a short black skirt. She also wore black tights knee-high boots, along with a silver necklace around her neck. Her short blonde hair reminded Naruto of melted gold and her red eyes were so mesmerizing like the finest red wine ever to be made. She was taller than him (and constantly and childishly brags about that) and also noticed her healthy skin tone that almost matched his. The blonde woman smiled innocently. "Oh don't be like that, Naruto."

The male blonde couldn't help but smile back. "Hey Arc. A new job for me?"

"May~be?" She said but noticed the cat jump on Naruto's head.

"Heya Ren." Naruto scratched the cat's neck gently. "Keeping Arc out of trouble?"


Returning the gaze back to the woman, the teen spoke. "Seriously, any Dead Apostle or True Ancestors need to be killed?"

She shook her head. "None so far."

"Then what is it?" Naruto asked, almost getting impatient.

"Nothing, can't I visit a good friend?" She pouted a childish look at the boy.

"Oh fine." Naruto sighed.

"Sheesh, who broke your heart?" The woman asked as she and Naruto walked together.

"No one."

"Then why the mood?" She instigated

"Because you're being you." He deadpanned.

"Oww… that was mean. What happened to the guy who promised to protect me from the church?" She joked as they passed some stores while ignoring some dreamy sighs from some high school girls.

"It's not like I'm not honoring the deal, but you're making it hard to protect you when you leave for weeks or drag me for ill conceded thoughts of revenge against your kind!" He comically shouted.

"Well excu~se me for being such a pain in the butt!"

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry. Look, I worry for you. My friends are my precious things in life. If you were to die…" He stopped as the woman looked at him… before standing in front of him.

Arc then suddenly hugged Naruto. "Aww~ you do care about me!"

"Alright, Alright, I do!" The young man chuckled through his words. "So if you're not leaving, I guess our work made you take some time to relax?"

"Mm-hmm!" Arc chirped.

"Good, you can crash at my apartment that Shirou's guardian gave me. It's never used anyway." The blonde boy suggested.


"But you're paying the rent."

"Ehhhhh… Why?!" Arc whined.

"Guess that dad's dark side in me." Naruto smirked as the woman continued to walk beside him. "Still how's your old man Zel?"

"Oh you know, same old, same old," Arc waved off. "You know how he is."

"Magical, all knowing asshole, who skips dimensions to fuck with people's heads?"

"Yep, yep, an~d yep." Arc said.

"He needs to find a new hobby." Naruto sighed.

"Too bad," she laughed before noticing a poster, "Hey what's this?"

The blonde male walked to the woman to see what she was currently looking at. "Oh the Grand Order Project? Mm-hmm. That Olga is actually gonna do it." Naruto said. "I'm surprised she really has the money to do this."

"Ohh, it's that special project that Jii-sama was talking about… what is it?" Arc asked with a clueless look.

"Thought you read the paper." Naruto asked before sighing. "That's 1000 yen down the drain for the subscription. The Grand Order project is something to do with the Holy Grail. If a point in history is screwed up, Mages are sent to that point in time to correct that historical error."

"Oh, right the last war was messed up. Your dad and the Magus Killer gave reports on what happened right?" The woman said as remember the reason the war was stopped.

"Yeah. And boy what a report that was. They had to censor most of the documents because of how screwed up that was."

Resuming their walk, Arc gave a puzzle look of contemplation. "So I take it that's the reason the main priest isn't here? Doing tabs on this project over in London?" The woman finished as Naruto nodded while taking a left.

"Uh-huh. The old man has been going in out given his input for the system for whatever they are doing leaving me and Caren to do his share of the work." The teen said as he turned his head back. "I'd just hope that whole notion of the world ending isn't really happening."


Naruto noticed the woman paled as she realized something. "Ah! I left the oven on! My cookies~!" She screamed before making her legs jump high and turn into comical little spinning spirals.

"Huh-? What about Ren?" Naruto said while his friend dash away, but before saying-

"Keep her! She likes your company!"

"Uh… okay?" Naruto blinked confused as she suddenly ran off. "Geez, what's gotten into her?" He wondered before shrugging it off and continuing on her way.

The cat could only give deadpan looked before resuming its nap on Naruto's shoulder, "Hmhm, for a cat you're a smart cookie. Anyway just hang on a bit, Emiya's home should be in the next corner."



"Hey Shirou. Sorry I'm late."


"Holy cra-" Naruto didn't finish his sentence as he was pounced by a 100 pounds of feline teacher onto his body. "Taiga-sensei! What are you doing?! Get off of me!" The woman is a twenty-four-year-old female with short light brown hair and eyes. She wears a green dress with a yellow and black striped shirt and white shoes. Standing up as she was going to lecture him, he had forgotten that she was the same height as him.

"No. You think your awesome teacher is going to let her school skipping student leave? We got words to talk young man!" She said before getting whacked on the head by a red haired boy. "Itai~!" The boy is a teenager with Auburn hair and Golden-brown colored eyes. He is wearing his casual clothing, it consist of a blue and white long sleeve baseball jersey T-shirt and a blue slim straight jean. He was at least one inch taller than the blonde...damn inch...

"Fuji-nee, stop."

"Thanks Shirou," Naruto's sighed. "Sorry Taiga-san, I had to pick up the workload since dad is overseas. You know Caren isn't one to take off herself, she makes others do it for her."

"Uh-huh. And why is this interfering with your school work?" Taiga demanded as Naruto sighed.

"Look Shirou drops the work I miss and I go over it. And I come to thank him and help cook, which I might add is your meals too, as thanks."

"Umu…" The woman pouted as she was hurt by his words.

Ignoring her depressed mood, Naruto looked at his friend, "Anyone else coming?"

"Sakura, Rin, and also the Ritsuka twins." The red haired teen said as he went to the kitchen with blonde male in tow.

"Okay, that means I'll have to go do more grocery shopping." Naruto nodded.

"No need already went last night." Shirou chuckled as he passed Naruto some food, "You know what the twins like right?"

"Yep. Like the back of my hand." Naruto smirked, he quickly started to make an omelet as Shirou made some beef patties. "So you heard that Shinji is now the archery captain? Looks like we made a good kid out of him after all!"

"Yeah, how did you do it though?" Shirou asked. "He always was such a jerk to everyone, so how did you straighten him out?"

"Let's just say some unwanted elements in his life are gone… mainly that zombie grandpa of his…" Naruto said as he violently whisked the eggs.

"Zouken Matou?" Shirou raised an eyebrow. "Wait… you didn't-"

"Huh, no. Besides he passed away when I was a kid remember?" Naruto quickly responded, "Anyway you have to admit when we saw him… the guy was the literary definition of creepy."

Shirou nodded slowly, as the blonde knew he didn't like talking bad to people whether they deserve it or not. "Well yeah… well I have to admit Shinji is a better guy now. Anyway I-"

"We're here!"

"Your girlfriends are here." Naruto teased as he made another finished omelet.

"How many times do I have to tell you: it's not like that?" Shirou sighed.

"But they dote on you. Well, Sakura dotes on you the most. It's Rin who's being a tsun-tsun." Naruto chuckled.

"No comment. Besides I can say the same for you with Ritsuka-chan." The ginger male said with a rare smirk.

"She's a friend, anyway-"

"Hey when's the food ready?" A blue haired teen said entering the kitchen said. "Oh Uzumaki? Hey, haven't seen you here in a while." Naruto turn to see a he has curly blue hair and gray blue eyes. He wore clothing consists of a white and black jacket, a black shirt and blue jeans. He was a bit taller than Naruto, but thankfully knows not to mention it or Naruto might shove his fist down his throat.

"Shinji? What are you doing here?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Oh c'mon, is that any way to greet a friend?" Shinji asked. "I came here for the food, that's what."

"Yet you came here uninvited." Naruto deadpanned.

"Well it's not like he'll kick me out." Shinji pointed at Shirou who weakly smile. "So the food-" he stopped as Naruto made him hold several plates. "Set the plates?"

"Set the plates." The blonde confirmed as he looked at Shirou's remaining food. "Come on, if we don't hurry Taiga might eat the gang and we too socially awkward to make more..." The blonde joked as he grabbed seven plates and balanced them on his arms.

"Yeah and she'll eat our hard work food." The kind boy said as he carried the pot of food, reaching the table they see Taiga and Shinji along with four more people. Two girls were chatting at the table, a young woman with aqua eyes and long wavy black hair, which she styles with flanking twin-tails tied with black ribbons. Her casual clothing consists of a red turtleneck, a black skirt and long black socks under brown leather flats. Naruto paled remembering how he found her three sizes...shivering at the incident before trying to forget B77/W57/H80...DAMMIT, he remembered!

The other female is a young woman with violet hair, which she styles with a pink ribbon on the left side, and violet eyes. She was bit shorter than Naruto, he looked carefully at her clothing, which consists of a pink cardigan, a white top, and a long cream-colored skirt. Naruto sighed as he also knows her three sizes due to coming to her room while changing...who know her sizes were B85/W56/H87, it was so hard to tell with her clothes...she was a bit shorter than Rin which makes sense given their relationship. "Rin-chan, Sakura-chan." Naruto smiled.

"Hello Uzumaki-senpai!" Sakura greeted kindly, "It's good to see you again."

"Same to you Sakura, but stop calling me senpai. I'm the same grade as you, I flunked remember?"

"But… I'll still think of you as my senpai." Sakura blushed.

"Thanks," Naruto noticed a cocky look from the dark haired girl and smiled, "Rin…"

"Hello, keeping your nose out of trouble?'

"Me? Keeping out of trouble? The meaning of trouble is not in my dictionary." He said with an even tone. "Kotomine should be back today, so go to him with your woes and not me."

"Why you-!" Rin huffed.

"Oi, Tohsaka, calm down. You know how he is." Shirou said.


"Thanks Shirou." Naruto smiled, "Anyway-"

"Oh Naruto, pass me the milk please." A black haired teen said as Naruto did so.

"Sure thing, Fujimaru." Naruto said.

Naruto looked at Fujimaru and a girl who was next to him, Yukiko his younger twin sister, he was almost a male version of Tohsaka Rin, even their eye color were the same shine and hue. Fujimaru had black spiky hair similar to Shirou; he was wearing the school uniform, which consists a tan jacket and brown pants. Naruto deduced that he must have been doing student council duties again. He was a friend with Naruto when being adopted by the local priest for who knows how long. "Thanks, oh right so how was the supplement classes? Did you pass?"

"Oh yeah, you never told us." The sister of Fujimaru stated she was almost the female equivalent of Shirou, with her hair being a brighter hue of orange. She had her long hair, but she has it in a side ponytail on the left side of her head. Held by an orange scrunchie, that he got for her when they were kids...she wore a teal blouse and black skirt.

"Barely." Taiga sighed. "If only he didn't sleep so much in class."

"Oi, stop bashing me, Taiga!" Naruto demanded.

"Then start getting your act together," Taiga huffed before pulling on his cheek.

"Then you stop acting like a kid!" he pulling her cheek.

"What was that?" Taiga growled, pulling harder.


"What a way to start off the day…" Rin sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, while Sakura giggled at Taiga and Naruto's antics of being at each other's throats.

Shinji chuckled as he pointed his thumb to himself. "Guess what? This summer vacation is my worldwide tournament on my favorite game. I know, I know, I am awesome."

"Who cares?" Rin shot down the teen that comically looked hurt at her words. "I'm going to London for my family business. What about you Shirou?"

"Might as well go with you. Since you're trouble without me." Shirou said enjoying Rin's blushing face.

A red haired female giggled at the two, "You guys always deny being a couple, but you act like one. Right Naruto-kun?"

"Heh…" Naruto smirked. "Shirou and Tohsaka sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-"

*POW! *

"OW!" Naruto cried out in pain after Rin bonked him on the head.

"Great, now my sister is acting like Uzumaki-san." Fujimaru sighed. "Yukiko, you should- that's right. Don't you have something to tell Naruto?"

"Hm?" Yukiko looked at her brother confused. "What do you mean?"

"What? What is it?" Naruto asked.

"She didn't tell you?" Fujimaru asked.

"Tell me what?"

"Who tell what?" Shirou chimed in.

"What who what?"

"No who what."

"Stop!" Yukiko suddenly shouted before coughing, "Everyone, you're looking at one of two… to be accepted into the Grand Order project!"

"Wait, what?!" Naruto gawked. "You?!"

"Mm-hmm!" Yukiko smiled.

"Fuji, she telling the truth?"

"Of course, she was going since you are too."

"Right, well… wait… what?"

"She's going with you." Fujimaru repeated.

"I'm sorry what? I couldn't quite hear what you just said." Naruto said, still trying to process it all.

"She signed you up."

"Oh dear…" Sakura said quickly hiding behind Shirou as Naruto left eye started twitching comically.

"You… did… what?" Naruto growled.

"Ehehehehe…" Yukiko laughed nervously with a sweat drop. "Surprise?" She said weakly.



"What's the problem? You never have anything but Church duty. Father Kotomine can go without your help for a least a month." Yukiko said nursing a comical bruise on her head.

"That's not the point…" Naruto grumbled. "You can't just do something like that without anyone's consent… especially my consent."

The two have been walking together since the news, Naruto sighed at his childhood friends with a sad look. "Yukiko… I'm sorry but it's just that Church work is busy. Caren is fine, but dad… uh with his overseas consulting it's just her and me. It's not that I don't want to but I can't."

"I know, but ever since we started high school you never hang out or barely come to school. The guys are fun but they aren't you." Yukiko stated.

"Yukiko…" Naruto muttered sadly.

"You know, stray lambs tend to go the wrong path when these moments come."

"Gah/Kya!" The teens gasped as they saw Caren with a tall brown haired man. Yukiko looked and saw the man she was familiar with due to being friends with Naruto. "Hey uncle Kotomine."

Yukiko eyes looked to Caren who, now clothed, wore a priestess habit. A blue colored dress with white robe around her shoulders and wore black boots. She noticed that the white haired teen had a bandaged left arm…was she in an accident?

"D-Dad?" Naruto blinked. "What are you doing here?"

Yukiko saw the man chuckled, Father Kotomine, the local priest and Naruto's adoptive father also Caren's biological father. The man was taller than Naruto almost a foot taller than the blonde, Kotomine is also wearing the same black priest clothing like Naruto with a black trench coat over it unzipped, he also wore a gold cross around his neck. She also slight mischief in his brown eyes, and saw that his long brown hair seem messy, must've ran back home.

"My plane and meeting was done quicker than I expected. Ritsuka-chan, it's good to see you again." The man said with a charming smile. "Sadly I have to speak with my son. Could you come tomorrow?"

"Uh… sure. No problem." Ritsuka blinked.

"Good." Kotomine nodded, before turning around to leave with Caren following, though the latter stole a glance at Naruto before finally going on her way.

"Sorry, we'll talk more about the project okay?"


Watching her go, Naruto smiled softly as she left before turning to his church/home, silently striding inside to see Kotomine light come candles and reciting prayers. "So, what happened at the Clock Tower?"

"The Grand Order project has officially started, but they need more Masters and Executioners. I was going to head there…" The priest explained before patting Caren's head.

"You're going to oversee everything?" Naruto asked.

"No, that's your job now." The man said with a dark smile that Naruto knows all too well. "You're going to represent the Church."

"What?!" Naruto gawked. "You're kidding me! Is that why Yukiko signed me up?!"

"That's the first I am hearing about that." The man said showing a look of slight surprise. "But no, Zeltrech-sama has called you by name. Something about covering an illegal thing you have done and need to pay your debt."

"Gahhh, that fucking vampire! I knew it!" Naruto shouted comically. "I knew that one way or another he had it in for me and this is his revenge plot!"

"Naruto." Kotomine gave the blonde a stern look, "Need I remind you that I allow you to do many things that others wouldn't. Would you have me send the Magus Killer after you if he was still alive?"

"Gh!" Naruto flinched, before slumping his shoulder with his head hung down. "Ugh… alright already, I get it."

Losing the angry look the man return to lighting the candles while speaking, "You will go and watch the Grand Order, Give orders and notes to the Clock Tower. Everything you do for me will now be given to Zeltrech. Any questions?"

"Will you be staying here then?" The white haired girl asked looking at the man she called father.

"Yes, I will be staying here for the time being."

"That's good news father, so-"

"But you will be the acting leader. I still have some duties for the Clock Tower."

"I… see…" Caren frowned slightly.

"That's great, you're letting Caren take over the city herself." Naruto said hoping to uplift his 'sister's' mood.

"Naruto…" Caren frowned at him.

"I understand that this may be a burden, but you two have duties to fulfill." Kotomine said.

"Yes father…" Caren droned out while Naruto nodded.

"Good, now if you need me, I will go down to that cat cafe to order my favorite dish." The man said before looking back. "I'll be back late."

The two sighed as they sat together on the nearest pew close to them, in silence for what seem like an eternity. Naruto spoke, "...I thought you wanted the workload?"

"Yes, but not this much." Caren sighed.

"It's something else as well, you don't hide it well." Naruto weakly pointed out as Caren lay her head on his shoulder.

"How long will you be gone?" Caren asked.

"I'm not sure. Hopefully, not too long." Naruto said.

"I want to be with you more." Caren replied.

"Me too..." He said using hand to now wrap around her shoulders. "Especially since we just… hmm…" The boy slightly blushed as the topaz eyed girl placed her hands on his chest.

"For the moment… let me stay here and enjoy your embrace…" She pleaded a rare action that Naruto knew that she never did unless it was really serious and show her weak side that even Kotomine never seen.


"I love you, Naruto…" Caren confessed. "I won't leave you…"

"I as well, Caren…" Breaking apart their embrace, he gentle cup her chin to delivery a gentle kiss. Soon the two teen hands started roaming around until Naruto unzipped Caren's habit and the white haired woman undid his pants.

The rest of the night was sin and loving for two teens that wanted no more than to enjoy and express their feelings for each other… as in their life, sometimes a tomorrow wasn't a guarantee.


Naruto sighed in relief, as Caren head lay on his bare chest naked like this morning but with a settled glow now around her. "I'm going to hell…"

"You were wonderful, my love." Caren smiled in content.

"Thanks Caren…" He smiled as she slowly drifted into slumber.

"I won't be able to forget you now." Caren added as she gently rubbed her stomach knowingly.

"Hehehe, I know you were on the pill. Nice try though. Next time, hide them if you want to scare me." Naruto chuckled. "And besides you're dad would've killed me, adoption or not."

"Hmhm, still… be careful… I don't care if you and Yukiko became lovers… just come back to me." She demanded softly.

Naruto looked at her in surprise. "You're okay with that?"

"I have no problems, besides this is our second time making love, and I still can't fully take care of your needs." She said with a heavy sigh, as she felt the harden member not even close to wilting to her annoyance and somewhat inner joy. "The act is the most wonderful thing I felt, but I am still a bit weak in physical abilities compared to you and father, and even then I doubt it would match your godly stamina..."


"Just… as long you come back to me, I don't mind." Caren said. "Even if you brought a full brigade of girls to add to your harem, just as long as I'm number one, I'm okay with it."

"That's not something a priestess should say." Naruto chuckled weakly on how fine his lover was… and somewhat scared him how sure of herself on being his main lover.

"Too late, I already said it." Caren smiled before poking his nose. "And unlike you and father… I don't believe in a higher power. I believe in you."

"Caren… thank you…" Naruto smiled before kissing her gently.

"Good, now let's sleep…" She ordered as the two did so… although for Naruto it was for his dreams… the dreams that always happen to him…

"What are these dreams?" He wonder as his eyelids felt heavy;




The blonde was coughing up blood as he turned to see a dying black haired teen next to him. "Naruto… stay awake… I hear Sakura coming…"

The blonde smiled even though he felt his body dying. "I'm glad that we became friends again…"

"Shut up you idiot…" The black-haired teen said. "Say that if and when we make it."

"I don't think… I can be Hokage after all…" He chuckled as the teen glared at him. "Sasuke take care of everyone…"

"Don't you say that, just a few more moments… stay alive…" Sasuke said.

"Sorry wish I could…" Naruto chuckled weakly. "I guess, after everything, I can't get my happy ending… not even… Sakura…"

"Naruto…" The dark haired teen cried before closing his eyes when he saw the stupid smiling face of his old time rival and brother. "Goodbye… I'll take care of Konoha…"

The blonde soon had a small blue wisp of light came out of his body and floated into the air… flying into obsidian nothingness. Until a million bright lines of light capture it a small cube made from them.

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze

You must save this world; I shall give you another chance in life.

Protect this world as the hero you recently became and again in this new life…

Please stop S-




"Ah!" The blonde lifted himself up in a cold sweat from the dream he had. "That dream again…" He sighed to himself. "Damn, this is getting annoying…" He scratched his head.

"Mmmh… don't leave me…"

The boy smiled gently at the his lover, but quietly left the bed, unknowingly this time was perfect, as Caren never woke up. As if he regained or learned how to do it better he silently moved, grabbing a black robe and other clothing. The blonde opened the closet that he had for emergency, three bags that were named

'In case Shirou's harem is going to kill him or turn super yandere.'

'In case Zeltrech wants to do the prank war… do not touch Dad!'

'In case of going somewhere cold and possibly saves humanity.'

Naruto eyes deadpanned at the names he made. "Sad to say… the accuracy and usage is well thought out and worked…" He examined the three bags before sighing to himself, "Looks like I'm taking the last one…" He said, before taking the said bag and slung it over his shoulder while hiding the other two under the couch where cups of unopened Raman and money was also there. "Thank you God, for making dad to lazy to vacuum."

"I make no promises on taking number two for myself." Kotomine said behind Naruto but covered the boy's mouth before he can let out a scream.

"Dad, stop sneaking up behind me." Naruto growled lowly before turning around, "Seriously, why do you always do that?" He hissed.

"It helps when killing the supernatural…" He said with a kind smile, patted the boy's shoulders, the man hugged Naruto slowly. "My son… take care…"

"Thanks Dad…" Naruto muttered, slowly hugging him back.

"I know being raised into this life, like Shirou with… his father. But I am glad to raise a kind and moral man such as you. So I can say this, our heavenly lord will protect you, also the reason I allow Caren to- oh hello Yukiko-chan." The man stopped his speech as he saw Naruto's childhood.

"Um… was I interrupting something?" Yukiko blinked.

"N-No, not at all!" Naruto said, quickly breaking the hug from his father.

"Yukiko, I leave my son to your, god only knows, responsible hands." The man joked at the girl who smiled.

"Thanks… HEY!"

"Hahaha, hurry the last plane is going soon, wouldn't want to miss now do we?"

"Oh you're right!" Yukiko realized. "C'mon, Naruto! Let's book it!" She said, before running off.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!" Naruto called out, running after her.

"Good luck, my son… you are going to need it…" Kotomine muttered. "I just hope that this won't end up like the last war…"


Naruto sighed as he and Yukiko sat in their plane that was exclusive for the Grand Order. "This is a bad idea…"

"Oh c'mon Naruto, it's not that bad." Yukiko pouted.

"You do realize that this isn't a game, this is really… uhh…" Naruto stopped knowing that she will be briefed in the Moonlight world… or was it moonlit?

"Of course I know that. Geez, just who do you think I am?" Yukiko pouted harder.

"I just worry for you." He said trying not to offend her,

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." She huffed.

"Uh-huh… let's see how far that gets ya…" Naruto deadpanned.

Before anything else can be said a woman wearing a white uniform smiled. "Which one of you is Ritsuka?"

"That'd be me!" Yukiko chirped, raising her hand.

"We read your background, we just need to tell you the secrecy of the job. Please follow me, we're going to talk until we arrive." She said dragging the orange haired girl away from Naruto.

"No wait, Naruto! Hellllllp!" She cried out.

"Sorry, good luck." He waved as the church worker look at his case. It was filled with guns and handles for his usual work. "Sigh, I hopefully won't use these." Closing it, Naruto turn on his phone to see some messages from his friends and Caren. He smiled responding them accordingly until a new appear, "Arc…"

Tapping the screen to see the new message, Naruto read the contents carefully. "Hey, Naruto. I felt that you left Japan. If you ever need help call me, otherwise I will visit you."

Laughing softly at the woman's typing and enjoy while looking at the window… white nothingness… there were close…




"Attention all passengers, this is your Captain speaking. We'll be landing at our destination very shortly. Please return to your seats and sit in an upright position as we make our descent."

The blonde silently took his bag as he saw Ritsuka finally returning to him, with a worn out expression. "So you now know the secrets of-"

"Yes…" Yukiko groaned.

"And? We can still go back home."

"Yeah I know…"

The blonde hugged her making the old friend of his blush, "I don't think any less of you if you want to go home now." He reminded her as the girl shook her head.

"I just want to at least try." She said breaking the hug, "If this is really a bad thing to do, we'll go home. Besides… as long as I get to stay with you… then things would be alright. I think."

"Alright, you're the boss." He joked while patting her head.

"Let's go-" The orange haired teen said before noticing the staff all around them. "Uhh… what's wrong?"

"That's for me…" Naruto deadpanned. "So you know that I am a priest? Yeah… not really…"

"I can't believe that Kirei sent me his son…"

The blonde and orange haired teens watched as a white haired woman walked into the plane. She was the same age as Yukiko, but she had a thinner frame and pale skin. Her auburn colored eyes burn with ironclad resolve. She wore a brown and black blouse above her white dress; the young woman also wore on red tights and had black heels. Naruto gazed at her ivory white hair, long and messy unlike his Caren's with one side that had a single braid to keep the messy style somewhat controlled.

"Uh… hi Olga. Been a while." Naruto waved weakly.

Ritsuka looked at the blonde and white haired girl with a surprised gaze, "D-Do you guys know each other?"

Shaking his head to fix what his friend thought, "Rit-chan… meet Olga Marie Animusphere. Though our age… she is the head director of this base… layman's terms… our boss."

"Seriously?!" Yukiko gawked.

"We need to talk now…" The woman glared at the blonde as he sighed, Olga turned her head to one of staff with a less stern look. "Take the girl to get her ready for the rayshifting."

"Dad… I know you're laughing back home." Naruto complained as he followed Marie, "Ritsuka be a good girl and don't sexually harass any cute girls."

"W-What? Hey! Naruto!" Yukiko cried out as she was dragged away again. "Nooooooo, help me Narutooooo!" She yelled comically, trying to reach out to him.

Standing next to the priest Olga gave a deadpan look, "For some reason… that girl will be the death of me…"

"Get in line," Naruto chuckled patting the girl's head, until he had to dodge a swipe from the young woman. "Sorry, so… what's the look for? Did someone die?"

"It's what I feared… the reason why Chaldea was made for has come…"

"Oh… OH! Ohhh… shit…"




Watching the white haired woman carrying a tray of tea and some cups, she set it down while pouring two cups. "So run this by me, but why are you freaking out again?"

"Because humanity is about to be extinct by the next year." Olga said.

"Whoa whoa whoa back it up." Naruto said. "Next year?"

"Correct, I'll spare the details, but the instrument that told us has lost its light meaning that humanity's future is done. Which is why I called for your father's assistance, he is one of the few living Masters from the discontinued Holy Grail Wars."

"Yeah I know that much…" Naruto frowned.

"He would be a great help, sadly though I didn't explain the reason why as he sent you instead." Olga sighed dropping some brown sugar cubes in her tea. "Now we're starting to get ready for the first mission."

"Alright, not sure my experience is good as Kirei Kotomine's. But I definitely made my mark against some enemies, such as some True Ancestors and well known Magus terrorists." Naruto smiled but it faded as Olga shook her head.

"No, we can't risk a member of the church such as yourself to be deployed so early. If the task is too great, then I'll send you." The director explained as the teen stood up.

"What? Sending in regular folk to test how bad it is, just to make sure you don't lose your best?" Naruto said, as he was appalled at the idea. While he did take lives and did unsavory things in the name of the Church, he always strives to protect the most amount of lives.

Olga simply sips her tea, "I do what is best for humanity, and fortunately the rayshift is tomorrow for the new recruits. You will also get your servant later on when the-"

"What servant? As in…the allies of the Holy Grail War? I-I thought it wasn't possible without the Grail?" The blonde said making the girl gave a cocky smirk.

"You would be correct, but… there is a way to do so without catalysts." She said before reaching into her pocket and pulled out what appeared a small rainbow crystal that had seven points, almost looking like confectionery candy. "This is a Saint Quartz. Use three of these and you can summon a Servant."

"Okay… how and why a piece of rainbow colored rock candy does that?"



"Do not interrupt my monologue!" Olga snapped before clearing her throat. "Now where was I? Oh yes, the Saint Quartz, these crystals can indeed summon Servants. However, the chances of what kind of Servant you're summoning are random."

"Huh… so the main problem is if the master can provide them with enough mana?" He asked as the girl shook her head.

"Chaldea does that, any and all masters aren't using their own mana, the servants will take it from this base. We have a system that allows to make sure that it won't cause any weaknesses."

"Huh… so you really are a genius. Go figure." Naruto's scoffed.

That however produces the opposite effect as the young director took her gaze to her window as the snow blur out the sky, "No… I am not, but at least it's sufficient."

"Well, I guess I can get situated here?" Naruto asked standing up, "I hope our relationship lasts until the danger past." He proudly said giving his hand as Olga took it, but something was surprising… her hand was far too skinny for someone like her. "Ahh… out of curiosity, are you ill?"

"Of course not! I'm fine as I can be!"

"Okay, no need to yell!" He stepped back as the priest walked away, "I should go…" Running away, the blonde shook his head, "Women are insane…"


Naruto walked down the hallway for what seems like an hour to see Ritsuka who was now in the casual Chaldea uniform talking to a lavender haired girl, "Ritsuka!" he called earning the attention of the girls. "Everything done?" Before she could answer he looked at the lavender girl more closely, she had short hair almost cut in a bob-style. She wore black glasses, over her amethyst colored eyes. She wore a grey jacket and black dress that had red tie on it, looking down to see black leggings and brown shoes. She was almost Naruto's height save for a few inches below him.

Naruto had to admit this girl was very attractive...

"Yeah… sort of." Yukiko sighed as a small white least he thought it was a dog appeared and sat on Yukiko's lap. It noticed Naruto before it yipped and jumped off. "Ohh...when Fou-chan just started to like me…"

"What do you mean, sort of?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Kinda feel out of it and Mashu-san helped me get my head back in order." The orange haired girl sheepishly smiles, "And… let me know what's happen…"

"How are you holding up?" Naruto asked as he hopes she wasn't to shock from the news.

"Fine… just… coping…" She said with a weak smile.

Turning his head to the lavender girl, Naruto bowed to her, "Thank you for helping Ritsuka, she is just learning about our side of the world. Mashu right? Naruto Uzumaki-Kotomine, priest in my local town and also part of Executioners."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, senpai," Mashu bowed.

"Senpai?" Naruto raised an eyebrow

"Oh Mashu-chan works here, even though it's been what two years?" Ritsuka informed Naruto before passing him her water bottle to let him drink it.

"I see." Naruto nodded, patting her head he chuckled. "I guess you're the senpai here…" He laughed before removing his hand.

"No! I mean no. Even though I am apart of the staff, everyone else is better on the whole situation." She said as Naruto gave a curious look. "I mean… that is…"

"No offense, but why are you here?"

Ritsuka shook her head, as a smile appeared, "Naruto your Kotomine side is showing."

"Eh?" Naruto blinked. "It is?"

"Yep." Ritsuka giggled.

Mashu looked at the two before giggling herself at the conversation, "You two are quite different from everyone else."

"What do you mean?" Naruto looked at Mashu.

"I believe the light hearted conversation you two are having."

"Ah!" Naruto felt every strain of hair on his body stood up straight as he heard a new voice, turning to the origin that it projected was a long shaggy haired man wearing a green suit, and green top hat. 'That felt like meeting Arc for the first time..:

"Hello there, Naruto-kun."

The blonde quickly collected himself as he turned at the man, gaining a serious look. "Hello, are you apart of this Grand Order project?"

"Yes. I am Dr. Lev. I oversee the operation just like you."

"Odd, I never heard of you before…" Naruto carefully said as the man seem to scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Oh. I suppose Olga didn't give you the memo." Dr. Lev said.

"I heard the people on staff, funny that you're name wasn't up."

"Last minute, you know it goes one mission to hunt down True Ancestors, the other helping save our mankind."

"I see." Naruto frowned. There was something odd about him but he decided to leave it be for now.

"Mashu Kyrielight, we should head to the debriefing on the master mission." The man kindly asks Mashu whom expression was now meek although nodded her answer.

"Of course, doctor." Mashu nodded before bowing to Naruto. "It was nice meeting you Senpai."

"Actually we should go together, Ritsuka is a master and I am an overseer and I should...oversee." The blonde said as Ritsuka stood next to him.

"Oh. Of course, senpai." Mashu nodded.

Walking behind them, Naruto lean to his only friend in the base, "Don't trust Lev, the guy seems too nice."

"What? Why?" Yukiko asked.

"Magus' tend to be secretive and often backstab each other. To be honest I was one of the few who didn't agree with this project, too many variables going wrong." The blonde answer as he saw the upcoming elevator. "Don't give anything away to him."

"O… kay…"

Entering the machine, Lev chuckled. "I wonder why… Mashu has taken a shine to you two."

Naruto blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

"…Is it because they are human…?"

"Wha-?" Naruto started before watching the girl shake her head.

"I mean… they show their humanity… they behave like one"

"Well it's not like- WAHHH~!" Naruto turned to see Ritsuka through the glass window to show a large area. "It's like a stadium for those sports!"

"I'm glad you're impressed." Dr. Lev said.


"Welcome to the Chaldea Security Organization!" Olga greeted the masters of the room.

"She's so getting off from the power" Naruto chuckled as he, Lev, and Mashu (while the dog return and sat on her head.) were in the back listening to Olga's long-winded lecture. "It's like Rin had a sister with someone more uptight than her."

"I heard that!" Olga shrieked.

Whistling innocently Naruto enjoys Mashu giggling and to a smaller extent Lev's at his antics, before he can say anything...something that made him laugh and anger Olga happen.

"ZZZZzzzz… Naruto… when did you get in my tub hehehehe…" Ritsuka grumbled in her sleep as Olga went to her.

"Oh dear…" Mashu started when Olga took out her bracelet as a screen appear in front of her.

"Number 48, general block… wake up!" The white haired teen demanded as she shook the girl. "Since you're-"

Ritsuka eyes now barely open with a lazy smiled, the girl purse her lips, "Naruto, thanks for waking me… here's a kiss-"

"Wait, don't you dare-! MWAAA!?"

"Bwahaha!" Naruto hold onto Mashu, who blushed from the act and sight in front of her. "Didn't know that you played for the other team Olga!"

Ritsuka broke the kiss before wrapping her arms around the leader. "Sleep with me, Naruto… five more minutes…"

Naruto and Ritsuka were now throw out of the room as Olga had red blush on her face and tears threatening to fall out, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! AND YOU!" Pointing at Ritsuka. "B-Be glad that you know the Second Magus Killer! You're excluded from the first mission; take that time to reflect on what you did! Hentai~!"

"..." Ritsuka blinked before looking at Naruto with a comically confused look. "What I'd do~!?"

"You kissed me!" Olga shrieked. "You stole my first kiss! How dare you!"

With that said the doors shut closed as Ritsuka stood still…


Like a fire in an ice storm, her head turn red and started to produce white vapor! "Bwaaaaa…" she moaned out totally gone from realizing her actions. "My first kiss was a girl and not… Bwaaaaa~"

Shaking his head Naruto saw as Mashu walked to them. "So what now, Mashu-chan?"

"Well since the two of you are grounded. Let's go to your room, due to the sudden arrival of Yukiko-senpai, you have to share your room with her until we make room." The lavender haired female explained as Naruto picked up Yukiko in his arm like carry a block of wood.

"Sure…" he said before placing Ritsuka on the ground. "...You're not scared of me?"

"Of course not. Why should I be, senpai?" Mashu tilted her head confused.

"My title…" he said with a serious tone. "Unless you are like Ritsuka, magical but no lineage in your roots?"

"I have heard rumors, but I don't think you are scary. Rather you… are-"


"Pancakes!" Ritsuka shouted as the elevator stopped.

"Shut up, you're drunk!" Naruto said comically before hitting her with a chop to the head.

"Itaiii~!" She shouted with comically tears appear as she rubbed her head. "What I do?"

Mashu smiled softly before walking ahead making the two teens follows her. "If you don't mind me asking how did you two become friends?"

The blonde shrugged as they walked down the base. "Not much, I met when we were kids. She got separated from her brother in a festival and I found her."

"And he made me smile… I forgotten my fears and enjoyed until the fireworks." The Orange haired woman said softly with a sweet smile on her face. "I… loved that day…"

"It wasn't much, but she found me in the Church that I work, and here we are ten years later." Naruto chuckled as he stopped and saw the blizzard from a large window. "Kinda dims the happy mood huh?" He said as Mashu looked at the sky longingly.

"Even though we're so high up, we can't see the blue sky." Mashu stated as Ritsuka frown at that fact.

She touched the glass shivering at the cold feeling despite the heat was on to make it feel room temperature. "Sad…" she voiced out. "We take things for granted and we don't notice until it's gone."

"Yukiko-senpai." Mashu said.

"Whoops didn't mean to sound like that." She said as the orange girl watched Mashu's intense stare.


"Thanks again Mashu," Naruto gave his gratitude to the girl. "You are one reliable kohai."

"You're welcome, senpai."

"Are you going to join in the mission tomorrow?" Ritsuka asked as Mash nodded.

"Yes, which is why I have to leave. Director Olga is going to give some words to me." She said with a sad frown, looking at them a bit more, she left quickly… until Ritsuka took a step forward.


"Huh?" The girl stopped as the orangette smiled at her.

"If you need help, just ask! We'll come running!"

"Thank you senpai."

"I think she likes us…" Ritsuka smiled victoriously. "Yosh, let's get some rest!"

"Yare, yare," Naruto sighed. "Didn't we got kick out because of sleeping?"

"Yeah and-" The girl started but quickly shut her mouth when see saw something that startled her.

The room was a rather futuristic chrome color as a man was sitting on the only bed eating a slice of strawberry shortcake with a laptop showing an anime. Naruto carefully looked at the man, he had orange long, fluffy hair. He wore a white medical jacket unlike the other staff members and a green Chaldea shirt as well. His skin was white and had greenish yellow eyes, around his neck is his ID card. "Hey… may I help you?" The man looked at his laptop not waiting for their answer.

"Uh… this is our room."

"GAHHHHH~! Wait who're you!?" the two teens jumped back from the man's loud demand.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Kotomine."

Pointing his fork at them the man gain a look of defiance. "This is my spot to get it away from it all." Looking at the fork he had, and blush at his actions he made a small pout. "It's very private."

"Whoa easy. We're not here to hurt you."

"We were lead here because it's our room." Ritsuka stated as the man head shot up.

"Wait! Your room!?" The man said with a surprised look. "Aw man, the last overseer is here… dammit!"

Naruto watched Ritsuka sighed, as she didn't want to cause problems. "Sorry mister…?"

"Oh it's Romani Archaman, the head of the medical division." The man chuckled as Ritsuka now looking at the information,

"Wait, oh man, we didn't mean to disturb you sir!" The girl begged as the man waved it off.

"It's no big deal, the director usually hate when I have my breaks. Watching anime makes her get angry at my laidback lifestyle." The man chuckled. "So aren't two supposed to be in the briefing?"

"We got kicked out…" Yukiko cried anime tears.

"No, you got kicked out." Naruto chuckled. "It was so funny when Yukiko kissed-"

"Naruto!" Yukiko stammered, blushing heavily.


"...BWAHAHAHA!" The doctor fell to the ground as he rolled back and forth. "Oh please tell me you got it on camera, that's like gold right there!" Finally having enough of his laughing, the man went to the coffee machine to pour three cups for the new members. "Well welcome to the club, we got nothing to do but just hang out!"

"Glad to see you're a half-full kinda guy." Naruto chuckled as Ritsuka made a sour face after drinking her coffee without any creamer or sugar. "I mean a little realistic can do wonder...I mean look Ritsuka."

"Mou~ Naruto!" Yukiko pouted. "Why do you have to be so mean to me~?"


"So that's the layout of the base, being six thousand meters above sea-level and in the mountains." The doctor finished his small lecture of the base as Ritsuka and Naruto listen intently while drinking more coffee.

"I see." Naruto nodded, looking out the window. "It's a long way down, that's for sure."

"I have one question though, I understand that the base was made rather quickly, but it seems it was made in advance. Olga couldn't possibly made this before getting the ok from the United Nations." The orange haired girl asked making Naruto surprised at her logic and Roman just smiled at her intelligence. "So… how was this made?"

Placing his cup to the side the doctor looked with a heavy look, "That was the late First Director, Olga's father. He died shortly after the base was done, which was a few years ago. This was all his doing..."

"Her father?" Yukiko said.

"Ohh right…" Naruto said. "I went to the Clock Tower to tell that old man about Arc, and saw her… she look really depressed."

"Yeah, Olga became the head of her family and-" Roman stopped as his bracelet ranged. "Hold on." Quickly telling the teens, the man tapped the device to see Lev's photo. "Yes?"

"Change of plans, we're doing the mission now." The green suited man's voiced echoed as the three seem surprised at this, but Roman looked a bit worried. "I feel better if you were here."

"Okay, so is it A team or B team?" Romani asked hoping the former was the trouble as he didn't really trust those new members out of the whole Master staff.

"B. Team A is ready, B appears to be having modulations issues, since some of them are still getting used to this." The man explained. "Look just come, I rather not have Olga yell at me like she does you."

"Aww… dude! Hurtful!" The man complained. "Alright, I'm near the med area. So I'll be there around 2 minutes."

"Don't be late…"

Naruto eyes narrowed as he looked at the doctor. "Where is Olga?"

"Huh? Oh I guess the floor below the mission control…"

Moving to the door Naruto pointed at his friend. "Stay in that room Yukiko-chan."

"But I-"

"I mean it." The priest warned his old time friend who sat down with a mad pout.

"Fine, see if I care!" Yukiko huffed.

Leaving the two behind the doctor looked at girl. "Your boyfriend is kinda overprotective isn't he? Ehehe…"

"W-What?!" Yukiko stuttered. "W-We is not like that!"


"What the hell was that~?!" Ritsuka screamed as she fell to the ground as the shock from the explosion sent her down.

"I don't know!" Romani said, before he went to the intercom. "Control room! What's going on out there?!"

However the lights turn off as Romani eyes widen, "The hell?! A power outage… oh no… Ritsuka follow me!"

"Naruto! No!" Ritsuka quickly grabbing her bag, she quickly sprinted down with Romani keep pace with her. "Romani, how do I get down with the other masters?!"

"Just follow me, we're going to see if there's any survivors!" he roared, as they dash over a bridge. "Goddammit, when we just got things finally right?" The man growl as he saw the main doors to the control room. Entering it… the two gasped at the result…

"Oh my god…" The girl paled as stone debris and flames filled her eyesight. "NARUTO!?" She screamed out hoping for him to respond.

"Crap, Ritsuka, go back to the room. I have to get the backup generators up!"


"The whole place is on fire! You have to go now!"

Leaving her before she can respond the doctor left… but Yukiko took a deep breath and rushed into the burning hell. "Naruto!"

"Over here!"

Smiling at the voice, she moved on to see Naruto sitting down, "Naruto- what happen!?" She screamed rushing to his side, the boy was covered in slight burns and his left arm was covered in blood.

"I don't know. Everything was fine one moment and the next, boom…" Naruto groaned. "This really sucks!" Standing up, he looked around. "I think I blacked out a bit, but were there move survivors?"

"No… I don't see anyone here." Ritsuka shook her head. "Wait, where's Mashu?!"

"Over here…" Naruto said but almost fell, thankfully Ritsuka got his shoulder, "Ritsuka… why didn't you stay in the room?"

Smiling happily despite the situation, the girl walked forward while helping Naruto. "Would you if it was for me?"

"Heh… no… thanks…" He thanked her until he saw Mash pinned under a large piece of debris. "Mash!" He cried out as the two moved faster to reach the girl.

"Was that-?" The pinned down girl started until she saw the two people who arrived at Chaldea. "Don't bother-"

"Ritsuka help me bend my left knee…" Naruto ordered, as the girl nodded not going to question as she did so. The blonde now moved his right leg back, taking a deep breath… "Aku…" Moving his hand back, "Soku" lowering his body slightly he was about to do the technique that he made for killing True Ancestors... "Zan!" Naruto yelled as he jumps ahead and slammed his fist causing the boulder to fly away and hit the wall!


"Holy shit!" Ritsuka said helping Mash sat up, shuddering at the leg's being deformed and splattered with what she assumed was Mashu's own blood. "When can you do that?"

Attentions to Chaldea staff… the conditions have changed.

"What the-" Ritsuka got out. "What now?"

SHIVA has been overwritten… humanity next one hundred years… condition is unknown.

"Cough, oh today is full of wins." Naruto cruelly stated.

"This shouldn't be happening!" Mashu softly said horrified at the facts of this as the bulkheads were shut and cut their only way out.

"What do we do?" Yukiko asked worriedly.

"It's my fault… I- Ow!" Mashu squeak out as she felt her head get a chop from Naruto.

"Unless you're the one who cause the explosions don't bother… I would come here again and again…" He said now patted her hair as he sat next to her. "I'll… think of something to get us out…"

Smiling at the suggestion Yukiko dusted the floor before sitting down with Naruto. "Wait and Hope right?"

"Heh, you always did love that book." Naruto chuckled as his hand went to hold Mashu's and Yukiko.

As the air was getting harder to breathe Ritsuka spoke softly as she felt close to fainting, "Ne Naruto?"


"I never got to ask… why did you join in this world?"

Smiling… Caren… Arc… and his father always ask him why would he go so far for others?

"I guess… I always wanted to be a hero for someone…"

The two girls looked at him with curious looks at his childish dream.

"You… a hero?" Yukiko asked.

"Yeah, something like that." Naruto said. "I made a promise to Caren and Shirou, but really...I really want to bring hope to someone. Ritsuka, I promise to take you to festival back home… Mashu? I know we haven't met long, but I know you want to see the sky. So trust're going to see it soon…"

Closing his eyes and barely hearing the voice of the announcement, a single thought was on Naruto's mind. 'Save them… I want to save them…'


Opening his eyes to see flames and smoke filled his lungs the blonde stood up, as he felt recovered and... Unharmed?


Before anything could be said from his month he noticed a walking figure heading towards him...however his honed instincts felt undisturbed by the presence. Standing up to see the figure covered up in smoke, standing right in front of him… still shrouded by the smoke as if telling him that the world and fate itself won't allow him to see the person…

"I ask of you… are you my master?"

Naruto nodded, as he didn't care whom this person was, but trusted his old habits of listening to his heart. "I am…"

The smoke cleared revealing a woman of true beauty, something that made realize that she was a servant having an outer worldly aura of confidence and looks. "Then Master, I am-"


Azureking: Ha, not going to give you guys the first servant that easily, I demand Saint Quartz...or at the very least some reviews *wink wink*. But seriously the next chapter will show how Badass Naruto is being Kotomine's son.

To explain some things, Kotomine isn't evil, he is a good man in this series, not because of Naruto. As Bioshock once said 'Constant and Variables',

Another thing is that yes he and Caren are lovers not sex friends. They are truly in love.

Ritsuka Yukiko is the female protagonist of the FGO, and a friend to join with Naruto with these missions meaning more servants and female servants to be with Naruto.

Lastly, some things that happen in Fate series some things are in while others never happen thanks to Kotomine being a good guy. If you all have questions please leave them in the reviews and the next chapter will be answer.

Also those who can named five servants that Naruto or Ritsuka might have, will get thre answers to any questions. If you know which servant might be with Naruto or Ritsuka will get an addtional answer. EX: Servant (Naruto's), Servant (Ritsuka's)