"I think it's time we start a new game." Dindrane Weasley says thoughtfully. "A new game for the start of a new adventure, we're about to start Hogwarts after all."

Ronald Weasley, Dindrane's slightly older fraternal twin brother, looks up from the game the two have been playing for nearly six years. Neither sides show any sign of losing, and the two sides have been at a standstill of over two months, with each sides moves being counter acted in stange and creative ways. "Fine, but this time, I get to play with the light white pieces."

"That's so you, Ronald. Always having to play the dashing White Knight, ready to save a beautiful Princess, despite still thinking all us girls have 'ickie' cooties."

The boy gave his sister a playful griminc, "Just like how you are always ready to be the powerful dark Black Queen who will dominate the board and win the game single handedly."

"No one can win a game of chess without utilising all the pieces, even the lowly sactraffical pawns which are best used for distractions."

The two start their game in silence, allowing the air around them to be fill with the sound of warring siblings and revolutionizing gnomes.

"Do you think we'll meet our soulmates at Hogwart?" Ron asks, turning to look out the window of their room thoughtfully.



"Don't worry, Ginevra." Dindrane murmurs softly into her baby sister's freckled ear, moving her hands within the girl's orang locks to make a presentable dutch braid. "In just a short year you'll be at Hogwarts with us. You'll be a properly ferocious Gryffindor along with the boys, and in your spare time after receiving all perfect marks you'll also wipe everyone away on the quidditch pitch."

"Will you be in Gryffindor with us?" Ginny asks the slightly older girl curiously.

"I'm not sure." Dindraine says, even though Dindrane is almost positive she won't in the house of the lion. "Just know, no matter what, you'll be able to come to me for anything and I'll cheer for you whenever you play quidditch. Okay?"

"Okay." Ginny agrees. "Will you send me a letter if you find your soulmate?"

"I'll send you the very first letter."

"Thank you, sister"



"Frederick Gideon and George Fabian Weasley if the two of you don't stop tormenting poor Percival about being a Perfect, I will tell Father, William, and Aunt Mildred just how deplorable you've been treating him." The young Weasley's threat hangs heavily on the two twins as they move away from where they'd been digging through Percy's drawers. No doubt setting into motion a prank.

"You wouldn't." Fred challenges simply. "You never tell on us."

"I can and will, if you two don't stop being big bullies. There is a thin line between pranking and bullying, and you two have crossed that line." Dindrane's gold eyes scowl heavily. "We are a family, and you two wouldn't let others treat Percival the way you've been treating him."

"I feel bad for her soulmate." Fred mutters sharply once Dindrane has turned to leave. "Imagine having to live with her the rest of our lives."

"Shut up," George hisses quietly, "She's right we have become something of a bullies, you should never say something like that about our sister."

"...I see what you mean."


Dindrane Weasley feels an angry turning within her stomach as she walks past a store in Diagon Alley, thoughtlessly she tightens the grip she has on Percy's hand and accidently presses her nails into the palm of his hand.

"Are you okay?" Percy asks, allowing the two of them to stop walking as their family continues ahead. No one -not even their parents- noticing that the two of them had split away from them. "Is something wrong?"

The young female Weasly allows her eyes to hone onto a single shop, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, and while she can't really explain it vocally; she knows that it is important that she finds something within the shop. "We need to go in that shop."

Percy doesn't understand, he knows that they can't afford anything within the shop, he knows that they don't need anything from the shop, but he also knows that it won't hurt for the two siblings to just pop in to 'browse' around for a short minute.

"Okay. Well, let's hurry up before Mom or Dad notice we've been gone for too long."

The inside of Madam Malkin's is rather nice. Percy notes the beautiful vests and pants that line all the walls, while Dindrane notes three boys crowded towards the back of the shop whispering to one another in low voices.

The feeling that had gripped the girl outside only intensified as her senses hon of the boys. When she is mentally preparing herself to walk up to the group she picks up on voices closure to her.

"-I mean it's not like a loser like you could afford anything in here. Really, Weasley do you ever get anything new? Or, does you underwear come second hand as well." A lanky boy says, glaring down his rather pug like nose at Percy. "I bet-"

"Shut up. Now one cares what you have to say," Dindrane says, holding back a slight scuffle as she looks up at the boy with her cold mercury eyes, the same eyes that usually make people feel uncomfortable. "And at least Percival doesn't have an ugly pug face like you. Also, not that it's any of your business, Puggie. But Percival and I are here because, he is getting a new set of robes for this upcoming year. He's a Perfect after all."

The boy, Puggie, turns a powerful glower towards Dindrane, who returns him one with equal intensity if not more dangerous. "Who. The. Fuck. Are. You."

Dindrane only presses her lips together sightly, looking away from the older boy in a sign of disinterest and dismissal. Instead, the girl forges a slight look of interest in a midnight blue vest hanging near her. "This is a would be a rather nice color on you, though I think maybe we should get something black. Black goes well with almost anything and is rather hard to stain with ink."

Percy swallows a smirk, trying in vain not to laugh at the undignified look of Edward Parkinson's face, before turning to look at a pure white vest near him. "This one would look amazing on you, it would go well with your eyes."

"Do you think?"

The two siblings continue to browse through the store. Between racks Dindrane notices that the three boys from the corner were gone and so was the feeling that had brought her to the store.

Percy and Dindrane are both able to afford a new shirt and vest each, as each of them have a single galleon which cover the on sale items. Percy ends up with a very smart white button up and black vest that wouldn't be misplaced within the Ministry halls. Dindrane ends up with a pressed soft grey button up and a pure white vest, a combination Percy thinks will do his younger sister justice.



"Have you found your soulmate yet?"

"No, I haven't, but that's okay."


For a moment, the boys in the corners are forgotten.

Dindrane isn't surprised that no one noticed that the two disappeared for nearly an hour as she slips into her place at Ron's right.


"Charles." Dindrane greets her brother from his bedroom doorway, waiting for an invitation to enter his and Bill's (old-though it will always be in the Burrow, should he need it) room, an invitation Charlie quickly signals by moving dirty clothes off a chair so she can sit.

"Hey, Dinny! I'm just finishing up a letter to Tonks and packing my things up for Romania. I still can't believe I'm leaving so soon! Is there something you need?" The adventures Weasley asks lightly, mind far away in rolling fields with fierce dragons.

"What does it feel like to not have a soulmate?" The young girl asks bluntly.

Charles looks thoughtful, "Honestly, I don't think anything's THAT different, other than the fact that I don't have some words on me somewhere. Why, did you not get a mark?"

"No." Dindrane answers simply. "I have one, I just-sometimes I wish I didn't have one."

Forgetting the letter to his old classmate, the thoughts of his new job with Dragons, and worries of moving out of his family home, Charlie simply held onto Dinedrane's hands. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really."

"That's okay."


To: Dindrane Weasley

Place: England; Burrow

Dear Dindrane,

It was nice to receive a letter from you! I can't imagine where you found the time, getting ready for you first year of Hogwarts and all. I can only imagine Mom has been a terror about it. I actually just got my first paycheck this week (-Whop! I've finally got some money!-) and after talking about it with the parents, I've decided to buy you a used female uniform for school.

I know you said that you were fine with wearing one of the our old male uniforms, but you deserve to have a female one and you can always hand it down to Ginny next year.

So, I heard from Ginny that you had a right go at the twins for acting like bullies. I know they might not have liked hearing the truth, and it shouldn't have been your responsibility to tell them, but you did the right thing.

Also while you are telling our siblings to do things, would you mind telling the boys that just because I moved out doesn't mean they have to stop speaking to me. I swear, none of them have even bothered to send me letters in months! Which is so boring, I miss you all.


About your questions on soulmate marks. I'm afraid I might not be able to tell you much that you don't know.

Most wizards and witches usually get their soulmate mark on their tenth birthday. Though there are exceptions to this like our lovely Charlie, who never got a soulmate mark. Most marks are a phrase, sometimes it describe the relationship, something the two people might say a lot, or maybe even their first words to one another.

Personally, my mark is the first words she'll ever speak to me, 'Does your family have a fascination with piercings and long hair?'

No idea what that could have been about, honestly, it's of a bit weird of a conversation starter. I like weird though, so I'm sure it will be fine.

Did you get a mark?

It's okay if you don't want to tell me about it or not, no pressure from me either way. Just know if you'd like to talk about it, I'm only a short letter away.

Lots of Love,

William 'Bill' Weasley


Ronalds mark sits over his heart and is only two words, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Ginerva 's mark sat on her pinky and is only one word, "Amazon."

Frederick's mark was also a single words which sits clearly against his neck pulse point, "Short."

George's mark mirrors his twin brother in placement and meaning "Long."

Percival's mark is amusing against his knuckles, "I am not apologize to you, Weasley."

Charle is markless but has gotten an awesome tattoo of a Dragon on his forearm.

William's mark is placed right on his right leg, "Does your family have a fascination with piercings and long hair?"

On Ronald and Dindrane's tenth birthday both received their soulmate marks.

Unlike Ron, Dindrane didn't go screaming about her mark to their family. Instead, the young girl laid in the attic and cried while rubbing her fingers against the lettering on her left arm.

The beautiful letters darken with each letter moving from a clear white to a dirty grey, the words visible against Dindrane's ruddy skin, 'Their love is one filled with torment, terror, and anguish.'

She hasn't told anyone about the marking, deciding the words were a weight she alone would bere, as no one else in her family should have to worry about her.


"-Hello?" A large boy murmurs from the doorway of the hogwarts train compartment. "Uh, nice to meet you, ah, would you mind if we sat with you? Everywhere else is full and we can't find...the person we should have satten with."

Dindrane given the boy a positive genster, dropping her legs off the seat to make more room for the two large boys who walk in. "My name is Dandrain."

"Vincent Crabbe."

"Greg Goyle."

"Is Greg your full name?"

"No, it's Gregory."

The three sat in silence, shooting each other questioning looks. "Would either of you like to play a game of Wizarding Chess with me?"



Crabbe finds himself impressed when Dindrain wins her eleventh game against the boys with complete ease. If anything she looks rather bored as she captures Goyle's King within fourteen moves.

Dindrane was smart so she was likely to go to Ravenclaw. but the large boy has to admit -even if only to himself- that if she went to Slytherin Goyle and he would go wrong lessening to her.

Both boys are aware that they aren't the smartest and that's why their families push them to follow Draco, but it would be a waste if the two boys expand their social circles to follow another.

She seems like the kind of person that would use the muscle the two boys could offer, while she could offer the two boys the brains to get ahead. Despite Dindrane coming off as cold and callous, Crabbe could see a kindness underneath for those she cares for.

They would need to make sure they make it onto her list of those she cares for.

Neither want to be on the bad side of those dangerous golden eyes.

"Crabbe! Goyale! Where are you?!" A squeaky voice calls from away, both recognize their summons.

"It was nice to meet you, Dindrane."

"It was nice to meet you to, Crabbe-Vincent." The girl grins pleasantly. "You also, Goyle-Gregory."

Dindrane is smart but it would also seem that she is also a little odd.

That's okay, odds always welcome.


"What an idiot." A boy with straw brown hair hisses near Dindrane's ear, likely talking to himself. "I can't believe it."

Dindrane simply watches as her 'lovely twin brother' and The Harry Potter (™) succeed in insulting a blonde haired boy and nearly every pureblood present.

Silently, the girl stuff her hands deep into the pockets of a second hand grey sweater (probably George's) that is against school dress code, when the silver boy makes a comment about her family and their -lack- of funds.

'He can go fuck himself.'

"What's your name?" The boy asks her with curious brown eyes. "I don't think we've ever meet."

"I'm Dindrane." The girl offers a friendly hand that the only looks at sceptically.

"Theodore Nott, are you a pureblood?"

'Nott-Theodore can go fuck himself to.'


'You are a fun one.' A gruff voice sings within Dindrane's ear as the sorting hat is set on her amber locks. 'Not much like you kinsman. Willing to fight for what you want. Waiting to get dirty in a fight. Not the same fascination with the muggle world like your father, but you are just as smart as he. Now where to put you?'

'Is that really a question?' Dindrane thought, already mouthing the name of her future house under her breath. 'Of course I should be a Rave-'



"Bloody Hell!"

"A Weasley's going to be a Slytherin!"

"She's a Weasley." Vincent hisses to Greg, muttering up a soft clap for the girl as her face becomes black and she walks to their house table.

"She's a Weasley, but now she is a Weasley in Slytherin. You saw her face wasn't expecting this, from the looks of it she was looking for a Ravenclaw sorting. We'll need to protect her."