So, this is my first attempt at a story for like 8 years. I used to do this more as an anxty 13 year old but lately I've found myself re-reading some great fics, mostly on the clone wars. This idea popped into my last night and out of boredom I've decided to act on it. This will be a compilation of oneshots some connected some not. Mostly based on the man characters such as Rex, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Anakin. Mostly centered around emotional problems of said characters, but may change it up a bit and add some fluff here and there. Maybe some chapters based solely around song lyrics. Who knows. Anyway, without further adieu; Blood, Sweat, and Tears.

Chapter 1: Rex, Pt 1.


The atmosphere was dreary, to say the least. The pre-battle banter of the men of the 501st, who would normally be exchanging jokes and sarcastic insults as they readied shuttles for takeoff, was nonexistent. In fact, it seemed as though the men were taking great pains to not break the forlorn silence that engulfed the hangar of the Resolute.

And Rex knew why. The reason for this stifling lack of noise was the man just off to his right ; the brown haired, blue eyed Jedi General. Anakin Skywalker. From the Clone's spot on a random supply crate he had chosen as his seat, he could see the Jedi stand in silence, arms crossed over his chest and brow creased as if deep in thought. His eyes danced between every man, not lingering on a single trooper too long. They tended to turn away if he stared at them too long, seemingly trying to implode on themselves. Again, Rex new why this was.

Seven standard days, five hours, six minutes, and seven seconds, since the execution of former Jedi General Krell... now eight seconds. Nine. Ten. Rex turned his eyes away from his in helmet Chrono, not allowing himself to dwell on the time. For whatever reason the exact time of the fallen Jedi's execution, right down to the second, was marked as a memo on his HUD. Every time he looked at that stupid time stamp the scenes of that fateful mission played over in his head. His head hung low now...

..."Stop firing! They're not Umbarans! They're clones!"

"Look, they're clones! We're ALL clones!"

The cardinal sin of war. Mass casualties, all because of friendly fire. Rex remembered the faces of almost every man he shot that day... Including Waxer. They had shot, injured, and killed each other in what could only be called a disastrous turn of events. Not a single man left the battlefield that day without bearing the burden of knowing exactly what they had done. And the worst part of it was that it was ordered, willed to be so.

By a Jedi.

Krell. That slimy, traitorous, damned piece of wretched filth. The Jedi General was a turncoat, and had ORDERED his men to fire on each other, just because he hated them. The worst part about it was that the Jedi were supposed to be their leaders. They were supposed to be the fearless, lightsaber wielding warriors that charged forward into battle, leading their men with courage and honor.

That idolization was broken, shattered into a million pieces after the revelation of Krell's actions. The trust that filled so many hearts, that would compel them to charge straight into hell itself all for the sake of their General- was broken.

Now the Jedi were proven to be just as susceptible to temptation and evil as any other. And it hurt. Kriff it hurt. To think that a Jedi could fall that far... That perhaps even General Skywalker could fall like that. If that happened he knew they wouldn't succeed in defeating him as they had Krell. Skywalker was just too powerful for that. The thought sent a shiver down Rex's spine.

He could practically see the blue blade swinging to and fro, lopping off heads and limbs in a torrent of rage and death. In fact, he HAD seen it. He had seen two blue blades, accompanied by two green, swinging wildly in a mad dance of death.

The thought of it being Skywalker's blade was just that much more repulsive a thought... What could he have done then? Could he have made the same choices he had? Could he have killed his General- no, dare say he, his friend?

He hadn't realized it, but he was entrapped in his own thoughts now. His breath came in short, ragged gasps. His helmet, now seemingly too tight and claustrophobic, was swiftly pulled from his head and dropped on the floor. His face fell to his palms and his fingers scratched at his scalp in a futile effort to gain control over his terrified thoughts, and rampant imagination...

Sometimes one by one, more often in groups of twos or even threes. That blue blade cut through them all. Not a single blaster bolt managed to find its mark. More often then not redirected at another clone. Several more dropped dead. Men shouted in pain and anger as they continued to fight in vain. Soon enough Rex could see he blue streak of death was coming for him now...


Skywalker's voice. Coming for him. To KILL him.

The blue blade was getting closer, now followed by two others. Green, and yellow, he wondered who else was there. The three beacons of death and gore continued to slice through his men and he continued to pull the trigger, trying to end it. He could see them now. Skywalker and...

Commander Tano? His eyes widened in disbelief... No... NO. Not both of them. He had hoped that whatever had changed the General hadn't affected her as well. Not the 501st's little sister. They were closer now. He could make out their faces clearly.

Every vein in their body seemed to be a pitch black, like tar. Everywhere they stepped the grounded cracked, and black whisps of what could only be defined as pure, unfiltered evil rose up from those cracks. They turned towards him as the last man dropped.

The last man besides him.

Their eyes were no longer the crystal blue he had known, full of vigor and courage. Now both pairs were a sickly yellow. And they were trained on him. Ahsoka stepped forward.

"I'll take him Master"

Rex was in full panic mode now, something he was unfamiliar with. Never before had he experienced such a feeling of terror, a feeling that permeated throughout his entire being. He dropped his two DC-17s, and turned in a last ditched attempt at escape. When he came full around, he came face to face with her.


"Stay away from me!" He shouted, trying to run. But he was frozen to the ground. She said his name again, a sick desire for blood dripping from her voice.

"Rex" Her lightsaber ignited.


She swung.


His eyes snapped open, and he bolted up from his seat on the supply crate. His breathing was uncontrolled, and sweat dotted his brow. He looked around him to gather his bearings. He was only in the hangar. No dead brothers, no Jedi coming to kill- His head snapped forward.

Commander Tano stood in front of him, arms slightly up and hands slightly reaching for him out of concern. Or was it defense? Her face was drawn into a look of concern. General Skywalker was there as well, also observing Rex with a look of confusion. His arms were gone from crossed over his chest and were now down at his sides. His hand hovered next to his lightsaber... No, he thought, It can't be happening.

"Put down your lightsaber!"

The Captain's demand startled everyone, including her. He was not in a normal state of mind. His hands hovered dangerously over his blasters. She heard Anakin take a deep breath, then the sound of a metal cylinder being set down lightly on the floor.

"Ok Rex, just calm down, no one is going to hurt you," She heard her master say. He sounded as if he knew what was wrong.

"Rex, what's wrong?" Commander Tano pulled his attention towards her. He gave no reply. She cautiously advanced, his posture was that of a man backed into a corner. In a way he was, when he stood up he put his back to the wall, and was now being advanced on by herself. Two clones had also stopped to see what was wrong, forming an effective semi-circle around the panicked captain. She took another tentative step towards him. Whatever was wrong, she intended to snap him out of it. Another step. She was close enough to touch him now

Her voice softened, "Rex, talk to me," She placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him through the force.

Only to have it slapped away.

She didn't have time to be in shock over the display before she felt a forearm pressed up against her collar bone, just under her neck. Next thing she new she was shoved backwards. Not hard enough to fall, but enough to make her stumble back a few steps. He eyes widened in shock and her mouth dropped open. She looked at him and saw only panic and terror in his eyes.


She was cut off by the lightning fast move of her Master. Before she could blink Rex was pinned against the wall, one arm firmly pinned behind his back and the other held by Anakin's robotic arm. Her master's other arm was placed firmly against Rex's chest.

"That's enough, Rex! You are to report to the med bay immediately, get your self under control, then report back here by time we ship out- AM I UNDERSTOOD?" Anakin's voice was so commanding, so authoritative, and yet so low that it sent a shiver down her spine. There was a pause as Rex glanced between his General and his Commander. A few blinks in confusion, then she saw his eyes widen. She saw the point at which he realized just what he had done.

He relaxed under the General's grip, and then came a barely audible "Yessir." Anakin held him there for another moment, before releasing him and stepping back. Rex stood there for a second, head bowed and hands clenched tightly into fists. He dared not look up, dared not make eye contact with anyone. But she saw it anyway. In the way he stood there momentarily, in the way he took a few shuddering breaths, and in the way her turned to swiftly away and marched towards the corridor that would lead to the med-bay.

She saw his crippling guilt over what he had just done. And she new he wouldn't forgive himself.

But there was more than that. In the Captain's eyes- in the Force -she felt pain, anger, sadness. Fear. Fear of her, and fear of Anakin... No not fear, that was to weak of a word. Rex was terrified. Terrified of the two people he never should have been. She looked at Anakin, and she knew that he could feel it too. Anakin looked at her.

"You ok, Snips?"

She nodded, "I'm fine.."

'Is Rex?'

So? How'd I do? Compliments? Insults? Constructive tips? Be sure to review if you liked it! I know this was probably a bit ooc for Rex but I always thought there was more depth to him than just a good soldier. Even more depth than episodes like the Umbara arc gave us. Anyway, first chapter done. This will probably die if I don't feel that people aren't reading so please REVIEW if you want it to continue! Adieu.