The Stain AU - In Which Toshinori is Involved, but Not in the Way You Think.
"I've come to save you, Iida-kun!"
Izuku- no, he is Deku now- stares at Stain, the Hero Killer and tries to keep calm. The anger is helping with that but he can still hear his heartbeat in his ears. There is no way he can make it out of this situation without Iida potentially dying by himself.
He has his cell-phone in his hand, hidden behind his back and he's pretty sure he's just sent his location to everyone on his contact list but Stain is talking and Deku is planning and time is doing something weird so he's not entirely sure.
Stain says something- it is the weak that must be culled- and Izuku can't help the way his hand tightens on his phone for a moment. He's unaware of how he has managed to hold a button down long enough to place a call as Iida yells something that Izuku will pay attention to later as he shouts-
"All Might told me, butting one's nose into other people's business is one of the principles of being a hero!"
-before his enhanced sight catches the way Stain shifts in anticipation to move. His hand spasms and the phone drops to the ground just as Deku jerks out of the way of a naked blade before charging forward. He dodges again, he twists and leaps into the air and-
"5% Detroit Smash!"
-he lands a hit.
One for All is crackling in green lightning around him and Iida is spouting nonsense and there's another hero limply propped against the wall. Plans are formed and discarded in his head as each move Stain makes is carefully catalogued and- dodge- pain, warm liquid slides down his arm.
Stain licks his blade and Deku is horrified as his muscles seize and refuse to listen to his internal screaming. His head is up and his field of vision has a perfect view of the events playing in front of him. Stain is watching him. Staring thoughtfully at his fallen form before an odd expression crosses his face, along with a hair-raising grin.
"Midoriya, that one called you?"
Deku bares his teeth and levels shining green eyes at the Hero Killer.
Stain's grin only widens and he takes a deliberate step closer to kneel down and look at Izuku full in the face.
"Who are you? Obviously, you're familiar with this one," Stain says throwing a disgusted look at Iida's crumpled form, "Even if you are completely different."
Stall him, Izuku thinks. Distract him until backup arrives. It can't be much longer.
Not far away from his current position, Todoroki Shouto finally ducks from his old man's sight and flat out sprints towards the location displayed on his phone. There is fear in his chest as the dots connect in his head and he knows that until he sees Midoriya alive and well, he's going to be imagining his corpse.
Much farther from both of them, there is a room with a table surrounded by chairs. There is a heavy silence, short, pained breaths and agitated pacing. In that room are people who are unable to do anything, helpless to listen to what unfolds with no hand in its outcome. Trembling hands and shaking shoulders, quiet prayers and hope.
"Deku," says Izuku and thinks of All Might. "I am Deku, and I'm not going to let you kill them."
He has no idea the sight he makes to the Hero Killer. He is entirely unaware of his still open phone laying nearby that is capturing every spoken word and exactly who is on the other end. Nonetheless, Izuku does what he does best and speaks.
"You have a message to preach, about this society we live in," Deku says and watches as Stain's attention rests fully on him, away from Iida and Native.
The Hero Killer doesn't take the bait so Deku continues.
"You have decided to murder heroes for this message, decrying them as 'fake heroes'. Tell me, Hero Killer, by what criteria do you determine them as fake? I mean, Endeavor, I can understand, frankly he has no business calling himself a hero, but Ingenium?"
There's something like vicious satisfaction on Stain's face and Izuku's heart rate jacks up and he's pretty sure if he wasn't paralysed he would be shaking but this is not the time for that- they're still alone. He just needs to stall for just a bit longer.
Surely someone will come soon.
Stain laughs. Izuku flinches, but his body doesn't move. One for All flares and lights up red, bloodshot eyes. He is still unable to move, to do anything but speak.
"Deku, as in useless, or Deku as in I can do it?"
Izuku wants to tense under the question, but once again he is prevented from moving. Still he meets those redred eyes and grins. He's terrified, but by all the stars in the sky, he will stall for as long as Stain will play his game. And for some reason the villain is interested in him, for some reason Stain is indulging him, so he's going to take advantage of that so matter how intent the Hero Killer's eyes are on him.
That's fine- that just means he's not paying attention to Iida or Native.
"You know," he smiles up at the Hero Killer, adrenaline singing in his veins, "It stands for I can do it, of course. Even when I was told it was worthless, or useless, that I was no good. What kind of hero would I be, if I didn't think I could? It's a reminder, Stain. A reminder that I can save them- save anyone. That I will. It will be a name that brings smiles to people's faces, a pillar they can lean on when it all seems useless."
All For One crackles along his skin, casting strange shadows as Deku tries to move, fights the hold this quirk has over his body.
"Even when it seems impossible...Deku can and will save them. I refuse to allow for anything else!"
Stain is staring at him like he's something rare, something unexpected but gladly received. The grin on his face has widened, and the gleam in his eyes burns brighter. He looks insane. His laughter rings through the alleyway for a moment before his eyes narrow in on Izuku and he replies.
"People who are all talk are a dime a dozen," the Hero Killer says, "But with you. With you, Deku, there is worth in keeping you alive…"
A smile splits his face as his gaze slides over to the hero against the wall- Native- and Iida. Izuku is still summoning One For All, and he feels the very instant his muscles loosen, and become his own again. He's shoving himself upwards, too slow, muscles stiff and unhappy to be moving as Stain continues.
" for these two, not so much."
Stain angles his blade at Iida's unprotected back and Izuku's heart stops.
The denial rips from his throat but Stain doesn't not pause, does not hesitate as he raises his arm.
Down, down the blade goes as tears gather in Izuku's eyes as he desperately summons One for All and reaches out- he's not going to make it-
Fire bursts into Izuku's vision and Stain launches himself away from Iida's form with a snarl of frustration and Izuku sobs as relief floods his body.
He pulls back from the desperate lunge he was in the middle of making darting backwards to join Todoroki as he forms the ice that slides Iida and Native behind them.
"Midoriya," Todoroki Shouto says, faintly exasperated, "In situations like this, you need to include more information."
His fist bursts into flames as he surveys the scene before his eyes.
"I'm late. You can blame my shitty old man."
Deku huffs a slightly hysterical laugh as he stumbles on his feet.
"I think I'd count this as 'right on time' Todoroki-kun, considering everyone is alive. Thanks for the save. Don't let him ingest your blood- it paralyzes you." his eyes dart to Iida and Native "I'm not sure how long. I was the last to get caught, but the first to gain my movement back."
Todoroki hums.
"I can think of three possibilities for that. The strength weakens with the number of victims, it depends on how much blood he ingests, or blood type."
Stain's eyes dart between the two boys and his grin is slightly demented, even if there is an edge of pleasure in it. "Clever boys. I think I'll answer you for figuring it out so quickly- blood type plays a part in the time limit."
Izuku commits the information to memory even as Iida and Native provide their blood types. Time limits are good, all he has to do is keep stalling. Todoroki ran from his dad- there's no way Pros wouldn't be headed their way soon.
Todoroki watches as the Hero Killer launches himself into the empty air between them before responding with a storm of fire and ice. There's steam and heat waves and Stain retreats to a safe distance. Todoroki's ice carries Native, Iida and Izuku to a more protected point behind him. He meets red eyes and keeps his expression calm when he speaks.
"I won't let your ass kill them, Hero Killer."
Izuku huffs, a sound of almost amusement. He rolls his shoulders and darts his gaze to Todoroki-kun for a moment. "Think you can play support while I get up close?"
Todoroki nods sharply providing a quick and sincere-
"Be careful."
"Yeah. You too."
One For All crackles over his skin and Izuku's legs tense before he springs into motion.
"You've got yourself some good friends, haven't you…"
When All Might's phone chimes with a text message alert in the middle of the conference, Aizawa huffs an irritated breath at the repetitions of 'a message is here!' in All Might's booming tones.
Toshinori stands, apologizing and coughs, pulling the phone to check who messaged him before pleasant surprise washes over his face. When he turns to the Principle, the bear-mouse is already waving his paw in acceptance. Half a second later, Nedzu's own phone chimes and Toshinori's attention is dragged away.
There is nothing in the app, save for directions to...a back alley in Hosu? His successor sent this to...all his contacts?
For an instant, there's confusion before the dread and the fear sets in and All Might swings around, alarm and worry on his face but...
Principal Nedzu had pressed a button and a TV slid out of the wall as Toshinori's back was turned. The news channel reporter is showing live footage from Hosu and the unmistakable glow of fire consuming parts of the city. There's a brief moment before a sudden rush of voices begins speaking and overlapping in various volumes but those voices instantly silence when All Might's phone begins to ring.
Usually, Toshinori would have ignored the call right then, but when he glances down at the caller id, he quickly scrambles to answer it with relief in his chest. It dies a quick and painful death as he hears the clear mocking tones of an unknown.
All Might jerks the phone away from his ear and to everyone in the room, the shout of 5% Detroit Smash is audible. Aizawa is on his feet the next instant, along with several others because there is only one student that could be. The blood drains from All Might's face before it contorts in anger and he slams his cellphone down on the conference table, putting it on speaker.
"-that one called you?"
The voice is unfamiliar, but there is no mistaking the malicious and quizzical tones in those words. The man speaks more and it comes through the speaker with clarity despite the distance between the speaker and the man. But then, then comes a voice that is intimately familiar to both All Might and Eraserhead. Even though they had already guessed who was on the other end of the phone, more information fills in the blanks.
"Who are you? Obviously, you're familiar with this one. Even if you are completely different."
Toshinori's breath hitches because he has a terrible thought as to who is speaking and he is desperately praying that he's overreacting. Going by the look on Nedzu's furred face, his hunch is highly likely to be correct. His boy is declaring his hero name, and- and what he's saying.
"-decided to murder heroes-"
"-Hero Killer-
The Hero Killer Stain laughs.
Wood splinters and the table crumbles to the ground as Toshinori slams his hands on its top. It's only Aizawa's excellent reflexes and quick hands that keep his phone from hitting the floor along with the rest of the table pieces.
"Calm, All Might," Nedzu says, his voice hard and eyes gleaming. "He's been caught by the Hero Killer's Quirk. So far, Stain is allowing himself to be distracted. Too much noise and he might notice Midoriya-kun's cellphone."
Aizawa quickly hits the mute button, before pulling the text message with Midoriya's location displayed. While there is nothing he can do, and perhaps nothing any of his contacts can do, he must try, nonetheless. He forwards to message to several underground heroes he is acquainted with, along with a short message. He looks up, taking in All Might's expression and he suspects there is one similar on his own features.
Toshinori is pulling in air like a huffing bull, ignoring the copper taste in his mouth and the wetness that's falling down his chin. His teeth are clenched so tightly it's a miracle he hasn't shattered them. He's used up all his time for today. There is nothing he can do.
"Deku as in useless, or Deku as in I can do it?"
Aizawa is tense as he carefully hands the phone over to Nedzu. He doesn't want to break their only link to what is happening to his students.
Aizawa breathes, deep and slow and even. His posture is perfectly straight, and his back is tense, as he begins to pace, listening as his Problem Child answers the Hero Killer himself.
He makes himself a promise. He's getting this child an SOS homing beacon as soon as he comes back. He can't deal with this kid's villain magnet tendencies. All his years of teaching and this Hell Class is going to be the one to do him in. Not the villains he faced in the dead of night, but teenagers who think they're infallible.
Even as he paces the length of the room he listens to Deku's voice, praying it will not be the last time he hears it.
"-stands for I can do it-"
"What kind of hero would I be-"
"-a reminder, Stain-"
"Even when it seems impossible-"
"I refuse to allow for anything else!"
Damn it, this kid-
Aizawa has never been so proud, even as his heart tries to shove its way through his throat. Only the Problem Child would look a villain known as the Hero Killer straight in the eye and dare him like this. And yet, Aizawa will never forget this moment, not only because his students are facing a life threatening situation out of his reach, and he can feel years of his life being scraped away, but because that speech of his…
It rings with conviction, with the strength of heart that will guide the pro hero Deku through the ranks. This is a defining moment for Midoriya, Aizawa is sure of it. Going by the look of mixed panic and pride on All Might's own thin face, he's not the only one to realize that.
On the other hand, Toshinori can feel the blood bubbling up his throat as his heart rate speeds up, and the hand that has closed over his heart and remaining lung both tightens. Midoriya- Izuku- will be the death of him. He's achingly proud- of course he is- but-
His boy isn't ready for the likes of the Hero Killer. Not yet. And yet, there he is, out of Toshinori's reach and facing him anyway. He can hear the smile in his boy's voice. He can hear the fear too.
And beside that is the determination to stand anyway. He recognizes the sound of One For All crackling over Izuku's skin, and he's tense. He wants to break another table- or rather he wants to punch Stain in the face and roar at him to get away from his boy- but he controls himself. He had already broken the table, and there's nothing he can do now but listen and pray-
"-there is worth in keeping you for those other two, not so much."
Aizawa punches the wall, leaving a sizeable crater in the stillness that follows that statement.
Izuku's desperate and enraged scream is thunderous in the confines of the room- "No! Stop!"
Aizawa sucks in an agonized breath- is he going to listen to one of his students die here- and the crack of Toshinori breaking a chair in his hands is loud. Aizawa spares a second to be glad he muted this side of the phone.
The crackling roar of flames, and Izuku's sob of relief are sudden and nearly enough to bring Aizawa and Toshinori both to their knees. He sees the other teachers slump in their seats, and multiple hands relax slightly from where they had been clenched.
Todoroki's voice is simultaneously something they're glad to hear and something that cranks their stress levels even higher. He saved them- that is obvious from the following conversation, as Todoroki complains he was late, and Izuku disagrees- but now there are three of their students facing the Hero Killer. Only two of those students are able to move.
The live footage of the city burning continues to play in the background, and the teacher's exchange horrified looks when the Noumu come into the picture, but still they listen to the voices coming over the phone. The Pros in the area are handling it, and the teachers live too far to be of any timely use.
It's a stalling game from there, and Aizawa has the absent thought that Izuku would have made an excellent Underground Hero again, as his listens to the boy work to stall and distract the Hero Killer from his goals.
His heart is in his throat as he stalks closer to the phone, standing shoulder to shoulder with Toshinori as they both hear Izuku ask Todoroki to act as support while he gets close.
It's a good plan, Gran Torino definitely helped with Izuku's Quirk problems and his boy has a sharp mind for tactics so he must have a plan of some kind that will allow them to all walk out of that alley.
The fight against Stain lasts about ten, maybe twelve minutes from start to finish. During that time, backup does not arrive. Izuku has shifted from stall tactics- a deadly game of keep away- to outright offensive and defensive attacks.
Any opening in Stain's defenses is taken advantage of, by fire, by ice or speed and strength. A misstep, carefully planned and a motion thwarted by careful baiting and reactions. Stain laughs and preaches his gospel truth. Deku counters with righteous fury in the belief of the good of heroes, that everyone can be a hero, even if for a moment. Iida is rebuked and ignored, encouraged and somehow finds the strength to stand, the determination to a hero as his brother is.
Every spoken word, every sound of steel against armor or concrete is broadcasted through Izuku's heavy duty cell-phone.
By the time Todoroki says he's unconscious as if he cannot believe his eyes, Toshinori breaks another four chairs. Aizawa snaps the remains of the table in his hands when he needs to do something with his hands. The other teachers have gotten to their feet and are pacing the length of the room to work off the nervous adrenaline.
All Might sinks down into one remaining chair and puts his hands over his eyes and doesn't bother hiding his shaking shoulders. He weeps in happiness and relief because they're alive. His students are okay, his boy will be coming home.
There are similar reactions across the room, with even Aizawa sinking to the ground in bone deep relief.
"Midoriya," Todoroki's voice breaks the silence of the other end.
"Where's your phone?"
"E-eh? My phone?"
A short moment of silence before a short, almost hysterical laugh.
"I have no idea."
"Midoriya-kun? There- your phone? Against that lump of ice?"
There was a short noise of surprise before there were audible footsteps and the unmistakable sound of the phone being picked up.
Toshinori had forgotten that Aizawa had muted the sound from this side and thus, his voice went unheard. Of course, it was quickly muffled by the high pitched shriek that Izuku made. There was another short burst of movement before Todoroki's voice came in loud and clear.
"Please tell me you calling your dad and having him listen to everything was an accident…?"
Toshinori quietly wheezed and choked on a burst of blood, automatically pulling out a handkerchief to clean his mouth. He didn't lift his head to meet the stares of the other heroes in the room, but cleared his throat before reaching to turn off the speaker. He lifted the phone to his ear and opened his mouth to speak.
He blinked in surprise before pulling the phone down to stare at the screen in shock.
"Ah. He hung up."
The news channel they're tuned to suddenly switches to a live shot of Hosu, specifically to a shot where a winged Noumu quickly vanishes from view before soaring up into the smoky skies with a person hanging limply from its talons.
All Might drops the phone and lurches to his feet. This action is mirrored by nearly every other hero in the room, but the hoarse shout of 'Izuku!' is his alone.
There is no mistaking that emerald jumpsuit, nor those visible curls with a distinct shade of forest green and yet, the situation has not changed in the slightest. They are still helpless, unable to do anything while one of their students are in danger.
The reporters on the scene are clearly horrified and when they spot a large burst of flames growing closer to the Noumu as it flies off, there's relief in their voices as they report-
"Endeavor, the Flame Hero is drawing closer to the scene! We can only hope that he will be able to save the unknown boy!"
The instant the reporter finishes speaking, the Noumu seizes in the air, locking in place, and a dark shape blurs by chasing after it. There is a glint of metal in one of his hands as the other wraps itself around the boy's torso. They vanish from view as the figure brings his arm down in a sharp thrust.
The reporter turns back with relief etched into her features.
"Although we are not close enough to determine exactly what has transpired, we can conclude from the footage that the unknown boy has been rescued!"
Toshinori wobbles and misses the chair on the way down and lands on the floor. He makes no move to correct himself, instead letting his head flop back onto the seat of the chair behind him.
"Jesus wept, kid," Toshinori wheezes in English, lifting his trembling hands to cradle his head without needing to move it from its place on the chair. "Holy shit."
Eraserhead makes a noise of exasperation and relief before he huffs a dry laugh.
"Definitely the Problem Child of the bunch."
Toshinori's voice is muffled from under his hands, but he makes no move to remove them as he rasps "This kid is going to kill me. He's going to give me a heart attack. Holy fuck, oh my god. I'm grounding him. I don't even care what Inko grounds him from, I'm grounding him again."
Aizawa huffs another laugh before he folds himself gracefully to the floor, leaning his head back onto the same chair Toshinori is using. "Do you think I can ground him on school grounds?"
Toshinori doesn't miss a beat as he answers vehemently-
Midnight's voice is dry when she speaks up. "Your inner parents are showing Yagi-san, Aizawa-kun."
In Hosu, there is a man who huddles in a dark alley, shakily holding his camera as it records the events in front of him.
The Hero Killer Stain deposits a boy decked in green almost gently to the ground before he levels a burning crimson gaze at the gathered heroes- one of which is is Endeavor- and speaks.
This civilian faithfully records every word the man says, trembling and shaking as his presence surrounds all those who witness Stain's last stand until the moment he falls silent.
It's a long time before this civilian manages to leave the alley, before he even tries to gather his feet under him. Eventually, he makes it home. It's the next day when he turns on the news to see the blaring headlines of Endeavor Defeats Hero Killer! Justice Prevails!
It's not even a sudden realization the man has, but rather an automatic action. He captured prime footage of the Hero Killer Stain, his opinions and motivations! He watches the video and it doesn't take long to realize...Endeavor only showed up after the humanoid snatched the one called 'Midoriya' from the ground.
Which means that the the No. 2 hero was not the one to defeat the Hero Killer. was those three U.A. students?
The man finds himself uploading the video to the internet without a second thought.
The video starts off and runs for a solid minute before four figures exiting an alley. All of them are covered in blood, but the worst of it seems to be on the three students, easily recognizable faces from the U.A. Sports Festival.
Todoroki Shouto.
Iida Tenya.
The Pro-Hero Native is carrying Midoriya Izuku on his back, the boy's green jumpsuit torn and stained with blood. There is exhaustion in his face and he's practically falling asleep. A viewer can see his mouth move, though his words are not heard. Still viewers can clearly hear Native's response.
"I'm sorry...I'm a Pro-Hero, yet I was only a burden in your fight."
Midoriya Izuku presumably mumbles something in disagreement, but his reply is overshadowed by another voice from behind the boy pulling the tied up and unconscious body of the Hero Killer Stain.
"Todoroki, I should pull him-"
Iida Tenya is interrupted by Todoroki as he says-
"Your arm is in bad shape, Iida."
There's a murmur of their voices as they quiet and then almost an explosion of noise as the Pro-Heroes finally show up. There's several moments of gestures of concern and worry as injuries are looked over before the one arrayed in Ingemium's armor steps into center frame. He bows and while the angle isn't good, the light shines in such a way to suggest tears.
"Both of you, you both sustained wounds because of me. I am truly sorry- I became so blind, I couldn't see anything!"
Midoriya Izuku lets go of Native's shoulders and lands gingerly on the ground. His response is too quiet to hear, but Todoroki Shouto's is not.
"Pull yourself together. You're the class president."
The old man in costume suddenly jerks, shouting out with urgency-
There's a blur and Midoriya Izuku is snatched up by talons of a flying humanoid with exposed brains.
The video clearly shows as Stain rises from his position and is gone is a flurry of motion. The camera follows as best it can but it's mostly fuzzy until the humanoid crashes to the ground and Stain crouches atop its corpse, one arm wrapped firmly around the boy's middle.
"All of this- it's for the sake of a just world!"
Another burst of sound from conversation and a handful of seconds later, Endeavor finally shows up in the video.
Stain speaks his gospel, of heroes and phonies and the world learns the truth. Of All Might - a true hero.
As do all the teachers who, only the night before, were gathered in a conference room and listened to a phone call that lead to one of the most stressful situations they had been in this school year. Honestly, it seemed a natural escalation from the USJ attack.
All Might marches through the hallways of Tartarus. He's as the public knows him, wearing his costume and towering over the guards that are escorting him deeper into the prison. There is absolute silence as he passed cells and even the men surrounding him are keeping as much distance between them and the Number One Hero as they can.
All Might is not smiling.
He is lead to a door, a thick slab of reinforced metal and it is promptly opened to reveal decent sized room, housing a familiar figure, restrained by a straight jacket. The man doesn't turn to face his visitors, instead keeping his closed eyes pointed towards the far wall.
One of the guards makes as if to speak, but he is quickly silenced with a wave of All Might's hand. Soon, the hero is left alone as the door shuts and locks firmly behind his escorts.
There is a moment before All Might moves. In this moment, Stain does not shift from his position and does not look up to either acknowledge or to see who has come to his cell.
A hand snags the back of the straight jacket and the man continues his silence until...until his name is spoken by a familiar voice in an unfamiliar tone.
"Akaguro Chizome."
Stain opens his eyes to come face-to-face with the Symbol of Peace, the one hero he will not hesitate to acknowledge and the only one he will allow himself to fall to. His heart rate jacks up as he takes in All Might's unsmiling face and the way glowing blue eyes set against black bore into him. There is a presence that blooms in his senses and leaves his breath harsh in the silence.
"I will not kill you, Stain," All Might says bare inches from his face in a perfectly calm voice at a reasonable volume. "I have come to ensure your understanding of the situation you are in."
Stain opens his mouth to say- something. Anything, but at the look on All Might's face, he stops and carefully waits for the hero to continue.
"If you ever," All Might begins just before an unbelievable amount of pressure slams into Chizome's body, stealing the breath from his lungs and causes his eyes to widen in shock and fear, "If you ever lay a finger on my boy ever again, you will not be willing to accept the consequences of your actions. My students defeated you. You will not touch them again as long as I stand to stop you."
It takes Chizome a breathless moment to even think about the words All Might is saying. At first he doesn't even know what the hero is talking about. And then he mentions students and suddenly things start making sense. Stain had only faced one group of children recently that had defeated him.
'My boy', hmm?
Detroit Smash- is what 'Deku' shouted before punching him in the face. It was his second offensive move. Deku, the one who Stain acknowledged as a true hero, one like All Might.
All Might who is in his jail cell and ensuring he knows what would happen if he decides to revisit his former unintentional target. The boy with freckles and curly green hair. The one who he was shown a picture of by Shigaraki as a target to kill. Along with All Might.
His thoughts aline and Stain realizes that even if All Might becomes unable to continue as the Symbol of Peace, as the one true hero, there is already one waiting to take his place if he should fall.
And it's All Might's own son.
Stain says nothing at this internal revelation. His breath stutters in his lungs and there's sweat dripping down his face but he lifts his gaze and holds it as best he can. He understands. People can be inspired, influenced by the people around them. If All Might's son builds friendships and gain comrades and allies who take to the boy's way of thinking...well, some of his objectives have been accomplished. It's not the victory he's imagined, but it's not a loss either.
All Might draws back, the pressure eases and the hand leaves his restraining garment. Stain cannot help but slump back into a slouch that partially hides the weakness in his body. He needs to control his reaction before he speaks.
All Might steps back, raises a hand to the door and-
Chizome calls out with a voice that faintly trembles and is hoarse from disuse.
"The League of Villains. During their recruitment spiel, I was shown a picture of one of their targets."
All Might's movements pause and while his eyes haven't let Stain's form, they sharpen once more. Chizome takes that as his que to continue.
"I didn't think much of a freckled face brat, not until he knocked me back on my heels in that alleyway. I certainly would never have guessed who he was from his looks, or even a simple hero name. But," Stain says even as All Might's fists clench at his words, "in hindsight, me acknowledging your boy as a real hero isn't that much of a surprise, is it, All Might?"
The hero remains still as stone. He does not response or give any indication that he heard Chizome's words. Still, Stain says in a tone that might even be called apologetic.
"When the person with the Warp Quirk brought me to his bar, I was already prepared to turn them down. Shigaraki resembles more of a child throwing a tantrum than a warrior with a cause. Regardless, they are also the ones I hate most in the world."
Stain stands to his feet and lifts his gaze to cold, hard blue.
"I will not stand with them, All Might, don't worry. I had already made my decision. I retrieved the boy from the Noumu, I would not hesitate to do so again."
I won't touch your son, unless it is to save his life, he doesn't say but he hopes All Might understands. People like his son are needed in a better society.
His piece said, Stain retakes his seat and watches as All Might pivots on his heel and exits Chizome's cell.
Their conversation is done. What needs to be said has been spoken and while one is convinced the green child called Deku is the son of All Might, the other is cursing his recklessness while acknowledging that Stain passed what little information he knew about the League of Villains hideouts because the vigilante thinks Izuku is his son.
His heart skips a beat in his chest.
My boy, he said as a warning.
Your boy, Stain acknowledged in understanding.
Toshinori says nothing to Tsukauchi when his friend asks, save for what little information Stain gave him.
When he sees Izuku next, there isn't any hesitation before he bends down to gently wraps his arms around his shoulders. Perhaps his eyes linger over a beaming smile and tousled curls. Maybe his hand stays on the boy's shoulder. There's a chance Toshinori pauses before he says, in a warm voice that hides none of the affection, my boy.
Izuku's eyes shine and his smile is as bright as the sun.