She forced a smile that seemed genuine.

Isabelle was on the platform above her, dancing along to the fast tempo of the pounding music. She raised her arms above her head, a sultry grin on her face. More demons began to approach.

Clary stumbled along, nowhere near as graceful as her parabatai.

She was always the better decoy; mundanes and Downworlders alike were drawn to her natural beauty, her wit, her charisma. She could make any boy fall for her with a simple toss of her glossy hair.

Alec was still hidden in the shadows, keeping watch, his expression unreadable. He didn't like the idea of them being the distraction any more than Jace did, but someone had to do it.

The ravener had shifted to the form of a woman, her dark hair pulled back into a high pony tail, her dress even tighter than Clary's own.

She produced a vile, the glass tinted a dark red, the color of blood, pressing it into the palm of one of the demons she and Isabelle hadn't been able to catch the attention of.

Jace appeared the moment the shapeshifter vanished, strategically hiding his blade from view by just the slight turn of his wrist. He placed a hand on her waist, and Clary's smile faltered slightly.

If that bitch tried to touch him...

"Clary." Alec hissed, too low for anyone else to hear. "Focus."

Obediently, she beckoned a demon closer with her eyes.

Jace's jaw tightened, but his anger didn't detour his attention.

"I hear you've been pedaling mundane blood."

Her lips formed a thin line.

"Why?" She questioned, boredom dripping from her tone. "Are you looking to score?"

"I'm not." Jace replied, easily spinning her around, forcing her to meet his hard gaze. "But you're gonna tell me who is."

The ravener smiled as if she were about to gloat. "Well, you're outnumbered here."

Jace grinned too, the coldness and hostility, although familiar when it came to demons, still sent a shiver down her spine. That was not the Jace she knew, the Jace she loved.

"Oh, I like our odds."

His blade appeared, almost gleaming in the dim light.

"Last chance." He hissed.

"Stop!" An unfamiliar voice called.

A boy pushed through the billowing curtains, his eyes widening in fear.