Hi guys! Here we are and wooopie I made the deadline! *happy dance*. How is everybody? Hope spring break has been treatin ya well. Tanlines and all. Hehe. Dont really have much to say this time around, other than, I may be taking a short break from this story (just for awhile I'll come back don't worry) I just have so many other things I'm trying to publish, so I'm thinking like a 3 month break or something, but I do have the next deadline date set up! Currently working on the end of the story. It'll be around 19 or 20 chapters. If you have questions just ask :) Ok onto to shoutouts!

Helen (guest): Hiiii girl! oh no problem, take your time with reviews ;) yay glad you liked it! hmmm i know i guess we shall see, she has a tough shell to break lol. WHAT?! you haven't? Oh girl you need to see it! Its soo good omg best one in my opinion. The ending was sad, but like bittersweet like I was satisfied. (even though I wept till I was blind lol) thanks for your sweet support friend ! :D

astewart01: Oh...wow... I am flattered, thank you so much! :D Yeah idk the idea kinda just hit me one day, and I really wanted to include people from the fandom into my stories so yeah hehe. Thank you so much, that means a lot to me :)

Dragonrider's Fury: Haha yeah very interesting. BAHAHA I mean...face off between you two? hmmmm...;) Well here it is! And I think I'm starting to develop your character a little more here haha have fun ! ;D

SuperNova: Hey there bud! Hope things have taken a better turn for you :) HOW DID YOU NOT CRY i am very impressed geesh. I was bawling. Right?! It was insanely good, I loved it! It felt so real. Ahh thank you, just trynna keep you guys happy :) HAHAHA he totally is lol. Here it is I hope you enjoy!

Sgt Sniper Man101: Heyyyy! First of all, I love how much your dedicated to this story. It really helps me to keep going so I appreciate it :) Haha yeah totally, you're definitely the one cut out for it lol. Thank you again, hope you enjoy!

Next chapter I'm estimating will be out around the end of June I'm thinking June 24th? Just look out for an update around that time.

Enjoy this (short) chapter guys, see you in two months :D


"Javon! Drop that!" Akalya hissed under her breath, scolding her friend as he was currently inspecting some cylinder object. He jumped back in defense at the girls strict orders, but obeyed and dropped whatever he was holding.

It crashed on the floor, causing Fishlegs to whip his head around from his maps, and gasp. "No!" He squealed and rushed over to the object that fell on the floor and carefully picked it up, cradling it like a baby and dusted it off.

Akalya and Javon sent each other confused glances as to why he was so protective of this thing. "This is not to be touched. It's very old and antic and we can't afford it to break." Fishlegs said protectively as he he gently propped it up on a table. Javon scoffed.

"You mean that piece of junk? What's gonna happen if it breaks, will you not be able to look through it anymore?" He joked, and Akalya elbowed him with a glare. "Ow!" He rubbed his rib cage tenderly. Fishlegs grunted in annoyance.

"It's not a spyglass. This is the Dragon Eye. It holds immeasurable amounts of knowledge and we need it to find the King of Dragons. So don't touch it."

Akalya looked at Javon with reassurance to make sure he was listening, and he put his hands up in innocence. "Okay, okay! I won't touch it geez." He rolled his eyes, as Akalya studied the so called dragon eye more thoroughly. "Excuse me, but umm- what does it exactly do?" She asked curiously and Fishlegs immediately piped up.

"So glad you asked. Meatlug!" Fishlegs called for his stocky bubbly dragon, and she instantly warbled and buzzed over to her rider. Akalya and Javon stepped back in caution, still hesitant to the fact that dragons just roamed about freely. It takes some getting used to.

The two teens watched curiously as Fishlegs retrieved a saddle bag from underneath the table and opened it to reveal many tiny little lenses. He scoured through the batch and lit up when he found the one he was looking for. He placed it inside the dragon eye, and stepped back proudly. "Meatlug, if you would be so kind," He gestured towards the object.

The dragon opened its mouth with a golden haze, as hot magma dripped down through the crevices of her mouth. Akalya scrunched up her face in disgust, and Javon stared in awe when he saw what was projected on the wall. "Akalya." He nudged her, and she looked to where he was looking and she slightly dropped her jaw in awe.

An orange glow filled the room, and pictures and symbols reflected on the wall in front of them. They couldn't make out the foreign language or strange pictures, but it sure did look cool. Fishlegs stood to the side, standing confidently, always happy to show off his knowledge.

"It's like a projector! But in Viking times. That's so cool!" Javon said, as Akalya muttered under her breath, and slightly nudged him gesturing towards Fishlegs' perplexed look. "Uh-uh...It's a Conovia thing. Haha." Javon stuttered while scratching the back of his neck nervously, and Fishlegs only shrugged before he went back to sorting through the lenses.

"That was close. Be more careful Javon." Akalya whispered, and Javon chuckled softly. "Oh please, when am I not careful?" Akalya shot him a glare. "Well from the three days we've known each other, hmmm...let's see...never." She crossed her arms and he shrugged her off.

"Fine I'll be more careful. I just haven't felt like myself the past few days from well...shock and sickness. I finally feel like I'm coming to, ya know? Kinda sucks since we were the ones to have the harsh blows." He gestured to her bandaged foot, and she looked down at it disappointedly. She chuckled, "Yeah kinda did. But nothing we could do about it. Let's-"

"Oh Oh Oh! Hiccup will be so surprised! Look at this guys!" Fishlegs interrupted their little conversation, and they both walked over to him (or hobbled in Akalya's case). "Light it up again Meatlug!" Both Akalya and Javon's jaws almost dropped to the floor. What laid before their eyes seemed nearly impossible yet there it was. No Viking could be able to tell what it was, but any person who lived in the 20th century could. Akalya started to shake Javon's arm, "J-Javon..." He didn't respond.


"Dragoncon." He finally responded. It was so inaudible only Akalya could hear it, because she was right next to him. It was all there. The theatre where the giveaway happened, all the concession stands, everything. It was just very hard to tell because it was just rough shapes, and the light wasn't very prominent. "I wonder what it could be! Maybe uuhhhh...oh a hunter base? The location of the King of Dragons?! Oh I gotta get Hiccup right away!"

Fishlegs rushed over to Meatlug, and mounted her, urging her to head down to the dome where everyone else was. Akalya and Javon took it as their chance to discuss. "H-how...I- what is going on?" Akalya asked as Javon ran his hand across the projection on the wall. "I actually don't know. But hey, if we got sucked into some fantasy world I guess anything is possible right?" Javon said amused, as Akalya tried to puzzle the pieces together.

"But it doesn't make sense. How does some lens from ancient history, know about Dragoncon?" Akalya asked very confused. They obviously knew that was the event where they last were in modern time. What the event was about, who knows. Obviously dragons, but any characters or people? They had no recollection.

"Beats me." Javon shrugged as he turned around to face her. She was about to say something else when a bunch of dragons landed with a thud outside the clubhouse. "This way, come on!" Fishlegs urged everyone in, as Hiccup quickly dismounted Toothless and followed him. Alex hopped off Toothless a little shakily, still very foreign to dragon riding. Helen and Blair jumped down from Barf and Belch as soon as Ruff and Tuff mentioned explosions, not wanting anything to do with that. Melen stumbled off of Stormfly, as Astrid gave her dragon a good pet before sending her off.

They all made their way inside the clubhouse, very curious as to what Fishlegs was overly excited about. As soon as Meylin, Alex, Blair, and Helen walked in their eyes widened at what they saw projecting on the wall. Javon and Akalya signaled towards them as to keep quiet, but Helen must've not been paying attention. "HOW IS THIS EVEN POSS-" Meylin slammed her mouth over Helen's mouth instantly, as Alex faked a cough to cover up the little scheme.

"Fishlegs, this is incredible! How-?" Hiccup chirped as Fishlegs stumbled over to the dragon eye. "Really? You dragged us all the way up here just for your geek out session?" Snotlout complained as the twins complied in annoyance.

"Isn't it amazing! Look at this lens, I've never seen it before! I guess we just must've looked over it or something." Fishlegs picked up the dragon eye and carefully retracted the lens that was inside of it. Meylin almost choked when she saw the lens he was holding in the air.

It was the lens she saw on the poster at Dragoncon.