I swore to the person I'm writing this for that Possession would be finished at the end of June. Obviously we're in July. Which was supposed to be dedicated to another story. But my brain doesn't like to play by the rules, so here we are. Enjoy another update!

3 days prior- 10 AM

"You say you were attacked?" Ayako cried, alarmed by the news Mai was sharing.

Mai shook her head and resumed her walking toward the shinkan. "That wasn't really an attack, just some shaking furniture and the door moving by itself," she explained to her roommates. "I just went out and it stopped after a little while. It didn't cause any damage."

"You really have the worst of luck," Ayako sighed. "The moment we leave your side you get into trouble! It is a relief you didn't get hurt."

"The manifestations have been pretty harmless up to know, I don't think Mai was in any danger," Masako remarked.

The miko huffed in response."This is exactly the way of thinking that can get you injured," she said snidely.

The medium pursed her lips, vexed, and opened her mouth to retort something probably scathing. But Mai adroitly prevented the upcoming argument by changing subjects.

"It is over, no need to fret over it," she dismissed. "That's not the reason why I came anyway. I wanted to find you to tell you that we have the day off. Courtesy of our boss."

The announcement garnered the full attention of her audience.

"Really? You should have said so earlier! Let's try another one of those outdoor baths," Ayako proposed, her good mood miraculously recovered.

Mai laughed at the priestess' eagerness to ditch work. Masako, on the other hand, reacted more cautiously. "I won't certainly complain but... I would have thought Naru would ask us to take action since the spirit started to manifest itself."

Mai nodded, her friend's opinion echoing her own thoughts exactly. "Yeah, I was surprised too. Neither he nor Lin seemed to find this morning's display worrying. I expected them to request an exorcism in the very least, now that we have proof the haunting is real."

"Who cares?" Ayako shrugged. "You know very well Naru's the type to keep his reasoning to himself. I trust his judgement, he probably has something up his sleeve. Just enjoy a paid day of vacation while you can!"

"Yeah, you may be right…"

"I always am," the priestess declared sententiously, missing Masako rolling her eyes. "You need to relax these exams must have really worked up your nerves, you've been on edge since the beginning of this case."

Mai slowed her steps unconsciously, shocked by the realization that what the priestess had just said was true. Well, she wasn't exactly on edge, but she hadn't been able to shake away a feeling of unrest. The surroundings of the ryokan were paradisiac, yet their beauty was tainted by an unexplainable melancholy. Like a bitter aftertaste after too much sweetness.

But it was just because of the stress of her exams, right?

"I know exactly what we need to unwind!" Ayako suddenly exclaimed. She paused a few moments for effect before explaining her grand idea to the girls.

"What about we go on a trip for the day? I heard there is a village worth visiting down in the valley. Takigawa could drive us there, if I tell him it's for Mai's benefit I'm sure he'll agree. Let's invite the guys, what do you say?"

"I say that it's called taking advantage of someone's kindness," Mai laughed, thinking about the monk having to do Ayako's biding. "But I'm sure it could be fun. Masako?"

The young medium nodded and Ayako wasted no time putting her plan into motion.

"We're done touring the property already, so let's ask them if they're interested."

"How did it go by the way?" Mai asked. "Sensed anything out of the ordinary?"

Masako shook her head. "Nothing on my part. The place is beautiful, well-kempt and peaceful."

"I got the same feeling. The trees are healthy, and nothing is disturbing their rest. Only the shinkan seems affected. That clearly proves it's an earth bound spirit," Ayako declared confidently.

Masako hid her laughter behind her sleeve while Mai had to bit her lip hard enough to hurt to prevent her mirth from showing.

"What?" the susceptible priestess asked, squinting at the two girls in irritation.

"No-Nothing," Mai tried.

The glare intensified and Mai hastily diverted Ayako's attention with another topic.

"Speaking of work, care to tell me why you two didn't wake me up this morning?"

"Oh, that?" Ayako shrugged, already forgetting her anger. "Naru asked us yesterday to let you sleep. Since you seemed tired we thought it was a good idea. But, to be honest, touring the property was more like a morning stroll than actual work!"

So Naru hadn't lied earlier! But why had he requested such a thing? He wasn't one to let his employees spend their time idly. Mai voiced her astonishment out loud.

"Do you think he had an ulterior motive?" Masako enquired. "Although I found his request odd I assumed it was out of concern for you."

"Or he simply wanted you to have one of those dreams," Ayako suggested. "To be blunt your presence wasn't exactly indispensable here, so it was better for you to rest anyway. Oh, miss Akiyama, hello!" the priestess greeted when she took sight of the manager coming toward them in small, hurried strides.

The lady greeted them back politely, but Mai couldn't help but notice how strained the manager's smile was, and how preoccupied she looked. She hoped it wasn't related to the spirit wreaking havoc in the shinkan earlier.

"I was in search for Mr Shibuya, are you by chance aware of his whereabouts?"

"He is probably keeping watch in base. Is there something we can help you with?" Masako offered, noticing the manager's unrest.

The lady sighed sadly. "There is indeed. Could you inform him that the interview with my mother is regretfully cancelled? Her condition has unexpectedly worsened this morning, and she is no state to answer his questions."

Mai gasped at the news.

"Oh no! That is terrible! I had no idea it was so serious. Will she be all right?" "We are really sorry to hear that," Masako added. "We wish her a prompt recovery."

"Thank you." The manager smiled gratefully, touched by their sincere concern. "Her life isn't in danger, despite being almost ninety my mother has always been strong and healthy. But since my father's death…" she shook her head in desolation. "She is plagued with headaches and her strength is following ups and downs. She was recovering well until today, so I thought she had overcome her sadness." She sighed. "This relapse tells me her grief was deeper than I imagined."

A heavy silence fell upon the little group. Ayako was the first to recover.

"We will inform Shibuya that the interview is cancelled until further notice," she assured their client. "Don't worry about it. I am sure you have more pressing matters to attend at the moment than searching for our boss."

"Thank you," the manager bowed, relief evident on her features. "I am indeed very busy, it is a great help. Now I am sorry but I must go back to my duties."

The girls expressed their understanding, reiterated their best wishes for Mrs Akiyama's health and the manager left to welcome some important customer.

"This is so sad," Mai murmured, gaze lost in the distance. "I'm sure Mrs Akiyama loved her husband very much. She must miss him terribly."

"Yeah," Ayako agreed. "I can't imagine losing someone after spending such a long time with them." After a moment she added more lightly, "I can't imagine living together with anyone for so long though. I would probably shorten my husband's life by strangling him at some point."

A teasing grin bloomed on Mai's previously pensive face.

"Oh really? Do you have a potential husband in mind to say something like that? Seems like you do…"

Ayako flushed crimson.

"What- what are you talking about," she spluttered. "I didn't think of anyone in particular."

"I wonder who it is..." Mai ignored the priestess deliberately, a smug, knowing smirk on her lips.

"Masako," Ayako called, glowering at the medium who was hiding her own grin behind her yukata's sleeve, "we're going to plan the trip I was talking about. Mai, you go tell Naru about his cancelled appointment. Let's meet in our room in an hour."

The flustered priestess dragged Masako away, leaving a laughing Mai resume her walk toward the shinkan.

She entered the base after a few minutes, surprised to find it empty. She then recalled that Lin had sent Naru to their room earlier, so she veered her steps toward the boy's bedroom.

As she was coming closer to the shoji door she heard muffled voices. She stopped and strained her ears, frowning. They sounded like they were having an argument.

… temperature drop in her room… can't be related to…

… natural cause… I stand by my first hypothesis…

what about your… you know it's dangerous… shouldn't have…

... I did what was necessary… couldn't let her…

"Suit yourself. I'm going to analyse the data once more."

Mai recoiled from the door which Lin had opened with a little more force than necessary. He glanced down at her, muttered a "if you will excuse me" and left to go back to his beloved monitors.

Mai passed the threshold and cleared her throat loudly to signal her presence to her grumpy boss.

"Naru, can I come in?"

"Mai?" Her boss sounded surprised.

"Yes, it's me. I, hum, I have a message from miss Akiyama."

She heard a shuffle and Naru came the next second. His complexion was paler than usual and he features were drawn. Mai wondered if he was unwell.

"What is it?" he demanded bluntly, ignoring her concerned stare.

"Geez, you could use some manners," Mai muttered. "She wanted to let you know that her mother wasn't feeling well enough to attend the interview, apparently she fell ill this morning."

A flicker of interest passed in his eyes. Was it her imagination, or was Naru actually pleased by the news?

"I see. Tell the others they can have tomorrow free, too."

"What? But-"


Her mouth clamped shut at the piercing gaze Naru was sending her. He took a step forward, his eyes never leaving hers, and she stood rooted in her spot like a deer caught in headlights.

The proximity, the intensity of his gaze, this was too close to what happened in her dream. She closed her eyes, vainly trying to repress the onslaught of memories featuring a very naked Naru.

"Are you certain you have nothing else to tell me?"

His voice was smooth like silk, and he was now close enough for her to smell his soap. She gulped, her throat painfully tight, her heart hammering in her chest.

He wasn't going to kiss her, was he?

"Aa- N- No?" she stammered.

Naru leaned in, his head coming closer in slow motion. Mai stopped thinking, her breath suspended to his slow, deliberate movement.

A stinging pain on her forehead broke the spell.

"If you say so."

Mai's hands flew to where he had flicked her forehead. She was gaping at him, mouth inelegantly open and probably as red as an overcooked lobster.

Naru, on the other hand, had the nerve to smirk.

"If that is all, you can leave."

Mai hadn't even finished processing what happened when she found herself in the hallway facing a closed door.

She blinked, before realization dawned upon her that Naru had purely and simply thrown her out.

She raised a vengeful fist to the door, muttering curses under her breath and went to her own room to wait for her coworkers.

If she had paid more attention, she would have noticed that Naru's tiredness wasn't natural. But all she could think then was how infuriatingly attractive her narcissistic boss was.

I think this will need to more chapters to be complete. I'll try to update next month, stay tuned :)