A/N: Hello again, House fans! I bring you a Huddy + Rachel fluff-fest. It's AU, its fluffy, its OOC in places but that's sweet and sugary Huddy for you. As usual, I do not own House MD and if I did a lot would be different. Also I'm going to come out and say that chapter 2 of this I feel is some of my best writing, so please give at least that a read! And of course, reviews are love.

Setting the stage - Bombshells never happened, House and Cuddy worked through their awkward start and are still together. As an apology for being an especially big pain the ass, House gave Cuddy a bunch of flowers and 5 ~love~ vouchers. Each chapter in this fic is one of the vouchers being used.

The voucher lay prominently displayed on the kitchen bench, in front of the coffee maker where he'd be sure to spot it despite his eyes still half closed with sleep, his messy scrawl stating cook your favourite dinner partially obscured by the post-it with Cuddy's neat script replying; cashing it in. see you tonight xx.

Somehow knowing he had to cook dinner, instead of wanting to cook dinner suddenly had him regretting he'd ever written those damn vouchers… but not that he'd been such an ass in the first place to make them necessary as an apology.

After downing his first coffee of the morning he opened the kitchen cupboard to see if he had the ingredients for Cuddy's favourite meal, pasta with soy meal and vegetables. For some reason one his easiest recipes was her favourite, plus it had the added advantage that Rachel would eat it without complaint… also House didn't actually mind it himself, although he didn't want it getting around that he honestly enjoyed soy meal.

Marina had taken Rachel out for the day, so after noting which ingredients he needed the day was his and his alone. He spent it sacked out on the couch, catching up on his soaps, and slouched in front of the piano, putting the final touches on a new piece. Before he knew it he was showered, dressed and on his way to the store.

He hated grocery stores. He hated the harsh lighting, the bad cover songs playing over the speakers. He especially hated the decision of whether to test his balance by carrying a basket or get to push his cane around in a cart. Today he opted for the cart but it seemed every sympathetic woman in the tri-state area was shopping at the same time- if he dodged one sympathetic look as he limped his way down an aisle it was to catch another.

Finally he had what he needed, avoided eye contact with the cashier, and let out a sigh of relief when he started the car to head back to Cuddy's.

Pulling into the drive he noticed Marina had returned and just hoped Cuddy had asked her to stay on until she was home- getting the groceries had taken all his social energy and the last thing he felt like doing was wrangling Rachel whilst trying to cook. He truly didn't mind the little girl, but the evening combination of tiredness and hunger made her unruly and hyperactive, and House often struggled to handle her when she was in one of those moods.

Marina had heard his car in the drive and opened the front door, knowing he struggled to handle the door, groceries and his cane. Rachel called out "House!" and a grin lit up her face at seeing her friend and playmate, making House smile and ruffle her hair on his way past.

As he made his way into the kitchen, trailed by an excited 3 year old dancing around his legs, Marina softly spoke; "Doctor Cuddy asked me if I could stay until she was home." Watching him unpack the groceries, she smiled - the curmudgeon doctor could be surprisingly sweet when it came to Doctor Cuddy and her daughter- "And I'm happy to distract Rachel while you cook."

House nodded as he pulled out a knife and started cutting, "Thank you Marina, that would be great."

He continued to prepare the meal, listening to the sounds of Rachel happily playing in the lounge until she heard her mother's car pull up and ran to the door, shouting "Mama! Mama!" as Cuddy unlocked the door and entered. House could hear her softly speaking to Rachel and turned back to the stove, hustling to get the meal on the table and not have Cuddy waiting after what was clearly a long day for her.

"Hey you," Cuddy had snuck up to hug him from behind, pressing her face against his back. "Smells good."

"Well someone requested their favourite dinner. I'm just here to deliver." He continued to stir the sauce, enjoying the feeling of her warmth against him.

"Mmmm." Cuddy pressed a kiss to his shoulder before pulling away, "I'm just gonna take over from Marina so she can go- how long until its ready?"

"Fifteen. Go on, go spend some time with Rach."

As the sauce simmered he set the table, enjoying the soft sounds coming from the living room as Cuddy wound down from her day by spending precious time with her daughter.

Dishing it up into ceramic bowls for himself and Cuddy, and a half serve into Rachel's favourite dinosaur bowl, he called through to the living room, smiling as Rachel came barrelling into the kitchen chanting "dinner, dinner, dinner!" and waving her hands up for House to lift her into her booster chair and pass her her bowl.

Cuddy followed her daughter, smiling at her enthusiasm and also at seeing at how House had gone all out for her dinner. When he'd given her the vouchers she'd very nearly laughed them off, doubting he'd ever follow through. But time and time again he surprised her, and this evening was no different.

"M'lady" House smirked as he placed her bowl in front of her, turning back to the kitchen before coming back with a bottle of her favourite red and filling the glass in front of her.

Cuddy checked Rachel was all set with her fork around the right way before digging into her own serve, moaning in satisfaction at the first bite. House was truly a fantastic cook, and she considered herself one lucky woman whenever he cooked for her.

Watching her eyes close and hearing her moan, House smirked and leaned in towards her.

"That's not the last moan I intend to hear from you tonight."

Cuddy's eyes shot open to see House close to her, smirking as he watched her enjoy her meal.

Sitting back, he helped Rachel as she accidentally flung her fork to the floor before finally getting into his meal.

They ate slowly, savouring both the meal and each other's company. House truly enjoyed these moments as they smiled over their glasses of wine.

Cuddy finished and sat back in her chair, patting her lips with a napkin. "Delicious. Thank you so much House, that's just what I needed today."

House stood and collected the dishes, asking Cuddy "Dessert?" as he headed to load the dishwasher.

"Mmmm, yes please!" he could hear the smile in her tone and it made him smile in turn, as he headed for the fridge to dish it up.

Returning to the table, he placed a bowl in front of Cuddy and saw her eyes light up.

"Frozen soy yogurt with fresh raspberries for you," he turned and placed a smaller bowl on Rachel's tray, "and fresh peaches and pears for the lesser Cuddy"

"Oh my god House! This is fantastic! Thank you!" Cuddy dove her spoon into her yogurt with gusto, leaving House to sit back and watch her, enjoying her pleasure.

"You are going to be one lucky man once Rachel is in bed" She shot him a full smile, the kind that lit up her face and made his heart feel funny.

He smiled back. "Knew those vouchers would have a rate of return."