Chapter One - Nadia Huatah

Her body was on fire.

Not literally, of course, but as the dark-haired teen lay in her own pool of sweat nothing could describe the unbearable heat that had enveloped her body better than that.

It was excruciating, absolutely agonizing.

"Shit." She hissed lowly, gritting her teeth in a vain attempt to ignore the intense burning.

She didn't know when in the day she could've picked up whatever bug that had reduced her to such a mess; in fact, up until half an hour ago, she had been positively healthy.

In the past few months, she had shed most of her baby fat, had lost any traces of acne, and had grown almost a foot taller. Nadia was healthy as a horse, probably even more. But in the span of 30 minutes, her temperature had skyrocketed to 110 degrees and she had become nothing but a pitiful dying cat.

"Honey?" The soft voice of her mother washed over her like a cool breeze, momentarily easing her discomfort. "A few members of the council have come to see you. I know you're sick and all, but Old Quil insists that your illness is something the work of a Shaman can heal. Apparently, he's seen what you've got before from a few decades ago, so they're here to help. It's only Old Quil, Billy Black and Harry Clearwater out there. Think you can make it to the living room?"

Beneath her half-hooded eyes, Nadia could see her mother looking down at her worriedly. Ellen Huautah had always been a fierce and strong woman. But her once bright face, although cast in the shadow of her dimly lit room, had become much more worn down and tired since she'd collapsed after dinner. Fear was etched on her face, and instantly the teen felt a wave of guilt wash over her knowing what was troubling her.

A couple years back a terrible storm hit La Push out of the blue. Out of the 780 inhabitants of their small town a good few had been killed; including the girl's father, James, and Quil III, her best friend's dad, and namesake.

They had been out fishing when the storm hit. According to the police reports Quil III was able to contact help on VHF that they needed assistance getting to shore immediately. Their boat had begun to capsize and they were going down fast. But by the time he had given their coordinates and by the time authorities had reached them safely in the hazardous conditions; the boat had fully capsized. Nether Quil III and her father's bodies had been found, and so a week later two empty coffins were buried leaving two wives equally as empty.

Nadia knew her mother was afraid of losing her. And whether or not the young girl was willing to admit it, but she would have been the exact same had their conditions been reversed. After her dad's death, her mum needed her just as much as she needed her.

While Quil had Old Quil to help raise him along with his mother, her mum had no one. She had raised her as both her mum and dad and Nadia guessed that in those two roles she had found some solace. Still, while her dad's death broke her, the young girl was positive hers would absolutely kill her.

Nadia couldn't die, not when her Ma still needed her around.

"I can't move, Ma." The young girl slurred honestly, wincing as she attempted to lift her head. "Can they squeeze in here?" She croaked out. Her mother nodded, flashing her a pained smile as she backed out of her room.

For a few minutes, it was silent, before the faint voices of her mother and the elders drifted into the teens room. Was she scolding them? The idea of her mother giving three of the most respected elders of their tribe a stern word was comical, and the girl was sure if she wasn't so riddled with fatigue she would've laughed.

Soon enough, the door of her room swung open slowly as the three elders shuffled in. Billy, a distant relative of her father, smiled warmly at her; mirroring the same smile Harry wore also. Quil III entered the room after them, his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes swept over her sick body. The frightened teen could tell immediately by his grave expression that what he was about to tell me would not be for the faint of heart.

"Nadia Huautah." His thin tenor voice murmured. "It's just as I suspected."

"I had my doubts, but after seeing her..." Billy's voice wavered with emotion, "I can't believe this has happened. You were right, Quil." The three elders were exchanging heavy glances with one another, silently discussing matters that were beyond her knowledge, before Harry took a shuddering breath. The smile that he and Billy wore earlier were nothing but shadows on their faces and Nadia could practically feel the anticipation gnawing at her to hear what he was about to say.

"Nadia, my dear, I know this is scary. But do you recall the tribe legends we used to tell every bonfire and council meeting?" He asked softly. Groaning, she nodded. Of course, she remembered the legends of the tribe. She was told the legends every night before bed until she'd known them like the back of her hand. It was the only thing she'd had left of her father, in fact, most of her fondest memories with him included the legends one way or another.

"All those stories we told you as kids, Nadia. They're all true." Harry paused, licking his lips as his eyes glazed over with memories the teen could not see for herself. "We've seen it for ourselves."

The air in her room felt as though it had suddenly gotten thicker, or maybe it was just her. Was it possible that because of her fever she had become delirious, that she had imagined what Harry had just revealed?

Hissing as yet another flare of pain bloomed from her abdomen, she tilted her head to the side, gauging Billy and Old Quil's expressions.

Neither men looked amused, but rather, solemn as Harry's confession echoed throughout the shell of her ears. Whether she was hallucinating or not, every inch of doubt that shrouded her mind was thwarted by the genuine honesty that shone in all three men's eyes.

They were telling the truth.

"When I was a child, I remember watching my grandfather, Ephraim Black, and his friends, Levi Uley and Quil II Ateara explode into three magnificent creatures. They had shed their skins, and in the places where they once stood, rose three large wolves the size of an average horse. You should have seen them, Nadia." Billy kissed his teeth as he reminisced fondly.

"We have always been told that there is magic running through our veins, but to see it for ourselves." Old Quil nodded. "When Taha Aki ended his reign as the spirit warrior of our people, he passed on his ability to three bloodlines; the Blacks, Uleys and the Atearas, which explains how our grandfathers were able to transform. It's only when cold ones come too close to our land that our magic awakens, which explains why we never transformed like our grandfathers did because there was no threat to protect ourselves against. But now it's time for a new generation to rise. The danger is here, and we need warriors to protect our tribe."

A flash of pale skin and golden eyes flashed through her mind then.


The men shifted uneasily. "Usually it's males who inherit the gene. Your cousin, Samuel Uley, was the first in your generation to phase. But I suppose with your lineage changing is inevitable for you, as it will be for my son." Billy's lips tugged down sadly.

"You see, your father was adopted out of my family and given to our great-Aunt Lorraine to carry on her family name. Your mother, on the other hand, is the youngest of Levi Uley's grandchildren. You're the great-great-granddaughter of both Ephraim Black and Levi Uley, two members of the last pack which explains why you're changing. But by the looks of it, your body is trying to fight the wolf inside you, and as dire as it is, you may not survive if it does. The wolf needs to come out. Do you understand so far?"

Nadia's vision grew blurry as tears welled up in her eyes, and if the wolf didn't claw at her skin now than she was positive that she probably would. She was just fifteen, not even an adult. Most girls her age worried about having their first crush or getting their first kiss, but her? She was worried about a wolf that prowled beneath her skin, ready at any moment to shred her completely so that she could breathe. And that was if she succeeded in helping her. If not, Nadia didn't want to think about how she could die if things went awry.

Instinctively, her body began to tremble at the thought.

"We can help you complete the change, Nadia," Harry spoke softly, leaning his head down so his withered eyes could meet hers. "You just need to let us."

There was an air of knowledge and warmth cloaking every three men, and the young girl found that in their presence was the reminder of her late father. Perhaps it was the fear, the child inside her clinging to them for help but Nadia could no longer deny that it was almost as though her father were in the room with them, looking down on her through the three wise men who were offering her their guidance.

These men had helped her grow up and they would help her again, the teen was sure of it. Everything else she now had to do on her own.

"Okay." She breathed, clenching her eyes as the pain intensified. "What do I do?"

Alright, so I actually did some research in order to efficiently weave in Nadia into the franchise and I think I have got it.

· So the surname Huatah is actually canon, according to the Twilight Wikipedia page at least and is woven into the Black bloodline through Joanna Black's marriage to Lupe Huatah, both who are the parents of Loraine (explained more below).

· The great-Aunt Loraine Billy mentioned that adopted her father to carry on her family name is the first cousin of Ephriam Black.

· This Lorraine is also the great-great-great grandmother of Jared Cameron, making Nadia and Jared aunt and nephew through her father's adoption to Loraine Huatah.

· However, as it was mentioned that her father was adopted out of Billy's family, then biologically that would mean Nadia is actually the niece of Billy Black, first cousin to the Black siblings and Collin Littlesea, and directly descended from Ephraim Black- 1/3 and Alpha of the original pack the Cullens drew a treaty with.

· On her mother's side, Nadia, as it was explained, hails directly from Levi Uley- another 1/3 of the original pack.

· She is the daughter of Ellen Uley (canon character) who is the youngest grandchild of Levi after her brothers Thomas and Joshua. Joshua Uley is the infamous father of Samuel Uley, therefore making he and Nadia first cousins on her mother's side.

Anyway, as I realized so many of these characters are deeply connected (like seriously, they're all related somehow omg) I have decided to throw caution to the wind and make this an OCxOC fanfiction simply because it'd be different for me.