"Thanks again Molly for what you did for us." Yugo said putting the neckless that received from Nora on.

"It was my pleasure Yugo." Molly said warmly. "What will you do know."

"We plan on going to the Sadida kingdom." Ad answered.

Molly's face became scared immediately and asked, "Are you sure you want to go there."

Yugo and Adamai looked at each then back to Molly.

"Is something wrong?" Yugo asked back.

"Well I heard a story that the Sadida's are preparing to fight some type of war, but no one knows who with." Molly explained.

"Then I guess that our que to get moving, right little bro." Ad said quickly.

"Yes it is," Yugo agreed. "Thank you for worrying about us but we have to go."

"Then I pray that you both of you move forward with all you're might and save those that need you." Molly said hugging them both.

When she released them she kissed both of them on the cheek, and they were off to the Sadida kingdom.

"Do you think will be able to make it to the Sadida kingdom at the time that we left?" Yugo asked.

"I don't know," Ad answered. "But that's not the question you want to ask is it."

Yugo took a deep breath then asked, "Do you think we can prevent the Sadida people from being wiped out."

"Truth be told I've been think about that for a while and think I came up with an idea." Ad said.

"Like what?" Yugo asked more interested.

Adamai stopped in his tracks then explained, "look draining the tree of life of all it's wakfu is next to imposable, so I think instead Nox drained the tree of most but no all for the cube couldn't hold all that wakfu without something happening."

"So you mean the Tree didn't die, but went into hibernation until it could heal itself." Yugo guessed.

"That's what I'm thinking." Ad said. "So here's my idea, we take the Eilacube to the tree of life instead of taking wakfu we give the tree of life back a bit of wakfu."

"Do you think it will work?" Yugo asked worried.

"That's just it little brother I don't' know," Ad said. "But I think this requires hope rather than logic."

Yugo clenched his fist then said, "Let's get going I want to see our friends again."

Adamai nodded in agreement and flew off at high speed with Yugo not far behind portal boosting as fast as he could. Yugo and Adamai shifts in caring each other so that they won't completely tried at times. When they got to the Sadida kingdom they saw that the battle had already started.

"We should make our way to the tree of life." Ad quickly said.

Adamai looked towards Yugo and saw that he was holding back something and realized what his brother wanted to do.

"Yugo don't take too long, you got it." Ad said.

"What?" Yugo said confused.

"I can see here you want to go and do." Ad said. "So I'll head to the Tree of life ahead of you and wait there, just don't be too long and that you tell no one. We can answer their questions once the time spell takes effect."

Yugo hugged Adamai tightly and said, "Thank you Adamai, you're the best brother I could ask for."

Yugo handed his bag over to Adamai then jumped from the tree they were hiding in and portal boosted towards the giant clock. While Adamai flew off towards the tree of life hoping they could save tow things they cherish. As Yugo portal boosted he stopped and saw a pillar of green light appear in the middle of the forest.

"Amalia!" Yugo said hating how he couldn't get any closer for fear of the stasis blasts.

After the blasts went off Yugo went closer to the center of the blast, when he got close enough he hid behind some ruble so not to get spotted. Yugo watched as Percidal transformed and fought the robot letting Yugo's & Adamai's younger selves enter the clock tower. Yugo saw Evangelyne fire an arrow at the robot but it had no effect at all.

"OK almost time to go." Yugo said getting ready to jump in.

The robot started charging up a blast to fire a blast at Evangelyne and Amaila. When it fired Evangelyne fell to her knees in excision believing she was going to die. Percedal jumped in front of them and stretched his hands out ready to protect his friend and become a lenged.

"Sorry Dally but I won't allow you to die on me again." Yugo said portal boosting in front of Dally and knocking Dally out.

Yugo quickly made a portal in front of himself and another in the air above them. The blast went into the portal in front of Yugo and out the other into the sky above. When the blast ended Yugo disappeared. Before his friends could notice him. As Yugo portal boosted away he heard Evangelyne shout at Percidal to see if he was alright. Yugo portal boosted to the tree of life to find Adamai near the base of the tree. When Yugo landed he and Adamai hid and waited for Nox to activate his spell.

"Here it comes." Ad said as the clock drained the tree of life of its wakfu.

The clock then started to glow brightly, the next moment the clock was gone. Yugo then took the Eilacube out of the bag while Adamai held the dofus.

"I think It would be best if the dofus are away from the Eilacube while you give the tree wakfu." Ad suggested stepping away a bit.

"OK." Yugo said going closer to the tree of life.

Yugo placed a hand on the tree of life while his other hand held the Eilacube. Yugo concentrated and taped into the wakfu of the cube but instead of keeping it he channeled it into the tree of life. Adamai then felt a strong wakfu disappear and knew that the time spell had sent their younger selves to the past. Yugo then started channeling more Wakfu into the tree of life getting a better feel of how to give wakfu rather than take. Adamai looked up and saw that the brown leaves when changing back to green. After a while Yugo stopped and saw that the Sadida's no surrounded them.

"Yugo what just happened?" A voice asked.

Yugo and Adamai turned around to see Amaila and Dally live and well.

"Man do we have a story for you guys." Ad said helping Yugo remain standing.

Once everything settled down Yugo told the royal family and the brotherhood of the tofu what had happened once they went into the clock tower.

"Yugo you saved not only the kingdom you saved Dally as well." Eva said standing in front of Yugo. "I don't know what to say to express my graduated.

"I'm just happy that everyone's alright." Yugo said softly.

"Thank you." Eva said hugging Yugo and Ad.

"I think this calls for a celebration." Ruel shouted.

Everyone agreed and started to file out of the room wanting to celebrate the fact that there all alive. Yugo was about to follow when a thought came to his mind and he turned to look at his brother.

"I know what you're thinking Yugo," Ad said quickly. "And don't worry it can wait a little linger."

"Are you sure?" Yugo asked.

Ad smiled then said, "I think me and you have done enough wakfu channeling to last a life time plus going on this adventure has shown me that life should be respected. For you never know what could happen."

Yugo then hugged Adamai tightly.

"Hey Adamai, Yugo, you coming or what." Dally shouted. "Ruel says he'll eat it all if you don't hurry."

"Come on let's go celebrate with them before they eat all the good food." Ad said walking away still holding the bag with the dofus in it.

"You got it." Yugo said following holding the Eilacube tightly.

The End