So, I'm not entirely sure if this is a crossover or not. I'm just essentially replacing the characters from Ninjago with Sonic, Amy, Mighty, Silver and Tails. (In this, Silver stays in the present. Why will come in one of the later chapters) But I'll be keeping Lloyd, Wu, Misako, Garmadon, and a few of the other characters from Ninjago, but they'll be Mobians. So, tell me if it's a crossover or not. (And of course I'll be keeping Eggman. He's kinda got a major part in this story)

And prepare to board the feel-train, because this first chapter will cause a bit of heartache. Sonic is gonna be... well, not the Ninja of Lightning. Shocking, I know. As for the rest of it...

Eh, just read it. NINJA-GOOOOOO! Sonic Style!

Sonic, you can't do this!

For once, Sonic, listen to us! You'll get killed!

You can't stop me Sally! You know it's the only way!

But Sonic-

I love you Sal.

Sonic, NO!

It's a pity the process was only partially, but if you want to become normal again, you'll have to help me.

If you don't mind me, Eggman, I think I'll find a way on my own.

Sonic sat up on the park bench with a metallic-sounding gasp, his metal chest heaving. After a few seconds, his head lowered, and his metallic right hand ran through his partial metal quills while his normal left hand clenched one of his metal knees angrily. And his teeth behind his metal mask, covering his scarred face, clenched. The mask didn't cover his green eyes, which were dull, but often burned with an emerald green flame.

After seven years of fighting his greatest enemy, Dr. Eggman, his worst fears had come true.

He had been partially roboticized, and his speed was gone. And he was thought of by the world as dead.


Sonic was currently hiding in a small village, trying to fit in with all the normal people, but often hiding, almost every day wishing for his friends and his speed. And every night, he was plagued with nightmares and voices.

As soon as he had gotten a bite to eat- a few chili-dogs, he ducked into a nearby alley so that he could eat. He removed his metal mask and gave a shuddering breath before devouring the food. He couldn't keep the mask off for long, and as soon as he was done with his breakfast- even though it was 11:30- he slipped the mask back on, taking a grateful breath.

"Ahh! Someone, help!" His metal ears picked up, and he ran out of the alley, seeing the sight of a small store's door burst open, where a human dressed in black ran out, running right down the road as the shopkeeper, another human, this one much older, coming out and yelling, "That man robbed me!"

Sonic paused for a few seconds before taking off down the street after the robber, desperately wishing that he still had his speed. As the robber ducked into an alley, Sonic followed after him, but screeched to a stop at the sight ahead of him, not completely sure of what to do.

An old, pure white hedgehog wearing what looked like a grey kimono and carrying a bamboo staff and a straw umbrella-like hat on top of his head was standing in front of the robber, who was telling him to get out of the way. "I recommend that you return the money now, before you have to face the consequences." recommended the old hedgehog, stroking his long mustache a little bit.

"Get outta the way, old man," said the robber, before you have to call for an ambulance!"

Sonic had just about had enough. "Hey! Big guy!" he called out. The robber turned, his eyes widening when he saw his partially robotic body, but then saying, "You stay outta the way too, freak!"

"Watch who you're calling names." The robber turned, only to clutch at his gut in pain, courtesy of a lightning-fast punch from the old hedgehog, then falling to the ground as the staff whipped out, striking him at the back of his head.

The old hedgehog nodded, turning to look at Sonic and said, "Thank you for your assistance, Sonic."

"All I did was just-" but then what the old hedgehog said struck him. "Wait! How do you know my name?"

"Lucky guess, perhaps." said the old hedgehog, reaching into the man's pocket and pulling out the stolen money. "How about while we return the money, we can talk."

"Oh-kay." he said. As they walked down the road back to the store, the old hedgehog asked, "Why do you run?"

"How do you know I run? Is it the name?" asked the robotcized hedgehog.

"Perhaps you could say that. So tell me, why do you run?"

When they came out of the store after the owner had thanked them fiercely, Sonic said, "I used to run. I don't anymore."

"You're wrong." Sonic looked at the old hedgehog as he continued, "You might not think that you aren't running physically, but you are still running. So tell me, why do you run?"

Sonic shrugged and said, "I don't know."

"Perhaps it is because you are afraid of what your friends might think of you? Don't think that others won't accept you because of what you are."

"It's just that... I... I was just one of the most powerful members on my team. Now, I just feel..."

"Useless?" figured the old hedgehog.

Sonic nodded as the old hedgehog said, "You're not useless, you just have new abilities that you're not used to."

"But will I get used to them?" asked the hedgehog. That's when he realized that the hedgehog wasn't looking at him anymore, instead peering out towards the edge of the village. "An attack." he said, "And it begins."

Sonic followed his gaze, his eyes widening at the sight of what looked like skeleton warriors riding monster trucks appearing over the hills. That's when Sonic realized that the sky was suddenly covered with purple-colored clouds.

"What- are those- skeletons?" he asked.

"Led by Samukai." said the old hedgehog. "We have to help these people."

"Well," said Sonic, "I doubt that the Freedom Fighters are going to show up anytime soon. Let's do this."

"Warn the town militia. Do you remember the store that got robbed?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"There's something there that these skeletons are after. After warning the militia, head there and make sure that the skeletons don't get inside."

Sonic nodded and ran away as the old hedgehog took a ready stance.


As soon as Sonic reached the small building that held the town militia, he rushed inside and warned the head officer of the approaching danger, then headed off to the small store. But when he got there, he cursed himself and wished that he had his speed for the second time that day.

The small shop was in ruins, the sign that used to be over the door now lopsided and a few of the windows broken. A few voices were coming from inside and the old shopkeeper laying on the ground outside, a bloody cut on his head.

As a few people ran past, he called out to them and said, "Get this man to a hospital! He's hurt!" The people looked at him strangely, but then rushed over and picked up the old man, who gave a groan and looked behind Sonic, suddenly calling out, "No! The map!"

Sonic turned, seeing two rather burly skeletons with large heads trying to sneak out of the store, but as soon as the storekeeper called out, they took off down the street, one of them holding what appeared to be a torn paper.

"HEY!" called out Sonic, taking off down the street after the two skeletons, who climbed onto two four-wheelers and took off down the road, with Sonic chasing after them, still wishing that he had his speed.

Soon, they came to the outskirts of town. The skeletons called out and the army started to fall back. Sonic had stopped to try and catch his breath when he heard a creaking sound. Turning, he saw that the wooden water tower next to him was starting to fall in his direction. He wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time.

"NINJA-GOOO!" Suddenly, he was enveloped in a brilliant golden light and strong arms grabbed him. When it was gone, he found the old hedgehog standing over him, watching the skeleton army leave. He turned to look at Sonic and asked, "Are you alright?"

Sonic nodded and said, "I'm sorry. They got the map. Why didn't you get it when we were at the store?"

"Because I do not need it. I already know where the map points." The hedgehog said. "What disturbs me is Samukai coming out to find it, and if he is working for Lord Garmadon, then we are in grave danger."

"Lord Garmadon? Who's Garmadon? And what's going on? What's so important about the map?" asked Sonic, getting and dusting off his metal body.

"What is important?" repeated the hedgehog, "How about everything in Mobius itself." He started to tell a story.

A long time ago, after the planet was devastated by a great war, the first Spinjitzu master recreated Mobius using the four weapons of Spinjitzu; the Scythe of Quakes, the Nunchucks of Lightning, the Shurikans of Ice, and the Sword of Fire.

Before he passed away, he passed the weapons onto his two sons, but the elder brother rose up, wanting to seize the weapons for himself. A fight between brothers broke out, until the younger brother banished his brother to the Underworld.

Peace returned to Mobius, but knowing his brothers lust for power, he hid the weapons and placed dragon guardians over them. And fearing that his life may fail before the great day should arrive, he made a map and tore it two, giving the pieces to two honest men whom he knew he could trust.

"I am the younger brother. My name is Sensei Wu. The elder brother is Lord Garmadon. The skeleton army now have both pieces of the map, and I need to get to those weapons before my brother does."

Sonic stared at him in shock for a few seconds, then asked, "Then why didn't you get the piece of the map while we were at the store? You could've had the chance to."

"Because I did not come for the map. I came for you." replied Sensei Wu, "Ever since you lost your speed, you have grown as strong as a fire. I can help you with that fire. Harness it. Become a Spinjitzu Master." He tapped his staff on Sonic's partially metal head, "And help you come to terms with your past."

Sonic bowed his head for a few seconds and then said, "Alright. When do we start?"


Sonic scaled the cliff-face, his metal arm allowing him to scale up easily, but his regular arm sometimes causing him to nearly lose his hold. Unlike Sensei Wu, who was climbing up the cliff-face like a Mobian-monkey.

As soon as Sonic reached the top, he looked over to the monastery on his left, then he looked over to Wu and asked, "Why are we stopping here? Aren't we in a hurry since they got the map?"

Wu turned to look at his new pupil. "Patience." he told him, stroking his mustache. When they walked into the monastery, the old hedgehog told him, "You will be ready when you are ready, and not a minute sooner."

Sonic looked around the courtyard, which was empty except for a large dragon statue in the middle, and said, "This is a monastery. You expect me to fight in a place of peace?"

"Not fight," said Wu, "Train. In order to fight, you must see things that others cannot."

"But there's nothing here except for that big dragon statue." said Sonic. "And this one," said Wu. He flicked the small dragon statue beside him upwards, revealing a red button. Sonic's head tilted to the side as Wu pushed the button. Several parts of the courtyard, including the dragon statue, raised up from the ground, revealing several training dummies on wheels, other wheels with weapons, several heavyset bags, and a couple of posts.

"Now this is more like it!" said Sonic, "Will this help me learn that cool move?" He lept up onto one of the wooden posts, which after a few seconds, started to sink under his weight. As it stopped and an audible click was heard, Sensei Wu said, "Oh dear."

Sonic gave a yell as he was suddenly launched up into the air and catapulted around the courtyard for a bit before stopping in front of Wu, who was now on the deck behind the dragon statue. "You are to complete this course," he said, "before I finish my tea." He motioned to the blue teapot and tea things beside him. "And since you just started, you have just failed. We will begin again tomorrow. Feel free to use the equipment to help yourself get better."

Over the course of the week, Sonic trained to complete the course, what was left of his muscles burning each morning when he did the course in front of Wu. Each time, he either slipped, or he was hit off the course. He had hated the word 'fail' before, and he hated it even more now.

It didn't help each night when he still had nightmares.

One morning, the roboticized hedgehog was doing well on the course when he noticed Sensei Wu raising the cup of tea to his lips. He quickly threw his training sword at the cup, which caused it to fly out of Wu's hands. When Wu had refilled the cup, he looked up to no longer see Sonic on the course.

"Is that one lump? Or two?" came a voice. Wu looked beside him to see Sonic standing beside him, holding the sugar bowl. The old hedgehog nodded, and then headed inside. "So, when will I learn Spinjitzu?" Sonic called after him.

"You already know it," came the reply, "Your final test is tomorrow."

Sonic's green eyes looked confused for a few seconds, then he shrugged and removed his mask, helping himself to a cup of tea and a few sugar lumps before replacing the mask and going back onto the course.


Later that night...

Sonic stood at the sink in his room. (He was kind of surprised that the monastery had pluming) He had removed his mask and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was a mess of scars and a rather large one cut across his mouth, extending upwards over his right eye. He finally spit the mouthwash out of his mouth and took a deep, shuddering breath before placing the mask back on.

He picked up his electric toothbrush and fenced with it a bit. Wu had been teaching him how to use a katana, and it was certainly different then the other swords that he had to fight with on occasion.

He couldn't help but think about Wu's words for a few seconds. Your final test comes tomorrow. My advice is to get some sleep.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his hand stood up. His grip around the toothbrush tightened. He turned.

A black-dressed armadillo with a black cloth mask covering his face and carrying a scythe stood in front of him. Sonic turned the other direction, coming face to face with two hedgehogs, both of them also dressed in black and with cloth masks. The smaller one was carrying a pair of nunchucks while the taller one with a five pointed quill crest twirled two shurikans expertly in his hands.

Sonic looked around for a few seconds, then shrugged and attacked. He struck the nunchuck one at the feet, unbalancing him. Then, as the armadillo rushed forward, he turned on his toothbrush and stuck it through the mask, then he dodged the second hedgehog as the toothbrush went flying out of the armadillo's mask and down the back of the shirt of the hedgehog, who shook himself until the toothbrush fell out, then, they all rushed outside.

Sonic had rushed over to the small dragon statue, pressing the button that activated the training equipment. As it rose form the ground, he darted among it, taking care of the... assassins? as he went through. But were they assassins. As far as he knew, Eggman might've sent them to kill him and bring his body back. But then again, Eggman would've sent robots, not assassins.

He gave a yelp as the armadillo suddenly grabbed his robotic arm, twisting it behind his back. Sonic gave a yell of pain as he felt something pop out of place. As the black-clothed figures drew closer, a door suddenly opened. "ENOUGH!" yelled Wu as he stepped onto the deck.

The figures stepped back, but the armadillo kept a tight hold on Sonic. "What do you want us to do with him, Sensei?" asked the taller hedgehog.

"Release him. He has been through too much pain already." ordered Wu.

As soon as the armadillo let Sonic go, the hedgehog rolled his arm a few times and then asked, "They're your students too?"

Wu nodded, and the smaller hedgehog gave a gasp and said, "Wait! Another student! You never said there'd be a fourth!" Sonic gave a start and looked at her. He didn't realized that it was a girl!

"Amy's right!" said the armadillo, "We've been training together for months! Why'd you suddenly put in this guy?" Sonic whirled around and looked at the armadillo. Did he just say Amy? Was that Amy standing next to him?

"What does this mean Sensei?" asked the crested hedgehog.

Sensei Wu stepped down and addressed them, "Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first. Ninja-go!" He spun, turning into a golden tornado, which surged around the four Mobians. After he had passed, they looked down at themselves.

"Whoa! How'd he do that?" asked Sonic. His metal body was now a dark, firey red and emblazoned on his chest was a dragon head with a flame-like crest. His bare arm was now covered in red cloth ad he wore a black glove. His metal hand was also black. Tied around his waist was a darker red cloth belt. His mask had turned red as well, and an emerald green visor covered his eyes, but didn't obscure his eyesight. In his right hand, he held a katana.

"Hey! Look what color I am!" said Amy excitedly. Her black ninja outfit was now a brilliant electric blue, the same color that Sonic's fur used to be. On her chest over her heart was a pendant that looked like a storm cloud with lightning. Her mask was also blue and she now wore black gloves like Sonic, as well as a darker blue belt. She also still had her nunchucks.

"I don't get it," said the armadillo, "I'm still black." Indeed, he was still black, but it was now more of a shimmering black. He also now wore a pendant that was shaped like a dragons head, but the crest looked a little chunky. A silver belt was tied around his waist and he held his scythe, but the knuckles on his gloves were also covered in metal.

"White actually makes sense," said the other hedgehog, who was now clothed in white. He wore dark grey gloves, and a silver belt. He also had a dragon head, with a pointed crest like pieces of ice. His ninja hood covered the lower part of his quills and he pulled out a pair of shurikans.

Wu now approached them, stopping in front of Sonic. "Cinos." he said, tapping Sonic on the shoulder, "Master of Fire. It burns bright within you." Behind his visor, Sonic's eyebrow rose, then he figured that that was what Wu would call him until his friends found out who he really was.

Wu stepped in front of Amy and said, "Amy is blue, Master of Lightning."

"Lightning?" said Amy in surprise, "I thought I would've been fire."

"Well, you certainly do have that attitude," said the armadillo, narrowly dodging her nunchucks.

"Black ninja is Mighty," said Wu, pointing to the armadillo, who twirled his scythe a few times, "Solid as rock: Master of Earth."

Sonic looked over at him in shock. Mighty the Armadillo? Where was Ray, his friend? And if that was Mighty, then that meant...

"And white ninja is Silver. Master of Ice. Wielder of psycokinesis." finished Sensei Wu. The last hedgehog, Silver, twirled his shurikans, allowing them to float above his hands a few inches.

"You four are the chosen ones," said Wu, "who will protect the four weapons of Spinjitzu from Lord Garmadon."

"But what about our friend?" said Amy, "you promised that you'd help us help him!"

"And what about Spinjitzu?" asked Mighty, "you said that you'd teach us how to use it!"

"When we find the weapons, we find your friend." assured Wu, "and Spinjitzu is inside each and every one of you. But it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found. Now come! My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage."

"This definetly isn't what we signed up to do." said Silver.

"As long as we find Tails, sign me up." said Amy, pulling her hood back up over her face.

Sonic froze when he heard this. Lord Garmadon kidnapped- Tails?!

And there we go! First chapter all done. Man, this took a while. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Just in case you don't completely understand the story-line, you may have to look into the Ninjago franchise to understand the complete story.

Read and Review, and I hope you enjoyed!