Kane was busy with paperwork until a loud slam interrupt him as the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose came in, pissed off, Kane jumped at the sound of the door slamming and Dean looking pissed, Kane tried to look calm and sound happy as possible and say, "Hey Dean, what's up?" Dean look at Kane with rage and yell out, "Seth is such an idiot, a traitor to me and Roman." Kane look at him, confused, just like Dean, Kane also hate Seth too. Dean look at Kane as an evil smirk appear on face, "I have an idea which don't involve torturing him." Kane answered, "Which is?"

Seth was in the Authority Locker Room after a hard match and now he was sweating that his abs were heavning, packing his belongings and getting a quick drink of water until Kane snatch Seth's water bottle, causing Seth to yell out, "What the hell, Kane." "You mean Uncle Kane." muttered Dean as he locked the door so Triple H nor the J J Security can't get in to help Seth from this madness, Seth had no where to run nor hide, taking a deep breath and yelled, "Kane, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE DOING WITH DEAN BUT I'M GOING TELL TRIPLE H AND YOU'LL BE FIRED AND I WILL KICK YOUR ASS, DEAN!" Kane smirked, "You can't call for help of the door because it's locked so you can't call for help." Seth's face palen, he had put his phone somewhere thus making it impossible to get out, Kane chuckled, "Since you are stuck, I need to lay down." Seth's eyes lighten with fury before he yelled at Kane, Dean slap his ass very hard, causing the Golden Boy to help in pain, Dean smirked, "Hey, he's the Director of Operations, that's means he need to do what he says." Seth sigh in defeat, he can't yell at Kane or Dean will slap him, Seth decide to lay down, he want ton leave until, "Kane, this is just dumb." "Dumb? What is your plan." "Seth will sucking your dick and me fucking his ass." "What?" Seth heard all of this, Seth was about to get when Dean grab his nape and place his head between Kane's legs, Seth had no idea of what's going on when Dean ordered, "Unzip his pants and suck his cock, Seth." Seth seem to have no choice, he remove Kane's belt and unzip to get to Kane's member, Kane's face suddenly turn red from the shock and embarrassing situation he is in now, "Dean, wha-" Kane sentence turn into a moan of pleasure as Seth begin to lick his shaft to the head and put Kane's erection in his mouth, licking and sucking it, Dean was busy removing Seth's pants, even removing the boots, Seth had no idea what's going on when Dean thrust into him, Seth yelp but he had Kane's erection in his mouth, it was muffled, Seth's tongue touch the slit which send Kane into an orgasm, cumming in Seth's mouth, Dean pound until he finally came in Seth's ass, Seth lay on the locker room floor, with cum dripping from his hole as Dean and Kane left him, Seth panted heavily as he slowly got up, his legs were tired from Dean holding his legs, Seth enter the shower to calm the tiredness and relax. Cum was dripping out of his hole.