Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Gravity Falls, mentions of Supernatural and Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil.

Chapter Four:

Mabel stopped in front of Pacifica, Gideon, Grenda, and Candy effectively blocking their path. "Uh, can we help you?" Pacifica asked as she looked at Mabel, Kagome, and Kazuo strangely. "You don't recognize me? It's me, Mabel!" Mabel told her as she tried not to get too excited. "Mabel? MABEL!" Candy yelled before she and Grenda hugged her tightly.

~ With Dipper ~

Dipper was still messing with Wendy when they both heard Candy yell. Looking over at them Wendy's eyes widened before she looked at Dipper surprised. "Dipper?" She asked him as she stood up and hugged him tightly. "Surprise! How've you been?" He asked her with a smile as everyone else walked over to them.

"I've been great! How come you guys haven't been visiting?" Wendy asked Mabel and Dipper. "Well two summers I had summer school, one summer Dipper had summer school, one summer we had to help her grandparents who became sick, and last summer we helped Kagome and Kazuo's parents, but other than that we would all go supernatural hunting from time to time," Mabel explained to them.

"Who are these two, new friends of yours?" Pacifica asked Mabel and Dipper as she looked at Kagome and Kazuo. "Oh, this is my boyfriend Kazuo Higurashi and Dipper's girlfriend and Kazuo's twin sister Kagome Higurashi." Mabel introduced them both. She saw the look on Gideon, Candy, and Wendy's faces but chose not to say anything about them.

"Kagome, Kazuo this is Wendy, Candy, Grenda, Gideon, and Pacifica." She continued to introduce them to everyone. "Hi," Kagome said with a small smile and a wave. "Nice to meet you all, we've heard so much about you," Kazuo told them with a smile.

"How did you four meet?" Wendy asked them curiously. Kagome, Kazuo, Mabel, and Dipper glanced at each and grinned before Dipper looked at Wendy. "It's a long story." He said with a slight chuckle.

~ Flashback ~

"MABEL! DUCK!" Dipper yelled at Mabel from his spot by a tree across the clearing he watched as Mabel dived to the ground just before the creature that resembled a giant dragon swooped down and tried to grab her.

They were currently in Washington on a field trip for their student government club when they heard rumors about a dragon-like creature that could talk, after hearing the stories they decided to spend some of their free time searching for it or in Dipper's case almost all of his free time.

"Dipper! How do we make it stop?!" Mabel yelled at him. "I don't know!" Dipper yelled back. He watched as the creature circled above them in the sky. He assumed it was either waiting for the perfect moment to strike, or it was searching for someone but neither of those made sense.

It had the perfect moment now to strike seeing as how they both were unarmed, he was injured and Mabel wouldn't leave without him. He couldn't be searching for someone because as far as he knew they were the only ones in the clearing. 'Unless someone had followed us and I didn't notice.' He thought as he looked around for any signs of anyone. 'If there is someone, hopefully, they can help us.' He thought.

He looked back up when he heard the dragon roar in what sounded like anger and annoyance. "What are they doing here all the way from Tokyo?!" He heard it yell in a deep, intimidating voice. 'Who is he talking about?' He wondered as he watched the creature land in a different area before he got up and quickly made his way to where Mabel was.

"Are you okay Mabel?" He asked her as he helped her up. "Yeah, I think so," Mabel told him before she winched when she stood up. "Nevermind, I think there's something wrong with my ankle." She told him as she looked down at her ankle.

Before he could say anything a voice interrupted him. "It's probably sprained." The voice said. "Who said that?!" Dipper demanded as he held Mabel protectively and looked around frantically. "I have a weapon!" He lied causing the voice to snort. "I can see you, you don't have any weapons besides if I wanted to hurt you I would have already done so." The voice said as the figured walked out revealing to be a man.

"My name is Kazuo." He introduced himself as he began to walk towards them. "Don't worry like I said before I'm not going to harm you," Kazuo said when he noticed them both tense up.

"Why are you here?" Mabel asked once Kazuo was a foot away from them. Sighing Kazuo stopped walking and began to explain to them why he was there.