Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

"A completely life altering state of mind, more than a "crush", very intense feelings of affection towards somebody else. When the feelings are unrequited, it can destroy one's life."

"It is a state of mind, fully captivating the heart, soul and spirit, that might last until the end of your life. All your actions, every step you take shall be done for that person you love only. In every hour, on every day you will think of only him or her. The other person's rejection of you will also be your downfall."

- Urban Dictionary: Limerence

Welcome to my new story! Before we begin, I would like to make something clear. This story is UKFr and does start with Young!Francis, but their relationship will not become romantic until Francis is grown up enough to consent (because I do not condone that underage shit obviously). So although Arthur may have desires, he will not act upon them until Francis is old enough.

This story will contain mentions of blood and gore, violence, bad language, and sexual themes and smut later on, so reader discretion is advised~

On with the story!

Chapter 1

Arthur Kirkland had seen many generations in his immortal lifetime, eternally appearing as the twenty-three years of age he was when his life was so cruelly…altered. The Englishman had been young and naïve, pining over immortality with no true concept of the suffering it would bring. He had been forced to watch everyone around him age and die, painfully aware that he could do neither. He was compelled to drink the blood of innocent animals and humans alike to survive, and he had not seen a sunrise for centuries, condemned to hide away in his large mansion behind heavy drapes, with only meagre candlelight to illuminate his days.

Gradually, man came up with a name to attach to Arthur's form: Vampire. He was driven from villages, hunted in the forests, and attacked in his own home. He had been labelled a cold-blooded killer, and slowly that was exactly what he became. Arthur soon accepted that to survive he must extinguish the lives of innocents, and by now he had killed so many that guilt and remorse held no place in his stilled heart.

The vampire learned the type of blood that would appease him when in a particular mood. He found that young blood made him refreshed and alive, filling him with a youthful warmth that he had long since been deprived of. Older blood was bitter but less addicting, which meant it was easier for Arthur to maintain his self-control and not take too much. The blood of a menstruating female was arousing and surging with different tints, making it more pleasurable to drink. But the blood of a gentleman was a nice evening drink, with the right amount of maturity and composition to leave Arthur feeling satisfied enough. The English vampire had his preferences, but he enjoyed each depending on his mood. But he was always on the search for something more satisfying; more delectable.

Now, he stood silently observing a Parisian prostitute with blonde hair tied back messily in a bun, luring in men with very little self-control. Arthur wondered at her age, assuming she was still young, perhaps twenty at the most, and he knew her blood would be delightful, only slightly polluted by her profession. He watched undetected as the woman allowed man after man to enter her in the back alley where she took them, accepting the money they threw at her once they were finished. Arthur waited a good long while, until the early hours of the morning, when the woman was spent and tired, and heading home. The vampire knew that she would not put up a fight, as he felt rather lazy this night, so he followed her with practiced ease as she made her way down the alleys to a very poor area of Paris.

The stench of poverty and filth harassed Arthur's heightened senses, and he winced slightly as the woman ducked behind a heavy drape. He paused, assessing the tiny shack made of nothing but scrap pieces of fabric and wood, one of billions in this forgotten part of the city, before following. Pulling back the drape, Arthur saw her undressing out of the highly improper dress she wore, before she slipped on a plain, threadbare nightdress instead.

Fangs bared, the vampire swept over her like a suffocating shadow, his hand firmly over her mouth so she could not even make a noise of surprise as he bit he throat. The woman widened her eyes, tensing and reaching up to try and push him away, but it was no use. She lost consciousness quickly, and then the very life itself ebbed out of her as Arthur drained her completely of blood.

He laid the woman down on her makeshift bed, covering all but her face with the patchwork quilt she had no doubt made herself, and he smirked as she seemed merely to be sleeping.

"Maman?" came a small, innocent voice, and Arthur froze. He turned to see what he guessed to be a four-year-old boy, with shoulder-length blonde hair and a tiny nightgown. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, and when he opened them properly, Arthur saw the most exquisite blue eyes he had ever witnessed before.

Conflict surged through him, as Arthur knew it would be best to kill the boy before he could scream and alert any other nearby people as to what the vampire had done. But, perhaps it was the blood of the boy's mother still coursing through his veins, or the fact that the boy was almost angelic in appearance, but Arthur could not kill him. Instead, he straightened up.

"Do not be afraid, lad. Your mother is sick, and I was helping her…" Arthur said in his gentlest voice, but his eyes held a power of their own, and when the boy met his gaze, he seemed far more accepting of the vampire's words.

"Is Maman going to be alright?" the boy asked worriedly, his naivety endearing.

Arthur nodded gently. "Yes, she just needs rest. Why don't you come with me and let her sleep for a while, hm?"

The boy seemed hesitant at this, looking to his mother, who had warned him of strangers. Arthur hummed slightly as he saw how dreadfully skinny the poor boy was.

"I am sure you're hungry, aren't you? I can give you hot food and a place to sleep for the night, with a nice comfy bed. And in the morning, your mother will be fine~" Arthur's voice was a purr, and the boy stared up at him, his eyes wide at the prospect of proper food and a real bed to sleep on. After all, he slept in a makeshift bed made out of an old cupboard drawer.

After a moment's thought, the child nodded eagerly. "Merci, monsieur…"

Arthur held out his hand, and the boy took it happily, sparing one last glance at his mother.

"You may call me Arthur." The vampire held the boy's hand gently but firmly. "And what is your name, my boy?"

"Francis…" the child returned, and Arthur gave the first genuine smile that had passed his lips in a long time.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Francis." Arthur gently guided the child out of the shack, and Francis had no idea he was never to return to that place, nor see his mother ever again. But the thought of a hot meal was more than enough to spur the Parisian boy into following Arthur blindly.


Arthur stood over the child, watching him sleep peacefully. After taking Francis back to his large mansion of a house, Arthur made sure he was properly fed, and the child had eaten so much that he felt rather drowsy afterwards. So Arthur had carried him upstairs, providing one of his own shirts that was enough to drown the four year old, but it was suitable for him to sleep in. Francis was soon asleep in the large, four poster bed that Arthur had settled him down in, and now the vampire watched over him, unable to tear himself from the boy's side.

Arthur was not sure why he felt so drawn to the child, but he felt an incredible desire to have him, to keep him for himself. Slowly, the vampire reached for Francis' skinny little arm, lifting his wrist to his cold lips and brushing over the pale veins that lay beneath the boy's delicate skin. Arthur could almost taste the sweet blood coursing through them, and silently, he sank his fangs gently into Francis' wrist, careful not to wake him.

The child only let out a small whimper, stirring slightly, but he soon relaxed again as Arthur sucked gently. He made sure to only take the smallest amount as Francis was a fragile boy, but as Arthur retracted his fangs, he felt the addicting taste of youthful hope and innocence rush through him. It was the most beautiful, delicious blood he had ever tasted, and the vampire suppressed a groan as Francis' blood satisfied him.

But with as much self-restraint as he could muster, Arthur pulled back, letting Francis sleep as he decided to keep this boy and feed off him in small amounts at a time, so that his delectable blood would please the vampire for a long time.

The Englishman smirked down at the sleeping Parisian boy, filled with a possessive desire that he could not explain. Francis was his, and his alone, and no one was going to stand in between them.

A/N: So this was the first chapter of my new vampire story! With Vampire!Arthur this time which is a change for me~

Please review and let me know firstly what you think about a story with Vampire!Arthur and Human!Francis, and also what do you think about Arthur basically kidnapping Francis; is he in danger?

Love you all x