MAJOR NOTE - The previous chapters and prologue have been edited and revised; I highly suggest that you reread them. Some major plot points have changed.

This chapter is short and the Nakamoto case as a whole will be pretty short and is more of an introduction than anything.


They all glance at Naru to see what he's going to do as Jen casually strolls out of the room, taking her odd metal box with her. When he appears disinterested in stopping her, instead choosing to watch her stroll through the hall via the monitors - with a specific interest on the camera they set up outside of the little girl's room. But he doesn't stop John, Mai, nor Monk from going after Jen either; all exiting the room in that order while the others opt to simply watch the screens. Neither Ayako nor Masako bother to watch the screens or follow after Jen; Masako is confident that if they didn't have much luck with Kimura, that neither will Jen, whereas Ayako simply doesn't care.

John decides that he would rather see what she would do in person rather than watch a monitor, and having worked with kids but having no success with Kimura, he is rather interested to see what Jen will do to gain the little girl's attention and trust. With someone else making a move first, Mai feels more confident in following after Jen with curiosity; her mind swirls with what possible methods Jen knows and how Jen does her work. Monk, however, only follows suit after Mai; not wanting Mai to be exposed to anything dangerous by herself and not quite trusting Jen, he follows after her immediately.

John is the one who casually strolls beside her, trying to strike up friendly conversation; she answers him, for the most part with a matching friendly smile as Mai tags along beside them, Monk following behind with careful eyes. Each time Jen winks or nudges Mai teasingly, Monk takes a broader step forward, ready to step in between them if needed; he only stops when Mai takes it all in stride, laughing with flushed cheeks.

They don't have to tell her which is Kimaru's room. She seems to pick it up all on her own, strolling through the house as if she's already been there. Monk absently wonders just how much her supposed spirit guide - Boston - is helping her and if the spirit has even wandered back toward her. Jen finally stops in front of the right door - though finding it was a hassle for SPR when they arrived, the door itself is pretty obvious with crayon scribbles along the bottom of the frame and flowery stickers plastered all around it.

Jen frowns at the negative energy pouring through the cracks of the doorframe; fear, anxiety. All is expected from who she is sure is a terrified little girl that has no idea what's going on. But she can feel the aura - hidden behind the layers of fear, a small little ball of energy that is familiar. Jen sighs deeply as the dots already begin to connect as she puts the pieces together. She gets down on her knees, an approachable level for children and softly knocks at the door.

She pushes her own aura through the layers of fear projecting through. She uses her light to push away the negativity, reaching out for that little ball of energy that she can feel in that bedroom. When she finally reaches it, her expression shifts to alarm, her eyes wide.

She turns to Mai suddenly, her voice frantic. Her sudden change causes both John and Monk alarm as Jen snaps at Mai.

"Go get her mom - now."

Mai opens her mouth to ask why but doesn't get the chance as a chilled scream cuts through the air - the source behind the very door they're in front of. Jen lets out curse - though Monk goes to immediately break it down, he is momentarily stunned when she beats him to it. As she rushes into the room, John following behind her, Monk has to repeat Jen's order to Mai before Mai takes off in the direction where she hopes the mother is. He glances into the SPR camera pointed at the door and just hopes that the others can help, not knowing what he's walking into as he rushes into the room.

Monk only glances around the room briefly; none of the SPR have been able to enter the room nor even see Kimaru. The bright pink walls, stuffed animals, and flowery decor aren't exactly something he expected of a supposed haunted - and possibly possessed - girl. But what he really hopes that the camera in the hallway captures through the open door isn't the decor, but the thrashing little six year old on the bed.

Kimura is smaller than what she's supposed to be, even as six years old. Petite shoulders and long, spindly arms that are lashing out wildly as her eyes are closed tightly with tears as she continues to screech. Unlike John or Monk, who go to restrain the girl, Jen simply sits beside the bed - with frantic eyes, but otherwise calm demeanor.

"Geez, what is she - possessed or something," Monk grinds his teeth as he tries to get a hold of the small thrashing legs - John struggles similarly with her arms, but they need to make sure that she doesn't hurt herself or them.

Jen just snorts as she opens the odd metal box of hers, digging out a small container. "If she was possessed, you wouldn't even be able to hold her. She's just a kid having a bad night terror."

A few stuffed animals fly from their spots through the room - Monk dodges the one that goes for his head and it softly thumps against the wall. He looks at Jen incredulously with disbelief, whereas John just watches everything with a calm curiosity, unphased by the throwing objects and more focused on the still screaming little girl. He manages to get her arms pinned just as Monk is able to get a hold of her legs. Just as Jen closes her box and focuses on the small girl, container in hand, the others swarm in with concern.

Nakamoto-san nearly faints, one of the house maids catching her as her face pales to see her small precious daughter flailing around so violently that even John and Monk struggle to subdue her. Jen offers no explanation as she uncaps the container and whispers reassuring words to the little girl. She uses her free hand to pet through her hair, pushing her own energy toward the girl as much she can to ease her.

"You can let her go," Jen instructs as she dips her finger into the container. Monk huffs, mumbling about how hard it was to contain her in the first place while John lets go without a second thought, trusting Jen. "Is she allergic to anything?"

When Nakamoto-san is too stunned to answer, a maid does it for her and upon hearing that Kimura has no known allergies, Jen continues her work.

Kimura settles down due to the presence Jen projects, just enough so that Jen uses the salve to draw small curves and dots along the girl's forehead, then doing the same to just above her heart. The two sigils work, with the little girl settled down with calming breaths, her thrashing stopping as her chest rises and falls as she tries to steady herself. Small little eyes flutter open calmly with a soft yawn as she rubs at her eyes.

When her eyesight focuses, she sees Jen's face smiling down at her radiating with a positive energy that makes the small girl beam. Kimaru grins, her smile stretching out across her face as a light flush spreads on her cheeks as she giggles, her eyes bright and clear. Her positive smile and laughter is infectious, breaking the tension and fear that had spread through the room as there's a shared sigh of relief among the group.

Jen moves from the bed, but the small girl latches onto her, her thin arms wrapping around Jen's neck as she laughs. Unable to object - and giving in the sweet, innocent smile - Jen catches the girl and holds her as Kimura giggles.

"-K-Kimaru," Nakamoto-san's voice is soft, her hands over her mouth with shock as tears bristle in the corners of her eyes; she can't remember the last time she saw her daughter smile that way - laughing so freely, and a warmth blooms in her chest.