Alrighty, folks.
Here we have another update to my plot bunny! This takes place the morning after the original short. Let me know what you think!

These characters are not mine, I am just playing with them.
Warnings: mpreg.

Incubation: Chapter 2

Before he even onlined his optics that morning, Soundwave knew something was different. He was so… warm, and so comfortable. He twitched and groaned softly as his frame started up for the day. Dimly, his fingers latched onto the blankets around his frame and pulled them tighter. A satisfied sigh left his mouth as he stretched and finally onlined his optics.

Soundwave's intakes stuttered for a moment when his amber optics were met with unfamiliar walls. He blinked and worked his groggy processor to attempt to recall where he was. A breath of warm air against the back of his neck was a sharp reminder. Large arms were twined around his frame, they held him close to a much larger and much warmer torso. Soundwave swallowed thickly as he turned to face the mech in question. His yellow optics were met with the dark optics of Megatron.

A nervous laugh left Soundwave's vocolizer before he could contain it. He immediately pushed himself out of Megatron's (warm, comfortable) arms and slid to the opposite side of the berth. The immediate cold chill that met him filled the telepath with regret.

"I hope I did not startle you", Megatron rumbled, he did not seem at all uncomfortable or concerned with the situation. Soundwave shook his helm and pushed himself up to sit.

"It was unexpected" He explained lamely. He gave Megatron a questioning look when the Warlord opened his arms back up, an offering.

"You shouldn't get up just yet. Your systems are still booting up, until they are up and running, you should stay warm" the silver mech advised.

Soundwave's optics lingered on the open arms for a moment. "That's… not necessary", he murmured, "I don't mind". None-the-less, his optics lingered on the larger mech. He longed to curl back into the warmth, however, he didn't wish to be a burden.

"Don't be ridiculous", Megatron muttered, he beckoned the blue mech to return to berth, "you have already spent the night here, you will need to return here every night. You may as well familiarize yourself to this, Soundwave". His optics pierced Soundwave, the telepath swallowed thickly. "Come" the Warlord said, he patted the berth next to him.

Soundwave knew he could say no, Megatron likely wouldn't berate him for that. Either way, he didn't wish to disappoint… and he truly longed to return to the warmth and comfort. For a moment, the telepath mulled over the option. He fidgeted and eyed up the spot being held just for him. He gave in with a single nod. A cocktail of nervousness and excitement bubbled in his chest at the pleased smile Megatron gave him.

"Wise choice", Megatron praised him as Soundwave inched back across the berth, "Your sparklet will be most pleased if you allow your frame to online fully in the warmth". Soundwave settled back under the blankets, he had to restrain himself from squirming as Megatron's arms wrapped around him and pulled him in close. The rewarding heat and relief from cuddling back into Megatron's chest was well worth it.

Soundwave couldn't hold back the satisfied sigh once he settled back down. A rumbly chuckle from Megatron's throat sent something whirling in the telepath's spark. He twitched and stared up at the silver mech, Megatron met his gaze steadily. Soundwave instantly looked away. The urge to put on his mask and visor itched at Soundwave, but he didn't wish to be rude. After everything Megatron was doing for him, it would be impolite to close himself back off.

Megatron couldn't help but smile at the telepath's behaviour. Never before had he seen the typically composed mech so… flustered? The idea was rather endearing. He let his arms tighten around the blue mech in an almost possessive nature. He knew at that moment that he would do all he could to help his most loyal mech through his carrying cycle.

Some time passed before a realization struck Soundwave. His yellow optics returned to look at Megatron, his brows drew in to create a quizzical expression. He had slept in… it was unintentional, however much needed. In a typical morning, Soundwave would have risen three Earth hours earlier. Megatron typically would have risen two hours ago.

Megatron met Soundwave's puzzled optics. "What?" he asked.

Soundwave opened his mouth but paused and closed it again. He let out a breath through his nose before stating, "I slept in".

Megatron nodded, "you did, that is fine".

Soundwave shook his helm, "you are already fully onlined".

Megatron realized what Soundwave was piecing together. "I am" he said simply.

Soundwave stared at Megatron for a moment as it finally clicked in his helm. Megatron had woken up hours ago. The Warlord typically would have risen and started his day, but with Soundwave still recharging, he stayed with him to incubate. The silver mech had likely laid there awake, holding Soundwave, for hours.

Soundwave swallowed thickly, "You could have woken me". His spark performed a ridiculous dance in his chestplates at the look Megatron gave him.

"You needed your rest", Megatron murmured, his voice dropped to an unusually deep and soft tone, "I did not wish to wake you, you were peaceful".

Soundwave felt heat pool in his faceplates, "thank you for allowing me to rest longer" he whispered.

Megatron smiled as his TIC flushed deeply. His optics followed the pinkness as even Soundwave's throat heated. A humoured breath escaped his nasal ridge, "No need to thank me… it was pleasant spending a morning in berth with you".

A nervous hiccup jumped from Soundwave's mouth as he nodded. A troublesome smile crept along Megatron's face as he observed the smaller mech against him. Soundwave fidgeted under the gaze.

"well," Megatron interrupted the moment, "I believe you are plenty warmed up for the morning, yes?". Soundwave realized with mortification just how fast his fans were working, he slammed them to a spluttering halt.

"Yes, thank you" Soundwave said shakily. The warlord smiled at this and gently unwrapped his arms from the communications officer.

Without a word the two mechs pushed themselves from the berth and stretched. Nothing was said as they instinctively made the berth together.

"Why don't you take a breem or two to shower and fuel?" Megatron offered, "I will see you in the command hub soon". Soundwave nodded and thanked him again before he closed his mask and turned to leave.

When he returned to his quarters, Soundwave was met with the suspicious optics of five cassettes. He bushed their questions off for the moment, they could be answered later over their evening fuel. He handed out energon to each of them and sat silently at his desk with a cube of his own. Soundwave let his processor mull over the previous night. He huffed and waved it off before downing his cube and directing his curious creations to the shower racks.

Megatron's openness had been most unexpected, but it resolved his problem at hand. His sparklet would survive just fine with Megatron's assistance. Soundwave smiled to himself. Everything would work out just fine. Although, he already knew how difficult optic contact was going to be for him in command halls and meetings. They now shared a little secret. It almost felt risqué. His spark jumped and fluttered around again… he really should get Hook to check into that…

I hope you enjoyed more of these dorks. I really enjoyed writing some more about a carrying Soundwave, I am temped to add more to this. Feel free to leave a like and a comment, subscribe if you are interested in more!

*Let me know if you enjoyed this update to the story, and if you think I should add even more! I would love to hear you thoughts.