Hey ya'll sorry about it taken so long for me to write been really busy.Thanks to everyone who liked and followed this story. If you have any problems with it please leave a commit so I know what I need to work on.Chapter 2(Keith's POV)

This is bad, really really bad. As I'm running to where I hope Lance might be, I hear Lance screaming and struggling. Then nothing. Only silence. "Lance! Lance, answer me." I yell, even though I know he won't reply. Finally I see the ship but as a feared, no Lance. *Shiro's going to kill me* I think when I hop into the pod to try to reach Shiro and Hunk. When I finally find the right frequency, I try to calm my breathing. "Hey Keith, Lance anyone there." Shiro is say, but before he could say anything else words are pouring out of my mouth. "Shiro something bad has happened and it all my fault. To make it faster to get the supplies I told Lance we were going to split up. He didn't want to, I told him everything would be fine. After we had almost got all the supplies Lance told me someone was following him. I told him to run, Which he did. It still didn't matter they got him. To make it all worse they sounded like slavers. I'm sorry." There was a long pause on they other need of the line till Shiro said very slowly and clear " So let me get this straight, you split up with Lance after I said to work together. Might I remind you the last time someone split up with him, he walk right into a Galra bar and got beat to a inch of his life. This time it seems he got grabbed by slavers. Am I missing anything?" "Ummm, well I'm pretty sure they hit him." I say very quietly praying that they don't hear me. Luck was not on my side today. "What! Stay where you are we're coming to you." Shiro said and then he turned the com off on his side. *Great I'm so died* I thought as I start to pace


(Lance POV)

*Ow my head hurts, is the first thing I think when I start waking up. As I'm laying there trying to think, everything suddenly came rushing back to me. Now a little more awake I can tell I'm laying on my stomach with my arms tied behind my back, my feet are also tied. I also realize that my jacket is missing, which means I don't have my weapon anymore. *Great, why is it always me* I'm thinking as I try to get the restrains off. No use though they were to tight. So I do the next best thing, try to talk. Which also didn't work because I am still gagged. I decide just to lay there and hope my team comes to get me soon. As time passes I fill like I had been there years, when I finally hear someone coming. As the sound of foot steps are coming closer I try to calm my breathing down and not look as scared as I feel. In the end I know I failed at calming down as soon as I see one of my kidnappers. The alien that walks into the room with me, I remember from when I got taken. I noticed the alien smiling at me as he started walking closer and closer. I tried to move away from his advances but being tied up as I was, I had no where to go. Once he got to me he crouched down next to me and said "Well look who's finally up. I know you have questions but they aren't important. When I take this gag out you won't make a sound, unless I tell you too. Do I make myself clear." Not being able to respond I nod my head. I feel the alien snake this hands behind my head to were the gag is tied and pulled the knot out. Although after he takes the gag out he starts to pet my hair, which I don't like. "Hey man stop touching me. It's not…" was all I could say before he smacks my face hard. "Now Blue eyes what did I tell you about talking?" As he is saying that he grabs my face so I could look at him in the eyes. At first I didn't answer him in fear of getting hit again. I soon found out that was not ok, when you squeezed my face and said, "Well?" After licking my bleeding lip I answered quietly in almost a questioning tone, "Umm you said not to take unless you tell me to.?" The alien smiled and let go of my face saying, "Very good. Know let me go grab the things I will need and I'll get you ready. Also one more thing when you talk to me you must call me master. Do you understand." He started petting my hair again when he was saying that. Finally I answered him saying, "No, I won't call you master. You can't make me." When he heard me say that his face turned dark. He tightly grabbed my hair and said, "We shall see how long you last." After that he got up and walked out of the room, locking it as he went. *Great I'm really in a pickle this time* I think. Although at that moment I realized I still had my com in one of my ears. My luck was finally rising.