Chapter 1: The First Fall of Her Cruel World

Birth. Life. Death. Birth Life Death. BirthLifeDeath. BirtLifeDeth. BirLifDet. BiLiDe. BLD

I could go on and on, repeating the same three words over and over again but that would be a waste to both of our times.

If you're reading this, you probably already know that part of this story is that very cycle and if you're still here, then you sicken me. You are a twisted bastard who uses the misery of others for entertainment and don't you dare deny it. If you wasn't, then you wouldn't be reading this.

But you still are and that's good. I want you to acknowledge that part of you and I want you to accept it. No matter how much you hate it, it is still a part of you and it'd be so much worse to continue lying to yourself.

I guess that's the second part of this story. Accepting who I am. Speaking of story, let's get this one started.

Let me spare you the dull details and explain the important stuff.

Valentina Murena was born as an oddity and in this society, oddities are either trash and/or tools.

As the only daughter of the middle class Murena family, she still had some uses so they kept her.

Her twin brother Lucius on the other hand, he was different but unlike Valentina, he wasn't an oddity. He was a genius. Perfect to be the next family heir.

The two were twins but they separated. Valentina trained to be the perfect lady and wife while Lucius studied to be the next heir. The only time the two saw each other was during dinner and social gatherings.

And then, the dungeons appeared. Dungeons were these strange and mysterious ruins and whoever manages to capture one is guaranteed wealth and power but once you go in, you either conquer it or die.

If conquering a dungeon was so easy, everyone would've done it by now. That didn't stop fools from entering anyways. Lucius was one of those fools.

At just age 9, Lucius cracked under the stress of constantly having to prove himself to everyone. He thought it would all stop if he managed to do the nearly impossible. He didn't return after.

At age 10, Valentina was qualified to marry. Of course, she didn't have a choice to who she would spend the rest of her days with. That choice belonged to her parents.

She didn't meet her fiancé until the wedding. When she finally saw the disgusting man who looked at her as if she was a prostitute at his beck and call, she didn't do anything but smile and act politely.

She didn't cry until the next morning as her new husband slept innocently their blood covered bed.

The rest of her life was exactly like that. She would wait at home until her husband came home and used her as a way to...relieve stress.

When she finally got pregnant, her husband thought it would be a brilliant idea to go on a vacation.

He didn't expect to get attacked by bandits. Weak and frail Valentina was easily captured and held as a hostage.

That idIOt sHe cALleD HeR huSBanD was arrogant enough to believe he could defeat the bandits and save her.

And then she was slit in the throat. At least, not before witnessing her husband get stabbed in the chest. In her finally moments, she smiled bitterly.

When she closed her eyes, she finally died at age 11.

And then she woke up screaming.

1.8 pages, 598 words

April 13th, 2018

~Nights Out