Tawanos: Every time I update I am amazed that I still have people who want to read my stories. I honestly thought all you people would give up when I didn't update that often, but I guess not. Oh well I guess that means that I'll have to continue writing them stories. Too bad.

14 - Reunion

"But how?" Bit asked as he stood up, his little sister holding his hand. "I thought you were dead."

"We'll talk about it later son, but right now there are more important things. The elders are waiting. We'll have time after that." She walked up to Bit and hugged him. He hugged her back with one arm as his sister was still holding the other. "But it is good to see you again, my son." They hugged for a long moment, before she let go and stepped back, whipping a tear from her eye.

Leon stepped forward to ask a question, but Doc put a hand out, stopping him. Again they started walking, the Green Magi left to seal the gateway again. No one said anything as they walked following Pierce into the heart of the city. Doc, Leon Leena and Saraph, gazing around in wonder at the fay city, every building grown and sculpted from living wood, but something worried them, there was no one there, the only ones they had seen were the Guards and the Green Magi, but as soon as they stepped into the city there was no one. Bit was too preoccupied with his mother and little sister to care about anything else.

Pierce led them to a mammoth tree, larger than any they had seen before. Great care had been taken as it grew for they could see that it was not just a tree but also the citadel of the city, a place where all would go if they were threatened with invasion. It was not just a tree or building, it was the greatest single fortress known.

"This is the Heart of the Forest." Pierce explained. "It is the oldest living thing known to man, or elf. The elders await inside." She walked up a set of steps and past an ornate arch into the heart of the tree, the others followed.

When they stepped inside they were greeted by another of the fay. He was not very tall, and very young looking but you never could tell with elves, his spiky brown hair and brown eyes. He looked a little impatient as they walked in.

"Pierce," he said when he saw her, his voice was relieved while at the same time had a little complaining edge to it, Bit saw Pierce smile a little bit. "You were supposed to bring only Cloud, not these others. But that will have to wait till later, the Elders are getting impatient. The others can watch from above but Cloud will have to come with me."

"Jamiehalw, show respect." Pierce said. "But you are right, the rest of you must come with me, this is for Bit only." Against the protests of Leon, Doc, and Saraph, Pierce and Helena (Bit's mother, Sarah is the little sister) led them away.

"How many times have I told her to call me Jamie?" The new elf muttered to himself as he led Bit to the entrance to the Colosseum.

As Bit walked into the Colosseum he saw why the city was empty, row upon row of fay men women and children sat in the seats that circled the empty space that Bit now stood in. But Bit didn't care about the ones around him he only cared about the three Elder Elves in front of him. His eyes almost blazed with emerald light. As he stepped out his shadow came into sharp focus from the large window that was behind the Elders. It showed the hulking armor as it had in the clearing but this time it was more than a shadow, it seemed ready to leap out and become the armor its self instead of its memory.

The Elders sat calmly in front of him, and old male elf on the left, dressed in elegant green robes and a silver circlet molded into the likeness of vines. An older looking female elf on the right, dressed in robes of lilac, the silver circlet on her head one of lightning bolts.

And in the middle between the two masters of the arts of green magic was The Elder. Dressed in robes of purest white his silver beard streaming down his front almost reaching the floor, his white hair braded down his back. An undecorated, circlet of purest gold resting on his brow, blind eyes that could still see, and held a depth that would not only look into your soul but find every fact about you, but it was not an unkind face, though weathered by untold centuries he still had the air of a doting grandfather.

The center Elder stood and faced Bit with his blind eyes.

"Bit Cloud," he said, his voice ringing clearly out over the otherwise total silence. "We have been waiting for you. Ever since Pierce brought your remaining family from the South here, from certain destruction under the forces of Fury. She learned of the Forces of Fury sent to capture or kill the family of Cloud, and she herself risked her life, and the life of her people to save them and bring them here."

So, Bit thought, that is what happened. Pierce saved them.

"It was here," the Elder continued, "that your mother, Helena Cloud, told us of your family heritage, and why it we should grant her and her daughter sanctuary." The light from Bit's eyes pulsed angrily. They had to PROVE that they were WORTHY of being protected? He clenched his fists cracking some knuckles, and as he did a ripple of something went through the living tree. The elves looked around nervously, the tree it's self seemed to be watching now, and it unnerved them.

*YES.* The voice reverberated around the skulls of everyone there. The voice was neither male nor female. It was ancient and powerful but still strong with life, a life not diminished by age, but instead strengthened. The Heart of the Forest looked at them all but focused mostly on Bit. *YOU HAVE SOUL OF MY OLD FRIEND LIGER, BUT I SENSE THAT YOU ARE LIKE HIM AND AT THE SAME TIME MORE THAN HE EVER WAS.*

A figure started to grow out from the center of the floor. It was the Spirit of the tree stepped away and broke it's connection leaving the tree alive but without it's soul, now like any other tree in the forest exceptional in only it's age and size. The Avatar stood before Bit, and they looked into each other's eyes, holding the gaze of an equal.

It could take whatever form it wanted but it settled into one that seemed appropriate, a dragon. Enormous its powerful muscles coiled and knotted it look like it could, on it's own, lift the entire tree that they now stood in, and probably could. I had no covering of dead bark, but the pure life and shine of growing wood. It's arms and legs, it's entire body even going down the length of the tail covered in muscles. The end of the tail ending in an enormous spiked club. Imbedded in its chest the emerald shone through, the light it gave off exactly like that of the light from Bit's eyes. A lightning scar put across one side of its face warn like a badge of honor, it crackled with power.

*I AM PANZER.* The dragon said, it's eyes like knots of wood never looking away from Bit's. *COME LIGER WARRIOR.* It brushed one massive clawed hand over it's chest and the emerald. *CLAIM YOUR INHERITANCE.*

"NO!" The female Elder stepped forward. "Great Panzer, you can't do this! He is but a human, merge with one of our warriors grant one of them your power. This human cannot possibly understand, respect and honor the power that you are willing to give him. I doubt that he can even contain such power, it would overwhelm him and he would most likely die and take you with him into the abyss."

There was a murmur of agreement from the assembled elves, though none of them spoke out directly. She walked forward, looking at Bit this time.

"You do not understand the power of Panzer. It is older than you can imagine, stronger than any power, and wise beyond any philosopher. Let someone who is worthy accept his power." Her look showed Bit exactly who she thought was worthy, herself.

"You think that you are worthy?" Bit spoke with power, his body suffused with the power that Panzer was giving off. The elf must have felt his power for she almost stepped back, but she rallied herself and stood proudly, her head held high.

"I am Lilith, Priestess of the Life Power." She held out her hand, a ball of lightning formed above her palm, crackling with power. "And yes, I do believe that I would be one of those capable of harnessing and appreciating Panzer's power and wisdom."

*A CHALENGE THEN. * Panzer's voice chuckled. *YOU TWO SHALL BATTLE, WHOEVER IS THE VICTOR I SHALL MERGE WITH. THE RESTRICTION IS TO GREEN MAGIC ONLY, AND ANY WEAPONS YOU MAY HAVE OR MAKE. * Bit and Lilith nodded, and Panzer moved off to one of the sides of the large area, giving the both of them enough room to battle. He watched them intently.

Bit reached into his bag, and started to draw out the Wind Scar, but changed his mind instead taking out the living wood club, the tossed the bag against the wall. Lilith reached into her robes and pulled out a staff, long and slender, but having the strength of steel. Lilith concentrated and lightning crackled along the length of her staff. Bit merely rested the club against his shoulder.

Lilith attacked first, swinging the staff at Bit's chest. Bit moved smoothly and easily, blocking her attack easily with the handle of the club. Lilith attacked again and again with her staff, but each time no matter where she attacked or how fast she did the Club was always there to block her. Bit didn't take one step in any direction.

Lilith scowled and attacked again, this time aiming it like a spear at Bit's chest. Bit put out his hand and caught the staff in a vice-like grip. Lilith grinned and bolt of power flooded down her staff into Bit's hand and into his body. Bit held fast, not flinching or moving. Lilith's attack was visible flashing across Bit's skin, and then it changed, instead of flooding around his body it gathered, flowing down his other arm and into the club until it crackled with power. Then Bit swung. There was no stopping the club, when it hit the floor the entire room shook. The power that was in the club raced along the floor until it hit Lilith, she screamed as the power ran up her body, and she let go of her staff and was thrown back by the power.

Bit raised the club from the floor, placing it again on his shoulder. He placed one end of the staff on the floor and stood it upright. When he stepped back the staff still stood, but everyone could see that something was happening. The staff was growing, and changing, becoming a tree coming up out of the middle of the floor. Lilith stood shakily from the floor, watching in wonder, as did everyone else.

"I am Bit Cloud, son of Deleo Cloud, descendent of Liger Cloud, and I ASK, that Panzer join with me." Bit turned to Panzer and looked at Panzer who got up and went to him, standing in front of him as he had before, but this time there was no one to protest, and every one knew that no one in that great hall could face him, no one could lay a finger on him.

*I ACCEPT YOUR REQUEST, AND I WILL JOIN WITH YOU. * Bit bowed slightly and stepped forward, placing his hands on the great emerald in Panzer's chest. The Emerald did not chip and shatter as the Sapphire before, this time it seemed to shrink back away from his touch, revealing a small sun of green light that impacted on Bit's chest, sending ripples through him and the rest of the tree. He glowed and the light around him grew stronger, until no one could look at him or Panzer. *I HAVE ENDED MY TIME, I PASS ALL TO YOU.* And the voice of the great tree spirit, Panzer, faded, and with it the light went as well.

Kneeling, his head bowed, his hands clap on the handle of an enormous iron club, the head of which was resting on the floor, was a man. His armor was in forest green, though they could not guess as to how thick the armor was they could all feel it's strength, and it was the strength that castle and fortress walls only ever wished they could have. The armor was covered in spikes, two inches long, an inch wide at the base, the armor its self was not smooth but rather grained and knotted, like it had been made out of a living tree, and transformed into the armor it was now.

He stood. With slow and ponderous movements he hefted himself up until he was standing. He looked down at his hand that he held out in front of him and slowly opened and closed it, also twisting it from side to side as if testing the joints. No sound came from the armor save a slight hiss of metal plates sliding against each other.

With an unspoken word, every elf stood, and with one hand reached up and touched their forehead, then their lips, then their heart, bowed slightly and left, until only the Bit, the Elders, and the humans that came with Bit were left.

The eldest Elder looked at him with blind eyes and nodded. "I am the oldest." He said. "And I remember one just like you before, and he and Panzer joined as one, and together they and the others drove off the darkness. Perhaps you will do the same, and perhaps, you may do more, or less, only time will tell." And with that final remark he stood and repeated the gesture the other elves had done and slowly walked out, leaning on his cane. The other male Elder followed him.

Lilith slowly approached the armored figure. "You truly are the one for the joining, and I ask that you forgive me for questioning that." In response the figure held out a hand over the floor, his fingers glowed as he drew on his magic. A white staff made of the purest heartwood rose out of the floor, strong and supple it was much better than the previous staff. He took it and presented it to her, not saying a word. Silently she took the staff and bowed deeply before walking out of the hall.

The other humans, led by Doc, slowly made their way out of the stands and walked down to the figure. Helena, holding the now sleeping Sarah in her arms, beamed at the armored figure as she stood in front of it and nodded.

"Your father would be so proud if he saw you now."

"Wow look at this!" Doc went around the armor, poking the prodding, exclaiming about the thickness, durability, weight, and power of the armor.

"We know dad, now leave him alone." Leon pulled Doc away.

"I must say Cuz, this is some mighty impressive work you've done here to day, claimed your second armor, been some of the first into the Elven city, and defeated in battle one of the most powerful elves on the planet, congratulations." He thumped that figure on the back, only hurting his hand when he hit one of the spikes.

Only Leena didn't say anything (Sarah doesn't count, she's asleep), but she didn't need to. As she stood behind Helena she smiled and her eyes met those from inside the armor, and they smiled back.

In a flash of green light the armor was gone, replaced by Bit, who was sweating, his cheeks were red and his hair was matted from sweat, everyone laughed at him.

"Come on don't laugh, it's really hot in there." But in the end he laughed as well, and together they all walked out of the room, the last to leave.


Tawanos: Finally a good resting spot, I'm sorry to say this but I've got AP exams coming up and they're going to be HARD, so I've got to study a lot, but don't worry, I'll keep writing. I can't just let down all my faithful readers...... I do have faithful readers don't I?