Tawanos: All right my second Fic. Totally different from the first. I am writing this during the bout of the most homework I have ever gotten, so I don't know when the next chapter will be up. Probably not this week. I am writing this fic totally without my sister so this is purely my work.

Disclaimer: All my funny disclaimers are in my other fic (read it to find them.) I don't own zoids.

Chapter 1- A Boy Named Bit

The city street was crowded by stalls selling everything from healing potions to enchanted weaponry, but in this world filled with magic that was not uncommon. Nobody much noticed the youth walking with a staff down the street. He was dressed casually with a blue long-sleeved shirt with black sleeves and collar, a leather purse tied to his belt. He was examining not the stalls but the people with great interest. Unfortunately a few large boys from the local gang noticed the stranger's rather full looking purse. Quietly they surrounded him, cutting him off from help. The largest boy stepped in front of the young man and pulled out a rather long knife.

"Hand over the purse and you can keep our life." He expected the blond youth to hand over the purse without any trouble. The youth looked up at him with startlingly green eyes and a smile on his face.

"I've got a better idea. I'll flip you for it." So saying he reached into his purse and pulled out a large gold coin. "Heads I win," the coin flew up into the air, and was followed by the sound of several thuds and groans. "Tails you loose," as the coin fell a hand reached out and caught it. "Looks like you loose," said the youth examining the coin in his hand, the thugs lying unconscious on the ground.

What happened was this. The three thugs watched as the coin spun in the air. In a flash the youth's staff was placed, rather forcefully, along the side of the leader's head, he fell without a sound. The second fell when the youth's boot flew into his face knocking him out. A second later the third would be thief fell having been punched in the gut. People who saw what happened later described it as a blur of fluid motion.

The youth placed the coin back into his purse. The street was very, very quiet for some reason, and everyone was staring at him. The youth heard someone clapping behind him. He turned to see a man wearing a long light blue coat clapping. He had a large child like smile on his face.

"I've been looking for someone like you, sonny." The man came up and clapped the youth on the back leading him off towards the edge of town. "My name is Stephen Toros and I'm looking for a bodyguard to defend my family on the road, I can pay you well. What's your name?"

"Bit, Bit Cloud." The man started when he heard the young man's name.

"Not the son of the warrior Deleo (A/N: Deleo is Latin it means to destroy) Cloud." Bit nodded. "A direct descendant of the legendary warrior Liger Cloud? The warrior who defeated entire armies single- handedly?"

"Everyone says single-handedly when they know full well that he used both hands. But yes, and don't ask how many greats there are between us, I don't remember."

"Why aren't you in the capital?" The man questioned Bit. Bit laughed but there was no humor in his voice.

"I guess you haven't heard. There is no more capital. It was wiped off the face of the planet over two weeks ago by the armies of Fury. From what I've heard they came from the sky without warning set fire to every building and killed everything that moved. Not even my father could hold them off for long. Some say that he held the army off long enough for the royal family to escape, but I don't know." Bit shook his head with despair.

"Your father was a great man, he bought us just enough time to get out safely." The man opened his jacket so that Bit could see the Royal Emblem hanging from a gold chain around the man's neck.

"Your Ma-" Bit was cut off when the man placed a hand across his mouth.

"Not now lad." He said urgently. "I am wanted rather badly by Fury and his forces, and shouting out my name in the middle of a city is sure to gather unwanted attention." Bit nodded his understanding and the king removed his hand form his mouth. "My wife was caught during our escape, all I have left is my son and daughter, I entrust my daughter's safety to you, my son can take care of himself. Here we are." Bit looked and saw a series of covered wagons belonging mostly to merchants. One was larger than the others. It was more like a small house on wheels than anything else. Bit and the king approached the large vehicle. "Remember, to everyone here I am just a traveling salesman by the name of Stephen Medecia, not the king. By the way where is your cat?" Bit whistled and a large white form leaped from the roof of the building they just passed. The "cat" was a large white leopard the size of a small horse. A few, well all, people ran to get out of the cat's way as it made it's way to Bit. "I had heard from your father that it had grown large, but I had never expected something this big. Where has he been hiding?" The leopard stopped and sat down in front of Bit.

"Well I couldn't let him walk with me through town, so I told him to follow me from the roofs. Is this your home?" The king nodded. "Liger, guard this place." Bit pointed at the king's home, immediately the leopard ran and jumped onto the roof of the home. "I don't know what to call it, does it have a name?"

"Well for some reason we call it the Chariot, I never could figure out why." At that point a man came out of the "Chariot" with his sword at the ready, when he saw the king he lowered it.

"Father, I heard a noise and thought that there might be trouble." The man was slightly older than Bit's 18 years, maybe 20 years old. He had shoulder length brown hair tied back into a ponytail. A girl the same age as Bit came out from behind the prince and ran to the king hugging him. She had a dress on, not fancy but rather for cleaning the house. Her mane of red hair was tied back in a scarf around her head.

"Bit I would like you to meet my daughter Leena, and my son Leon. Leon, Leena I would like you to meet Bit and Liger." When the king said Liger Leon and Leena looked around for someone else. Bit whistled and Liger jumped down from the Chariot and walked up next to him.

"Liger, these are our new friends, Stephen Toros, Leena Toros, and Leon Toros." As he named them Liger looked at them so he could recognize them later. "Guys, this is my familiar, Liger. He is the only one I have left." Liger rubbed up against his leg to comfort the suddenly sad youth.

"Here Bit come inside so we can decide what to do about you." The king put an arm around Bit and led him inside the Chariot. When Bit got inside he was surprised to see that it was much larger on the inside than he guessed from the outside.

"An expansion spell makes it three times bigger on the inside than it should be." Leena explained when she saw the look on Bit's face.

"I know what an expansion spell is, I've got one on my pockets and my bag." Out of a side pocket Bit pulled a haversack that he placed on the table. "My pockets are each 4 times bigger than they should be."

"And the bag?" Leon asked pointing at the brown cloth bag.

"I honestly don't know. I've had it for years and still haven't been able to fill it, and I never have any trouble finding what I need, I just reach in and pull out the item I need, no rooting around."

"I have one question. Where will Bit stay? We're using the guards room for storage, an none of the furniture is anywhere large enough to be comfortable." Leena raised a valid question.

"Exactly how big is the roof?" Bit asked after a second.

"Bit, you can't be serious." Leon said.

"Please, I've been sleeping out in the open for over two weeks straight, more will not be a problem. I've got a sleeping bag in my pack. Everything will be fine." Finally they agreed, and because it was getting late Leon showed Bit the way up to the roof where Liger was curled up. Liger moved to a side allowing enough room for Bit to place his sleeping bag. Leon left wishing Bit a good night.

For a while Bit lay in his sleeping bag looking at the stars. He wondered why the Fury armies attacked, about what this new adventure would be like, but foremost in his mind was why had princess Leena kept glancing at him when she thought he wasn't looking and blushing?

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Tawanos: Well read and reply, I plan on having more people come in during the next chapter.