Author Notes: Hi! This is my first story that I'm posting! But, before we start I have to tell some of the different texts and what they mean.

(When Narrators talk) Bold= Male Narrator Normal= Female Narrator Italics=Maddie (only when narrators talk)

Each scene cut will be filled with the Narrator's conversations

italics will be character's thoughts

Hope you enjoy my first chapter:)

Narrators Intro

Ever After High, a place where the children of famous fairy tale characters come to school.

Every year the second year students sign the Story Book of Legends and full-fill their parents stories that they had done before them.

But, Raven Queen daughter of the Evil Queen, refused to sign the book. she wanted her own happily ever after.

And that is where our story begins...

It has been weeks sense the Legacy Day. Raven Queen was no longer truly a villain but wasn't a friend either. Due to the fact that she was the daughter of the Evil Queen, who had put a curse on Wonderland. Her wicked ways were put to a stop by Headmaster Grimm.

Raven's alarm clock beeped annoyingly. The purple haired sorcerer moaned as she felt for the button that turned it off. She heard the evil chime end, but it wasn't Raven who turned it off. It was her roommate, Apple White. "Seriously Raven," apple said as she walked over to her golden mirror,"you have to get a better alarm clock."

Raven sat up on her bed, her purple and black heir in a mess. She yawned drowsiness. She watched Apple look at herself. Raven rolled her eyes. Apple checked her outfit. She wore a red heart top, a red skirt, a gold and white cardigan, and adorable apple red shoes. But her golden curly hair needed something...her hair already had a golden crown. Apple snapped her fingers in her idea. She strolled to her window in their dorm. The pale skinned princess sang a four note tune loudly. Sure enough, a little brown bird flew into the window with a red ribbon in its beak.

Apple took the ribbon and tied it in a bow around the base of the crown, "Thank you so much little friend," Apple waved the bird goodbye,"Well I'm off Raven I have a breakfast date with Daring." she sighed, "He is just so...wonderful. Isn't he?!"Apple nodded and Apple walked out the door.

Raven laughed to herself,"Oh..." she said mimicking Apple's high voice,"Daring is so wonderful. He is my Prince Charming. He is my destiny!"

Raven got out of bed and snapped her fingers. Poof! She was now in her normal outfit. A dark purple tank, with a silver frill, and a lighter purple skirt with ruffles at the end. Her hair was in a half up half down style with a silver spiky headband. Raven turned to a chirp of a bird from the window. She walked over to the little creature and started to stroke it's back. She thought of what to do today...Saturday and nothing to do...Then she thought of Apple and Daring and how they got "happily ever after." Raven looked at the sky. She just wished that she could find love as well. But who would even begin to like the daughter of the Evil Queen?

Raven's thoughts ended when the door opened to revel Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter, who also didn't sign the Story Book of Legends."Raven! The clock stries twelve before chess time!" Maddie exclaimed in riddle-ish, a Wonderland language.

"English Maddie, English," Raven smiled ear to ear. she grabbed and put on her silver bracelet.

"Oh," Maddie corrected herself, "I meant let's go to breakfast!" The to friends for forever after went down to the castleteria. Everyone was in line for yummy porridge, so the two jumped in as well.

After a while, the line hardly moved and Goldie Locks couldn't take it any longer. She pushed Raven out of the way. Raven fumbled a little and tripped over Hopper the frog and almost fell to the ground...until someone caught her before her head collided with the floor. Her vision focused on the face of Dexter Charming, the middle child in the Charming three. His blue eyes were framed with black framed glasses. His wavy brown hair stuck up above his golden crown. Raven held on to his blue jacket collar tightly as he pulled her to her feet.

Raven let go of him and smoothed her dress, "Are you okay Raven?" Dexter asked as he pushed up his glasses. Raven and Dexter have talked before, but this time seemed different. She felt...different towards him.

"I'm fine" the rebel grinned,"Thanks to you." Raven could feel her palms become sweaty.

"Well it's kinda my thing!" Dexter struck a hero pose. The two began to laugh.

" is a lot better then Hunter's shirt ripping thing!" Raven giggled. Woah I never giggle. She liked talking to Dexter he was...different. The two got their breakfast and then were separated to their groups. Dexter sat with the Royals, and Raven with the Rebels. The two groups will never seem to find a way to get along...

It seems that Raven has some feelings toward the second Charming boy.

Yes, but it seems that with they're in two different groups of fairy-tales

Wait Dexter and Raven are together?

No Maddie now please leave us alone so we can tell the story

The mouse who can tell the house?

Yes Maddie, but you can't tell anyone

Raven couldn't stop thinking about Dexter and these sudden feelings for him. But he is a Royal, he has his own story and princess waiting for him. She was a Rebel who rebelled her story, and Royals hated Rebels because they changed everything.

After Raven visited Nevermore, her dragon, in the Enchanted Forest, she went to the hidden balcony that no one knew how to get to. She went there everyday to watch the sunset. She swung down on ivy that hung from her window, to reach the marble platform. Raven sat on the white stone bench. The sunset had mixes of orange, pink and purple.

The Rebel's ears perked when she heard vines brushing. A million thoughts ran through her head. Who is it? What if I'm not supposed to be here? I'm already in trouble for Legacy Day.

But her thoughts were silenced by the boy's voice that she has been thinking about all day. "Oh..hi Raven," the Royal prince spoke,"You hang out here too?" Raven tucked her hair behind her ear, then turned and faced the prince that makes her feel..something she has never felt before."Yeah, it's the best place to watch the sunset," Raven patted the seat next to her,"Come, sit, unless you aren't daring enough to sit next to the selfish Rebel who ruined Legacy Day."

"No I'll sit," Dexter sat next to her,"I'm not afraid of you."

"If only all the Royals thought that way," Raven sighed,"But you're different."


"Good different," Raven played with her hair,"You're the only one from the Royals who really talks to me. The others just scowl. Apple also does but she just wants me to sign the book so she can get her happily ever after."

"Of course I'll still talk to you. Raven, you just wanted to live happily and you didn't mean to hurt anybody. Just because you don't want to be evil doesn't mean you have to be shut out." Dexter was very serious, and Raven knew it. She stared into Dexter's blue eyes and looked into her violet. Raven snapped out of her daze and thought about Dexter's story. Good and evil can't they go together? No, not now, not ever.

"I just remembered," Raven stood up, "I have to meet Cerise for dinner." She went to the ivy but then turned,"I'll see you tomorrow right? Same time?"

Dexter perked up,"Yeah it's a date...uh I mean..."

"It's a date," Raven smiled and as she climbed up the ivy, she blushed hardcore.

Later that night, Raven sat at her window looking into the night sky. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't stop thinking about how she might have a more then friends relationship. But she also couldn't stop thinking about what might happen to them if a Royal and a Rebel were together...

Who has more then a friend relationship?

Go to sleep Maddie, I can't tell you anything about Raven

Raven has a more then friends relationship? I knew it!

Great! Now she knows!