Chapter 1: 11:59 PM

Rating: (T-M) Not for Children.

Pairings: Adrienette, MariChat, Nalya

Summary: It called to him; controlling him, guiding him to do something even worse. But so did she. [Read Author's Note. It's a better summary.] Evil!AU.

A/N: I'm so sorry I took down Venomous; I was trying to rework and remaster this story. I just hope you still enjoy it. Btw, this is still somewhat similar to the other story I took down.

Here's the full summary, if you'd like to read it.

Isolated and left alone, Adrien Agreste had transmitted to depression at such a young age. Though, even if he himself lived in riches along with his father, that didn't stop him from committing something he was out of bounds to make. When his mother had been presumed dead, he was sure enough to hunt down the very killer that killed her. That's when everything began to start, the crimes, the voice, everything. He would stop at nothing to hunt down whoever it was that tempered with his happy life. Even if that Blue-Bell eyed woman had anything to do with it.

BEFORE YOU START, HERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD REALLY READ: Kwamis are human, the age range differs from 22-24, and there are Miraculous, though they were just given to them at random customs; it was fate.

Warning: This story is very dark. If you do not like gore/harsh topics, then this isn't for you.

I do not own Miraculous Ladybug.

Adrien's P.O.V

I laughed out loud to myself as I stared upon the mirror, my wide and lighted eyes ignited with adrenaline. Face stained with blood, hands oozing that very substance that was oh so delicious against the soaked leather of my suit.

I kept laughing, tuning out the drippings that echoed against the forgotten places that hid inside the darkened city.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to die.

And yet still here I am, alive, somehow not killed yet of the dismaying scents of life.

I feel alive, yet at the same time, I don't.

I don't know what to do for myself anymore; the urge of feeling that blood in my hand still stays inside my head.

That voice. The voice.

It calls to me, begging me to feel and see the insides of man.

Thirsting for blood, wanting more.

I can't control it.

It's too strong; the urge to kill.

Like now, as my left clawed hand purges inside the very eye sockets of a poor innocent person.

I didn't need this.

Yet I wanted to do it.

My father doesn't know; and I'd like to keep it that way.

Forever and eternity.

By myself.

As I had always suffered alone.

Narrator's P.O.V

"Dude," Carapace called, entering swiftly into the window of a dark apartment.

Adrien looked up at Nino, pupils decreased in size. "What is it?"

Nino winced as he took a look at Adrien's stained cheek of red, throwing him a saddened look. "Let's go. We've done enough."

Adrien narrowed his eyes then turned to the carcass that lay against the chair, and ripped his hand away from the now gaping holes. "Where's Le Paon?" Adrien asked, turning back to Nino with the same glare he always wore.

Nino reached for the small bag to his side and threw it onto the floor, pushing it a bit with his foot to shuffle it closer to Adrien's leg. "He left. Said he needed to take care of some business with this woman."

Chat Noir looked down at the object, and peered at it. "What's this?"

Nino coughed onto his hand, his green eyes travelling to the beaten body. "Some cash. Since y'know.. Your daddy doesn't give you enough money."

Chat Noir scowled and looked up to meet his eyes. "Keep it. It was meant for you anyways."

Nino frowned, and looked away from his scary gaze. "Should I split it with Paon?"

Chat Noir shrugged and wiped off some of the blood still stuck on his cheek, attempting to clean off the recent tragedy. "Your choice. I only came here for the blood."

Nino sighed. "Alright. I'll just send him half of the ten thousand, then. I'll give Kim the other half."

Adrien remained silent, and headed for the window, about ready to jump off.

Nino followed suit, arms crossed in undeniable fear. "Yo, dude. Are you..stable enough?"

Adrien scowled deeply, not bothering to turn his head around. "I seem to be. Now, drop it. Let's go." He muttered before gripping the edge of the window, and throwing himself out.

Nino said nothing as he watched him leave, dropping himself down right along with him, following the black trail he left behind as he jumped and ran.

Marinette bit her lip as her hand trembled to hold onto the handle of the beige purse bag.

It rustled against her arm as she walked along the vacant sidewalks of the opening night, it's silence mocking her with small sounds of impending doom.

Marinette waited at the cross light, her worried eyes glancing up at the orange light from the stop hand.

At the sudden turn of white, she grinned to herself as she crossed the street, in a hurry to get to her house on time.

You see, she had an important errand to do at her workplace, and it wasn't until now that she had gotten off.

It was almost midnight.

She sighed to herself as she checked the time one more time, the time reading 11:53.

Powering down her phone, she placed it back into her purse and looked around, her mind wandering.

Maybe she should've asked Alya or Chloe for a ride. It would've been much faster and safe, and less stressful.

But then again, bothering her friends is the last thing she would want to do.

"Yeah, of course," A male voice spoke up from the roadway she was heading towards, an unknown fear lurching up inside her stomach.

Casually, she breathed in and out, turning the corner at an effect to maybe avoid the person from beforehand.

Though sadly, they ended up meeting eachother's eyes, blue along with blue.

Marinette, after about a millisecond of eye contact, averted her eyes from the sudden blue-haired man, beginning to walk quickly with her silver and golden braces clicking against her purse.

The guy stared after her, his hand still holding his phone against his ear. Eyes narrowed, his blank expression changed to one of astonishment, still trailing after her disappearing figure.


The guy ripped his eyes forcefully away from her, and turned back around to keep walking. "Yeah, sorry?"

The person on the other phone kept talking, and he left the area, walking forwardly with the image of the girl still there.

Marinette quickly exit the scene, mind still in alert as well as her eyes.

Breathing deeply, her still trembling hands reached for her phone inside her purse.

Now, still surprised, she realized it was only 11:55, only two minutes had passed with her in panic.

Why was time so quick?

She turned it off once more and again placed it inside her purse, walking off into the streets.

Who was that man?

And why did he seem familiar?

Marinette shook her head. No matter. It was just another stranger like everyday: though he seemed a bit off.

Brushing away her thoughts of that man, her low-heeled boots kept walking towards the direction of her home, click clacking all the way there.

Tired, she waited at yet another cross light, cars now passing with their lights on.

Marinette frowned to herself.

It was funny, ironic. You expect a night to be calm and quiet, yet there is very much action going on.

At every hour, at every second.

No peace.

No rest.

Just... movement.

The light changed to red, the sign changing to a white crossing man.

She smiled to herself as she walked by the street, hurriedly getting into the other side, awaiting another seemingly empty street.

Looking back, her steps stopped as she watched the cars pass, the colors reminding her of the lights she used to keep up inside her room.

She missed the bakery.

It was so empty now with only her father living there.

Before she could think anymore of her family, she kept walking, turning her head to look at the familiar apartment building that awaited her.

"I wonder what Juleka and Rose are planning once I got home?' She thought to herself happily.

They had always gifted her with moral and physical support, to which she appreciates.

Though they would always bring in at least one cupcake; every day.

Even if it was excess, it was still nice of them to think of her while she was away.

It was good.

Carapace jumped across, skidding a bit to meet his level. "You good?"

Chat Noir nodded, fumbling a bit with his tail. "Yeah." He muttered, looking away.

"Are you heading home?" Carapace asked, arms crossed with interest.

"Yeah." He answered all the same, not meeting his eyes.

'I'm not good. I still need more.'

Carapace sighed. "Alright. Be sure to go home safely." He mumbled, already turning to prepare himself to jump off, though he waited for his reply.

Chat Noir turned to him, blank faced.

Carapace noticed the look in his eyes, and inhaled sharply as he stepped back a bit with a worried expression replacing his fond one. His eyes looked wild; animal like.

A sudden, gleaming, canine grin spread across his face, the smile matching the evil glint in his eyes. "I don't need to be careful. I am the need to be careful."

Marinette breathed a sigh of relief when she pulled out her keys from her purse, right before she pulled out her phone to check the time once more.

It dinged 11:56, and she no longer was upset of arriving home or not.

She made it, safe and sound.

Or at least, she thought she did.

"Hello, sweet honey," A curling voice said from next to her, sounding low and scratchy.

Marinette ignored the comment, suspecting it was someone else they were talking to. No need to intervene someone else's weird conversations.

A rough hand grasped her left elbow and she stiffened, almost dropping her keys in the process.

At the sudden contact, her head slowly turned to meet the eyes of a man, seeming to be in his late to mid 30's. "How are you this fine..evening?"

The scent of alcohol reached her nose, and she recoiled, pulling her arm away. "Do I know you, sir?" She asked, stepping away from the man's reach.

The man, not seeming to recognize common sense, stepped closer, leaning against the gate door she was supposed to go into. "Oh yeah, maybe." He responded casually, grinning with his half-lidded eyes. "You look good."

Marinette cursed in her head. "Thank you for the compliment, though, if you wouldn't mind," She pointed at the door, "I'd like to head inside please."

The man furrowed his brow, the grin dropping from his face. "Aw shucks, girlie. You don't wanna spend time out here? With me?"

Marinette's mouth formed a thin line. "With all due respect, Sir, I don't have the time to be with you at the moment." She told him, stepping a bit more back when his expression changed from sympathetic to one of anger.

"What? That-That's bull-crap. You know you can, you know." He slurred, moving his body a bit closer.

Marinette paled. This was not going according to plan. "No, Sir, I cannot. Please, step aside, I need to head in." She tried moving around him to get to the door now, since he removed himself when he had approached her.

Though, when she tried to, his body blocked her way. "Sir-"

His hands reached her forearms, holding one of them down as his grin returned to his face. "Aw c'mon, miss. It'll-It'll just be a little while."

Marinette scowled and tried pulling her arm away once more, but his grip had tightened. "Let go of me!" She hissed, pulling her hand away.

The man only responded by holding onto her other free hand, his face lowering awfully close to hers.

This was making her feel vulnerable, and disgusted.

She scowled deeply as her right leg lifted up somewhat to step her heeled foot onto his own bare ones, which resulted in a small cry of pain as the man let loose of her.

At this advantage, Marinette brought her leg up to dismiss a sharp intake on his manhood, which again, made him cry out in another type of displeasure.

"Ah!" He cried, holding his midsection, "You," he rasped, stepping back, "You bitch!"

Marinette frowned at the name call, and quickly headed for the gate door in order to head inside quickly and call the police. She didn't want a man harasser around this neighborhood; still running free.

Though, he managed to get a hold of her, even if it seemed that he was still in dire pain.

He held onto her and pushed her back against the gate, attempting to hit and buckle at her.

Even if she was witty, the man's surprising strength held her down, and one of his swings towards her managed to undo her ponytail, as well as smudge some of the light coat of lipstick she put on in that morning.

Desperately, she tried to move to the side and kick at him, hoping she was able to hurt him in the same spot once more.

It seemed that luck was on her side today, for she had managed to kick him hard enough in the shin to let go immediately. Without hesitation, she swung her leg upwards to his manhood once more, and connected her keys to his the closest body part she could reach.

After jabbing the keys into his upper arm, she retracted them and pushed him back to open the gates with the very same key she stabbed him with.

Though, it was no use. In her panicked state, she kept fumbling and missing the keyhole, which ran her out of time.

This time, the alcoholic man began to limp at her, still clutching his arm.

She gasped and turned the other way, backing up against the bricked all of the apartment building.

Luckily, his movements were slow, so she could easily run off somewhere else. This would make him walk away, and she could then call the authorities once he leaves.

In an effort, she managed to dodge the grab of the limping man to run off towards the back, where the streets were empty and dark.

Marinette almost slapped herself. Of all things she could do, she just had to run into these types of places. There was at least a few cars she could hide behind, though.

Swiftly and silently, she went behind a van, her head peeking through the black-stained windows.

Her mouth almost released a scream at what she saw.

After Carapace had left, Adrien had headed in the opposite direction from his home.

Instead, he strolled throughout the city, looking for anything to do; or in his case, murder.

He wasn't desperate enough to head into the streets on broad car light, stopping and killing the passengers inside the remaining cars. But he was desperate to have one last 'mouse' as he'd like to call it.

As he lingered around the roof, he looked from above all around, at each corner of the very building he stood on.

There was nothing there but cars.

Growling, his pupils thinned even more, and he left the area that was most populated.

He headed for the suburbs, where houses and apartments were rented or bought from. There was usually no activity there, but maybe if he caught himself lucky, he could kill someone easily there without much hesitation.

There would not be any witnesses around.

His scowling lips curled slightly upwards at the thought, and he headed a bit more into the place before scouting.

Something brown and mushy caught his eye, coming from a dulled white light from some apartment building.

It looked like the figure was walking awkwardly, and alone. And it seemed to also be his next easy catch.

His eyes lingered at the mush figure for about a few seconds before he headed down into the street, taking out about two of the cameras with one swipe.

He also took out the light that the being had walked under, as well as another camera that was hidden under the balcony.

After making sure there weren't anymore, he silently creeped up on the still limping figure, his clawed hands itching for a scratch.

"I'll-I'll kill you...bitch!" Chat heard, to which he cringed at. The voice sounded unpleasant to both his real ears and cat ears, which only made the goal to kill him worsen.

It wasn't until he got a few feet forwards that Chat had finally pounced, bringing the man down with one jab of his claws to his head.

His hand ran down to the side of the man's ear, leaving a sickening blood trail as it went.

The man seemed to be too much in shock to understand what just happened, even in his drunken state.

The man was panting all of a sudden, eyes wide in alarm as his pounding head turned to look up at who attacked him.

Sure enough, the man screamed upon noticing it was Chat Noir, the most known and feared criminal in the city of Paris.

Chat gave the man an annoyed expression at the scream, and ever so slowly dipped his finger right into the man's throat.

The man began to gargle and roll his eyes back, his mouth open but unable to make sound.

Chat watched with some interest, slight boredom in his eyes. He noticed the mans beeping watch, and said nothing when the time beeped: 11:59.

He decided that this kill had been wasted, and he quickly slit the man's main artery to get rid of him quicker.

Turning to the back of the apartment building, he saw about two more cameras, and knocked both of them down with one crushing swipe.

As the last camera fell, that's when he heard it.

The skidding scratch noise of a shoe against asphalt.

Even if the man was still gargling and spilling out blood, he still heard it, loud and clear.

Steadily, his bored expression now spiked interest, and he approached the area where the sound had mostly came from.

There, he saw a woman, a woman that was trembling in utmost fear.

Marinette cursed to herself at the noise she made.

Her heart dropped when he turned around, and her hands began to shake and sweat against the cold metal of the car.

When he began to walk, Marinette almost let out a scream, but managed to suppress it from convincing thoughts.

'Don't scream. Don't scream. He'll know you're there.'

Her body froze in place, paralyzed when she saw the now dilated pupils of the killer Chat Noir.

His cool eyes examined her from head to toe, and she could not do anything but tremble.

It was scaring her; so much in fact, that she could swear that she were about to pass out.

She doesn't want to die, not now. 'My papa will be devastated. He'll probably hurt himself even more now that I'm gone too.'

His face remained blank. Then, almost as if as fast as light, he appeared in front of her, his hands roughly grasping her bare forearms in a painful way.

She refused to let out a below of pain, and refused to let herself go.

"You saw everything, correct?" He asked, face still blank as his hands gripped her even tighter.

Marinette had nothing to say but the truth, since now he would know. "Y-yes," she breathed, eyes almost watering.

Chat Noir was alarmed by her honesty. Then, his eyes narrowed. "You will keep this to yourself, and yourself only. If you dare tell anyone about the event that took place here, I will personally end you with one slice through your throat." He hissed, claws almost digging into her skin.

She nodded dumbly, suppressing a whimper and a tear.

Letting go of her, he pushed her down, glaring. "I'll let you go for tonight. Only because I've grown bored of playing around. Do not, I repeat," He lowered his face close to hers, his emotions refusing to feel pity on her blue, luscious eyes, "Do. Not. Say. Anything."

And with that, he jumped off, leaving her on the floor, with smudged blood staining on her wrists.

Looking down, she watched the way a thick droplet of blood ran down her wrist, stopping and curving towards her other side, staining her clothing.

Her eyes lingered at the droplet, the image now burned within her mind.

A/N: Woot. Hope you enjoyed this, took me a lil' bit. Btw, if you want to read the old version of this story, I'd gladly send you the unfinished cut. Hopefully none of you are mad at me for cutting the other short..

