Chapter 1


When Sarah first came to Pine Valley noone knew who she was, what she was capable of. They would soon learn, Sarah would make sure of that. Sarah was going to take a job as a maid for wealthy socialite Erica Kane. But first, she met Ryan. Ryan was 17, Sarah was 19. Sarah rode her motorcycle into a gas station, and went in to pay for gas. She saw Ryan, on the floor.


Sarah: Do you work here, because I'd like to pay for gas.

Ryan: Yeah sorry, I was just looking for a ring.

Sarah: Family heirloom?

Ryan: That's what she said, the woman who lost it.

Sarah: Is there by any chance a reward?

Ryan: Yeah, I'll split it with you if you help me find it.

Sarah: Don't bother. In a few minutes someone is going to be coming in with the ring, they'll make sure you see it. This person will offer to sell it to you for whatever they can get. You'll try calling the number this, I'm thinking attractive' woman left you, and it will be dis-connected.

Ryan: How exactly do you know this?

Sarah: I learned about this scam the hard way. Try calling the number if you don't believe me.


While Ryan called the number Sarah looked outside. A kid, maybe 12, was playing with a ring. Sarah went outside to talk with him.


Sarah: I'm guessing that ring cost you, three bucks?

Kid: I don't know, I just found it.

Sarah: I thought I should warn you, my friend in there is calling the police. If you really just found the ring and have no criminal record you have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you should run before they come.


Just as Sarah thought, the kid ran off, dropping this cheap ring. She went inside to talk with Ryan.


Sarah: Let me guess, not a real number?

Ryan: No it's real. It's a miniature golf course.

Sarah: You can have the ring if you want.

Ryan: How about I buy you lunch, and I keep the ring.

Sarah: I won't say no to a free meal, but my meal will cost more than the ring.

Ryan: Maybe, but I'd like the company.


Sarah and Ryan ate lunch together and flirted. Sarah planned to be in Pine Valley for awhile, Ryan could be a nice diversion. Maybe Ryan could even be an ally, better for him. But Sarah was not above manipulating Ryan, still she had no personal grudge against him yet. Those she held a grudge against, they would soon pay.


Note: This Sarah is NOT the same as Bianca's first girlfriend, but her name does possibly provide a clue as to her true identity.