Recipe For Success

Chapter 1

Pepper was finishing up the last few remaining contracts on her desk when she heard a soft knock on the door. She was about to tell them to come in when the door opened and Happy Hogan's head appeared. "Hi. Gotta minute?"

"For you, always," Pepper replied.

"I won't bother you if you're busy."

"No bother at all," she assured him. "I am ready to go home anyway." She motioned to one of the chairs across from her. "Have a seat." She saw him fidget nervously. "So, what can I do for you?"

"You're a girl," he finally blurted.

"Last time I checked." Pepper was curious as to what was making her friend so antsy.

"And, you like it when guys do stuff for you, right?"

"Usually." Pepper walked around to the other side of her desk and leaned against it. "It depends on what it is."

"There's this woman..." Happy began.


"Thanks. We've been talking for...a while and I really like her."

"That's great."

"We've been out for drinks a few times, but I want to do something really nice for her," Happy explained.

"So, how can I help?" Pepper asked.

"I kinda told her that I would cook dinner for her," he confessed. "Trouble is, I don't know how to cook. Could you show me how to make...something. Anything?"

Pepper smiled graciously. "Of course I will! I think that is a lovely idea."

Happy blushed at her praise. "I didn't know who else to ask."

"I'm honored you did." She thought for a moment. "When were you wanting to cook for her?"

"I'd like to do it as soon as I can. This weekend, maybe?"

"Okay. How about you come to the house Thursday after work?" Pepper offered. "We can work on a menu for you and how to prepare it. That will give you Friday to get everything ready, but the ingredients, and ask all the questions you need to ask before she comes to dinner on Saturday."

"Sounds great." Happy stopped, his brow creased. "Uh-oh. I forgot one thing."


"Tony." He sighed. "He could potentially make my life miserable over this."

"You don't worry about that," Pepper assured him. "I will take care of Tony."

"Okay." Happy looked at his watch. "Guess it's about time to go. You need a ride home?" he asked. "I would be glad to take you."

"No, thanks," Pepper told him. "I drove this morning."

"You need me to walk you out?" he offered. "I don't mind to wait on ya."

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine. I just have a couple more things to take care then I am leaving."

"If you're sure." Happy pushed himself out of the chair and headed for the door. He stopped. "Thanks, Pepper," he said sincerely. "You be careful going home."

"I will," Pepper promised. "See you tomorrow." When Happy left her office, she returned to her desk. She picked up her pen to complete the paperwork she'd started before her visitor came. She smiled to herself. Happy Hogan was a good man and a good friend. She was genuinely pleased that he had found someone. He deserved happiness and if she could help him to get it, she would gladly do it. As Pepper scribbled her signature on the last few pages, she began to mentally go over what she could help him fix. Nothing too hard, but nothing so simple it didn't look like he had put forth an effort. This meal was important to her friend and she wouldn't let anything make this a bad experience for him, not even Tony.

Author's note: The pictures of Jon Favreau and Gwyneth Paltrow cooking together was my inspiration. This is for my Pepperony buddy extraordinaire, nancyozz. Thanks for all your friendship and support as I've been looking for my muse to return. Future chapters will follow. Happy reading and PEPPERONY FOREVER!