It was an important day on the Island of Sodor. After a normal day of work, that evening, the entire Steam Team and a few other engines were gathered together in the yards for a special announcement from the Fat Controller. He had exciting news.

"Ladies, Gentlemen and Engines," he said. "Just this morning, I have received a letter from an old railway acquaintance way out in Italy."

"What's happening, sir?" asked Thomas. "And why Italy?"

"Well, for those of us who went to last year's Great Railway Show, you may remember there was an engine from Italy who took part in the Shunting Challenge with Thomas, Ashima and the others. The little green engine named Gina."

"Yes…" said Henry.

"I see," said James.

"Gina?" Percy thought to himself. He remembered going to the Great Railway Show on the Mainland and meeting Gina, becoming quite spellbound by her quick abilities. The Fat Controller went on.

"I've heard that Gina's been chosen for the Shunting Challenge again for this year's Great Railway Show…which I'm sorry to say, but I have no plans to take part in it. This show is way out in Germany. But that's not the point. Gina's controller made a proposal to me. He had made arrangements for himself and Gina to come visit Sodor after the show is over. And I agree that Gina deserves a visit with all of us."

The engines were quite interested to hear this. They did not expect to see anyone from the Railway Show again. They thought it was only a one-in-a-lifetime chance.

"So, one of the contestants from my winning Shunting Challenge will come to see us," said Thomas.

"What will she do here…and what will she be like?" Henry asked himself.

"Gina…I can't wait to meet her," said Molly.

"I wonder what this will be like," Emily said to no one in particular.

"Gina…my planned shunting partner," Percy whispered to himself.

A few weeks passed and no word came from anyone about Gina. Most of the engines didn't give much thought to it, but Percy found himself thinking endlessly about it. He had no time to tell Gina about it during the show, but he had certain feelings for the Italian Engine. Feelings he didn't have before and couldn't explain. It was definitely a different feeling than how he loved Emily as a mother. A mother and son's love was one thing, but for Gina, there was more than just friendship awaiting Percy.

Then, after a few weeks passed, the Fat Controller came to Tidmouth Sheds with the big news.

"Good morning, everyone," he said. "I have just received word from Gina's controller that the Great Railway Show is over. And some exciting news: Gina won first place in the Shunting Challenge. They are due to arrive in only a few days now. So, be sure to give her a bright and kind welcome."

All the engines were quite excited now. They'd get to see one a competitor from the railway show they themselves went to. But above all the other engines, Percy was the most excited of all.

Just a few days later, the Fat Controller, Thomas, James, Percy and Emily were gathered at the docks. Gina's ship was due to arrive shortly. They all kept looking out to the horizon for any signs of a ship, but there was none. Percy in particular was full of thought, wondering what Gina would do during her stay on Sodor. Thomas was merely interested as he would be able to interact with someone from the Great Railway Show he went to.

After a while, the ship appeared on the horizon and slowly came closer and closer to the drawbridge. Eventually, it stopped and let the drawbridge lower. All the engines remained silent as it happened. There was the small, but really useful Gina from Italy herself steaming off the ship and onto rails again. Her controller was riding in her cab as they rolled onto the Sudrian land.

"Hello, Gina," said Thomas. "So, you won the Shunting Challenge this year?"

"Si, I did, Thomas," said Gina. "And who are these two larger engines?"

"I'm Emily. James and I were also at the show for the Decorated Parade as you might remember," said Emily.

"Hmm…yes, I remember seeing you two briefly," said Gina. "Didn't win, did you?" she teased, looking notably at James. James frowned.

"But I was still given an honourable mention for my looks," said Emily.

"Oh. Scusa," said Gina. "And…there you are, Percy. How you doing, you little cutie? So good to see you!"

"You remember me, Gina?" peeped Percy. "You're very quick."

"Si, I am," said Gina.

"Well, it is a pleasure to see you again, Gina," said the Fat Controller. "What shall you be doing first?"

Gina's controller spoke next. "We'll get Gina to work right away. She'll be helping you here during her visit. I propose we start with what she's best at; shunting."

"Grazie, sir!" said Gina. Then she and the other engines left the docks so Gina could get started.

At Knapford Station, Henry, Gordon and Molly were waiting for Gina to arrive. Soon, she came along with Thomas, Percy, Emily and James.

"Welcome, Gina, and congratulations on your win!" greeted Henry.

"So you're Gina?" said Molly. "A pleasure to meet an engine from the Great Railway Show! I'm Molly."

"Ciao, senorita," said Gina. "Pleasure meeting you too."

"Gina, could you shunt Gordon's express coaches into position?" asked her controller. "Show them what you can do?"

Before Gina could answer, Gordon remembered glimpsing her at the show and smirked smugly. "Gina…I have never seen such a small tank engine as you!" he gloated. "You're almost a toy! What can you possibly do really useful? I mean, even Thomas can do more than you."

"Really, senor?" challenged Gina. "How's this for a TOY? I'm just warming up right now!" She dashed to the siding where his coaches were waiting. Then in less than five seconds, she and the coaches flew past Gordon. Only a few seconds later, she lined them up behind him.

"There, senor. What do you say now?" asked Gina. Gordon was speechless. So were all the other engines.

"Uh…I…Thank you," Gordon said quickly and feebly.

"Well!" said the Fat Controller. "That was impressive, Gina. I think you'll be really useful here! I think you'll have many engines ready for their trains with your ability to shunt. All these engines have work to do. Do you think you can gather all their trains."

"No trouble," said Gina. "Watch this." She went to collect Molly's train first on the far side of the yard. In less than a minute, Molly's goods train was ready to be taken across the island.

"There, Molly. Nothing to it for me!"

"Amazing, Gina!" exclaimed Molly. "Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in more shunting action soon!"

Next it was Percy's turn to watch Gina. "I take the mail train, Gina. I'll need…" But Gina was already at the siding where the mail wagons were waiting. She speedily brought them straight to Percy.

"There, Percy, you cute little leaf! Better get your little wheels running with your train now!" And she winked to Percy, making him blush.

"W-wow! Thanks, Gina!" he whistled as he left after Molly.

"Did you see that, Emily?" said Henry. "She's quite a little beauty! And perfect for shunting!"

"Yes…very perfect," Emily said blatantly.

Lastly, it was Thomas' turn to take a goods train along his branch line.

"Oh, Thomas?" sang Gina. "Why don't I fetch that train of yours?"

"Uh…thanks," said Thomas.

"Mamma Mia, how bashful can you be over a little beauty like me? You're a cute engine!" said Gina. This made Emily even more jealous. It was like when Rosie tried to hit on Thomas every now and then and she didn't like seeing such a thing again. Gina brought Thomas' trucks to the siding next to him and winked.

"There you go, charming!" she grinned. "Off you go now, and don't be too excited over my speed!"

"Thank you, Gina," said Thomas. Emily was quite annoyed now. Gina was so popular already. Everything was changing amongst the engines already.

Gina was swifter than assumed with Henry, James and Emily's trains. James and Henry were already praising Gina ever-so much for her abilities and beauty for being a small engine. But as Emily took her train along the line, she was already feeling envious over Gina's popularity. She felt like Gina was drifting everyone away from herself. Emily thought she was showing off just because she was now a railway show champion.

That evening, Emily tried to find any engines to talk to, but had no luck. When she returned to the yards that evening, she suddenly saw a few trucks moving quickly along the rails, followed by a few cheers. She went a little further and could see Gina still shunting away, arranging all the trains for the next morning. Henry, Gordon, James Percy and Thomas were all there, cheering away for Gina's shunting. This made Emily even more jealous. She liked that Gina could do so much, but not how it was winning over everyone's interest.

"Hooray, Gina!" whistled Henry.

"Best shunting I've ever seen!" said Gordon.

"Splendid indeed!" called James.

"Emily? Do you see Gina?" called Thomas.

"Yes," Emily replied, not sounding too impressed. By now, she was firmly jealous of Gina and all the praise she was getting. She had hoped she could be involved in the appreciation, but looking so similar to her, only smaller, Gina was not what Emily was expecting.

That night, Gina joined the other engines at Tidmouth Sheds. All the engines, especially Percy were happy to welcome her, but underneath, Emily wasn't happy about this. But she didn't want to show any displeasure for a new guest, so she remained polite to Gina.

"Welcome, Gina," said Henry. "You were amazing with your shunting today."

"Well, Gina," said Thomas. "We all have our own stories told through storybooks…but what about you? Have you anything to share from the Italian Railway?"

"Oh, I am glad you asked that, senor," grinned Gina. "I may be a little engine, but I'm fast and very strong as you saw earlier today." Gina talked a lot about her life in Italy, while most of the engines listened and asked questions about her, eager to learn more about her. But Emily didn't show much interest. She said nothing as Gina kept talking. But then what Gina eventually said caught her attention.

"Back in Italy, I'm known as 'Regina dello Smistamento.'"

"Hmm…we don't speak that," said James. "What is that in English?"

"It means 'Queen of Shunting.' Quite a title, given my abilities at shunting," said Gina.

"A queen?" asked some of the engines. "Most impressive. Emily's our queen."

"Hmm. I see," said Gina. Emily looked away. Hearing that Gina was a queen made her even more jealous. "Her? A queen?" she thought. "Hardly! I'm a queen, she's more of a princess!"

Gina and the other engines continued to talk endlessly until most of the engines fell asleep. Only Thomas and Emily stayed awake. Thomas could see Emily was upset or annoyed about something and wanted to help her.

"Emily? What's wrong?" asked Thomas.

"Nothing's wrong," she said quickly.

"Don't ditch me," insisted Thomas. "Start talking and tell me what's wrong."

Emily could see Thomas would not let up. "Very well," she sighed. "Gina is really useful and gifted, but that seems to be making everyone obsess over her…all because she's a Railway Show champion now! You said yourself at the show, trophies don't prove usefulness. She's seizing everyone's attention!"

"I see," smirked Thomas. "You're jealous, aren't you? Afraid of new engines coming to replace you? Especially one who's a beauty?"

Emily hissed angrily. "I am NOT jealous," she insisted, fuming.

"You're a beautiful angel, Emily…but you're also a terrible liar," remarked Thomas. "I know you're jealous of her and wish she'd just leave…but don't let that shadow your kindness."

Emily sighed again, just wishing something would happen to her so everyone would notice her. Her thoughts were interrupted however when Thomas turned round on the turntable and buffered to her.

"I really do know how you feel, Emily," said Thomas. "Something similar happened to me when Stepney came here for the first time."

"Really?" whispered Emily.

"Yes," said Thomas. "Many years ago, I heard from Percy that there was an engine who had a branch line as famous as mine. Stepney was bored working on the Bluebell Railway and was happy to be invited here. I became jealous and even refused to meet him. Everyone else welcomed him greatly and he worked with Duck all day. When I had to take my last train, I had to be shunted and let another train past. I was angry about it until the next morning. Then Stepney told me that one passenger ordered a special train, but Duck let him take it. Then he couldn't finish because he didn't know how the lines work. He ended up asking me for help on the line, declaring me an expert. In enough time, we were good friends."

"Oh…so that means…" said Emily.

"Gina is not here to replace anyone, Emily. Don't think the same way we did with Hugo. Gina's just excited to make new friends, as we are to make her feel welcomed. Who knows? You and Gina might come together and become better friends than you think. Two railway queens is quite a wonder, I think."

"Really?" said Emily.

"Yes," said Thomas. "She may be the Queen of Shunting…but to me, you're still Sodor's queen, right?" And he kissed her cheek to prove his point.

"I suppose I am," Emily giggled quietly.

"Please, try not to let Gina's talk and popularity get the better of you. She is a good engine. She won't be here for long anyway. She has to return to Italy. I didn't fall for Ashima, and I won't fall for her. You know that. Try to reach out to Gina before she leaves. You'll feel happy that she came here then."

"I'll try," sighed Emily as she kissed his cheek. Then the two of them fell asleep with the other engines.

The next morning, Gina was already in the yard with many people admiring and talking about her. Gina was happy to be so popular, but didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. She then went to fetch Emily's coaches for her first train. Emily came by to fill with coal and water and was due to take her first passenger train soon. Unfortunately, she still felt jealous of the popularity Gina had gained and was still gaining even that morning. Then she saw Gina approaching her coaches and she became uneasy in only a moment.

"Gina!" she called. "Pardon me, what are you doing with my coaches?" Gina began pulling them with great speed, but being careful.

"I was told to bring them to your platform for your first train. That's all." said Gina. Only a second later, the P.A. system came on.

"All passengers bound for the 8:20 to Kellsthorpe, please board your train on Platform 2." Gina was right. She brought Emily's coaches right to Platform 2 as instructed. Emily reluctantly let Gina continue until her coaches were in position.

"I always collect my own coaches, you know!" complained Emily. "I don't need anyone else to do it for me! Tender engines DO shunt."

"That's enough, Emily," said her driver. "This does give us more time to fill on water before departing."

When Emily's tender and water tank were full, she made her way to the platform. Once her passengers were boarded, she went on her way, still thinking about Gina.

"What is she thinking?" she thought to herself. "Just a little tank engine pretending to be so big and famous? I don't like it. Why can't everyone just settle down about it?"

Emily kept thinking enviously about Gina and how she could try and reach out to her, but then suddenly, as Emily reached Hawin Russagh, the same stream where Henry and Gordon were stopped by a cow on the bridge, she suddenly felt strange. She slowed down, the stopped altogether.

"Oh dear," she sighed. "What happened?"

Her driver and fireman inspected her. "Something came loose and broke, Emily. You've broken down again." Emily's guard ran to the nearest signal box to call for help. James eventually arrived to take Emily's train on. Before he did, he pushed her to a nearby siding and took the passengers to the next station. Emily was now left to wait until help would come. After what felt like a long time, she heard an engine approaching and became hopeful. But when she heard the whistle, she immediately lost her hope and felt bad again. The whistle belonged to Gina as she came up alongside.

"Don't-a worry, Emily. I'm-a gettin' you to the Steamworks," promised Gina.

"Thank you," said Emily, not wearing a smile, but still being polite. She couldn't reject help at this point. Gina came up behind and coupled to her. Then she began pushing Emily to the Steamworks, while Emily remained silent. On their way, Gina did not like the awkward silence and wanted to break it.

"Hmm…Emily?" she said. "I…I'm-a sorry for what-a happened this morning, and about your break-a-down."

"Hmm," said Emily, not giving a clear answer.

"I just-a wanted to help here. I'm not here to take over anyone if that's what you're thinking," continued Gina. "What's bothering you, Emily?"

Emily sighed. "If you must know…I couldn't help but notice everyone being fascinated by your skills. It seemed you were trying to grab attention."

"I wasn't!" corrected Gina. "I was just doing what I'm best at. But, if you were feeling this way, I suddenly remembered…am I right that you're called Sodor's Queen…mostly by Thomas?"

"Yes. Why?" asked Emily.

"I heard a little of you and Thomas were talking about last night," said Gina. "I just remember him speaking of queens, then I drifted off completely. Not to say anything wrong...but…I actually felt a little envious about you when I saw you again. The reason being is that I'm known as a Queen back in Italy. But with that said, many engines on my railway look down on me just because I'm a little tank engine. You, however are a big, beautiful engine who everyone can admire."

Emily had listened to everything and suddenly felt very different about Gina. She felt bad about how she treated the Italian Tank Engine. Now she decided to do what Thomas suggested and get to know her.

"Goodness…I…I didn't know any of this, Gina," she said. "And…I'm sorry for being jealous of you."

"You…you were?" Gina asked with surprise. "I didn't notice…maybe because everyone was so excited about me coming here…and…did my liking to Thomas do anything for that?"

"Y-yes," said Emily, sounding shameful.

"Emily," said Gina. "I'll be going back to Italy after my visit. I have my own special friends back home. I was just trying to be playful with Thomas while I could."

Emily sighed. "Well, I'm truly sorry, Gina. I just hope you and I can be friends during your visit."

It took quite a while to get to the Steamworks. By the time Emily and Gina reached their destination, they had been chatting away as if they were old friends.

"So Gina, you're a queen yourself? I think you deserve such a name, and don't let other engines look down on you. I saw how you surprised Gordon. I say you surprise any engine back in Italy who looks down on you."

"Oh, I certainly will, Emily!" said Gina.

"Thanks, Gina," said Emily. "I hope to see you again as soon as I'm repaired!"

"Take care, senorita!" whistled Gina as she placed Emily in the Steamworks and left to return to her Shunting duties. So Emily and Gina were distant at first, but then came together quite fairly. But much more awaited the little Italian Engine and even Percy.

I am so glad that I finally made it to this story, because this was a very long time coming. No more delaying it, the time is now. For those of you who don't know, I'm not the biggest fan of the International engines introduced in *The Great Race*, well, since then my opinion on them has become considerably less harsh now that most of them are going to be playing roles in BWBA. But even during that period where I was really harsh on them, besides Ashima and Flying Scotsman, there was one of them that I was hooked on, and that was Gina, who unfortunately didn't have any major role in the special, or does it seem in BWBA at the moment, but it was her 'Meet the Contenders' video, which also where we got the amazing Emily's 'gorgeous curves' line, that got me to fall in love with Gina, maybe it was cause she kept blowing kisses at the 'audience', or maybe the fact that to me she looked like what Emily could look like as a tank engine, or perhaps that she's SO GODDAMN ADORABLE! And I just think her and Percy look so perfect for each other. So, yeah, I felt that she deserved a story.

So what I'm aiming for with this story is to be like a Railway Series book, the most specific one being *Stepney the "Bluebell" Engine*, and to some extent *Wilbert the Forest Engine* as well. Aside from those two, there will a reference to *Gordon the High-Speed Engine* in the next chapter. This first chapter may have been centred on Emily and Gina, but the main purpose of this story is to focus on Percy and Gina, and their budding relationship, which will be expanded on in plenty of stories after this. So please, leave thoughts on this in your reviews, as I am very eager to see what you all have to say about this one. Oh, and, I hope you like Spencer, cause he's gonna be back as well. See ya next chapter.