After Disaster Strikes

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men Evolution. Jeez, that did not help me feel any better. _______________________________________________________________

Cajun and The Belle

When Rogue and Remy reached the gates of the mansion, Rogue was dog- tired and exhausted. It had been excruciatingly long hours but they had made it. After beginning their mission they'd both agreed--much to Rogue's surprise--to check up on the mansion first. Maybe, just maybe there would be someone there. Rogue was really hoping so. Right now she wanted nothing else but to sleep. It was not easy limping her way over here and her legs begged for rest. Hell, her whole body was pleading with her to take a break but she ignored them all. But right she felt the need to agree with their request and take a long nap.

The iron gates of the mansion was melted sloppy leaving an open area for them to pass through without having to put the code necessary to enter. They had to worry none about the security hazards because the projectiles were inert. "After y' chere,"said Remy with a sweep of his arms, indicating towards the gates with a bow. She rolled her eyes mumbling what sounded like an oh brother and went on through the gates , gaiting across the black- pavemented road that lead to the mansion. She could not help the feeling of anxiety that washed over her as they walked towards the mansion. Remy followed behind her not to far-off. And as much as she tried pushing the feeling away it came back as a boomerang hitting her unexpectedly after she'd just thrown it away.

After what seemed an enternity to Rogue, they reached the mansion--or moreso the ruins and remains of the mansion. In a flash, the day they'd return to find the mansion destroyed, ran through her mind. Pieces of glass, the bricks of the mansion walls, and various items lay scattered on the floor. She could not believe this happenend again. It was just a few weeks ago they had finished rebuilding this place. She trudged through wreckages being careful of what she stepped on, heading in the direction of her and Kitty's room. She looked up at the sky, night had already approached.


A white-coated man with box cut dark brown hair walked down the dull gray halls of the base, his black tap-like shoes echoeing in the vacant halls in a steady beat. Placing the clipboard in his hand, neatly organized with data, to his side, he walked up to a set of double doors. It slid open allowing him entrance. As he stepped in, the door closed behind him, same way it opened. He turned to face his gray-streaked dark haired boss hidden in the dark watching several monitors. His lips pursed in a thin line.

"Sir, all systems are down again. The machine it's missing essential features. We. . . didn't have enough time to build it accurate," said the man, "It'll take another few months or so to fix." The gray-streaked hair man opened his mouth, his mind processing the brief information. "I don't want excuses," was the words that came from his lips, " I need those machines to find the rest. That is why I hired you Dr. Crawford."

"I know sir, but..." a raised hand, shown out the darkness, silenced Dr. Crawford's protest. That's how it stayed for few more minutes to come. "I'll gave your men three days," he stated sternly.

"Three days? I'm sorry sir, but I don't think..." "I didn't ask for what you think," he cut in his voice louder, "If you can't finish in the three days..." He left the threat unfinished. Dr. Crawford nodded his head in understanding and exited out the automatic sliding doors. When the doctor was gone, his hand moved towards a red button located on a gray panel full of several other buttons. He pressed and waited patiently for a respond.

"Sir?" came a voice from the intercom.

"Tidy up our... guests. I'm coming to visit them," said he a smug smile on his face.

"Of course, sir." A click followed shortly after and he slowly rose to his feet. He walked out the door, booted feet sounding through the corridors. His mouth twisted to a malicious smile. This was how it was supposed to be. He just needed the others to show an example, that they meant business and nothing could stop that.


Rogue sighed for the umpteenth time that day, now clad in a long sleeved dark green shirt exposing a bit of her stomach, black faded jeans with holes in the knees and her customary black suede gloves. She hadn't lost all her stuff, which was good. But she could not find her supply of make-up but then again she couldn't find Kitty's either so she'd have to go make-up less for another day or so. She scowled, that sucked.

A breeze blew fluttering her hair in the wind. Where was that Cajun? He went to check if there were any others around the mansion grounds two hours ago! Sure it was big but she hadn't thought it that big to take so long. She sighed again, eyes casting to the ground, shoulders slumping. A paper crumpled a bit at the edges caught her attention. It was slightly buried under the wall construction of the room. She squinted her eyes trying to get a better view of the paper, looked like a blue sky and green grass. She bend down and cautiously slid the picture from under the rubble. Her grim expression softened. It was a picture of her, Kitty, and Kurt. Kitty sat on top of a wooden bench outside the mansion, one arm over Rogue's covered shoulder, eyes closed, grinning. Kurt in his true blue form was squatting on top of the bench, his blue fingers forming a 'V' above Rogue's head. Rogue was seated between the two and by the look on her face anyone could tell she was uncomfortable. In the back, you could see Evan's blurry figure as he skated through the grass.

Rogue remembered that day. They were all outside of the mansion enjoying the beautiful day, even she wanted to get out the mansion, she remembered. She hadn't even want the to take the picture but Kitty and Kurt had insisted on taking the picture, and what harm was a picture, so to shut them up she took it. Scott was the cameraman. She stopped. Scott Summers. Her fearless leader. The second boy she had a crush on. After, Cody of course. What drew her to him was still a mystery. A mystery she was willing to solve because truth was she did not want to be attracted to a boy who was in love with a girl she hated. Really, Why had she fell for him?! She placed the picture under her tattered pillow. Didn't matter, she thought. She was just going to have to be careful as to not let it happen again. If not for her sake then at least for whomever the boy was that she fell for.

"Dis be y'r room, p' tite?" asked Remy startling her out of her train of thoughts.

"Was mah room," she mumbled sourly after getting over her concise shock. She turned around to face him. No one was with him but something inside expected that. She flopped down on her shabby bed. "What do we do now?" asked Rogue looking up at the night sky, "We found nothing here. Where do we look?" After a few seconds she heard Remy stepping over various discarded items and felt the depression of the bed as he seated himself on the bed.

"Remy t'inks we jus' keep searchin', non?" asked Remy more than stated. "Ah know tha'," stated Rogue quietly, "but...but..."

"Where do we g' now?" asked Remy for her.

She nodded her head. Remy smiled weakly, "We head into town, see what we c'n do from dere," he answered. She nodded her head, drowsily. She covered her mouth with a gloved hand as a yawn escaped her lips. Her eyes averted back to the sky above them. As long as Remy was here to guide her, she didn't have to worry about traveling alone. Which was something she definitely didn't want.

"Wha's yar mutant power?" she asked before she could stop herself from saying it. It was something she'd wanted to know since they first met. "Y' know what Remy power be," answered Remy, "Remy don' know what y'rs is."

"Fo'get Ah eva asked," said Rogue. They stayed quiet, Remy contemplating whether to ask or not.

"Y' de one dat can't touch?" he asked cautiously.

A numb nod was her answer. "Shame fo' such a belle fille t' have dat kinda power." She was silent but he could of sworn he saw a blush creep on her face.

She yawned again, her eyes becoming heavy. "Remy?" she asked drowsily. He looked at her curiously. She'd actually call him by his name. "Hm?" "Ya think we'll," a yawn, " ...we'll find the others." That question surprised him. She really was more innocent than she'd put up herself for with that icy attitude. He nodded, "O' Course. We find 'em. Hahn. We be the Cajun and the Belle." She nodded smiling wearily and closed her eyes. "Good night, Cajun," she murmured drifting into a peaceful slumber. He stared after her. Her face was so beautiful and she looked so peaceful compared to what she was going through. From all the troubles she faced he was sure it was more to face than one would in their lifetime. But who was he to talk. His past wasn't no trip to the park either. She snored softly, her chest rising up and down. He brushed a stray snowy white strand of hair, which fell out of place, neatly behind her ear.

"Good night chere," he whispered to her.


Next chapter: In Need of Clues


First of all, I'd like to thank all those who reviewed. They brightened my day. I'd like to say I reread the story and it wasn't as good as I thought it should have been so I'd like to thank those who bared with me by reading it. Thank you! I want to apologize for the late update, my projects began to pile up on me and I had to study more for test. And then after a awhile I got grounded for sneaking out of the house around 1 in the a.m. to visit a friend. Anyway, sorry the chapter wasn't too good. I was having a real bad writer's block thinking of how to continue. So I just typed what came to head. Eh, maybe the next chapter will be better. My projects have stopped so I can resume updating at a faster pace not everyday, more than likely because on Mondays and Wednesdays and Fridays I go to community service at the school. Forgive me.

R & R please.
