Chapter Three

Prove it

"I didn't know that was a name for girls too" huffed Dean.

Jesus was confused on why he would question her name, she had never known anyone else, male or female, called Jesus. "Well I'm a girl, and I've never met anyone else with the same name."

"Ever hear of Jesus Christ?" Sam spoke up.

"Of course I have, that's me. What are you not understanding?"

Dean chuckled, "I'm not understanding who let you out of the looney bin." Then he became real serious again, "but I do know we aren't going to let you keep killing people, even if they are trash."

"Until my father gives me a task, I am going to keep helping these women I am living with. For some, I heal their aliments such as blindness and heart issues. I have given some women enough money to get them back on their feet. There are some women however, who can't move on with their lives knowing the men that caused them so much pain, are still out there. I am doing a good thing. I don't particularly enjoy doing what my father asks, but that's all I've known. After all, last time I stopped listening to him he sent people to kill me."

Sam ignored Jesus' claims of healing blindness, obviously this girl has some issues. "If sounds like you're the one that can't move on from a bad man. You haven't tried to kill him like the rest of these men, have you?"

"Killing God doesn't sound like a good idea to me."

Dean couldn't take any more of this craziness, "Okay enough!". He reached around her waist from behind to keep her from moving and sedated her.

"Dude what are you doing? Sam raised his voice at Dean.

"Let's take her back to the hotel and get this sorted out from there. It's been a long day and I don't feel like dealing with any more craziness today." Dean heaved Jesus over his shoulder and started walking towards the Impala. Sam just sighed, knowing he wasn't winning this one, and followed his brother.

*At this point in the story, Amara is about twelve and starting to cause trouble out in the world. Crowley is trying to get her under control, and Lucifer is still in the cage. The story isn't going to follow the exact same storyline as the show when it comes to the series of events*

Back at the hotel, the boys laid Jesus down on a bed in one of the beds. They warded the room to keep her from escaping.

"She sounded pretty serious about being Jesus Christ, do you think there could be there?" Sam had more faith than Dean when it comes to God helping them out, and thought maybe this was his way of lending them a hand in the fight against Amara.

"No way dude. We may end up having to take her to a nut house because we can't kill her and we can't let her keep killing other people."

"You're right, I just feel like there may be something more to all this. The timing too. We should see what Cass has to say."

Sarcastically Dean said, "Okay fine. It's like he's got anything important going on with trying to track Amara down. I'm sure he can just pop in any second to identify a random human for us."

Before Sam could say anything, Jesus started to stir. "Huh, where am I?" Standing up, she rubbed the side of her and looked at the boys.

"We brought you back to our hotel. We aren't going to hurt you, but we need you to prove you are who you say you are" Sam said.

"And how do you want me to do that? Summon an angel?"

"Works for me" Dean said plainly.

"Okay, I'll call Gabriel, he's always been my favorite. I wonder why he hasn't come to see me since I was freed."

She had never mentioned being freed, Sam was now very interested in seeing what she could do. "Gabriel is dead. You could try Castiel."

"No way, Gabriel can't be dead. He's always been there for me, I can't believe I didn't even get to say goodbye to him." Jesus hoped the boys didn't notice the couple tears she shed for her dear friend. "Okay I'll call Castiel. I've never met him, but he has to appear if I say summon him."

Sam and Dean huffed at each other and shared a look; they know for a fact that just because someone calls for Cass, doesn't mean that he actually shows up.

"Castiel, appear" Jesus prayed out loud to Cass. A few seconds went by and nothing had happened. Right as Dean opened his mouth to say something sassy, Cass popped into the room.

"Jesus! What are you doing back on Earth? Father let you out of the garden? Have you been in contact with him? We've all been looking for him for years."

"What are you talking ab—"

Dean interrupted her, "Cass, do you know her?"

"Well we've never officially met, but yes I'm familiar with Jesus."