Ianto was nervously checking the time and Dylan knew something was up, not at all surprised when the doorbell announced a visitor and Ianto made a noise in his throat. Mister Harvey entered and Dylan relaxed, not worried now as he leaned over to whisper to Lorenzo that this is the nice man that Tadda knows.

Little heads nodded in unison as they rose, Dylan speaking first as is the way with these two, "Hello Mister Harvey."

"Hello Dylan, you have a friend today?" he asked carefully as he sat in the chair Ianto had whispered was 'safe' and he made a mental note to question the reason for that later.

"This is Lorenzo, he's me mate" Dylan pulled Lorenzo close, "And it's Enzo to me."

"Well hello young man" Mister Harvey said softly, "You do look like good friend material."

"And that's Carley, she's our baby sister" Dylan said and Mister Harvey noted the use of 'our' in the statement as Ianto tried not to hover. His hands wringing to show his concern for the meeting as the children were totally unaware of its hidden meaning.

"Brills, I have a sister too" Mister Harvey nodded, "Does she have her own room?"

"Yeah, wanna see our rooms?" Lorenzo finally spoke, "We have big ones with real beds. Never had a real bed before, Tadda … I mean… Ianto Sir, he sez it's all for me but the kitties are allowed too."

Lorenzo was proud as he opened the door to the room next to Dylan's and pointed to an inner door, "That's so me and Dyls can cuddle if I get lonely or scared."

The room was large. The bed large and the little box of toys in the corner clearly from Lorenzo's house as the new ones were proud of place on surfaces. Mister Harvey noted the large photo of Lorenzo's parents on the wall, another of him and Dylan laughing at Dylan's birthday and a third of Carley cuddling Valentine the dog.

"Wow. This is a cool room" he agreed, "And theses toys?"

"I don't need those" Lorenzo sniffed at the, then his face softened "But Mama gave me that one."

He seemed to consider then pluck out a beat-up teddy to place on the bed, his hand patting it, "There is other stuffs at the house but we can't get them. These came with a nice lady who promised not to steal us if she came in."

"Steal you?"

"Carley was stoled. We have her back now though" Lorenzo said happily, "I like it here. We get food every day, can you imagine? Like, food when we wake up, food when we are hungry, even if we didn't know we was hungry and the big meal where we all eat together and talk like real people."

Mister Harvey sat to watch as the small child came alive, gushing as he opened a cupboard and removed a little tablet "Look. For school. I'm like a real person now, I can go to school and have a tablet so the kids don't laugh at me with a book. Look! Isn't it sick?"

"Awesome" he agreed, "Looks like a cool colour too."

"Orange. I love orange" a little head nodded, "Dunno how he knew that."


"Yeah" the little boy sat and the dog appeared to snuggle in, Dylan reappearing from his room with the baby.

"Stinker was in my closet again, she really likes them" he laughed as he plonked her on the mat, "Guess coz it's nice and safe."

"No bogeymen in there" Lorenzo agreed.

Ianto made a noise and slid from the room as Jack entered to sit on the bed, "Hey guys. Did someone play outside earlier and not shut the back door? You know we have rules on that."

"It was me" Lorenzo sighed, "Val was busting and I forgot to shut it."

"And you say?"

"Sorry" Lorenzo shrugged as his arms flew out in the universal 'oh well' stance that made Jack laugh as he scooped him up. No fear in the child as he knew smacking didn't happen here.

"You stinker, do it again and it's upside down in the corner until your eyeballs fall out, ya hear?" Jack growled as he tickled him and the child laughed lustily as he slapped at him then hugged him with a soft sigh of happiness.

"Right, on that note I might go have that cuppa with Taddy and Daddy. You guys seem to be starting a little train track here." Mister Harvey said as he rose.

"Gonna go under the bed to scare the cats" Dylan said with an evil sneer, "If I have to wait all night for one to go under."

"Sounds like a sleep over" Lorenzo said with a knowing nod, "We will watch a movie and pretend to be asleep. Snore and stuff, really loud so they creep in. Then WREEEEEEWWWWWWW"

Both boys roared with mirth as they settled to make the cat trap.

"Little buggers, I'll tell Taddy on you" Jack growled and they waved without looking up to show he was dismissed.

They went to find Ianto.