Hello again my dear readers, here is the first part of our battle royal section of the tournament, sorry for the delay and thank you to my friend NanashiKorkoro who let me use her OCs as the people our main heroes are fighting against. As always favorite, follow and review to tell me your thoughts on the chapter if you would like to.

The two teams were lined up next to each other, everyone looking around in anticipation as they awaited Glynda's announcement for the fighting to start. Jaune's own hands sticking up near his face as he looked at his fellow students, all of whom had their weapons sheathed. Hands near the armaments.

The blonde teacher smirked as she looked upon all the prospective hunters and slapped her riding crop into the air with a loud whack. "The battle royal starts now! May you all have great fortune in battle"

With those words, the arena erupted into chaos as all forty first years broke into chaotic fighting. With teams JNPR and RWBY all back peddling to get into a tight group as Jaune assessed the situation before nodding to himself.

"Fists of fury! Stay in the formation until Ruby calls out another!" With that command, the teams themselves split into their smaller groups for the formation as Ren, Yang and Jaune all rushed out themselves as the rest of the group got into formation.

The team combination here was simple, they would have the trio of hand to hand fighters all out on their assault squad to take down any people they deemed fit while stringing together their various martial arts instead of using their dissimilar weapons. Ruby and Pyrrah meanwhile stayed back behind the rest of the mid ranged members of their team to provide cover fire.

Charging forward, Jaune set his sights on one of the first people he saw, a tiger faunus with a large tome of some sorts out with him. Nodding towards the young man, the two golden haired members of the strike squad rushed forward. With Jaune transitioning into a strong elbow on the man, only to find him not there and still boredly reading his tome as Yang went at the man at the same time, only for her right hook to swing wildly as he leaned back before smirking at the two people in front of him. Challenging the duo who looked to each other and nodded before smiling and jumping at him.

The teacher and student duo rapidly striked the Tiger faunus, with the two having been sparing together for years they had a good sense of the other's rhythm and so as Jaune went for a low, sweeping left Yang came right back with her right jab. While their opponent usually was able to dodge the first blow with ease the second nearly always came as a surprise to the tiger man and he was knocked off his feet more than once.

"Sanskrit! I thought you were supposed to be a master of dodging!"

A cry from above drew the attention of the young man, supposedly the named Sanskrit as a flying student, who seemed to be radiating heat from his whole body went to dive in on the melee combatants when a sniper bullet slammed into the faunus, ice dust activating as it landed and encasing the would be attacker in a layer of frozen liquid that he had to melt off and turn towards the rest of Teams RWBY and JNPR, angrily huffing at them and charging in. Causing Sankrit to roll his eyes at his hot headed friend before turning towards his opponents.

"Please excuse my team member, he can be a little...Dumb at times though I do suppose he is right, I should start taking you two seriously or I might end up as the first elimination and wouldn't that be embarrassing. Now, I don't suppose you would like to seperat-"

In the middle of the faunus's little speech towards them, Yang jumped forward to slam the studious young man with a left uppercut which was dodged by the Tiger man, who seemed to become nothing but a blur as he moved out of the way and slammed an elbow into his foe. Jaune himself had went around back to the man and nodded spotted Ren, who had been staying back and waiting for his leader's signal to jump in and help with the fight. Giving him a simple nod, the blond leader kicked off his foot and launched forward into a roundhouse at his foe's head. Striking hard before landing and backing off with his guard up.

Knowing he wouldn't have a moment's rest the tiger man jumped back and readied his tomb forward while shifting his eyes all around for attacks from any direction. Jaune and Yang decided to charge in, with a synchronized series of jabs that made the other fighter turn into a desperate blur blocking with his book and just narrowly getting out of the way as a fist went past his head. Sankrit's eyes darting between the two golden haired pugilists causing Jaune's face to erupt into a smile mid jab before joining Yang right in the front of their opponent. Keeping the attention on them as he started to go for some low body blows, expecting them to be blocked.

Out of the corner of Jaune's eye, he saw raven hair start approaching Sankrit from behind and put much more pressure on the tiger man as well, motioning for Yang to join him. All of the Faunus's attention was now on blocking blows from the front, so he didn't expect it when Ren landed a harsh palm strike to the back of his neck, causing his Aura to concentrate and break before the team backed off for Boreas's judgement.

"Sankrit has now been eliminated! He has lost all aura and any attacks to his person from here on will be grounds for disqualification!"

The armoured second year gave his juniors a thumbs up before dashing off to some other fights to continue observing and making the judgement calls Glynda could not quite get.

On Ruby's side, she was busy dealing with the bird faunas that had a heat based semblance. The young man seemed to be able to bat away most of Pyrrah's shots and moved much to erratically for her to get a clean one in with Crescent Rose. Playing their options in her mind, she nodded to herself and called out to her partner.

"Weiss! Can you slow down the bird guy? You have a lot of dust in Myrtenaster for this kind of thing right?"

As Ruby watched the young man charge towards them, she noted that his blade was clearly a single armed sword, so he would be fast with it...But if she could take out the hand that might mean some disablement. With this idea running through his mind, the young woman started to track the hand best she could, her dynamic vision being better than most people's due to her sembalence was able to track it fairly well, all she needed now was a clean shot. That opportunity came after she heard a loud sigh from Weiss as she went forward and made a simple glyph in the man's path with gravity dust. It wouldn't be enough to slow all his momentum clearly but the young lady was confident it would be sufficient

As their foe soared through the glyph, his movement was hampered as expected making Ruby smirk before she pulled the trigger, her clean shot gained with the slowed hand movement. With a loud boom, the sniper rifle fired out the high impact dust bullet right into this man's hand. Ice exploding outward and covering it a mere nanosecond after impact. Making their foe cry out in pain as he dropped the sword and took a massive hit to his aura.

"Pyrrah! Nora! Give him all you got and we can go back to the original plan!" The young woman cried out with confidence and authority, clearly more comfortable on a battlefield than in a social situation. The two teammates that she called out went along with it easily, Nora shooting off her grenades, guided to their destination by the other woman's semblance where the multiple quick explosions right to his chest took out the man who was still reeling from his bullet shot.

" has had all his Aura depleted, thus he is disqualified from the tournament and must leave the arena, any further attacks on him will result in your own immediate losses!" With the professor's cry, Blaine just sighed and started to soar out of the arena, cursing the fact that they surprised him with ice dust.

Once the tiger faunus had been taken care of the assault party took a moment to breath taking in the fact that people were starting to fall and fast. Looking around them, battles were raging in all corners of the small arena some were turning out to be intense battles of the elements. While others a fine dance of blades between swordsmen that had been training all their lives for the protection of humanity. Their gazing was interrupted however, by a large ice wall coming between them all. Forcing the three students to turn around and see a singular opponent each.

Ren's foe appeared to be yet another faunus opponent. As the calm boy looked over his foe, he took in her large ears and lack of a weapon told him this person was a hand to hand specialist. She also seemed to have quite a timid demeanor about her with a slightly unfocused stance about her. Ren guessed this girl was not a front liner typically but the situation called for everyone to fight their hardest. Thus forcing her into this position.

Falling into his own light stance, the young man prepared to face off with his foe. Staring her right in the eyes to ascertain some intention about her as he stalked forward palms out and ready to strike at any moment.

It wasn't surprising when the rabbit girl did not attack him first, timid types like her usually focused on a complete counter strategy to shut down more offencive fighters like his leader or Yang for that matter. Still, someone needed to start off the fight or nothing would get done so he struck out with a singular palm. Only for his hand to be knocked away and the woman's leg struck out in a kick. Having anticipated this sort of reaction from the girl, Ren was able to pivot himself away from her foot and deliver his own harsh palm counter attack to her stomach. Getting a good kick in the stomach for his actions. Taking a small, but not insignificant amount of aura from the young man. With the pain, Ren also felt a bit of exhaustion start to hit him which was strange. He hadn't been fighting for all that long after all.

Backing off a little bit, Ren assessed the situation, his tiredness was something unnatural he knew that. His master had always drilled into him that the style he was trained in used as little of his own energy as possible, with the goal being to turn an opponent's energy or the natural momentum of your blows against a foe. Yet from that one palm strike, the magenta haired lad was drained as if he had been doing push ups for an hour or so. Taking in a deep breath the young man stalked forward again, knowing that his opponent would not be the kind of person to attack unless forced to.

Getting up close again, Ren decided that this young woman needed to be taken out as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to reduce the amount of energy that would be taken from him. So he started to barrage the girl with a multitude of shallow palm strikes. Most of which he expected to be dodged or blocked, with every time he threw out a punch, One more kick was headed his way, the young man getting himself scraped about five times in the encounter all the time the calm, analytical young man was observing exactly what her patterns for her counter attacks were. With each strike that landed, each kick that was sent his way lending the young man a little bit more information on her.

All while he did this, the girl kept on absorbing a bit of his energy each time they came into direct contact and while this was slowly draining her aura, Ren knew that this was a war or attrition he could just not win. The young man needed to get in one nice little finishing blow before things got too out of hand for him to win at all. So with the next palm strike, the calm Kempo practitioner decided to start initiating his plan to take her down.

When the blow was blocked by his opponent, Ren dodged to the left instantly to test if his reading of her pattern was right, and seeing the foot fly past his face the young man internally smirked but changed nothing about his demeanor that could possibly give anything away to his opponent. Quickly transitioning into the next palm strike aimed at the foe's head to make her really prioritize the block. Right afterwards with the woman's counter Ren drew his attacking palm right back and shifted his body slightly to the right and caught the woman's leg between her arms and ramming his head right into his foe's chest to damage her a bit, weaken her aura enough for his next move to take it out completely.

Said next move was getting the knee right between his arms and instantly putting a huge amount of pressure on it, enough to crush a regular knee. Causing the woman's aura to flare up around the knee and shatter, not able to take all the damage but this fighter would only be getting a sprained patella instead of a broken one.

" has been rendered unable to battle and thus must leave the arena!" Boreas's voice echoed throughout the arena as the rabbit faunus sighed at their loss and started to limp out of the arena. With Boreas helping the young man along towards the exit leaving Ren kinda dumbfounded at the revelation that his opponent was in reality, a guy?