Fallen, violent and malevolent creatures from the darkness. This race was once part of a proud utopia, free from pain and suffering. That is until their collapse, and since then they became pirates. Pillaging planets for resources and engaging in fights with their own race. And right now on top of a short cliff stood one, a Dreg. weak and with only two limbs and little armor, staring down a child with a spiked pistol that seemed to crackle with energy slightly, and a little dagger with a stubby tan hilt, but with the sharpest blade that could easily cut unprotected skin and tissue. And with the child's beginners equipment and a scrounged up gun from potentially centuries ago, there was a high risk of death for them and their Ghost. The kid would raise their gun at them, their inexperience with actual combat showing through. Clear, crisp shots were heard as the child fired at the alien, their cat running alongside them as the Dreg pulled out their own gun and fired bullets made of raw electrical energy, which were sent whizzing by them, heating the air as they flew. "Holy crap is that one of those Fallen things you talked about earlier?" The child shouted while taking cover behind a stone outcrop and firing rounds blindly in the direction of their attacker. Eventually a loud Crack! could be heard as a bullet had found its mark in the Dregs leg, its painful screeching would echo along the stone canyon where more similar sounding screeches and hisses could be heard not too far away. A single bullet was shot again from the child's gun, causing the Dreg to crumple down to the stone floor. A series of heavy footsteps could be heard running towards them as a four-limbed being with similar size and stature to the Dreg came rushing forth with long swords that crackled with electricity. The kid turned around and tried to step out of the way but was too late as a sword cleaved through a section of their shoulder, narrowly missing their neck, tears welled up in their eyes from the searing pain from their injury. They'd fall on their shoulder before their cat would hiss and run up to the Vandal and jumping onto its face, clawing open their neck with a swipe of blue light. The alien collapsing in on itself as its neck sprayed blood and ether unto the ground. "We n-need to get to safety." The child would say in a pained voice as if speaking to the cat. "G-ghost thing, do you know a place nearby so I can rest..?" With a slow breath, they'd add "Please..?" In a few short seconds, the diamond shape of the Ghost would materialize, the case twisting and moving about erratically as they scanned the area. "There's a small ship nearby that's owned by Guardians." They'd state "If you can get up we can reach them in a couple of minutes." The child would struggle for a few minutes before balancing onto the stone outcrop and picking up one of the swords that were stained with their blood, and they'd use it as a cane to support them as they walked. Normally they could climb up the ledges, but because of their shoulder, much of their means of moving along faster were slowed. They walked through a field of snow and leafless trees after wandering in the direction that they were told, sometimes the treeline would thicken up into an ocean of bare trees and shrubs. A figure appearing in the distance that looked like an arrowhead of sorts, and another smaller shape near it that looked like a person. They'd call out to them for aid and the shape would run towards them shaping into a steel grey-cloaked person with a tan rebreather and yellow visor, their armor also looking tan and albeit a bit bulky in some areas, it would still be easy to move around in.

"What in the hell..?"