
48 hours later

Ranger's POV

The last two days with my Babe were magical. She was supposed to be on her way to Dallas now, but instead, she's lying next to me in my bed. We've made love too many times to remember in these last two days, only pausing to eat, answer nature's call, and sleep. I can't get enough of my beautiful Babe. Dios, I was so stupid for so many years. The biggest surprise is that I still need Stephanie now as much as I needed her 48 hours ago. I love my Babe. Tonight is the night. Tonight I will take my Babe out to eat and I'll ask her to be mine. Tonight, I'm going to ask Stephanie to be my wife.

Stephanie's POV

Ugh, I'm so sore. I ache in places where I didn't even know there were muscles. Ranger and I have made love so many times. Half of the things we did, half of the positions he put me in I didn't think were physically possible. Where did he learn how to make love like that? God, and to think I would be more than halfway to Dallas right now if I didn't come here. I guess this is our someday. If only someday came with a ring AND a condom.

5 years later

Stephanie's POV

Ranger and I have been married for four and a half years, full of bliss, love, and desire. I have turned into a Burg wife and mom, believe it or not. It seems that I don't mind being Burg with the right man. We have three sons, an almost four-year-old named Carlos Stephen, a two and a half-year-old named Michael Lester Manoso, and a fifteen-month-old named Francisco Ricardo. We are expecting a little girl two weeks from now. We've tried several different types of birth control, but obviously, they didn't work. So, if I have a c-section with this little girl, I'm tying my tubes. If not, Carlos will be getting nipped in three weeks. As much as I love my husband and children, we don't want more than four. We've moved into a house in Princeton, have a summer home in Point Pleasant and Miami, and still use the penthouse. But the best thing about life, is that we still need each other today as much as we did that night when we came together at last.

The End

Hope you enjoy this little one shot. This little inspiration just came to me when listening to the radio and Stephanie and Ranger pushed me to write this. Please review! That's how I get paid. Written in honor of the NYS ELA Exams starting tomorrow in grades 3-8.