(A/N: Here we are at Chapter 3. The final frontier. And heyyy, I didn't take two months this time. But it sure feels like it. Hope this satisfies your desires and everything...thanks, readers!)

Ch. 3: The Parameters

"I've done it! I've done it!" Bulma cheered over and over. "Woo-hoo! WAHOO!"

"Awesome, you figured out who made the wish?" Goku inquired while the others eyed him curiously.

"No! I figured out how to fix everything!"

Goten raised an eyebrow. "Uhh, what do you mean 'fix everything'? And what wish?"

"Grown-up things, Goten!" Bulma replied hastily. "Goku, Vegeta, come over here with me! I'll explain!"

"Could you wait a second?" Vegeta asked feebly. "I was just about to..."


"...never mind."

Bulma, Goku and Vegeta walked some distance away from their sons so they could converse "privately".

"Okay, Bulma, how are we going to get back to our own bodies?"

"Simple!" Bulma giggled smugly. "Since Earth's Dragon Balls are unavailable, we'll use the next best thing! The Namekian Dragon Balls!"

Goku and Vegeta exchanged a surprised look.

"You think that'll be alright?"

"Yes! I've already worked everything out with the Namekian grand elder."

*cue flashback*

Bulma had her hand placed squarely on Dende's back.

"...bottom line is, I need you to gather your set of Dragon Balls so my husband and my friend can be wished back to their original bodies! And I'll let you keep the leftover wishes for yourself! Deal or no deal?"

Across the galaxy, Elder Moori massaged his temples. "And I should do this for you WHY?"

"Uh, hello? You and all your guys would still be dead if it weren't for us."

"Some of us ARE still dead!"


"An entire village of ours was slaughtered by YOUR husband back during that whole Frieza stint, and we're still in the process of resurrecting those people whenever the balls are active! Sometimes WE actually need them, y'know!"

"I don't get why you're being so vindictive, elder! We've helped you, now you help us!"

"My answer is no! Frankly, I'm tired of you Earthlings using our prized relics as your 'get out of conflict free' cards! What's next, you're going to need them to pick up your kid from school? No. No! So, how are you going to fix your cliché problem now?"

"...listen, Moori. I know that Namekians don't exactly have the same worldly desires as humans, but- -"

"Whoa," Dende cut in. "Where's this going?"


"But...?" Moori repeated.

"But if you let me have that wish, I'll grant you a little wish of your own. Money, cars, employees...maybe even something a little 'naughty'."

"EUHHH, well, we really don't want another drought any time soon, so how about a ocean's worth of fresh water?"


*end flashback*

"So, he agreed!" Bulma concluded.

"We really didn't need all that detail," muttered Vegeta.

"Alright, so everything will be back to normal soon," said Goku. "Everything's resolved! ...except the question of who made the wish."

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER, GOKU!" Bulma screeched all of a sudden.

Everyone, including Goten and Trunks, looked at her in shock.

"...Mom?" Trunks began slowly. "Why'd you just call Dad 'Goku'?"

Bulma blinked at him. "I didn't!"

"But you did... What's going on?"

"...look...Trunks, Goten. Something has happened to your dads that we haven't told anyone."

"Bulma!" Vegeta grabbed her shoulder, but she shrugged him off.

"No, I'm done keeping secrets! Boys, yo- -"


A livid Chi-Chi standing was now standing in the doorway of the Son household.


"Did you REALLY think I wouldn't notice?!" she went on, stomping towards them. "That I'd let this slide?!"

"Chi-Chi, we can explain...!" Goku offered.

"Don't give me that 'we can explain' nonsense! You should be ASHAMED!"

Everybody winced, ready for Chi-Chi to punish them however she saw fit.

"You're just lucky I'm an expert cleaner, or I'd be twice as mad!"

"...huh?" Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Goten and Trunks chorused.

"What do you mean 'huh'? The house! All your powering up and unnecessary screaming shook the house, and made a real mess of the place! FOR SHAME!"

"...RIGHT!" Bulma spoke up. "Right, right, you are SO right, Chi-Chi! We're all very sorry about that!"

"Yeah, sorry!"
"Sorry," Goku and Vegeta echoed.

"We'd make it up to you, but we have some very important business to take care of at the Lookout! Oh, so important!" Bulma went on nervously. "You two! In the chopper! NOW!"

She, Goku and Vegeta hopped into the mini-copter and began to take off.

"Hey, wait!" Trunks called to them. "What was the secret you were gonna tell us?!"

The trio looked at each other guiltily.

"YOUR DADS LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!" Bulma shouted back.



With that, the copter flew out of sight.

"..." Goten looked at Trunks and Chi-Chi. "So, I guess the three of us are sharing the dinner."


"Yo, Moori!"

"The Dragon Balls are ready. Tell me the exact wish you want to make."

"I wish to return the minds of the Saiyans Goku and Vegeta to their original bodies."

Moori recited the wish to Porunga and the Namekian dragon's eyes shone red.
Goku and Vegeta looked each other in the face as they were bathed in that same glow. It got brighter and brighter until it couldn't seem to get any brighter. When it dimmed back down, they and were suddenly back to their original perspectives. They felt around their bodies, patting their cheeks, flexing their arms, etcetera.

"Phew..." sighed Vegeta. "What a relief."

"Why do I suddenly feel so hungry?" Goku moped.

Bulma grinned at them. "Alright, Elder Moori. It worked, so feel free to use the last two wishes. Get me the coordinates of your new home planet, and I'll have that precious water sent over tomorrow."

"Yeah, you better..." Moori hung up his mental phone.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?"

"Urgh…" Goku massaged his gut. "I wanna go see if any of that dinner is left."

"Didn't you want to know who made the wish?" Vegeta asked, following him to the edge of the Lookout.

"I can't worry about that on an empty stomach!"

Strongly agreeing on that sentiment, Goku and Vegeta flew off.

"Yeah, don't even bother asking if I want to come," grouched Bulma. "Ingrates."

"So, you really never told them?" Dende inquired.

"Of course not! And I don't plan to! Switching Goku and Vegeta's bodies was one of the few dumb things I've ever done!"

*cue flashback to the middle of the previous night*

"Alright, Bulma. I gathered up my Dragon Balls as per your vague request. So, what undoubtedly generous wish are you going to make?"

"See, here's my logic...despite my enduring attraction to Goku, there's no way that's happening. But what if, stay with me here...Goku was in Vegeta's body? Could that really be considered cheating?"


"I don't think it could be."

"Bulma, I think you'd have a better shot committing infidelity with Vegito than a body-swapped Goku."


"My point is, I don't think you've thought this through..."

"Of course I have!"


"Dende! I didn't think it through!"


"My wish! My wish for Goku and Vegeta to swap bodies! I mean, what am I going to tell them, how are they going to react?! They aren't just going to roll with it, they're too annoying!"

"Wait, wait, wait, it actually worked?"

"Well, yeah. You may not hold a candle to Goku or Vegeta in power, but when it comes to intellectuality, you've got them beat by a healthy margin, so Shenron was able to make it happen."

"Finally, someone who appreciates that."

"Yeah. That said, it did count as two wishes. You gotta help me decide what to do with the last one!"

"Oh, no no no. I'm not helping you cheat on your husband, especially not in a manner as convoluted as this! In fact, I'm going to tell him and Goku what you did!"

"And what'll it take to keep you from doing that? Must have something you'd like to use that last wish on..."

"Bulma, I'm the guardian of Earth. It's in my job description to be free of sin and clear of conscience. You really think I can be brib- -"

"What about that Gohan body pillow you've been wanting?"

"Deal. Then what are you going to do about Goku and Vegeta?"

"I'm gonna go home, get to sleep, and wake up like this NEVER happened. As long as you don't say a word to anyone about this, everything will work itself out...like always."

*end flashback*

"And as usual, I was right! Everything DID work out!"

"Yeah..." Dende glanced aside. "Except you never scored with Goku, did you?"

"No." Bulma let out a huff. "No, I didn't."

"Well, maybe you'll get another chance someday."

"You think so?"


(A/N: Well, thanks for reading all three chapters of this dang fool story! Glad I was finally able to get it done and again, I hope you enjoyed it to some degree.

Please review, fave, point out mistakes if you find 'em, check out my profile for more stories, and yeah! Au revoir!)