Merlin stopped in front of his own house. He took a deep breath before knocking. He hoped she was fine.

His mother was inside, preparing some food.

"Merlin" She cried as she saw him. The warlock smiled and hugged her. It had been so long since he'd seen her last time. He hadn't been home since Ealdor had been attacked and Arthur had helped him fight against the thieves. And Morgana. Morgana had been there, as well.

"Hello, mum"

"I want you to come with me. I know you don't want, but it's too dangerous to stay here. They'd found out I'm a sorcerer. I don't want to start a war and I can't lose you."

"Merlin, I don't think they will try to harm me. Arthur won't…" Merlin cut her.

"He's afraid of magic. They all are. He doesn't trust me anymore."

"You should talk with him" His mother tried to convince him not to give up on their friendship. "I've seen you together. Such friendship can't be broken so easily."

"Maybe, but first I want to know you are far away from any danger. "

"He won't" Merlin cut her.

"At least for a while. You should stay with me for a while. Then you can go back to Ealdor. Please!"

"Fine. But just for a while. I love my village and as much as I love you I can't enjoy this type of life."

The warlock took her by her hand and then they disappeared into a whirlpool of fire and dust.

What Merlin hadn't known was that Arthur had been spying on him all this time. He hadn't known any other place Merlin would go and the king had just so many questions to ask.

At first, he'd been happy to see Merlin safe and sound. However, it made him afraid as well. Merlin's wounds were serious and the fact that the warlock looked as if he'd never lost a drop of blood caused Arthur to question everything he'd thought about his servant.

Yet the king realized another thing as well. Merlin was afraid of him. Arthur wanted to be furious for Merlin thinking him capable of hurting an innocent person, but… not even Arthur knew what he was capable of. He didn't know what he would do when he would be face to face with Merlin. So he didn't dare to come out.

He listened to the conversation. It hurt him to know his friendship with Merlin was gone forever. He wished he could blame Merlin. After all, he was the one who'd lied to him. But seeing Merlin afraid of him, afraid of what his people could made him see things differently. Merlin could have told him sooner. He could have never told him. He would have never been able to accept it.

Then he noticed Merlin disappear and Arthur realized that it was his last chance of clarifying everything with Merlin. So he threw himself in the whirlpool of fire, unaware of the consequences his decision might have.

They arrived in front of a small wooden house. From there one could see the great castle. Hunith was amazed by it beauty.

"I thought you'd prefer a little house. However, you can come and live in the castle if you want. Anyway, you will have anything you want here. I will come to visit you everyday. I'll send someone to take care of you." Merlin spoke. He felt it was wrong to let her live in an ordinary house when she could be treated as a queen in the castle. Yet it was her decision to make.

"Merlin, it's fine. I love this house and I'd rather I do something useful here than have a servant looking after me."


"If you want to make me happy." Merlin nodded. "Now go back to your duties."

It was already late, but Merlin had to speak with Morgana. He'd completely forgotten he'd asked Aithusa yo bring her to him. He only hoped it would go well.

Arthur wandered around. He'd separated from Merlin and his Hunith and he had no idea where he was.

He could see a great castle in front of his eyes. It shone in the moonlight, emanating a certain sense of security and coziness that Arthur couldn't explain.

The castle was surrounded by a beautiful lake. It was lit by thousands of sparkles that danced over the water. There, on the other side of the lake, Arthur saw a small village. The houses were small, but new and couzy.

Arthur stopped in front of one of those houses and knocked….

It was late when Merlin finally arrived. He changed some words with Aithusa, who'd been waiting for him outside the castle.

Sometimes, he felt that the young dragoness could read his mind.

"Good you're back." The dragoness spoke. "I was worried you'd do something stupid." Merlin said nothing. He only smiled. "Morgana is fine. You better speak with her tomorrow." The warlock nodded gently.

"Thank you, Aithusa." The young dragoness bowed and then she flew up towards the bridge. It was her favorite spot.